Trump has now been implicated in a federal crime

The breaking news is that Trump violated three different campaign finance laws with the assistance of Michael Cohen according to prosecutors for the southern district of New York, and Trump is being implicated as a felon. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Late Friday, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York filed a document arguing that Michael Cohen, until last year President Trump’s personal attorney, should receive a substantial prison sentence for violations of federal law to which Cohen admitted guilt in August.

Analysis | The government implicates Trump and the Trump campaign in federal campaign finance violations

The NDAs Trump entered into were legal, and not campaign contributions, but FEC fines aren't unusual. Maobam and Sander were both fined by the FEC for trying to hide donors.

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

Bernie Sanders campaign pays fine over "illegal" contribution from foreign political party

At some point you fools need to read the writing on the wall. There is no crime and Trump is going to be president for a long time. You need to come to terms with this.
Trump is a felon. Lol! You live in an alternate universe chief.
For the first time, government prosecutors themselves directly implicated Trump in those violations — and added new alleged evidence to bolster Cohen’s culpability.

It appears Mueller has finally caught Trump. The question now is what will he do next.
The investigation still isn't over.
There is nothing in the Constitution that says he cannot.

Don't argue about the Constitution if you haven't actually read widely about it. IMPEACHMENT IS THE ONLY path that President./Vice Prez can be removed. You cannot bring Civil suites against them. Especially when the charges are for crimes BEFORE THEY WERE ELECTED...

How the President Can Be Prosecuted as a Criminal

“The President, Vice President and civil officers of the United States shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

— Article II, section 4, U.S. Constitution

“Judgment in cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office … but the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to law.”

— Article I, section 9, U.S. Constitution

Hey, you're gonna lose every time you just "wing it" You IMPEACH AND CONVICT --- and remove him from office --- then you can file civil/criminal suits..
At some point you fools need to read the writing on the wall. There is no crime.......

Well..... here’s two. And this before Muellers report.

18 U.S. Code § 1510 - Obstruction of criminal investigations

923. 18 U.S.C. § 371—Conspiracy to Defraud the United States

Don’t let it worry y’all Trumpies.



What would that face look like 1 second after a bullet hits it right between the eyes?

Don't bother answering. That's a rhetorical question.
Last edited:
Let's say for one second that the left is right for a second.............LOL

That Putin helped get Trump elected..........and cause Hillary to lose..............

THANKS BRO............YOU ARE DA MAN...............LOL

News flash to the left...............Hillary lost.

You just admitted you are not for free and fair elections then. Then why have elections, and why not just have a lawless country? Because that is what you are cheering for.
The breaking news is that Trump violated three different campaign finance laws with the assistance of Michael Cohen according to prosecutors for the southern district of New York, and Trump is being implicated as a felon. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Late Friday, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York filed a document arguing that Michael Cohen, until last year President Trump’s personal attorney, should receive a substantial prison sentence for violations of federal law to which Cohen admitted guilt in August.

Analysis | The government implicates Trump and the Trump campaign in federal campaign finance violations

You really know virtually nothing about the law. Prosecutorial abuse on the scale of these guys trying to disrupt the elected govt allows them to go after simple private citizens and ruin their lives REGARDLESS of their actual guilt.

No individual can afford going to trial with a "blank check" SPecial Counsel or the South District of NY office of Counsel. So they can LOAD UP the charges on the indictment, with any SHIT THEY DESIRE --- whether it's a solid case for that case or a whim..

And YOU as a peon citizen don't get to CHOOSE what charges are against you when you plead if you're guilty of even ONE of them. It's a package deal determined by the wolf pack holding all the cards. So no matter what you promise them in terms of making up stories that they like or spilling beans, the CHARGES THEY WANT -- will STAY on your indictment.

When you plead -- you pretty much have to accept them all. Whether they are TOTAL BULLSHIT or not..

The "campaign finance violations" that affect Trump are BULLSHIT charges. THey never would be successfully proven in lawful trial.. You cannot allow people to personally EXHORT candidates by threatening to release information in the heat of a campaign. Whether they come to you with "PROOF" that are gay, or that you have heart disease, or a "falling on your face" illness like Hillary had. That would open the door to blackmail of EVERY candidate for office and AFFECT ALL ELECTIONS.

It's a private matter that you are allowed to settle on your own terms. Besides, almost EVERY campaign commits "campaign finance violations". Go look it up moron.. Obama, the Clintons, --- all of them. And there's NEVER any actual criminal charges. It's a "process violation"...
The campaign finance charges involve federal crimes. It's that simple. More than $2700 dollars was paid to Stormy daniels. That is a crime. Not reporting it is a crime. Pleading ignorance by Trump won't work because Trump said he knew nothing of the payments to Stormy Daniels. And lastly, the payment was hidden to hide the affair to help Trump get elected. None of these charges are "bs charges". If you think they are and you are smarter than the SDNY, then why not litigate your point to them? Answer, because you have nothing to litigate.

The campaign finance charges involve federal crimes. It's that simple. More than $2700 dollars was paid to Stormy daniels. That is a crime.

Look it up yourself ignoramus.

I looked up, "Is it illegal to pay someone more than $2700?"

Didn't help your claim.
The breaking news is that Trump violated three different campaign finance laws with the assistance of Michael Cohen according to prosecutors for the southern district of New York, and Trump is being implicated as a felon. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Late Friday, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York filed a document arguing that Michael Cohen, until last year President Trump’s personal attorney, should receive a substantial prison sentence for violations of federal law to which Cohen admitted guilt in August.

Analysis | The government implicates Trump and the Trump campaign in federal campaign finance violations

You really know virtually nothing about the law. Prosecutorial abuse on the scale of these guys trying to disrupt the elected govt allows them to go after simple private citizens and ruin their lives REGARDLESS of their actual guilt.

No individual can afford going to trial with a "blank check" SPecial Counsel or the South District of NY office of Counsel. So they can LOAD UP the charges on the indictment, with any SHIT THEY DESIRE --- whether it's a solid case for that case or a whim..

And YOU as a peon citizen don't get to CHOOSE what charges are against you when you plead if you're guilty of even ONE of them. It's a package deal determined by the wolf pack holding all the cards. So no matter what you promise them in terms of making up stories that they like or spilling beans, the CHARGES THEY WANT -- will STAY on your indictment.

When you plead -- you pretty much have to accept them all. Whether they are TOTAL BULLSHIT or not..

The "campaign finance violations" that affect Trump are BULLSHIT charges. THey never would be successfully proven in lawful trial.. You cannot allow people to personally EXHORT candidates by threatening to release information in the heat of a campaign. Whether they come to you with "PROOF" that are gay, or that you have heart disease, or a "falling on your face" illness like Hillary had. That would open the door to blackmail of EVERY candidate for office and AFFECT ALL ELECTIONS.

It's a private matter that you are allowed to settle on your own terms. Besides, almost EVERY campaign commits "campaign finance violations". Go look it up moron.. Obama, the Clintons, --- all of them. And there's NEVER any actual criminal charges. It's a "process violation"...
The campaign finance charges involve federal crimes. It's that simple. More than $2700 dollars was paid to Stormy daniels. That is a crime. Not reporting it is a crime. Pleading ignorance by Trump won't work because Trump said he knew nothing of the payments to Stormy Daniels. And lastly, the payment was hidden to hide the affair to help Trump get elected. None of these charges are "bs charges". If you think they are and you are smarter than the SDNY, then why not litigate your point to them? Answer, because you have nothing to litigate.

BULLSHIT that writing a settlement with a porn actress who is blackmailing you is a crime. It's NOT. Never WILL be. And it's got nothing to with the TYPE OF EXTORTION that's threatened. Could be any of the personally embarrassing accusations I named above.

Where'd you get the idea it's ILLEGAL to write "settlement agreements" on extorting people in power?
To use a porn star as leverage by paying her off in a presidential campaign to keep her quiet is a campaign finance violation, because he paid her over $2700 dollars and did not report it. Look it up fools.

To use a porn star as leverage by paying her off in a presidential campaign to keep her quiet is a campaign finance violation.

The breaking news is that Trump violated three different campaign finance laws with the assistance of Michael Cohen according to prosecutors for the southern district of New York, and Trump is being implicated as a felon. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Late Friday, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York filed a document arguing that Michael Cohen, until last year President Trump’s personal attorney, should receive a substantial prison sentence for violations of federal law to which Cohen admitted guilt in August.

Analysis | The government implicates Trump and the Trump campaign in federal campaign finance violations

The NDAs Trump entered into were legal, and not campaign contributions, but FEC fines aren't unusual. Maobam and Sander were both fined by the FEC for trying to hide donors.

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

Bernie Sanders campaign pays fine over "illegal" contribution from foreign political party

At some point you fools need to read the writing on the wall. There is no crime and Trump is going to be president for a long time. You need to come to terms with this.
Trump is a felon. Lol! You live in an alternate universe chief.
For the first time, government prosecutors themselves directly implicated Trump in those violations — and added new alleged evidence to bolster Cohen’s culpability.

It appears Mueller has finally caught Trump. The question now is what will he do next.
The investigation still isn't over.

Any freaking day now! LMAO

You go look it up.. Show me where out of court "hush money" payments are ILLEGAL in any way..

It’s an illegal campaign expenditure.

Cohen pleaded guilty in August to violating campaign finance law when he arranged payments to an adult-film star during the 2016 election. At the same time, he pleaded guilty to a handful of other crimes, including making a false statement to a bank. In recent weeks, he pleaded guilty to lying to Congressabout efforts during the presidential campaign to get a Trump-branded tower built in Moscow.”

"Prosecutors also singled out Trump as being directly involved in efforts to buy the silence of women who might level public allegations against him.”

"What’s more, the document explains that it isn’t only Cohen’s word that applies. Cohen recorded conversations between himself and others, including Trump, in which the payments were discussed.”

Court filings directly implicate Trump in efforts to buy women’s silence, reveal new contact between inner circle and Russian

Analysis | The government implicates Trump and the Trump campaign in federal campaign finance violations

That Cohen made the payments at the behest of Trump implicates Trump in the crime.

And don’t forget.... there are tapes that corroborate Trump ordering Cohen to pay of he women.


Isn’t that how they got Nixon? How republicans were finally convinced of Nixons’ criminal conduct?

Because there were..... tapes?

At some point you fools need to read the writing on the wall. There is no crime.......

Well..... here’s two. And this before Muellers report.

18 U.S. Code § 1510 - Obstruction of criminal investigations

923. 18 U.S.C. § 371—Conspiracy to Defraud the United States

Don’t let it worry y’all Trumpies.



What would that face look like 1 second after a bullet hits it right between the eyes?

Don't bother answering. That's a rhetorical question.

Probably a lot like Vince Foster's after Billy Jeff Clinton's lawyer committed suicide in the park along the Potomac. Suicide note said he couldn't take the massive abuses of the law when a Special Counsel is going berserk... Or Jim McDougal, the Whitewater associate that dies suspiciously in prison while THAT same Special Counsel was going berserk..
There is nothing in the Constitution that says he cannot.

Don't argue about the Constitution if you haven't actually read widely about it. IMPEACHMENT IS THE ONLY path that President./Vice Prez can be removed. You cannot bring Civil suites against them. Especially when the charges are for crimes BEFORE THEY WERE ELECTED...

How the President Can Be Prosecuted as a Criminal

“The President, Vice President and civil officers of the United States shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

— Article II, section 4, U.S. Constitution

“Judgment in cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office … but the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to law.”

— Article I, section 9, U.S. Constitution

Hey, you're gonna lose every time you just "wing it" You IMPEACH AND CONVICT --- and remove him from office --- then you can file civil/criminal suits..
I don't think I have ever witnessed this much gross ignorance on a forum before. The fact that Trump won't be convicted while in office has nothing to do with what is in the Constitution. You obviously have not read or do not understand what you read? That memo considers the Constitution’s text and finds no answer. It says, correctly, that there is no “airtight separation of powers, but rather … a system of checks and balances, or blending the three powers.” The Constitution provides very limited immunities for members of Congress and none for the president. The impeachment clause says that any official impeached can be tried—at least, but not clearly only, after removal. The debates during the framing and ratification of the Constitution suggest that the president is subject to laws like any citizen, but never discuss prosecution in office. During the trials of Aaron Burr, Chief Justice John Marshall had insisted that Thomas Jefferson was subject to subpoena—but also that as president he could refuse to attend court in person, and could withhold some evidence.

There is nothing in the Constitution that says a sitting president cannot be criminally charged. And your Article 11, section 4 doesn't say it either. Read it again. Closely!
The breaking news is that Trump violated three different campaign finance laws with the assistance of Michael Cohen according to prosecutors for the southern district of New York, and Trump is being implicated as a felon. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Late Friday, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York filed a document arguing that Michael Cohen, until last year President Trump’s personal attorney, should receive a substantial prison sentence for violations of federal law to which Cohen admitted guilt in August.

Analysis | The government implicates Trump and the Trump campaign in federal campaign finance violations

You really know virtually nothing about the law. Prosecutorial abuse on the scale of these guys trying to disrupt the elected govt allows them to go after simple private citizens and ruin their lives REGARDLESS of their actual guilt.

No individual can afford going to trial with a "blank check" SPecial Counsel or the South District of NY office of Counsel. So they can LOAD UP the charges on the indictment, with any SHIT THEY DESIRE --- whether it's a solid case for that case or a whim..

And YOU as a peon citizen don't get to CHOOSE what charges are against you when you plead if you're guilty of even ONE of them. It's a package deal determined by the wolf pack holding all the cards. So no matter what you promise them in terms of making up stories that they like or spilling beans, the CHARGES THEY WANT -- will STAY on your indictment.

When you plead -- you pretty much have to accept them all. Whether they are TOTAL BULLSHIT or not..

The "campaign finance violations" that affect Trump are BULLSHIT charges. THey never would be successfully proven in lawful trial.. You cannot allow people to personally EXHORT candidates by threatening to release information in the heat of a campaign. Whether they come to you with "PROOF" that are gay, or that you have heart disease, or a "falling on your face" illness like Hillary had. That would open the door to blackmail of EVERY candidate for office and AFFECT ALL ELECTIONS.

It's a private matter that you are allowed to settle on your own terms. Besides, almost EVERY campaign commits "campaign finance violations". Go look it up moron.. Obama, the Clintons, --- all of them. And there's NEVER any actual criminal charges. It's a "process violation"...
The campaign finance charges involve federal crimes. It's that simple. More than $2700 dollars was paid to Stormy daniels. That is a crime. Not reporting it is a crime. Pleading ignorance by Trump won't work because Trump said he knew nothing of the payments to Stormy Daniels. And lastly, the payment was hidden to hide the affair to help Trump get elected. None of these charges are "bs charges". If you think they are and you are smarter than the SDNY, then why not litigate your point to them? Answer, because you have nothing to litigate.

BULLSHIT that writing a settlement with a porn actress who is blackmailing you is a crime. It's NOT. Never WILL be. And it's got nothing to with the TYPE OF EXTORTION that's threatened. Could be any of the personally embarrassing accusations I named above.

Where'd you get the idea it's ILLEGAL to write "settlement agreements" on extorting people in power?
To use a porn star as leverage by paying her off in a presidential campaign to keep her quiet is a campaign finance violation, because he paid her over $2700 dollars and did not report it. Look it up fools.

To use a porn star as leverage by paying her off in a presidential campaign to keep her quiet is a campaign finance violation.


52 U.S. Code § 30104 - Reporting requirements

You’re welcome. :)
You really know virtually nothing about the law. Prosecutorial abuse on the scale of these guys trying to disrupt the elected govt allows them to go after simple private citizens and ruin their lives REGARDLESS of their actual guilt.

No individual can afford going to trial with a "blank check" SPecial Counsel or the South District of NY office of Counsel. So they can LOAD UP the charges on the indictment, with any SHIT THEY DESIRE --- whether it's a solid case for that case or a whim..

And YOU as a peon citizen don't get to CHOOSE what charges are against you when you plead if you're guilty of even ONE of them. It's a package deal determined by the wolf pack holding all the cards. So no matter what you promise them in terms of making up stories that they like or spilling beans, the CHARGES THEY WANT -- will STAY on your indictment.

When you plead -- you pretty much have to accept them all. Whether they are TOTAL BULLSHIT or not..

The "campaign finance violations" that affect Trump are BULLSHIT charges. THey never would be successfully proven in lawful trial.. You cannot allow people to personally EXHORT candidates by threatening to release information in the heat of a campaign. Whether they come to you with "PROOF" that are gay, or that you have heart disease, or a "falling on your face" illness like Hillary had. That would open the door to blackmail of EVERY candidate for office and AFFECT ALL ELECTIONS.

It's a private matter that you are allowed to settle on your own terms. Besides, almost EVERY campaign commits "campaign finance violations". Go look it up moron.. Obama, the Clintons, --- all of them. And there's NEVER any actual criminal charges. It's a "process violation"...
The campaign finance charges involve federal crimes. It's that simple. More than $2700 dollars was paid to Stormy daniels. That is a crime. Not reporting it is a crime. Pleading ignorance by Trump won't work because Trump said he knew nothing of the payments to Stormy Daniels. And lastly, the payment was hidden to hide the affair to help Trump get elected. None of these charges are "bs charges". If you think they are and you are smarter than the SDNY, then why not litigate your point to them? Answer, because you have nothing to litigate.

BULLSHIT that writing a settlement with a porn actress who is blackmailing you is a crime. It's NOT. Never WILL be. And it's got nothing to with the TYPE OF EXTORTION that's threatened. Could be any of the personally embarrassing accusations I named above.

Where'd you get the idea it's ILLEGAL to write "settlement agreements" on extorting people in power?
To use a porn star as leverage by paying her off in a presidential campaign to keep her quiet is a campaign finance violation, because he paid her over $2700 dollars and did not report it. Look it up fools.

To use a porn star as leverage by paying her off in a presidential campaign to keep her quiet is a campaign finance violation.


52 U.S. Code § 30104 - Reporting requirements

You’re welcome. :)

Cohen paid her out of campaign funds?
The breaking news is that Trump violated three different campaign finance laws with the assistance of Michael Cohen according to prosecutors for the southern district of New York, and Trump is being implicated as a felon. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Late Friday, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York filed a document arguing that Michael Cohen, until last year President Trump’s personal attorney, should receive a substantial prison sentence for violations of federal law to which Cohen admitted guilt in August.

Analysis | The government implicates Trump and the Trump campaign in federal campaign finance violations

The NDAs Trump entered into were legal, and not campaign contributions, but FEC fines aren't unusual. Maobam and Sander were both fined by the FEC for trying to hide donors.

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

Bernie Sanders campaign pays fine over "illegal" contribution from foreign political party

At some point you fools need to read the writing on the wall. There is no crime and Trump is going to be president for a long time. You need to come to terms with this.
Trump is a felon. Lol! You live in an alternate universe chief.
For the first time, government prosecutors themselves directly implicated Trump in those violations — and added new alleged evidence to bolster Cohen’s culpability.

It appears Mueller has finally caught Trump. The question now is what will he do next.
The investigation still isn't over.

Any freaking day now! LMAO

LOl back! Trump has been named as a potential felon in a crime. That day is here.
The breaking news is that Trump violated three different campaign finance laws with the assistance of Michael Cohen according to prosecutors for the southern district of New York, and Trump is being implicated as a felon. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Late Friday, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York filed a document arguing that Michael Cohen, until last year President Trump’s personal attorney, should receive a substantial prison sentence for violations of federal law to which Cohen admitted guilt in August.

Analysis | The government implicates Trump and the Trump campaign in federal campaign finance violations

You really know virtually nothing about the law. Prosecutorial abuse on the scale of these guys trying to disrupt the elected govt allows them to go after simple private citizens and ruin their lives REGARDLESS of their actual guilt.

No individual can afford going to trial with a "blank check" SPecial Counsel or the South District of NY office of Counsel. So they can LOAD UP the charges on the indictment, with any SHIT THEY DESIRE --- whether it's a solid case for that case or a whim..

And YOU as a peon citizen don't get to CHOOSE what charges are against you when you plead if you're guilty of even ONE of them. It's a package deal determined by the wolf pack holding all the cards. So no matter what you promise them in terms of making up stories that they like or spilling beans, the CHARGES THEY WANT -- will STAY on your indictment.

When you plead -- you pretty much have to accept them all. Whether they are TOTAL BULLSHIT or not..

The "campaign finance violations" that affect Trump are BULLSHIT charges. THey never would be successfully proven in lawful trial.. You cannot allow people to personally EXHORT candidates by threatening to release information in the heat of a campaign. Whether they come to you with "PROOF" that are gay, or that you have heart disease, or a "falling on your face" illness like Hillary had. That would open the door to blackmail of EVERY candidate for office and AFFECT ALL ELECTIONS.

It's a private matter that you are allowed to settle on your own terms. Besides, almost EVERY campaign commits "campaign finance violations". Go look it up moron.. Obama, the Clintons, --- all of them. And there's NEVER any actual criminal charges. It's a "process violation"...
The campaign finance charges involve federal crimes. It's that simple. More than $2700 dollars was paid to Stormy daniels. That is a crime. Not reporting it is a crime. Pleading ignorance by Trump won't work because Trump said he knew nothing of the payments to Stormy Daniels. And lastly, the payment was hidden to hide the affair to help Trump get elected. None of these charges are "bs charges". If you think they are and you are smarter than the SDNY, then why not litigate your point to them? Answer, because you have nothing to litigate.

The campaign finance charges involve federal crimes. It's that simple. More than $2700 dollars was paid to Stormy daniels. That is a crime.

Look it up yourself ignoramus.

I looked up, "Is it illegal to pay someone more than $2700?"

Didn't help your claim.

It was 135,000 Dollars.

(3)If the committee is the principal campaign committee of a candidate for the office of President—
(A)in any calendar year during which a general election is held to fill such office—
the treasurer shall file monthly reports if such committee has on January 1 of such year, received contributions aggregating $100,000 or made expenditures aggregating $100,000 or anticipates receiving contributions aggregating $100,000 or more or making expenditures aggregating $100,000 or more during such year: such monthly reports shall be filed no later than the 20th day after the last day of each month and shall be complete as of the last day of the month, except that, in lieu of filing the report otherwise due in November and December, a pre-general election report shall be filed in accordance with paragraph (2)(A)(i), a post-general election report shall be filed in accordance with paragraph (2)(A)(ii), and a year end report shall be filed no later than January 31 of the following calendar year


You’re welcome.
The campaign finance charges involve federal crimes. It's that simple. More than $2700 dollars was paid to Stormy daniels. That is a crime. Not reporting it is a crime. Pleading ignorance by Trump won't work because Trump said he knew nothing of the payments to Stormy Daniels. And lastly, the payment was hidden to hide the affair to help Trump get elected. None of these charges are "bs charges". If you think they are and you are smarter than the SDNY, then why not litigate your point to them? Answer, because you have nothing to litigate.

BULLSHIT that writing a settlement with a porn actress who is blackmailing you is a crime. It's NOT. Never WILL be. And it's got nothing to with the TYPE OF EXTORTION that's threatened. Could be any of the personally embarrassing accusations I named above.

Where'd you get the idea it's ILLEGAL to write "settlement agreements" on extorting people in power?
To use a porn star as leverage by paying her off in a presidential campaign to keep her quiet is a campaign finance violation, because he paid her over $2700 dollars and did not report it. Look it up fools.

To use a porn star as leverage by paying her off in a presidential campaign to keep her quiet is a campaign finance violation.


52 U.S. Code § 30104 - Reporting requirements

You’re welcome. :)

Cohen paid her out of campaign funds?
Too late bub. Talk to the prosecutors. They are calling it a contribution due to the nature of the payment. IT was hidden and never reported, and Trump said he knew nothing about it, which he lied about. The prosecutors are calling it a felony.
You really know virtually nothing about the law. Prosecutorial abuse on the scale of these guys trying to disrupt the elected govt allows them to go after simple private citizens and ruin their lives REGARDLESS of their actual guilt.

No individual can afford going to trial with a "blank check" SPecial Counsel or the South District of NY office of Counsel. So they can LOAD UP the charges on the indictment, with any SHIT THEY DESIRE --- whether it's a solid case for that case or a whim..

And YOU as a peon citizen don't get to CHOOSE what charges are against you when you plead if you're guilty of even ONE of them. It's a package deal determined by the wolf pack holding all the cards. So no matter what you promise them in terms of making up stories that they like or spilling beans, the CHARGES THEY WANT -- will STAY on your indictment.

When you plead -- you pretty much have to accept them all. Whether they are TOTAL BULLSHIT or not..

The "campaign finance violations" that affect Trump are BULLSHIT charges. THey never would be successfully proven in lawful trial.. You cannot allow people to personally EXHORT candidates by threatening to release information in the heat of a campaign. Whether they come to you with "PROOF" that are gay, or that you have heart disease, or a "falling on your face" illness like Hillary had. That would open the door to blackmail of EVERY candidate for office and AFFECT ALL ELECTIONS.

It's a private matter that you are allowed to settle on your own terms. Besides, almost EVERY campaign commits "campaign finance violations". Go look it up moron.. Obama, the Clintons, --- all of them. And there's NEVER any actual criminal charges. It's a "process violation"...
The campaign finance charges involve federal crimes. It's that simple. More than $2700 dollars was paid to Stormy daniels. That is a crime. Not reporting it is a crime. Pleading ignorance by Trump won't work because Trump said he knew nothing of the payments to Stormy Daniels. And lastly, the payment was hidden to hide the affair to help Trump get elected. None of these charges are "bs charges". If you think they are and you are smarter than the SDNY, then why not litigate your point to them? Answer, because you have nothing to litigate.

The campaign finance charges involve federal crimes. It's that simple. More than $2700 dollars was paid to Stormy daniels. That is a crime.

Look it up yourself ignoramus.

I looked up, "Is it illegal to pay someone more than $2700?"

Didn't help your claim.

It was 135,000 Dollars.

(3)If the committee is the principal campaign committee of a candidate for the office of President—
(A)in any calendar year during which a general election is held to fill such office—
the treasurer shall file monthly reports if such committee has on January 1 of such year, received contributions aggregating $100,000 or made expenditures aggregating $100,000 or anticipates receiving contributions aggregating $100,000 or more or making expenditures aggregating $100,000 or more during such year: such monthly reports shall be filed no later than the 20th day after the last day of each month and shall be complete as of the last day of the month, except that, in lieu of filing the report otherwise due in November and December, a pre-general election report shall be filed in accordance with paragraph (2)(A)(i), a post-general election report shall be filed in accordance with paragraph (2)(A)(ii), and a year end report shall be filed no later than January 31 of the following calendar year


You’re welcome.

the treasurer shall file monthly reports if such committee has on January 1 of such year, received contributions aggregating $100,000 or made expenditures aggregating $100,000 or anticipates receiving contributions aggregating $100,000 or more or making expenditures aggregating $100,000 or more during such year:

The campaign didn't pay her.
The breaking news is that Trump violated three different campaign finance laws with the assistance of Michael Cohen according to prosecutors for the southern district of New York, and Trump is being implicated as a felon. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Late Friday, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York filed a document arguing that Michael Cohen, until last year President Trump’s personal attorney, should receive a substantial prison sentence for violations of federal law to which Cohen admitted guilt in August.

Analysis | The government implicates Trump and the Trump campaign in federal campaign finance violations

The NDAs Trump entered into were legal, and not campaign contributions, but FEC fines aren't unusual. Maobam and Sander were both fined by the FEC for trying to hide donors.

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

Bernie Sanders campaign pays fine over "illegal" contribution from foreign political party

At some point you fools need to read the writing on the wall. There is no crime and Trump is going to be president for a long time. You need to come to terms with this.
Trump is a felon. Lol! You live in an alternate universe chief.
For the first time, government prosecutors themselves directly implicated Trump in those violations — and added new alleged evidence to bolster Cohen’s culpability.

It appears Mueller has finally caught Trump. The question now is what will he do next.
The investigation still isn't over.

Any freaking day now! LMAO

LOl back! Trump has been named as a potential felon in a crime. That day is here.

What exactly is the legal status of a "potential felon" who has not BEEN CHARGED with a crime?

Or even one like Cohen who HAS been charged been charged with several, but will never have a trial for EACH and EVERY indictment against him? Is is still a "potential felony" if you were FORCED to plead guilty of a BUNCH of shit because you were guilty of maybe one or two counts?
At some point you fools need to read the writing on the wall. There is no crime.......

Well..... here’s two. And this before Muellers report.

18 U.S. Code § 1510 - Obstruction of criminal investigations

923. 18 U.S.C. § 371—Conspiracy to Defraud the United States

Don’t let it worry y’all Trumpies.



What would that face look like 1 second after a bullet hits it right between the eyes?

Don't bother answering. That's a rhetorical question.

Probably a lot like Vince Foster's after Billy Jeff Clinton's lawyer committed suicide in the park along the Potomac. Suicide note said he couldn't take the massive abuses of the law when a Special Counsel is going berserk... Or Jim McDougal, the Whitewater associate that dies suspiciously in prison while THAT same Special Counsel was going berserk..

That Whitewater stuff was a shitshow, and this is shitshow II.

IMO, We, as citizens, should hang them all for wasting our money while they eat cucumber finger sandwiches.

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