Trump Has Reportedly Been Telling People He'll Be ‘Reinstated’ By August

I think a fair election would mean more votes for republicans in 2020 and beyond
Changing demographics, the aging of america, and the expanding immigrant populations have plagued the republicans for years now. A fair elections demographics would have the republicans losing, not winning. And unchecked that would be a continuing trend.
We are in death spiral of just how bat shit crazy can the gop go to satisfy its increasing small base with unpopular views. In the past, political parties like the whigs and no nothings eventually modified their messages to better attract a minority, but they had to lose "bigly" first.
We are in death spiral of just how bat shit crazy can the gop go to satisfy its increasing small base with unpopular views. In the past, political parties like the whigs and no nothings eventually modified their messages to better attract a minority, but they had to lose "bigly" first.
This is what follows every election loss. An evaluation of what happened and why it happened. The republicans are using the untried strategy of claiming they didn't lose, and repeating the same game plan.
If Donald Trump says it, it must be true…
We'll obviously never know (you can't ask them and expect an honest response), but I'd love to know how many Trumpsters here completely believe this. 50%? 75%? More?
Mystery to me. I read that it's related to Trump's fear of actually being indicted. But who knows with all this bullshit. With the Qbatshit, it's easy to fall for actual bullshit because all of Q is bullshit. LOL

The reason for that is because the q person puts out announcements "in code" people have to decode it so it can become anything anyone wants it to be.

Has anything that the q person said is true or has actually happened?

We all know the original one about Hillary having a child sex trafficking ring in the basement of a pizza place in DC was a lie.

The statement that trump would be inaugurated in March was a lie.

What other so called statements and predictions has that q person made and does anyone know if even one of them were actually true and actually happened?
From what I've seen, Q and the Q nuts just explain away every bad prediction, just like the Trumpsters just explain away those dozens of court losses and the election results.

Which, of course, makes sense, because there is so much overlap between those groups.

I would think a person would get tired of being made a fool.

Only a fool would keep believing someone who has never told them the truth.
They're far too emotionally invested now. I'm sure some realize at some level that they've been conned, but bringing themselves to admit it is too much right now. Time will tell.

Some of them know on some level they are being lied to and conned.

Yet they don't care they are being made a fool. To the point that they still allow the person to keep making them a fool.

That's just not logical to me. No normal person would do that.
That's the group pathology. There's enough out there who are like them, so they're protected and justified in staying in their safe space. The "us against the world" cult behavior.

So it comes down to what I've been saying for decades, they prefer to live a life of lies.
If it's shown that Biden won on Fraud, then he will need to step aside - in the name of Unity

The courts have examined the imaginary evidence of fraud and found that there was none.

Biden is and will remain President until Jan. 21 2025.

I think a fair election would mean more votes for republicans in 2020 and beyond
Changing demographics, the aging of america, and the expanding immigrant populations have plagued the republicans for years now. A fair elections demographics would have the republicans losing, not winning. And unchecked that would be a continuing trend.
We are in death spiral of just how bat shit crazy can the gop go to satisfy its increasing small base with unpopular views. In the past, political parties like the whigs and no nothings eventually modified their messages to better attract a minority, but they had to lose "bigly" first.
Let's see what happens in the next election.
I think a fair election would mean more votes for republicans in 2020 and beyond
Changing demographics, the aging of america, and the expanding immigrant populations have plagued the republicans for years now. A fair elections demographics would have the republicans losing, not winning. And unchecked that would be a continuing trend.
We’ve heard that story before

Many libs were convinced that the baby boomers were going to be the new liberal majority

But immature children grow up no matter how spoiled they are

The baby boomers changed over time and hopefully so will future generations
This is funny.

trump is telling people he will be reinstated as president by August.

The qanon people believe it too.

His followers and qanon people said trump was going to be reinstated last March too. LOL.

When are you trump and qanon people going to wake up to see you're being lied to? When are you people going to get tired of the lies and being made a fool?

Seriously people, you just can't make this stuff up.

If child diddler Roberts would have done the correct thing, this shit would not be happening.

It will be so funny to see Biden and his cock slobbering VP's presidency so crippled....Soon we will way more forensic audits to follow
I think a fair election would mean more votes for republicans in 2020 and beyond
Changing demographics, the aging of america, and the expanding immigrant populations have plagued the republicans for years now. A fair elections demographics would have the republicans losing, not winning. And unchecked that would be a continuing trend.
We are in death spiral of just how bat shit crazy can the gop go to satisfy its increasing small base with unpopular views. In the past, political parties like the whigs and no nothings eventually modified their messages to better attract a minority, but they had to lose "bigly" first.
Let's see what happens in the next election.
Well, I doubt you can win just saying "it was stolen."

But if the econ tanks, then like Trump, Biden will be a one termer. But overall the dems have one 5 to the gop's 3 since 1992. The gop continues to dominate in state races even in traditionally blue states like PA and Mich. But the gop is more popular when there are fewer people in the voting "district." IF a natl election is just on social issues, the dems win.
Amazing how the mods let this one stay in politics

Left wingers lie

They lie all the time

So what

It fits the Clean Start rule.

But feel free to whine...I mean, report it.

Noting extreme hypocrisy and double standards is different from attempts to censor.

I never said you were trying to censor anything.

As far as "extreme hypocrisy and double standards", I guess you are just another poor snowflake who is a victim of the oppressive regime here, huh?

Amazing how the mods let this one stay in politics

Left wingers lie

They lie all the time

So what

It fits the Clean Start rule.

But feel free to whine...I mean, report it.

Noting extreme hypocrisy and double standards is different from attempts to censor.

I never said you were trying to censor anything.

As far as "extreme hypocrisy and double standards", I guess you are just another poor snowflake who is a victim of the oppressive regime here, huh?


Post a new topic here

Title - should the American people be allowed to see the FBI 911 file which American taxpayers paid for?

And watch how fast it goes to "conspiracy" even though a majority of Americans do not believe the official version of 911 and your topic is simply polling the issue of should a "classified" document be made public....
It will be so funny to see Biden and his cock slobbering VP's presidency so crippled....Soon we will way more forensic audits to follow

The problem with any of those theories is that forensic audits have never been written into election law. All ways of challenging election results are codified.
I think a fair election would mean more votes for republicans in 2020 and beyond
Changing demographics, the aging of america, and the expanding immigrant populations have plagued the republicans for years now. A fair elections demographics would have the republicans losing, not winning. And unchecked that would be a continuing trend.
We are in death spiral of just how bat shit crazy can the gop go to satisfy its increasing small base with unpopular views. In the past, political parties like the whigs and no nothings eventually modified their messages to better attract a minority, but they had to lose "bigly" first.
Let's see what happens in the next election.
Well, I doubt you can win just saying "it was stolen."

But if the econ tanks, then like Trump, Biden will be a one termer. But overall the dems have one 5 to the gop's 3 since 1992. The gop continues to dominate in state races even in traditionally blue states like PA and Mich. But the gop is more popular when there are fewer people in the voting "district." IF a natl election is just on social issues, the dems win.
I'm talking about the next election. 2022. The Democrats losing the Senate and House.
by voting against the Jan 6 commission, the GOP is calculating that it’s better to take the short-term political hit now rather than risk having the commission’s findings pop up in the middle of the 2022 election cycle. Some Republicans even argue that opposing the commission is actually good politics in certain ruby-red districts.
Amazing how the mods let this one stay in politics

Left wingers lie

They lie all the time

So what

It fits the Clean Start rule.

But feel free to whine...I mean, report it.

Noting extreme hypocrisy and double standards is different from attempts to censor.

I never said you were trying to censor anything.

As far as "extreme hypocrisy and double standards", I guess you are just another poor snowflake who is a victim of the oppressive regime here, huh?


Post a new topic here

Title - should the American people be allowed to see the FBI 911 file which American taxpayers paid for?

And watch how fast it goes to "conspiracy" even though a majority of Americans do not believe the official version of 911 and your topic is simply polling the issue of should a "classified" document be made public....

Feel free to give it a try.

The problem is, before the first page is full it will devolve into an argument about whether President Bush knew or ordered it. WMDs in Iraq, and so on.

There are probably an equal number of liberal threads that are moved as well. More often to the bottom of the site.
This is funny.

trump is telling people he will be reinstated as president by August.

The qanon people believe it too.

His followers and qanon people said trump was going to be reinstated last March too. LOL.

When are you trump and qanon people going to wake up to see you're being lied to? When are you people going to get tired of the lies and being made a fool?

Seriously people, you just can't make this stuff up.

He must really be counting on that AZ audit.

He's delusional.

So are his followers.

That recount isn't official. Nothing they find will be legal or acknowledged by the state or any court.

There isn't anything in the constitution that allows a former president to be reinstated. There's also nothing in the constitution that allows for the official certified results of an election to be overturned.

Even if that could be done, which it couldn't, Arizona doesn't have enough electoral votes to change the outcome of the election. Arizona only has 11 electoral votes.

Biden beat him by 74 electoral votes.
We got rid of him in the nick of time. He's truly lost his mind.
This is funny.

trump is telling people he will be reinstated as president by August.

The qanon people believe it too.

His followers and qanon people said trump was going to be reinstated last March too. LOL.

When are you trump and qanon people going to wake up to see you're being lied to? When are you people going to get tired of the lies and being made a fool?

Seriously people, you just can't make this stuff up.

He must really be counting on that AZ audit.
You are easily fooled by fake news
Irony!!! When is “The Kraken” supposed to overturn everything? :auiqs.jpg:

That "kraken" person comes out with a big press conference stating about all this voting fraud.

Dominion turns around and sues her.

Her response is no reasonable person would believe what she said about vote fraud.

Then this past weekend she is at q convention spouting the same lies about vote fraud she told the court no reasonable person would believe.

That woman should be held accountable for her lies. Both to the American people and the court because her formal response to the court is that no reasonable person would believe what she claimed. Yet she kept going around the nation still saying the lies about fraud.
So that's it? The lawsuit was dropped?
by voting against the Jan 6 commission, the GOP is calculating that it’s better to take the short-term political hit now rather than risk having the commission’s findings pop up in the middle of the 2022 election cycle. Some Republicans even argue that opposing the commission is actually good politics in certain ruby-red districts.

This is no different than the people guilty of a crime, fighting the investigation. Trump opposed disclosing his taxes, and the republicans oppose investigating January 6th.

Both for the same reason.
Why is it so easy for dems to manufacture votes? Dem votes are concentrated in a few cities while republican votes are in small rural areas. One other reason is dems are fascists and they arent decent people.
If you live in a city your probably a fascist and if you live in a rural area your are probably a decent it..(rolls eyes)
The country is run by fascists.

That "fascist" line doesn't work. Fascism is a white supremacist political movement and Democrats simply are not white supremacists.

I think a fair election would mean more votes for republicans in 2020 and beyond
Changing demographics, the aging of america, and the expanding immigrant populations have plagued the republicans for years now. A fair elections demographics would have the republicans losing, not winning. And unchecked that would be a continuing trend.
We’ve heard that story before

Many libs were convinced that the baby boomers were going to be the new liberal majority

But immature children grow up no matter how spoiled they are

The baby boomers changed over time and hopefully so will future generations

No we have not. We are the same liberal leftists we always were, and we've talken over all of Western Europe and North America. Republicans lied to you folks. You're the minority, and YOU can't win any more without cheating.

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