Trump Has Reportedly Been Telling People He'll Be ‘Reinstated’ By August

Why is it so easy for dems to manufacture votes? Dem votes are concentrated in a few cities while republican votes are in small rural areas. One other reason is dems are fascists and they arent decent people.
If you live in a city your probably a fascist and if you live in a rural area your are probably a decent it..(rolls eyes)
The country is run by fascists.
This is funny.

trump is telling people he will be reinstated as president by August.

The qanon people believe it too.

His followers and qanon people said trump was going to be reinstated last March too. LOL.

When are you trump and qanon people going to wake up to see you're being lied to? When are you people going to get tired of the lies and being made a fool?

Seriously people, you just can't make this stuff up.

If Donald Trump says it, it must be true…
We'll obviously never know (you can't ask them and expect an honest response), but I'd love to know how many Trumpsters here completely believe this. 50%? 75%? More?
Mystery to me. I read that it's related to Trump's fear of actually being indicted. But who knows with all this bullshit. With the Qbatshit, it's easy to fall for actual bullshit because all of Q is bullshit. LOL

The reason for that is because the q person puts out announcements "in code" people have to decode it so it can become anything anyone wants it to be.

Has anything that the q person said is true or has actually happened?

We all know the original one about Hillary having a child sex trafficking ring in the basement of a pizza place in DC was a lie.

The statement that trump would be inaugurated in March was a lie.

What other so called statements and predictions has that q person made and does anyone know if even one of them were actually true and actually happened?
From what I've seen, Q and the Q nuts just explain away every bad prediction, just like the Trumpsters just explain away those dozens of court losses and the election results.

Which, of course, makes sense, because there is so much overlap between those groups.

I would think a person would get tired of being made a fool.

Only a fool would keep believing someone who has never told them the truth.
They're far too emotionally invested now. I'm sure some realize at some level that they've been conned, but bringing themselves to admit it is too much right now. Time will tell.

Some of them know on some level they are being lied to and conned.

Yet they don't care they are being made a fool. To the point that they still allow the person to keep making them a fool.

That's just not logical to me. No normal person would do that.
If Donald Trump says it, it must be true…
We'll obviously never know (you can't ask them and expect an honest response), but I'd love to know how many Trumpsters here completely believe this. 50%? 75%? More?
Mystery to me. I read that it's related to Trump's fear of actually being indicted. But who knows with all this bullshit. With the Qbatshit, it's easy to fall for actual bullshit because all of Q is bullshit. LOL

The reason for that is because the q person puts out announcements "in code" people have to decode it so it can become anything anyone wants it to be.

Has anything that the q person said is true or has actually happened?

We all know the original one about Hillary having a child sex trafficking ring in the basement of a pizza place in DC was a lie.

The statement that trump would be inaugurated in March was a lie.

What other so called statements and predictions has that q person made and does anyone know if even one of them were actually true and actually happened?
From what I've seen, Q and the Q nuts just explain away every bad prediction, just like the Trumpsters just explain away those dozens of court losses and the election results.

Which, of course, makes sense, because there is so much overlap between those groups.

I would think a person would get tired of being made a fool.

Only a fool would keep believing someone who has never told them the truth.
I've been married for 30 years today. (-:

If Donald Trump says it, it must be true…
We'll obviously never know (you can't ask them and expect an honest response), but I'd love to know how many Trumpsters here completely believe this. 50%? 75%? More?
Mystery to me. I read that it's related to Trump's fear of actually being indicted. But who knows with all this bullshit. With the Qbatshit, it's easy to fall for actual bullshit because all of Q is bullshit. LOL

The reason for that is because the q person puts out announcements "in code" people have to decode it so it can become anything anyone wants it to be.

Has anything that the q person said is true or has actually happened?

We all know the original one about Hillary having a child sex trafficking ring in the basement of a pizza place in DC was a lie.

The statement that trump would be inaugurated in March was a lie.

What other so called statements and predictions has that q person made and does anyone know if even one of them were actually true and actually happened?
From what I've seen, Q and the Q nuts just explain away every bad prediction, just like the Trumpsters just explain away those dozens of court losses and the election results.

Which, of course, makes sense, because there is so much overlap between those groups.

I would think a person would get tired of being made a fool.

Only a fool would keep believing someone who has never told them the truth.
They're far too emotionally invested now. I'm sure some realize at some level that they've been conned, but bringing themselves to admit it is too much right now. Time will tell.

Some of them know on some level they are being lied to and conned.

Yet they don't care they are being made a fool. To the point that they still allow the person to keep making them a fool.

That's just not logical to me. No normal person would do that.
That's the group pathology. There's enough out there who are like them, so they're protected and justified in staying in their safe space. The "us against the world" cult behavior.
I cant speak for all trump supporters but most are not expecting to reverse the 2020 results
But most falsely think it was stolen, yet have no idea how. So yes, you lied when they said they and you want reform. Baldfaced lie. They want rules they think will get republicans more votes, and democrats fewer votes. Period.
If Donald Trump says it, it must be true…
We'll obviously never know (you can't ask them and expect an honest response), but I'd love to know how many Trumpsters here completely believe this. 50%? 75%? More?
Mystery to me. I read that it's related to Trump's fear of actually being indicted. But who knows with all this bullshit. With the Qbatshit, it's easy to fall for actual bullshit because all of Q is bullshit. LOL

The reason for that is because the q person puts out announcements "in code" people have to decode it so it can become anything anyone wants it to be.

Has anything that the q person said is true or has actually happened?

We all know the original one about Hillary having a child sex trafficking ring in the basement of a pizza place in DC was a lie.

The statement that trump would be inaugurated in March was a lie.

What other so called statements and predictions has that q person made and does anyone know if even one of them were actually true and actually happened?
From what I've seen, Q and the Q nuts just explain away every bad prediction, just like the Trumpsters just explain away those dozens of court losses and the election results.

Which, of course, makes sense, because there is so much overlap between those groups.

I would think a person would get tired of being made a fool.

Only a fool would keep believing someone who has never told them the truth.
I've been married for 30 years today. (-:
This is funny. trump is telling people he will be reinstated as president by August.

Don't know if it will really happen by why wait till august? I'm ready to reinstate him right now.
We'll I'm ready to lock him up in a cell with a Mexican gang hit man who's been watching Salma Hayek nude sex scenes, but I suspect neither of us will get our wish.
But most falsely think it was stolen, yet have no idea how. So yes, you lied when they said they and you want reform. Baldfaced lie. They want rules they think will get republicans more votes, and democrats fewer votes. Period.

Great point. It means all their election reforms aren't about securing the next election, but about how they can get more republican and fewer democratic votes.
It's because they know they lost, and they know they cheated. They have a guilt complex. Trump will haunt them for eternity.
I guess I have to remind you, this isn't the first time it was asked. If the democrats cheated, how come there's no evidence, no witnesses, not even bamboo or watermarks left behind.
I think a fair election would mean more votes for republicans in 2020 and beyond
Changing demographics, the aging of america, and the expanding immigrant populations have plagued the republicans for years now. A fair elections demographics would have the republicans losing, not winning. And unchecked that would be a continuing trend.
This is funny.

trump is telling people he will be reinstated as president by August.

The qanon people believe it too.

His followers and qanon people said trump was going to be reinstated last March too. LOL.

When are you trump and qanon people going to wake up to see you're being lied to? When are you people going to get tired of the lies and being made a fool?

Seriously people, you just can't make this stuff up.

I haven't heard that, where did you?

Although , suppose for a sec that the audits prove Biden's corruption and collusion and Trump legitimately won?

Shouldn't Sleepy Joe abdicate in favor of the Trumpster in such a situation? Theoretically, wouldn't that be the only way to really make the parties whole, if this collusion were proven?

I don't know if it actually will be proven, or what the libs' reaction will be if it comes down that way. I suspect that Biden will try and stay in power. But I could be wrong, he might decide to do the right thing.
That's not how it works in the real world. Hard to tell in orange cloudcuckooland, tho.
You told us in 2016 that there was no way Hillary could lose.
I did? You should show that post in which I said that. I always hold my predictions in and don't share. Oh wait. You're lying again, aren't you?
I'm still waiting for you to show us the Bible Scripture that says God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of inhospitality, you lying queer clown.

Read the story.. Its a morality tale..The cities of the plain no longer existed by the time of Abraham.
By the time of the return of Jesus Christ there will be none of the following:

No Islam
No Homosexuality
No Gender
No Pornography
No Beating your Womenz
No Making your Womenz wear Potato Sacks from Head to Toe
Now Chopping off Heads
No Throwing the Geigh off of tall buildings
No Allah-Satan
No Koran.

There also won't be folks like you or the media, or Q spreading lies.

We're not the ones spreading lies, Tree. That would be YOU. Not posting porn this week? Back to your hellfire and brimstone routine.

Not buying it. For a "righteous man" you spend too much time lying.
This is funny.

trump is telling people he will be reinstated as president by August.

The qanon people believe it too.

His followers and qanon people said trump was going to be reinstated last March too. LOL.

When are you trump and qanon people going to wake up to see you're being lied to? When are you people going to get tired of the lies and being made a fool?

Seriously people, you just can't make this stuff up.

I haven't heard that, where did you?

Although , suppose for a sec that the audits prove Biden's corruption and collusion and Trump legitimately won?

Shouldn't Sleepy Joe abdicate in favor of the Trumpster in such a situation? Theoretically, wouldn't that be the only way to really make the parties whole, if this collusion were proven?

I don't know if it actually will be proven, or what the libs' reaction will be if it comes down that way. I suspect that Biden will try and stay in power. But I could be wrong, he might decide to do the right thing.
That's not how it works in the real world. Hard to tell in orange cloudcuckooland, tho.
You told us in 2016 that there was no way Hillary could lose.
I did? You should show that post in which I said that. I always hold my predictions in and don't share. Oh wait. You're lying again, aren't you?
I'm still waiting for you to show us the Bible Scripture that says God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of inhospitality, you lying queer clown.

Read the story.. Its a morality tale..The cities of the plain no longer existed by the time of Abraham.
By the time of the return of Jesus Christ there will be none of the following:

No Islam
No Homosexuality
No Gender
No Pornography
No Beating your Womenz
No Making your Womenz wear Potato Sacks from Head to Toe
No Chopping off Heads
No Throwing the Geigh off of tall buildings
No Allah-Satan
No Koran.

There also won't be folks like you or the media, or Q spreading lies.

We're not the ones spreading lies, Tree. That would be YOU. Not posting porn this week? Back to your hellfire and brimstone routine.

Not buying it. For a "righteous man" you spend too much time lying.
You were born a liar and will die a liar. Stop lying. There won't be any of that or any of you if you continue to do so in the next world.

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