Trump Has The Edge Because...

he's got the mo, he's got the masses, he's attracting a new class of voters, he's attracting the biggest crowds by far, he's gonna wipe the floor with hillary rodham clinton.

trump's dominant. TRUMP'S DOMINANT!

And there goes another splatter all over the keyboard.

Clean that up and close your fly.
we're gonna do things that are so amazing. it's a movement. we're taking our country back. we're gonna get rid of the stupid people. we have leaders who don't have a clue. we have leaders who don't have a clue. with trump we are gonna make america great again.
I do like Trump a lot, but i have my serious doubts about him winning. Most Americans don't want an honest confident leader. They instead want a PC liar who promises more Freebies. They don't want truth. They wanna be lied to. And then they want their Freebies.

It's big uphill struggle for any Republican Candidate these days. But hey, i wish Trump the best. He's a strong honest leader. He's exactly what our country needs.
I do like Trump a lot, but i have my serious doubts about him winning. Most Americans don't want an honest confident leader. They instead want a PC liar who promises more Freebies. They don't want truth. They wanna be lied to. And then they want their Freebies.

It's big uphill struggle for any Republican Candidate these days. But hey, i wish Trump the best. He's a strong honest leader. He's exactly what our country needs.
Many people stayed home the last time but they now see that Trump is not Romney and he's not a wimp who will let the Democrats walk all over him like Romney or McCain would have done. I expect to see a much bigger turnout this time.
Trump is not the destruction of the Republican Party, he is the SALVATION of the Republican Party.

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