Trump Has The Edge Because...

when the media said, "Trump has hit his ceiling," I don't think THIS is what they had in mind...

Sell-out crowds everywhere he has a rally. Hillary has to bus her paid supporters in and not let the cameras pan the room because there aren't enough people to consider them a crowd. Trump looks more presidential every day while Hillary looks more desperate and dishonest every day. Does Trump have the edge? Damn right he does.
according to a CNBC poll, Donald J Trump will draw the largest voter turnout in the history of presidential elections. just look at the debate ratings!
we are going to take our country back. we've lost our country. we're going to take it back.
Trump understands life. He predicted Bin Laden would attack the WTC.

Trump understands life.
when lobbyists come to Donald Trump, forget it folks, they don't have a chance. they don't have a chance.
we need to strengthen our military, help our vets, stand up to our enemies, deter illegal immigration, rebuild our infrastructure, revamp our tax code, revamp our educational system, rip apart obamacare, grow jobs, cut spending, cut regulations, kill TPA, reinvigorate the American dream & give our country back to the people!
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if we create the proper tax climate & cut the endless red tape restricting American business large & small, then we'll have a real job resurgence, which will help to create full employment.

Full employment means we don't have 20% of the population either out of work or underemployed.

Full employment means that every new worker can feel good about going home to his family with the pride of having done a hard day's work.

Full employment benefits unions & employers, together they can rebuild our country's infrastructure.

Full employment means that people who are now mortgaged beyond their means can get out from under the oppressive burden of worrying if their homes are secure. As credit loosens up from banks, the new & renovated housing industries will boom as well.

Full employment! Full employment! Full employment!

We can rise again!

Our time is here! The potential is amazing!

Because of our people, American's best days are still to come! Together we can MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

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