Trump Has The Edge Because...

He's funding his own campaign. What makes a candidate drop out of the race is his donors. If they think he won't win, they'll stop sending him money. Trump won't run into the same problems others do when their donations start slowing down. Laying off staff, skipping smaller events (and losing those votes), being able to afford tv ads, radio ads, etc.
In addition to having unlimited funds, he has the advantage of being able to truthfully say "I'm not beholden to anybody". This will help Trump tremendously if he gets the nomination. His Democrat opponent won't be able to say the same thing, including Sanders.
Most people would agree that we need somebody like Trump who can't be bought. This will start to resonate as the field narrows and will be a major issue in the general.
What are your thoughts on this?

My thought is that you need to wake up and smell the bullshit on this subject.

Donald Trump just filed an incredible campaign-finance report

That's just for starters. Are you really so naïve and/or drunk as to believe that 1) Trump can get by on free media coverage just because he spouts outrageous bombast all the way to the White House, or 2) that's he's going to liquidate his entire fortune just to become President?

The mainstream media has been having a rollicking good time in the primaries, reporting Trump's shenanigans, but one of two things is going to happen if he becomes the nominee: they're either going to switch to every article being a full-on attack piece, or they're going to come up with a buttload of excuses not to cover him at all. There is no way in hell they're going to allow themselves to be used as free advertising when Trump's opponent is the Democrat nominee, instead of other Republicans.

Furthermore, Hillary Clinton and her Super PACs are projecting spending of at least $3 billion dollars, for get-out-the-vote drives, staffing and campaign infrastructure - which she's already begun to build - in swing states, wall-to-wall advertising . . . That's about what Donald Trump is personally worth, most of which is tied up in assets. Again, is he really going to liquidate and spend everything he has? He's sure not going to beat that just by running his mouth and being outrageously offensive in the MSM.

And what's it going to do to his support when he has to reverse course, after making a mortal sin out of normal and inevitable campaign behavior?
We'll see when he has to start spending serious money.

He's been getting a free ride from the networks since he's a ratings machine. But when the campaign starts for real, will he buy air time to counter the barrage of attack ads that are coming or hire the infrastructure needed to run a national campaign? A national campaign costs nearly $1 billion. Will he really spend that type of money, or even half that?

Trump doesn't have $10 billion. Most of that is what he thinks his brand is worth which he can't monetize. His liquid net worth is much, much less.
He makes $400 million a year. He'll still be a billionaire regardless of how much he spends on this campaign.

No, he won't, because in order to personally finance this campaign in the amounts he would need, he'd have to divest himself of essentially all of the assets that make him $400 million a year. He'd have no income generators left.
Why don't you post the entire page? Here's what you left out.

By clicking "Contribute" I certify that the following statements are true and accurate:

  1. This contribution is made from my personal funds and is not drawn on an account maintained by a corporation, labor union, or national bank, and
  2. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident and this contribution will not be reimbursed by another person.
$2,700 is the maximum amount an individual may give for the PRIMARY election to Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.

$5,400 is the maximum amount a couple may give combined for the PRIMARY election to Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. If a joint contribution is made, both individuals must be listed as account holders or both must sign the check.

Contributions to Donald J. Trump for President, Inc are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

Donald J. Trump for President, Inc can also take contributions for the general election at this time. An individual may give $5,400 combined for the primary and general elections. A couple may give $10,800 combined for the primary and general elections.

Taking small donations from individuals who believe in his candidacy and want to contribute is not the same as taking money from big business (like everyone else does), or foreign governments (like the Democrats do) that would make him beholden to them. Don't know if you understand the difference or if you even want to acknowledge there is a difference. Probably both.

Ooh, goalpost-moving. First we have "self-funding", now we have "they're just SMALL donations".

Mind you, there's nothing wrong with taking donations to a campaign . . . unless you and your screeching lunatic followers have been making a big huge issue out of NOT taking ANY donations and being totally self-funding. At that point, it makes you a hypocrite, a liar, or both.
You libs ever hear of "disclosure"? The candidates have to make available who their donors are. Show me where Trump has accepted money from lobbyists, special interest groups, or big business. Since you are all experts in this field, it should be easy.

Show US where you made it about JUST donations from "lobbyists, special interest groups, or big business".

This was the first sentence of YOUR first post, was it not?

He's funding his own campaign.

Well, is he, or isn't he?

And by the way, Donald Trump IS "big business". Any personal money he puts into his campaign is, by definition, from "big business". He's practically a special interest group all by himself. Check his policy stances, and you'll see that they're all heavily skewed in favor of big business and corporations, donations or not. So what the hell difference does it make if he takes donations from his own incorporated self, or other corporations?
He's funding his own campaign. What makes a candidate drop out of the race is his donors. If they think he won't win, they'll stop sending him money. Trump won't run into the same problems others do when their donations start slowing down. Laying off staff, skipping smaller events (and losing those votes), being able to afford tv ads, radio ads, etc.
In addition to having unlimited funds, he has the advantage of being able to truthfully say "I'm not beholden to anybody". This will help Trump tremendously if he gets the nomination. His Democrat opponent won't be able to say the same thing, including Sanders.
Most people would agree that we need somebody like Trump who can't be bought. This will start to resonate as the field narrows and will be a major issue in the general.
What are your thoughts on this?
Ahhhh, so now sending money is not the voice of people, voice of individuals?

Maybe we should kill all campaign donations and let them use the presidential fund only... since donating money to your candidate is evil now?

This is why the big money party (the GOP) says corporations are people. Ms. Exxon can give money, their cousin, Ms. Mobil can too, etc...

Wrong as usual on every single level, sow. At least you're consistent.
Furthermore, Hillary Clinton and her Super PACs are projecting spending of at least $3 billion dollars, for get-out-the-vote drives, staffing and campaign infrastructure - which she's already begun to build - in swing states, wall-to-wall advertising . . .
You seem to be forgetting something. Hillary is not going to get new votes. No one trusts her or believes anything she says. Her numbers will not go up, they'll only go down. She can spend $30 billion and it won't move her numbers up. It's not like she's new on the political scene, everyone already knows her record and they know her dishonesty. The best she can hope for is holding onto the what she already has, and the fact that Bernie Sanders is leading her in N.H. by double digits is indicative of how weak her support is and how easy it'll be for Trump (or any other candidate) to win them over. People are looking to change the status quo, and Hillary represents the status quo. The only reason the polls show her beating Trump is because the election is a year away. At this point in 1980, Carter was the beating Reagan in the polls decisively.
we're gonna bring our jobs back, we're gonna strengthen our military, we're gonna take care of our vets.

trump will knock out obama's executive orders so fast your head will spin!

All very nice promises. Now, HOW is he going to manage to do these things is what I'm concerned with.
Are you equally concerned about Hillary keeping any of her promises?

Yes, because if she's not cuckoo for Trump, she MUST be big a Hillary supporter. Those are the only two choices, because Trumpites own conservatism, and there is nothing in the universe but TRUMP!

Contemplate adjusting your meds and getting over your contact high from Trump's hubris, would you please, Looney Tunes?
we're gonna bring our jobs back, we're gonna strengthen our military, we're gonna take care of our vets.

trump will knock out obama's executive orders so fast your head will spin!

All very nice promises. Now, HOW is he going to manage to do these things is what I'm concerned with.
Are you equally concerned about Hillary keeping any of her promises?

Yes, because if she's not cuckoo for Trump, she MUST be big a Hillary supporter. Those are the only two choices, because Trumpites own conservatism, and there is nothing in the universe but TRUMP!

Contemplate adjusting your meds and getting over your contact high from Trump's hubris, would you please, Looney Tunes?
Have you ever been able to have a discussion without resorting to childish insults?
Furthermore, Hillary Clinton and her Super PACs are projecting spending of at least $3 billion dollars, for get-out-the-vote drives, staffing and campaign infrastructure - which she's already begun to build - in swing states, wall-to-wall advertising . . .
You seem to be forgetting something. Hillary is not going to get new votes. No one trusts her or believes anything she says. Her numbers will not go up, they'll only go down. She can spend $30 billion and it won't move her numbers up. It's not like she's new on the political scene, everyone already knows her record and they know her dishonesty. The best she can hope for is holding onto the what she already has, and the fact that Bernie Sanders is leading her in N.H. by double digits is indicative of how weak her support is and how easy it'll be for Trump (or any other candidate) to win them over. People are looking to change the status quo, and Hillary represents the status quo. The only reason the polls show her beating Trump is because the election is a year away. At this point in 1980, Carter was the beating Reagan in the polls decisively.

Right, Chuckles. It gets down to just Trump and Hillary, and everyone who isn't supporting Hillary right this second is suddenly going to discover that they LOVE Donald Trump, and create such a landslide that it overbalances North America and California slides into the ocean.

Spare me your fantasies. They're both known quantities, and they both have lousy favorability ratings, so counting on Trump winning simply because Hillary is hated is a fool's game. At best, the majority would just stay home in disgust and Trump and Hillary would end up slap-fighting over the slim pickin's left behind.
Furthermore, Hillary Clinton and her Super PACs are projecting spending of at least $3 billion dollars, for get-out-the-vote drives, staffing and campaign infrastructure - which she's already begun to build - in swing states, wall-to-wall advertising . . .
You seem to be forgetting something. Hillary is not going to get new votes. No one trusts her or believes anything she says. Her numbers will not go up, they'll only go down. She can spend $30 billion and it won't move her numbers up. It's not like she's new on the political scene, everyone already knows her record and they know her dishonesty. The best she can hope for is holding onto the what she already has, and the fact that Bernie Sanders is leading her in N.H. by double digits is indicative of how weak her support is and how easy it'll be for Trump (or any other candidate) to win them over. People are looking to change the status quo, and Hillary represents the status quo. The only reason the polls show her beating Trump is because the election is a year away. At this point in 1980, Carter was the beating Reagan in the polls decisively.

Right, Chuckles. It gets down to just Trump and Hillary, and everyone who isn't supporting Hillary right this second is suddenly going to discover that they LOVE Donald Trump, and create such a landslide that it overbalances North America and California slides into the ocean.

Spare me your fantasies. They're both known quantities, and they both have lousy favorability ratings, so counting on Trump winning simply because Hillary is hated is a fool's game. At best, the majority would just stay home in disgust and Trump and Hillary would end up slap-fighting over the slim pickin's left behind.
Again, child, you're wrong. Hillary is a known quantity, Trump is not. He's never held public office so no one knows how he will govern. You may THINK you know but you don't. You are too immature to reason like an adult.
we're gonna bring our jobs back, we're gonna strengthen our military, we're gonna take care of our vets.

trump will knock out obama's executive orders so fast your head will spin!

All very nice promises. Now, HOW is he going to manage to do these things is what I'm concerned with.
Are you equally concerned about Hillary keeping any of her promises?

Yes, because if she's not cuckoo for Trump, she MUST be big a Hillary supporter. Those are the only two choices, because Trumpites own conservatism, and there is nothing in the universe but TRUMP!

Contemplate adjusting your meds and getting over your contact high from Trump's hubris, would you please, Looney Tunes?
Have you ever been able to have a discussion without resorting to childish insults?

When I'm talking to someone intelligent who's deserving of my respect, absolutely. You don't qualify on either point, and won't until you do something about the fact that every time you hear Trump's name, your eyes start spinning in opposite directions and drool starts dribbling down your slack jaw, fanboy.
we're gonna bring our jobs back, we're gonna strengthen our military, we're gonna take care of our vets.

trump will knock out obama's executive orders so fast your head will spin!

All very nice promises. Now, HOW is he going to manage to do these things is what I'm concerned with.
Are you equally concerned about Hillary keeping any of her promises?

Yes, because if she's not cuckoo for Trump, she MUST be big a Hillary supporter. Those are the only two choices, because Trumpites own conservatism, and there is nothing in the universe but TRUMP!

Contemplate adjusting your meds and getting over your contact high from Trump's hubris, would you please, Looney Tunes?
Have you ever been able to have a discussion without resorting to childish insults?

When I'm talking to someone intelligent who's deserving of my respect, absolutely. You don't qualify on either point, and won't until you do something about the fact that every time you hear Trump's name, your eyes start spinning in opposite directions and drool starts dribbling down your slack jaw, fanboy.
Thank you, you just proved me right (again). Now go hump somebody else's leg.
Furthermore, Hillary Clinton and her Super PACs are projecting spending of at least $3 billion dollars, for get-out-the-vote drives, staffing and campaign infrastructure - which she's already begun to build - in swing states, wall-to-wall advertising . . .
You seem to be forgetting something. Hillary is not going to get new votes. No one trusts her or believes anything she says. Her numbers will not go up, they'll only go down. She can spend $30 billion and it won't move her numbers up. It's not like she's new on the political scene, everyone already knows her record and they know her dishonesty. The best she can hope for is holding onto the what she already has, and the fact that Bernie Sanders is leading her in N.H. by double digits is indicative of how weak her support is and how easy it'll be for Trump (or any other candidate) to win them over. People are looking to change the status quo, and Hillary represents the status quo. The only reason the polls show her beating Trump is because the election is a year away. At this point in 1980, Carter was the beating Reagan in the polls decisively.

Right, Chuckles. It gets down to just Trump and Hillary, and everyone who isn't supporting Hillary right this second is suddenly going to discover that they LOVE Donald Trump, and create such a landslide that it overbalances North America and California slides into the ocean.

Spare me your fantasies. They're both known quantities, and they both have lousy favorability ratings, so counting on Trump winning simply because Hillary is hated is a fool's game. At best, the majority would just stay home in disgust and Trump and Hillary would end up slap-fighting over the slim pickin's left behind.
Again, child, you're wrong. Hillary is a known quantity, Trump is not. He's never held public office so no one knows how he will govern. You may THINK you know but you don't. You are too immature to reason like an adult.

You think "known quantity" is just about having held office? Damn, you get dumber by the second, don't you, fanboy? "Known quantity" is about people knowing who he is, what he's about, and whether or not they like him. Hillary was a known quantity before her husband ever left the White House. And Donald Trump is most certainly a known quantity.

You may THINK I don't know, but that's just because you're the GOP version of the Obama-bots. A Trump-ette, perhaps.
All very nice promises. Now, HOW is he going to manage to do these things is what I'm concerned with.
Are you equally concerned about Hillary keeping any of her promises?

Yes, because if she's not cuckoo for Trump, she MUST be big a Hillary supporter. Those are the only two choices, because Trumpites own conservatism, and there is nothing in the universe but TRUMP!

Contemplate adjusting your meds and getting over your contact high from Trump's hubris, would you please, Looney Tunes?
Have you ever been able to have a discussion without resorting to childish insults?

When I'm talking to someone intelligent who's deserving of my respect, absolutely. You don't qualify on either point, and won't until you do something about the fact that every time you hear Trump's name, your eyes start spinning in opposite directions and drool starts dribbling down your slack jaw, fanboy.
Thank you, you just proved me right (again). Now go hump somebody else's leg.

Uh huh. Like we don't all know that you would have considered anything I said to be "proof that you're right".

If having to hear any opinions other than your rhapsodies about Trump's wonderfulness is too much for you, you're dismissed to go fap to his picture some more. I have every intention of remaining right here and pointing out how pitifully bamboozled you starry-eyed Trump-ettes are.
While the fanboys - hopefully - mop up their spooge from having discussed Trump the Magnificent and his magical polls, I would like to point out that the oddsmakers in Vegas and elsewhere have always done a better job of predicting Presidential elections than polls and pundits ever have. And they have it as Rubio, Cruz, Trump, and Bush right now. They also, at the moment, have Hillary at a 55% chance of winning the general election. This last, of course, will likely change when the GOP field settles into one candidate.
he's got the mo, he's got the masses, he's attracting a new class of voters, he's attracting the biggest crowds by far, he's gonna wipe the floor with hillary rodham clinton.

trump's dominant. TRUMP'S DOMINANT!

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