Trump Has Worn Us All Out

Until now it has been unclear to me precisely how Trump ends. His manifestly rotten character hasnā€™t alienated his supporters, who are all too ready with rationalizations and fluent in trade-offs. Theyā€™re also unbothered by many of his missteps, because he has sold those to a cynical electorate as media fables and rivalsā€™ fabrications. Heā€™s so enterprising and assiduous at pointing the finger elsewhere that many voters have lost their bearings. Defeat is victory. Oppressors are liberators. Corruption is caring. Mar-a-Loco is Shangri-La.


ā€œEven Trumpā€™s Supporters Are Getting Tired of His Daily Dramaā€ was the headline on Jim Geraghtyā€™s Monday column in National Review, which sometimes travels fantastically creative routes to reach the sunny side of Trump.


He linked to a lament by the conservative writer Rod Dreher, who, he noted, ā€œis exhausted from the president behaving like ā€˜a clown who refuses to meet with the prime minister of Denmark because she wonā€™t sell him Greenland.ā€™ā€


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if voters consciously or subconsciously conclude that they just canā€™t continue to live like this and that four more years would be ruinous, if not to the country as a whole, then to our individual psyches. By the time Election Day rolls around, they may crave nothing more electric than stability and serenity. That wouldnā€™t be a bad Democratic bumper sticker. Itā€™s essentially the message of Joe Bidenā€™s campaign.

Donald Trump Has Worn Us All Out

We can only hope that Frank Bruni is correct.

100% fake news. Trump is winning, America is winning, and none of us are tired of winning.
I just hope that whomever our next President is, they can and will comport themselves with dignity, intelligence, respect and maturity.

At least HALF of the time. I'll settle for THAT.

I never would have worried about that until now, but I just don't want this administration to be normalized going forward.
/ā€”-/ Oh you mean you hope heā€™s a spineless sap who rolls over for the left and foreign dictators. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Yes, those are the only two possible things a responsible, intelligent adult can be.

Either a spineless sap who rolls over for the left and foreign dictators, or an embarrassing buffoon who acts like a spoiled eight year old brat.

That's it. It can only be one of those two things.

I think you're really nailed it there.
/----/ Show us a democRAT who can do this and even more in his / her first 2 1/2 years.
President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments List | MAGA PILL
What a joke list. Oh he went to North Korea. And got what out of it? Nothing! Just like the rest of his "accomplishments".

You still paying for Obama care?

I just hope that whomever our next President is, they can and will comport themselves with dignity, intelligence, respect and maturity.

At least HALF of the time. I'll settle for THAT.

I never would have worried about that until now, but I just don't want this administration to be normalized going forward.
/ā€”-/ Oh you mean you hope heā€™s a spineless sap who rolls over for the left and foreign dictators. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Yes, those are the only two possible things a responsible, intelligent adult can be.

Either a spineless sap who rolls over for the left and foreign dictators, or an embarrassing buffoon who acts like a spoiled eight year old brat.

That's it. It can only be one of those two things.

I think you're really nailed it there.
/----/ Show us a democRAT who can do this and even more in his / her first 2 1/2 years.
President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments List | MAGA PILL
What a joke list. Oh he went to North Korea. And got what out of it? Nothing! Just like the rest of his "accomplishments".
/----/ "Oh he went to North Korea."
Which is far more than Obozo or SoS Hildabeast ever did. They just paid Un a few billion to keep him quiet. Some foreign policy. And that's all you git from the list?
And it did nothing! Guy is still testing missiles. Failure.
I just hope that whomever our next President is, they can and will comport themselves with dignity, intelligence, respect and maturity.

At least HALF of the time. I'll settle for THAT.

I never would have worried about that until now, but I just don't want this administration to be normalized going forward.
/ā€”-/ Oh you mean you hope heā€™s a spineless sap who rolls over for the left and foreign dictators. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Yes, those are the only two possible things a responsible, intelligent adult can be.

Either a spineless sap who rolls over for the left and foreign dictators, or an embarrassing buffoon who acts like a spoiled eight year old brat.

That's it. It can only be one of those two things.

I think you're really nailed it there.
/----/ Show us a democRAT who can do this and even more in his / her first 2 1/2 years.
President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments List | MAGA PILL
What a joke list. Oh he went to North Korea. And got what out of it? Nothing! Just like the rest of his "accomplishments".

You still paying for Obama care?
I'm waiting for trump to give us the best healthcare like he promised. Where is it?
/ā€”-/ Oh you mean you hope heā€™s a spineless sap who rolls over for the left and foreign dictators. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Yes, those are the only two possible things a responsible, intelligent adult can be.

Either a spineless sap who rolls over for the left and foreign dictators, or an embarrassing buffoon who acts like a spoiled eight year old brat.

That's it. It can only be one of those two things.

I think you're really nailed it there.
/----/ Show us a democRAT who can do this and even more in his / her first 2 1/2 years.
President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments List | MAGA PILL
What a joke list. Oh he went to North Korea. And got what out of it? Nothing! Just like the rest of his "accomplishments".

You still paying for Obama care?
I'm waiting for trump to give us the best healthcare like he promised. Where is it?

You sick?
Until now it has been unclear to me precisely how Trump ends. His manifestly rotten character hasnā€™t alienated his supporters, who are all too ready with rationalizations and fluent in trade-offs. Theyā€™re also unbothered by many of his missteps, because he has sold those to a cynical electorate as media fables and rivalsā€™ fabrications. Heā€™s so enterprising and assiduous at pointing the finger elsewhere that many voters have lost their bearings. Defeat is victory. Oppressors are liberators. Corruption is caring. Mar-a-Loco is Shangri-La.


ā€œEven Trumpā€™s Supporters Are Getting Tired of His Daily Dramaā€ was the headline on Jim Geraghtyā€™s Monday column in National Review, which sometimes travels fantastically creative routes to reach the sunny side of Trump.


He linked to a lament by the conservative writer Rod Dreher, who, he noted, ā€œis exhausted from the president behaving like ā€˜a clown who refuses to meet with the prime minister of Denmark because she wonā€™t sell him Greenland.ā€™ā€


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if voters consciously or subconsciously conclude that they just canā€™t continue to live like this and that four more years would be ruinous, if not to the country as a whole, then to our individual psyches. By the time Election Day rolls around, they may crave nothing more electric than stability and serenity. That wouldnā€™t be a bad Democratic bumper sticker. Itā€™s essentially the message of Joe Bidenā€™s campaign.

Donald Trump Has Worn Us All Out

We can only hope that Frank Bruni is correct.

You've been worn out since the day after Hillary lost.
You have since entered the 'unhinged zone' like most of your ilk. :blues:
Trump will wear us all out

Search Results
Web results
84 Environmental Rules Being Rolled Back Under Trump - The New ... ā€ŗ climate ā€ŗ trump-environment-rollbacks

A comprehensive list of environmental policies the Trump administration has targeted, ... Our list represents two types of policy changes: rules that were officially ..... 83. Proposed withdrawing efficiency standards for residential furnaces and ...
Curbs on Methane, Potent Greenhouse Gas, to Be Relaxed in U.S. ... ā€ŗ 2019/08/29 ā€ŗ climate ā€ŗ epa-methane-greenhouse...

2 days ago - E.P.A. officials said the new methane rule, which would replace one from ... the proposal as a major setback in the effort to fight climate change.
/---/ It's about time someone had the balls to roll back these draconian rules.
Yeah cell who needs clean air and water , especially not our kids in the future when we'll be living below ground because the heat will be so outrageous
Until now it has been unclear to me precisely how Trump ends. His manifestly rotten character hasnā€™t alienated his supporters, who are all too ready with rationalizations and fluent in trade-offs. Theyā€™re also unbothered by many of his missteps, because he has sold those to a cynical electorate as media fables and rivalsā€™ fabrications. Heā€™s so enterprising and assiduous at pointing the finger elsewhere that many voters have lost their bearings. Defeat is victory. Oppressors are liberators. Corruption is caring. Mar-a-Loco is Shangri-La.


ā€œEven Trumpā€™s Supporters Are Getting Tired of His Daily Dramaā€ was the headline on Jim Geraghtyā€™s Monday column in National Review, which sometimes travels fantastically creative routes to reach the sunny side of Trump.


He linked to a lament by the conservative writer Rod Dreher, who, he noted, ā€œis exhausted from the president behaving like ā€˜a clown who refuses to meet with the prime minister of Denmark because she wonā€™t sell him Greenland.ā€™ā€


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if voters consciously or subconsciously conclude that they just canā€™t continue to live like this and that four more years would be ruinous, if not to the country as a whole, then to our individual psyches. By the time Election Day rolls around, they may crave nothing more electric than stability and serenity. That wouldnā€™t be a bad Democratic bumper sticker. Itā€™s essentially the message of Joe Bidenā€™s campaign.

Donald Trump Has Worn Us All Out

We can only hope that Frank Bruni is correct.

You've been worn out since the day after Hillary lost.
You have since entered the 'unhinged zone' like most of your ilk. :blues:
Trump will wear us all out

Search Results
Web results
84 Environmental Rules Being Rolled Back Under Trump - The New ... ā€ŗ climate ā€ŗ trump-environment-rollbacks

A comprehensive list of environmental policies the Trump administration has targeted, ... Our list represents two types of policy changes: rules that were officially ..... 83. Proposed withdrawing efficiency standards for residential furnaces and ...
Curbs on Methane, Potent Greenhouse Gas, to Be Relaxed in U.S. ... ā€ŗ 2019/08/29 ā€ŗ climate ā€ŗ epa-methane-greenhouse...

2 days ago - E.P.A. officials said the new methane rule, which would replace one from ... the proposal as a major setback in the effort to fight climate change.
/---/ It's about time someone had the balls to roll back these draconian rules.
Yeah cell who needs clean air and water , especially not our kids in the future when we'll be living below ground because the heat will be so outrageous
Yes, those are the only two possible things a responsible, intelligent adult can be.

Either a spineless sap who rolls over for the left and foreign dictators, or an embarrassing buffoon who acts like a spoiled eight year old brat.

That's it. It can only be one of those two things.

I think you're really nailed it there.
/----/ Show us a democRAT who can do this and even more in his / her first 2 1/2 years.
President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments List | MAGA PILL
What a joke list. Oh he went to North Korea. And got what out of it? Nothing! Just like the rest of his "accomplishments".

You still paying for Obama care?
I'm waiting for trump to give us the best healthcare like he promised. Where is it?

You sick?
Another broken promise eh? They are many.
Until now it has been unclear to me precisely how Trump ends. His manifestly rotten character hasnā€™t alienated his supporters, who are all too ready with rationalizations and fluent in trade-offs. Theyā€™re also unbothered by many of his missteps, because he has sold those to a cynical electorate as media fables and rivalsā€™ fabrications. Heā€™s so enterprising and assiduous at pointing the finger elsewhere that many voters have lost their bearings. Defeat is victory. Oppressors are liberators. Corruption is caring. Mar-a-Loco is Shangri-La.


ā€œEven Trumpā€™s Supporters Are Getting Tired of His Daily Dramaā€ was the headline on Jim Geraghtyā€™s Monday column in National Review, which sometimes travels fantastically creative routes to reach the sunny side of Trump.


He linked to a lament by the conservative writer Rod Dreher, who, he noted, ā€œis exhausted from the president behaving like ā€˜a clown who refuses to meet with the prime minister of Denmark because she wonā€™t sell him Greenland.ā€™ā€


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if voters consciously or subconsciously conclude that they just canā€™t continue to live like this and that four more years would be ruinous, if not to the country as a whole, then to our individual psyches. By the time Election Day rolls around, they may crave nothing more electric than stability and serenity. That wouldnā€™t be a bad Democratic bumper sticker. Itā€™s essentially the message of Joe Bidenā€™s campaign.

Donald Trump Has Worn Us All Out

We can only hope that Frank Bruni is correct.

I'm still humored by it. The only way to get me worn out, is if you engage in bad policy, or if you have real scandals.

A completely faked Russian probe is not going to wear me out. Why would it? It was a massive nothing burger, and I knew it was a nothing burger for months before the report even came out.

For my part, I'm enjoying seeing the left-wingers spin and freak out non-stop, and seeing idiots like AOC actually get play in the media with her "we're all dead in 12 years" stuff.

I'm having a blast. This has been by far the most entertaining presidency in my lifetime. The part where Trump called out Omar directly, with his "spare me your fake tears when you hate Israel" tweet? That was classic. That was frame worthy, and should be posted in Time Square for everyone to see.

And just seeing all the lefties freak and start a dozen threads on this forum, every time Trump sneezes. I love it. It's been a good time to be on the right.
This has been by far the most entertaining presidency in my lifetime.
That's the problem right there. Trump is a reality tv show host, and that is why the country voted him in. Well, the Republicans voted for him, too, because they wanted control. But it was all those folks wanting to be entertained by a super rich guy who talks smack on Twitter and has a super hot wife that put Trump over the top.

So in your opinion ~63mil Americans are that simplistic. You're a real winner....
Reading is Fundamental. I suggest you learn how.

I read just fine.
Until now it has been unclear to me precisely how Trump ends. His manifestly rotten character hasnā€™t alienated his supporters, who are all too ready with rationalizations and fluent in trade-offs. Theyā€™re also unbothered by many of his missteps, because he has sold those to a cynical electorate as media fables and rivalsā€™ fabrications. Heā€™s so enterprising and assiduous at pointing the finger elsewhere that many voters have lost their bearings. Defeat is victory. Oppressors are liberators. Corruption is caring. Mar-a-Loco is Shangri-La.


ā€œEven Trumpā€™s Supporters Are Getting Tired of His Daily Dramaā€ was the headline on Jim Geraghtyā€™s Monday column in National Review, which sometimes travels fantastically creative routes to reach the sunny side of Trump.


He linked to a lament by the conservative writer Rod Dreher, who, he noted, ā€œis exhausted from the president behaving like ā€˜a clown who refuses to meet with the prime minister of Denmark because she wonā€™t sell him Greenland.ā€™ā€


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if voters consciously or subconsciously conclude that they just canā€™t continue to live like this and that four more years would be ruinous, if not to the country as a whole, then to our individual psyches. By the time Election Day rolls around, they may crave nothing more electric than stability and serenity. That wouldnā€™t be a bad Democratic bumper sticker. Itā€™s essentially the message of Joe Bidenā€™s campaign.

Donald Trump Has Worn Us All Out

We can only hope that Frank Bruni is correct.

You've been worn out since the day after Hillary lost.
You have since entered the 'unhinged zone' like most of your ilk. :blues:
Trump will wear us all out

Search Results
Web results
84 Environmental Rules Being Rolled Back Under Trump - The New ... ā€ŗ climate ā€ŗ trump-environment-rollbacks

A comprehensive list of environmental policies the Trump administration has targeted, ... Our list represents two types of policy changes: rules that were officially ..... 83. Proposed withdrawing efficiency standards for residential furnaces and ...
Curbs on Methane, Potent Greenhouse Gas, to Be Relaxed in U.S. ... ā€ŗ 2019/08/29 ā€ŗ climate ā€ŗ epa-methane-greenhouse...

2 days ago - E.P.A. officials said the new methane rule, which would replace one from ... the proposal as a major setback in the effort to fight climate change.
/---/ It's about time someone had the balls to roll back these draconian rules.
Yeah cell who needs clean air and water , especially not our kids in the future when we'll be living below ground because the heat will be so outrageous
So you have dirty air? Must live in Detroit
Until now it has been unclear to me precisely how Trump ends. His manifestly rotten character hasnā€™t alienated his supporters, who are all too ready with rationalizations and fluent in trade-offs. Theyā€™re also unbothered by many of his missteps, because he has sold those to a cynical electorate as media fables and rivalsā€™ fabrications. Heā€™s so enterprising and assiduous at pointing the finger elsewhere that many voters have lost their bearings. Defeat is victory. Oppressors are liberators. Corruption is caring. Mar-a-Loco is Shangri-La.


ā€œEven Trumpā€™s Supporters Are Getting Tired of His Daily Dramaā€ was the headline on Jim Geraghtyā€™s Monday column in National Review, which sometimes travels fantastically creative routes to reach the sunny side of Trump.


He linked to a lament by the conservative writer Rod Dreher, who, he noted, ā€œis exhausted from the president behaving like ā€˜a clown who refuses to meet with the prime minister of Denmark because she wonā€™t sell him Greenland.ā€™ā€


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if voters consciously or subconsciously conclude that they just canā€™t continue to live like this and that four more years would be ruinous, if not to the country as a whole, then to our individual psyches. By the time Election Day rolls around, they may crave nothing more electric than stability and serenity. That wouldnā€™t be a bad Democratic bumper sticker. Itā€™s essentially the message of Joe Bidenā€™s campaign.

Donald Trump Has Worn Us All Out

We can only hope that Frank Bruni is correct.

100% fake news. Trump is winning, America is winning, and none of us are tired of winning.
Ever read 1984?
Until now it has been unclear to me precisely how Trump ends. His manifestly rotten character hasnā€™t alienated his supporters, who are all too ready with rationalizations and fluent in trade-offs. Theyā€™re also unbothered by many of his missteps, because he has sold those to a cynical electorate as media fables and rivalsā€™ fabrications. Heā€™s so enterprising and assiduous at pointing the finger elsewhere that many voters have lost their bearings. Defeat is victory. Oppressors are liberators. Corruption is caring. Mar-a-Loco is Shangri-La.


ā€œEven Trumpā€™s Supporters Are Getting Tired of His Daily Dramaā€ was the headline on Jim Geraghtyā€™s Monday column in National Review, which sometimes travels fantastically creative routes to reach the sunny side of Trump.


He linked to a lament by the conservative writer Rod Dreher, who, he noted, ā€œis exhausted from the president behaving like ā€˜a clown who refuses to meet with the prime minister of Denmark because she wonā€™t sell him Greenland.ā€™ā€


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if voters consciously or subconsciously conclude that they just canā€™t continue to live like this and that four more years would be ruinous, if not to the country as a whole, then to our individual psyches. By the time Election Day rolls around, they may crave nothing more electric than stability and serenity. That wouldnā€™t be a bad Democratic bumper sticker. Itā€™s essentially the message of Joe Bidenā€™s campaign.

Donald Trump Has Worn Us All Out

We can only hope that Frank Bruni is correct.

You've been worn out since the day after Hillary lost.
You have since entered the 'unhinged zone' like most of your ilk. :blues:
Trump will wear us all out

Search Results
Web results
84 Environmental Rules Being Rolled Back Under Trump - The New ... ā€ŗ climate ā€ŗ trump-environment-rollbacks

A comprehensive list of environmental policies the Trump administration has targeted, ... Our list represents two types of policy changes: rules that were officially ..... 83. Proposed withdrawing efficiency standards for residential furnaces and ...
Curbs on Methane, Potent Greenhouse Gas, to Be Relaxed in U.S. ... ā€ŗ 2019/08/29 ā€ŗ climate ā€ŗ epa-methane-greenhouse...

2 days ago - E.P.A. officials said the new methane rule, which would replace one from ... the proposal as a major setback in the effort to fight climate change.
/---/ It's about time someone had the balls to roll back these draconian rules.
Yeah cell who needs clean air and water , especially not our kids in the future when we'll be living below ground because the heat will be so outrageous
So you have dirty air? Must live in Detroit
6 month on LI and 6 on the ocean in Ft Lauderdale
/----/ Show us a democRAT who can do this and even more in his / her first 2 1/2 years.
President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments List | MAGA PILL
What a joke list. Oh he went to North Korea. And got what out of it? Nothing! Just like the rest of his "accomplishments".

You still paying for Obama care?
I'm waiting for trump to give us the best healthcare like he promised. Where is it?

You sick?
Another broken promise eh? They are many.

There is none by the dear leader


This makes you mad?

Until now it has been unclear to me precisely how Trump ends. His manifestly rotten character hasnā€™t alienated his supporters, who are all too ready with rationalizations and fluent in trade-offs. Theyā€™re also unbothered by many of his missteps, because he has sold those to a cynical electorate as media fables and rivalsā€™ fabrications. Heā€™s so enterprising and assiduous at pointing the finger elsewhere that many voters have lost their bearings. Defeat is victory. Oppressors are liberators. Corruption is caring. Mar-a-Loco is Shangri-La.


ā€œEven Trumpā€™s Supporters Are Getting Tired of His Daily Dramaā€ was the headline on Jim Geraghtyā€™s Monday column in National Review, which sometimes travels fantastically creative routes to reach the sunny side of Trump.


He linked to a lament by the conservative writer Rod Dreher, who, he noted, ā€œis exhausted from the president behaving like ā€˜a clown who refuses to meet with the prime minister of Denmark because she wonā€™t sell him Greenland.ā€™ā€


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if voters consciously or subconsciously conclude that they just canā€™t continue to live like this and that four more years would be ruinous, if not to the country as a whole, then to our individual psyches. By the time Election Day rolls around, they may crave nothing more electric than stability and serenity. That wouldnā€™t be a bad Democratic bumper sticker. Itā€™s essentially the message of Joe Bidenā€™s campaign.

Donald Trump Has Worn Us All Out

We can only hope that Frank Bruni is correct.

I'm still humored by it. The only way to get me worn out, is if you engage in bad policy, or if you have real scandals.

A completely faked Russian probe is not going to wear me out. Why would it? It was a massive nothing burger, and I knew it was a nothing burger for months before the report even came out.

For my part, I'm enjoying seeing the left-wingers spin and freak out non-stop, and seeing idiots like AOC actually get play in the media with her "we're all dead in 12 years" stuff.

I'm having a blast. This has been by far the most entertaining presidency in my lifetime. The part where Trump called out Omar directly, with his "spare me your fake tears when you hate Israel" tweet? That was classic. That was frame worthy, and should be posted in Time Square for everyone to see.

And just seeing all the lefties freak and start a dozen threads on this forum, every time Trump sneezes. I love it. It's been a good time to be on the right.
This has been by far the most entertaining presidency in my lifetime.
That's the problem right there. Trump is a reality tv show host, and that is why the country voted him in. Well, the Republicans voted for him, too, because they wanted control. But it was all those folks wanting to be entertained by a super rich guy who talks smack on Twitter and has a super hot wife that put Trump over the top.

So in your opinion ~63mil Americans are that simplistic. You're a real winner....
Reading is Fundamental. I suggest you learn how.

I read just fine.
Yes ,,but your problem is thinking .
Trump Has Worn Us All Out

The worthless liberals and Democrats are the real threat, it takes time to get rid of rats, Trump continues to impress ,he stands up to the worthless Demorats.
What a joke list. Oh he went to North Korea. And got what out of it? Nothing! Just like the rest of his "accomplishments".

You still paying for Obama care?
I'm waiting for trump to give us the best healthcare like he promised. Where is it?

You sick?
Another broken promise eh? They are many.

There is none by the dear leader


This makes you mad?

View attachment 276870
Mad? No it makes me laugh. It's a great symbol of his failures.
Until now it has been unclear to me precisely how Trump ends. His manifestly rotten character hasnā€™t alienated his supporters, who are all too ready with rationalizations and fluent in trade-offs. Theyā€™re also unbothered by many of his missteps, because he has sold those to a cynical electorate as media fables and rivalsā€™ fabrications. Heā€™s so enterprising and assiduous at pointing the finger elsewhere that many voters have lost their bearings. Defeat is victory. Oppressors are liberators. Corruption is caring. Mar-a-Loco is Shangri-La.


ā€œEven Trumpā€™s Supporters Are Getting Tired of His Daily Dramaā€ was the headline on Jim Geraghtyā€™s Monday column in National Review, which sometimes travels fantastically creative routes to reach the sunny side of Trump.


He linked to a lament by the conservative writer Rod Dreher, who, he noted, ā€œis exhausted from the president behaving like ā€˜a clown who refuses to meet with the prime minister of Denmark because she wonā€™t sell him Greenland.ā€™ā€


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if voters consciously or subconsciously conclude that they just canā€™t continue to live like this and that four more years would be ruinous, if not to the country as a whole, then to our individual psyches. By the time Election Day rolls around, they may crave nothing more electric than stability and serenity. That wouldnā€™t be a bad Democratic bumper sticker. Itā€™s essentially the message of Joe Bidenā€™s campaign.

Donald Trump Has Worn Us All Out

We can only hope that Frank Bruni is correct.

100% fake news. Trump is winning, America is winning, and none of us are tired of winning.
Ever read 1984?
Yeah and your living proof

images (4).jpeg
You still paying for Obama care?
I'm waiting for trump to give us the best healthcare like he promised. Where is it?

You sick?
Another broken promise eh? They are many.

There is none by the dear leader


This makes you mad?

View attachment 276870
Mad? No it makes me laugh. It's a great symbol of his failures.
No his success.

Which you cry about
Until now it has been unclear to me precisely how Trump ends. His manifestly rotten character hasnā€™t alienated his supporters, who are all too ready with rationalizations and fluent in trade-offs. Theyā€™re also unbothered by many of his missteps, because he has sold those to a cynical electorate as media fables and rivalsā€™ fabrications. Heā€™s so enterprising and assiduous at pointing the finger elsewhere that many voters have lost their bearings. Defeat is victory. Oppressors are liberators. Corruption is caring. Mar-a-Loco is Shangri-La.


ā€œEven Trumpā€™s Supporters Are Getting Tired of His Daily Dramaā€ was the headline on Jim Geraghtyā€™s Monday column in National Review, which sometimes travels fantastically creative routes to reach the sunny side of Trump.


He linked to a lament by the conservative writer Rod Dreher, who, he noted, ā€œis exhausted from the president behaving like ā€˜a clown who refuses to meet with the prime minister of Denmark because she wonā€™t sell him Greenland.ā€™ā€


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if voters consciously or subconsciously conclude that they just canā€™t continue to live like this and that four more years would be ruinous, if not to the country as a whole, then to our individual psyches. By the time Election Day rolls around, they may crave nothing more electric than stability and serenity. That wouldnā€™t be a bad Democratic bumper sticker. Itā€™s essentially the message of Joe Bidenā€™s campaign.

Donald Trump Has Worn Us All Out

We can only hope that Frank Bruni is correct.

Admitting defeat..?

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