Trump Has Worn Us All Out

You care about people no?

Give it to the iRS
Come on bear I was born at night but not last night
I knew that pal

You do all you can to help people..

Its obvious..
Believe it or not I do , sometimes people I've never met
That's why I don't trash you
We know each other another name another board ? Just curious
What a joke list. Oh he went to North Korea. And got what out of it? Nothing! Just like the rest of his "accomplishments".
They swallow what they are fed in their alternate universe.

Pictures are a million wordsView attachment 276874
Yes, that's the one thing you'll have, that's for sure.

All the other claims of success and competence are fantasy.

He destroyed you..

And made you cry.

No, sorry, I'm fine.

I leave the childish emotions to you wingers.
Naw you’re the expert of childish
Until now it has been unclear to me precisely how Trump ends. His manifestly rotten character hasn’t alienated his supporters, who are all too ready with rationalizations and fluent in trade-offs. They’re also unbothered by many of his missteps, because he has sold those to a cynical electorate as media fables and rivals’ fabrications. He’s so enterprising and assiduous at pointing the finger elsewhere that many voters have lost their bearings. Defeat is victory. Oppressors are liberators. Corruption is caring. Mar-a-Loco is Shangri-La.


“Even Trump’s Supporters Are Getting Tired of His Daily Drama” was the headline on Jim Geraghty’s Monday column in National Review, which sometimes travels fantastically creative routes to reach the sunny side of Trump.


He linked to a lament by the conservative writer Rod Dreher, who, he noted, “is exhausted from the president behaving like ‘a clown who refuses to meet with the prime minister of Denmark because she won’t sell him Greenland.’”


I wouldn’t be surprised if voters consciously or subconsciously conclude that they just can’t continue to live like this and that four more years would be ruinous, if not to the country as a whole, then to our individual psyches. By the time Election Day rolls around, they may crave nothing more electric than stability and serenity. That wouldn’t be a bad Democratic bumper sticker. It’s essentially the message of Joe Biden’s campaign.

Donald Trump Has Worn Us All Out

We can only hope that Frank Bruni is correct.
Joe's bumper sticker-Too Tired to Bother You-Biden 202?
He destroyed you..

And made you cry.

No, sorry, I'm fine.

I leave the childish emotions to you wingers.

Then why you playing?
I have no idea what that means.

It's all a game .
Dont play me fool
This is all a game?

Well, I'm glad someone admits it.

Too bad your game affects so many people.

Trigure much?

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