Trump highlights the difference between conservatives and libertarians.

Trumpster "conservatives" pretend to care about limited government and individual liberty, but they really don't. They like bullying others with government just as much as the liberals, they just have a different list of ways they'd like to bully people.

Don't fall for it.
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Liberals and conservatives are nothing alike.

You’ll soon have a Supreme Court eager to endorse conservative authoritarianism.
Yeah... Hopefully the Federal conservative authoritarianism makes it illegal for states to make it illegal to force pronouns. That is... Forced speech.
Trumpsters conservatives pretend to care about limited government and invididual liberty, but they really don't. They like bullying others with government just as much as the liberals, that just have a different list of ways they'd like to bully people.

Don't fall for it.
Example of “bullying”?

Stand for the anthem! Bake the cake! Lay down and let them suffocate you!

I just recall a time, from not too long ago, when conservatives, and even some liberals, cared about freedom - about "live and let live". Now, both sides are invested in bullying the other. Both suck.
More libertarian nonsense.

Necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policy enacted at the behest of the people is neither ‘repressive’ nor at odds with freedom.

Indeed, for more than 60 years liberals have fought against the authoritarianism of conservatives to protect the freedom, rights, and protected liberties of the people – they fought against segregation and discrimination in the 50s, they defended 4th Amendment search and seizure rights, Fifth Amendment due process rights, the 6th Amendment right to counsel, and the 14th Amendment right to equal protection of the law concerning interracial marriage in the 60s, privacy rights in the 70s, immigrant rights in the 80s, and the rights of gay and transgender Americans today.

So stow the liberals and conservative are ‘the same’ BS; it’s a lie – it's as ridiculous as it is wrong.
So stow the liberals and conservative are ‘the same’ BS; it’s a lie – it's as ridiculous as it is wrong.

Agreed. They're not the same. Each wants to bully others in their own special way. But they're both wrong, and I won't support either.
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Trumpsters conservatives pretend to care about limited government and invididual liberty, but they really don't. They like bullying others with government just as much as the liberals, that just have a different list of ways they'd like to bully people.

Don't fall for it.
Example of “bullying”?

Stand for the anthem! Bake the cake! Lay down and let them suffocate you!
Yea! Why can't I kneel for the anthem?
So stow the liberals and conservative are ‘the same’ BS; it’s a lie – it's as ridiculous as it is wrong.

Agreed. They're not the same. Each wants to bully others in their own special way. But they're both wrong, and I won't support either.
So you didn't like Trump? You didn't vote for him this year? Good for you. Thanks by the way.
Trumpster "conservatives" pretend to care about limited government and individual liberty, but they really don't. They like bullying others with government just as much as the liberals, they just have a different list of ways they'd like to bully people.

Don't fall for it.
Like what?

How do "conservatives" want to bully others with government? Examples.

I am not saying you are wrong, just not sure what issue you are focusing on.
I will never vote for any Uber wealthy person to be president ever again and the number of people who believe this is growing fast. Time for the little guy to have a chance.
Trumpster "conservatives" pretend to care about limited government and individual liberty, but they really don't. They like bullying others with government just as much as the liberals, they just have a different list of ways they'd like to bully people.

Don't fall for it.

Conservatives have been frauds for years about limited government and liberty
I wouldn't necessarily call the "conservative" but yes. Those professing their conservatism have been anything but.
So stow the liberals and conservative are ‘the same’ BS; it’s a lie – it's as ridiculous as it is wrong.

Agreed. They're not the same. Each wants to bully others in their own special way. But they're both wrong, and I won't support either.
So you didn't like Trump? You didn't vote for him this year? Good for you. Thanks by the way.
Wish I could return the sentiment. You did vote for one of the bully parties - so I'll be blaming you, rather than thanking you.
Blame me too. I couldn't pull the trigger for Jo Jorgansen because she is NOT a libertarian.

They were fools to let Austin Petersen leave the party.
Trumpster "conservatives" pretend to care about limited government and individual liberty, but they really don't. They like bullying others with government just as much as the liberals, they just have a different list of ways they'd like to bully people.

Don't fall for it.
Like what?

How do "conservatives" want to bully others with government? Examples.

I am not saying you are wrong, just not sure what issue you are focusing on.

Well, right out of the gate, there's the issue we've been butting heads on for weeks - the current Trump movement to impose their version of the fairness doctrine on big tech companies.
So stow the liberals and conservative are ‘the same’ BS; it’s a lie – it's as ridiculous as it is wrong.

Agreed. They're not the same. Each wants to bully others in their own special way. But they're both wrong, and I won't support either.
So you didn't like Trump? You didn't vote for him this year? Good for you. Thanks by the way.
Wish I could return the sentiment. You did vote for one of the bully parties - so I'll be blaming you, rather than thanking you.
Blame me too.
I do. :)
Trumpster "conservatives" pretend to care about limited government and individual liberty, but they really don't. They like bullying others with government just as much as the liberals, they just have a different list of ways they'd like to bully people.

Don't fall for it.
You're one of those forum douchebags who claim to be a libertarian but never supports any libertarian positions.

Isn't that right?
Trumpster "conservatives" pretend to care about limited government and individual liberty, but they really don't. They like bullying others with government just as much as the liberals, they just have a different list of ways they'd like to bully people.

Don't fall for it.
You're one of those forum douchebags who claim to be a libertarian but never supports any libertarian positions.

Isn't that right?

If by "never supports any libertarian positions" you mean "won't ride the Trump crazy train." - yeah. You nailed it!
This is stupid...

Trump increased spending

Obama reduced and kept it flat for 5 years... Trump just ramped the shit up...

How stupid is the premise for this thread...

Next week, Trump had the healthiest diet of any President...
Trumpster "conservatives" pretend to care about limited government and individual liberty, but they really don't. They like bullying others with government just as much as the liberals, they just have a different list of ways they'd like to bully people.

Don't fall for it.
Like what?

How do "conservatives" want to bully others with government? Examples.

I am not saying you are wrong, just not sure what issue you are focusing on.
Prisons (incarceration)

Just a few
Trumpster "conservatives" pretend to care about limited government and individual liberty, but they really don't. They like bullying others with government just as much as the liberals, they just have a different list of ways they'd like to bully people.

Don't fall for it.
Like what?

How do "conservatives" want to bully others with government? Examples.

I am not saying you are wrong, just not sure what issue you are focusing on.

Well, right out of the gate, there's the issue we've been butting heads on for weeks - the current Trump movement to impose their version of the fairness doctrine on big tech companies.
Trump wants to be able to lie and spread Conspiracy Theories on someone else's platform....

They don't like him doing this as they find it undermines American Society and Democracy.. They consider this very bad for business...

This is like me going into bar and roaring that one guy slept with another guys wife (which is not true). Then get offended when refuse service..
Trumpster "conservatives" pretend to care about limited government and individual liberty, but they really don't. They like bullying others with government just as much as the liberals, they just have a different list of ways they'd like to bully people.

Don't fall for it.
Like what?

How do "conservatives" want to bully others with government? Examples.

I am not saying you are wrong, just not sure what issue you are focusing on.

Well, right out of the gate, there's the issue we've been butting heads on for weeks - the current Trump movement to impose their version of the fairness doctrine on big tech companies.
Well, I think we disagree on the characterization. It's not demanding "equal time" or exposure. The Tech companies are using individuals with whom the contract to attract advertisers, but then breach their own terms of service for political purposes. It's a different issue all together.

If big tech wants to shut down certain political views, fine, but the relationship between end user and big tech is contractual and big tech MUST be transparent about who/what they are going to shut down, or be sued.

There is NOTHING about my position on the relationship between big tech and the end user that is anti-liberty.
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Trumpster "conservatives" pretend to care about limited government and individual liberty, but they really don't. They like bullying others with government just as much as the liberals, they just have a different list of ways they'd like to bully people.

Don't fall for it.
Like what?

How do "conservatives" want to bully others with government? Examples.

I am not saying you are wrong, just not sure what issue you are focusing on.
Prisons (incarceration)

Just a few
The only one that would ever raise a question for me is abortion, but I believe there are good-faith argument on both sides of that issue.

War on Drugs - Bullshit authoritarianism. That's why I can't be too far associated with the right.

Gambling - Same.

Prisons - I DO NOT support the administration of justice for profit. It is a cost to society and should not result in profit, for the very reason that we do not want to motivate individuals to manipulate government to incarcerate or otherwise strip rights from other individuals.
Trumpster "conservatives" pretend to care about limited government and individual liberty, but they really don't. They like bullying others with government just as much as the liberals, they just have a different list of ways they'd like to bully people.

Don't fall for it.
Like what?

How do "conservatives" want to bully others with government? Examples.

I am not saying you are wrong, just not sure what issue you are focusing on.

Well, right out of the gate, there's the issue we've been butting heads on for weeks - the current Trump movement to impose their version of the fairness doctrine on big tech companies.
Repealing rule 230 is not "imposing the fiarness doctrine," asshole. It's exactly the opposite. I love the way fake libertarians like you wrap their upport of censhorship in the mantle of supporting free enterprise.

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