Trump:"Hillary and her campaign started the 'birther' mvmt." Now Dems frantically rewriting history

Will liberals finally realize that the ex Secretary of State started the birther movement?

  • No way, they are too stupid to read this article, because they never got past 3rd grade.

    Votes: 11 73.3%
  • Somewhat, after having a night out , binge drinking, they some doubts now about the liberal media.

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Mostly because after 8 years of the lying Obama and the DNC screwing Bernie, i am going with Trump.

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • Even though Trump isnt the best choice, i cant vote for a sick candidate who could die next week.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Progressive just follow orders. Hillary could say she never even knew who Obama was until he tapped her for SecState and they'd HAVE to believe her

"Progressives" believe the evidence- and the evidence is clear- Hillary Clinton never questioned Barack Obama's birth in the United States- and Donald Trump himself- openly and publicly- questioned Barack Obama's place of birth from 2011- 2016.

Birthers of course just believe whatever WND and Breitbart tells them- and of course any Youtube video that claims Obama is a Muslim.

Oddly enough now Birthers want to blame Clinton for Birthers being idiot Birthers.
Sunday, June 27, 2004

Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate

Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations.

The allegations that horrified fellow Republicans and caused his once-promising candidacy to implode in four short days have given Obama a clear lead as Republicans struggled to fetch an alternative.

Ryan’s campaign began to crumble on Monday following the release of embarrassing records from his divorce. In the records, his ex-wife, Boston Public actress Jeri Ryan, said her former husband took her to kinky sex clubs in Paris, New York and New Orleans.


How did Trump get this article written back in 2004?

Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate
Who in America reads the Sunday Standard?

What difference does that make?
If no one here saw it until birthers dug it up, it's not the start of Birtherism.
Sunday, June 27, 2004

Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate

Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations.

The allegations that horrified fellow Republicans and caused his once-promising candidacy to implode in four short days have given Obama a clear lead as Republicans struggled to fetch an alternative.

Ryan’s campaign began to crumble on Monday following the release of embarrassing records from his divorce. In the records, his ex-wife, Boston Public actress Jeri Ryan, said her former husband took her to kinky sex clubs in Paris, New York and New Orleans.


How did Trump get this article written back in 2004?

Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate
Who in America reads the Sunday Standard?

What difference does that make?
If no one here saw it until birthers dug it up, it's not the start of Birtherism.

Like we said, Obama started the Birther movement in his autobiography

Obama: first Birther
Progressive just follow orders. Hillary could say she never even knew who Obama was until he tapped her for SecState and they'd HAVE to believe her

"Progressives" believe the evidence- and the evidence is clear- Hillary Clinton never questioned Barack Obama's birth in the United States- and Donald Trump himself- openly and publicly- questioned Barack Obama's place of birth from 2011- 2016.

Birthers of course just believe whatever WND and Breitbart tells them- and of course any Youtube video that claims Obama is a Muslim.

Oddly enough now Birthers want to blame Clinton for Birthers being idiot Birthers.

Sid Bluemthal never ever heard of Hillary when he was releasing the Obama in Muslim garb pictures!
Sunday, June 27, 2004

Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate

Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations.

The allegations that horrified fellow Republicans and caused his once-promising candidacy to implode in four short days have given Obama a clear lead as Republicans struggled to fetch an alternative.

Ryan’s campaign began to crumble on Monday following the release of embarrassing records from his divorce. In the records, his ex-wife, Boston Public actress Jeri Ryan, said her former husband took her to kinky sex clubs in Paris, New York and New Orleans.


How did Trump get this article written back in 2004?

Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate
Who in America reads the Sunday Standard?

What difference does that make?
If no one here saw it until birthers dug it up, it's not the start of Birtherism.

Like we said, Obama started the Birther movement in his autobiography

Obama: first Birther
Obama never put Kenya as his birthplace in his autobiography.

That you have to lie reveals how retarded your position is. :thup:
Progressive just follow orders. Hillary could say she never even knew who Obama was until he tapped her for SecState and they'd HAVE to believe her

"Progressives" believe the evidence- and the evidence is clear- Hillary Clinton never questioned Barack Obama's birth in the United States- and Donald Trump himself- openly and publicly- questioned Barack Obama's place of birth from 2011- 2016.

Birthers of course just believe whatever WND and Breitbart tells them- and of course any Youtube video that claims Obama is a Muslim.

Oddly enough now Birthers want to blame Clinton for Birthers being idiot Birthers.

Sid Bluemthal never ever heard of Hillary when he was releasing the Obama in Muslim garb pictures!
That has nothing to do with Birtherism.
Progressive just follow orders. Hillary could say she never even knew who Obama was until he tapped her for SecState and they'd HAVE to believe her

"Progressives" believe the evidence- and the evidence is clear- Hillary Clinton never questioned Barack Obama's birth in the United States- and Donald Trump himself- openly and publicly- questioned Barack Obama's place of birth from 2011- 2016.

Birthers of course just believe whatever WND and Breitbart tells them- and of course any Youtube video that claims Obama is a Muslim.

Oddly enough now Birthers want to blame Clinton for Birthers being idiot Birthers.

Sid Bluemthal never ever heard of Hillary when he was releasing the Obama in Muslim garb pictures!

Well Donald Trump certainly had heard of President Obama when Trump decided to become the biggest, fattest Birther from 2011 to a couple of weeks ago.

Did Trump become a Birther because of racism, partisan politics, or just to get the votes of gullible birthers?

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate

Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations.

The allegations that horrified fellow Republicans and caused his once-promising candidacy to implode in four short days have given Obama a clear lead as Republicans struggled to fetch an alternative.

Ryan’s campaign began to crumble on Monday following the release of embarrassing records from his divorce. In the records, his ex-wife, Boston Public actress Jeri Ryan, said her former husband took her to kinky sex clubs in Paris, New York and New Orleans.


How did Trump get this article written back in 2004?

Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate
Who in America reads the Sunday Standard?

What difference does that make?
If no one here saw it until birthers dug it up, it's not the start of Birtherism.

Like we said, Obama started the Birther movement in his autobiography

Obama: first Birther

Barack Obama's autobiography told the world he was born in Hawaii.

If Birthers couldn't lie, they wouldn't be able to post at USMB.
Sunday, June 27, 2004

Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate

Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations.

The allegations that horrified fellow Republicans and caused his once-promising candidacy to implode in four short days have given Obama a clear lead as Republicans struggled to fetch an alternative.

Ryan’s campaign began to crumble on Monday following the release of embarrassing records from his divorce. In the records, his ex-wife, Boston Public actress Jeri Ryan, said her former husband took her to kinky sex clubs in Paris, New York and New Orleans.


How did Trump get this article written back in 2004?

Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate
Who in America reads the Sunday Standard?

What difference does that make?
If no one here saw it until birthers dug it up, it's not the start of Birtherism.

Like we said, Obama started the Birther movement in his autobiography

Obama: first Birther

Barack Obama's autobiography told the world he was born in Hawaii.

If Birthers couldn't lie, they wouldn't be able to post at USMB.
sy, you're an obot, you should educate the folks about doc, and foggy and rc... john woodman.. epictetus .....etc.

sounds like the seven dwarfs. i guess that kinda make miss Orly snow white....

Last edited:
Who in America reads the Sunday Standard?

What difference does that make?
If no one here saw it until birthers dug it up, it's not the start of Birtherism.

Like we said, Obama started the Birther movement in his autobiography

Obama: first Birther

Barack Obama's autobiography told the world he was born in Hawaii.

If Birthers couldn't lie, they wouldn't be able to post at USMB.
sy, you're an obot, you should educate the folks about doc, and foggy and rc... john woodman.. epeticus etc.

Wash I am the opposite of a Birther.

Which means I am smart, rational and very good looking.
Sunday, June 27, 2004

Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate

Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations.

The allegations that horrified fellow Republicans and caused his once-promising candidacy to implode in four short days have given Obama a clear lead as Republicans struggled to fetch an alternative.

Ryan’s campaign began to crumble on Monday following the release of embarrassing records from his divorce. In the records, his ex-wife, Boston Public actress Jeri Ryan, said her former husband took her to kinky sex clubs in Paris, New York and New Orleans.


How did Trump get this article written back in 2004?

Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate
Who in America reads the Sunday Standard?

What difference does that make?
If no one here saw it until birthers dug it up, it's not the start of Birtherism.

Like we said, Obama started the Birther movement in his autobiography

Obama: first Birther

Barack Obama's autobiography told the world he was born in Hawaii.

If Birthers couldn't lie, they wouldn't be able to post at USMB.
everyone lies on usmb.
What difference does that make?
If no one here saw it until birthers dug it up, it's not the start of Birtherism.

Like we said, Obama started the Birther movement in his autobiography

Obama: first Birther

Barack Obama's autobiography told the world he was born in Hawaii.

If Birthers couldn't lie, they wouldn't be able to post at USMB.
sy, you're an obot, you should educate the folks about doc, and foggy and rc... john woodman.. epeticus etc.

Wash I am the opposite of a Birther.

Which means I am smart, rational and very good looking.
then put the mirror down.
Progressive just follow orders. Hillary could say she never even knew who Obama was until he tapped her for SecState and they'd HAVE to believe her

"Progressives" believe the evidence- and the evidence is clear- Hillary Clinton never questioned Barack Obama's birth in the United States- and Donald Trump himself- openly and publicly- questioned Barack Obama's place of birth from 2011- 2016.

Birthers of course just believe whatever WND and Breitbart tells them- and of course any Youtube video that claims Obama is a Muslim.

Oddly enough now Birthers want to blame Clinton for Birthers being idiot Birthers.

Sid Bluemthal never ever heard of Hillary when he was releasing the Obama in Muslim garb pictures!
you might be on to something.
Who in America reads the Sunday Standard?

What difference does that make?
If no one here saw it until birthers dug it up, it's not the start of Birtherism.

Like we said, Obama started the Birther movement in his autobiography

Obama: first Birther

Barack Obama's autobiography told the world he was born in Hawaii.

If Birthers couldn't lie, they wouldn't be able to post at USMB.
everyone lies on usmb.
Then isn't that a lie?
What difference does that make?
If no one here saw it until birthers dug it up, it's not the start of Birtherism.

Like we said, Obama started the Birther movement in his autobiography

Obama: first Birther

Barack Obama's autobiography told the world he was born in Hawaii.

If Birthers couldn't lie, they wouldn't be able to post at USMB.
sy, you're an obot, you should educate the folks about doc, and foggy and rc... john woodman.. epeticus etc.

Wash I am the opposite of a Birther.

Which means I am smart, rational and very good looking.
You're a republican?
Today Donald Trump mentioned that "Hillary and her campaign started the 'birther' movement".

Democrats immediately went ballistic, and started frantically rewriting what he said, almost before the microphone had cooled.

"Trump still says Hillary started the birther movement!!! That's a lie!!!"

No, libbies, Trump said she and her campaign started it.

What actually happened, back in 2008 as Hillary fought a bitter campaign against Barack Obama?

According to The Telegraph, a major newspaper in England:

Birther row began with Hillary Clinton supporters

"...supporters of Hillary Clinton, now Mr Obama’s Secretary of State, are largely to blame for starting it.
It was not until April 2008, at the height of the intensely bitter Democratic presidential primary process, that the touch paper was properly lit.
An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs Clinton, Mr Obama’s main rival for the party’s nomination, thrust a new allegation into the national spotlight — that he had not been born in Hawaii.
“Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy,” it said. “She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth.”

It has never been disproven by any Democrat, fact-checker, or other source, that this Hillary supporter started the "birther" movement that appeared during her campaign.

Democrat have to use subtle changes in what a Republican said, and quietly cut out the "And her campaign" part, to furiously scream and call him a "liar". But in fact, the Dems themselves are the ones lying about what Trump said... as usual.

Keep this in mind before you assume the Democrats are telling the truth. (Good advice for anything a Democrat says, at any time. You'd be surprised how often it turns out they themselves are the ones telling the lies.)

Name the person on the Hillary Campaign that started the Birther conspiracy.

Quote Hillary ever supporting the Birther Conspiracy. In any context. Ever.

You can't. I can quote Trump.
Today Donald Trump mentioned that "Hillary and her campaign started the 'birther' movement".

Democrats immediately went ballistic, and started frantically rewriting what he said, almost before the microphone had cooled.

"Trump still says Hillary started the birther movement!!! That's a lie!!!"

No, libbies, Trump said she and her campaign started it.

What actually happened, back in 2008 as Hillary fought a bitter campaign against Barack Obama?

According to The Telegraph, a major newspaper in England:

Birther row began with Hillary Clinton supporters

"...supporters of Hillary Clinton, now Mr Obama’s Secretary of State, are largely to blame for starting it.
It was not until April 2008, at the height of the intensely bitter Democratic presidential primary process, that the touch paper was properly lit.
An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs Clinton, Mr Obama’s main rival for the party’s nomination, thrust a new allegation into the national spotlight — that he had not been born in Hawaii.
“Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy,” it said. “She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth.”

It has never been disproven by any Democrat, fact-checker, or other source, that this Hillary supporter started the "birther" movement that appeared during her campaign.

Democrat have to use subtle changes in what a Republican said, and quietly cut out the "And her campaign" part, to furiously scream and call him a "liar". But in fact, the Dems themselves are the ones lying about what Trump said... as usual.

Keep this in mind before you assume the Democrats are telling the truth. (Good advice for anything a Democrat says, at any time. You'd be surprised how often it turns out they themselves are the ones telling the lies.)

Name the person on the Hillary Campaign that started the Birther conspiracy.

Quote Hillary ever supporting the Birther Conspiracy. In any context. Ever.

You can't. I can quote Trump.
It is funny how she started it...we know...

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