Trump:"Hillary and her campaign started the 'birther' mvmt." Now Dems frantically rewriting history

Will liberals finally realize that the ex Secretary of State started the birther movement?

  • No way, they are too stupid to read this article, because they never got past 3rd grade.

    Votes: 11 73.3%
  • Somewhat, after having a night out , binge drinking, they some doubts now about the liberal media.

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Mostly because after 8 years of the lying Obama and the DNC screwing Bernie, i am going with Trump.

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • Even though Trump isnt the best choice, i cant vote for a sick candidate who could die next week.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Why do you keep insisting that she played no part in this movement? It was Democrat operatives who started these rumors. Of course she couldn't confront Obama in the public, so she used covert means.

You read the information out from 2008 forward and you can see the question existed in the public forum during Obama's first election against her.

Trump didn't throw his hat in the ring until he tried to recycle it for Romney.

The best part is that Trump isn't running against Obama and no longer gives a shit about it. The only reason that you do is because you are hoping to stir up the Black vote to come out for Hillary but picked a dumb issue because she originated the bullshit, not Trump.

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Idiots! Unthinking a-holes trying to give cover to Trump just ticks me off! You're as culpable and evil if accepting lame excuses over this issue!

The only thing evil is you dirty Hillary supporters who buy her lying line of bullshit. That bitch is going down. She is History and Trump will be a one term President but he will shake up Washington big time and that is what is needed in this country.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
wake up Dorothy you're having that dream again!

Too funny. But I'd rather look forward to a better future than to stick my head in my ass and hope for more corruption under Hillary. That's just a nightmare. That is why she will keep declining in the polls. People know she's a lying piece of shit.

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The lying piece of shit is Donald Trump

From blaming his own Birther lies on Hillary Clinton to lying about President Obama

Trump lied and said he ended the Birther 'controversy' in 2011- yet as late as 2014- even after the State of Hawaii again confirmed Barack Obama was born in Hawaii- Trump the liar was lying about President Obama
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Donald Trump- Birther and Liar- which is redundent.

Donald Trump- who wants people to believe that he was just a gullible idiot fooled by Hillary Clinton.

No, he just doesn't care about the issue any longer because the damage is done. Everyone knows that Obama is a bullshit artist and that is why he spent so much money to seal his records from the public.

Yet here you are making a big deal out of the birther controversy when you never gave a shit about it before. Here you are worrying about if Trump told the truth when you've never demanded the same from Obama or Hillary.

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Idiots! Unthinking a-holes trying to give cover to Trump just ticks me off! You're as culpable and evil if accepting lame excuses over this issue!

The only thing evil is you dirty Hillary supporters who buy her lying line of bullshit. That bitch is going down. She is History and Trump will be a one term President but he will shake up Washington big time and that is what is needed in this country.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
wake up Dorothy you're having that dream again!

Too funny. But I'd rather look forward to a better future than to stick my head in my ass and hope for more corruption under Hillary. That's just a nightmare. That is why she will keep declining in the polls. People know she's a lying piece of shit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The lying piece of shit is Donald Trump

From blaming his own Birther lies on Hillary Clinton to lying about President Obama

Trump lied and said he ended the Birther 'controversy' in 2011- yet as late as 2014- even after the State of Hawaii again confirmed Barack Obama was born in Hawaii- Trump the liar was lying about President Obama
View attachment 90068
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Donald Trump- Birther and Liar- which is redundent.

Donald Trump- who wants people to believe that he was just a gullible idiot fooled by Hillary Clinton.

It just shows how at least half the country is as delusional and stupid as he is because so many "still believe" Obama's some kind of Manchurian candidate! I feel sad for anyone who says they're a Republican! It's more than a little pathetic! :cuckoo:

Says the dumb leftist who is supporting a candidate who is known for selling her influence to foreign and corporate donors. You are truly pathetic.

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BREAKING: Obama’s College Records Are Finally Released – What They Say Could Get Him Impeached

"Since Barack Obama first became president, he has been doing everything he can to ensure that his college records remained sealed. He was very successful in this endeavor: until now.

Recently, “Americans for Freedom of Information” released copies of Obama’s transcripts from Occidental College, and what they revealed could get him impeached. According to America’s Freedom Fighters, the documents reveal the future president received financial aid as a student from Indonesia under the name of Barry Soetoro.

The transcript shows that when Obama applied for financial aid, he was awarded with a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program. In order to qualify for this scholarship, students must first claim foreign citizenship.

This could finally be the proof that birthers need to get Obama impeached. This coupled with the fact that Obama was born in Kenya and that there is no record of him ever applying for U.S. citizenship certainly does not help his case at all."
How many times are you going to make an ass of yourself?

FALSE: Barack Obama Was a Foreign College Student

With people like that, they just can't help themselves; truly pathetic! :banana: :beer: :boohoo:

You like calling others pathetic but it is something you should reserve for yourself. Not only did Clinton cronies use the birther email during her campaign against Obama in 2008 but the AP is the one who came out with the first idea that he was from Kenya based on information that Obamas own publicist put out on him.
Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Idiots! Unthinking a-holes trying to give cover to Trump just ticks me off! You're as culpable and evil if accepting lame excuses over this issue!

The only thing evil is you dirty Hillary supporters who buy her lying line of bullshit. That bitch is going down. She is History and Trump will be a one term President but he will shake up Washington big time and that is what is needed in this country.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
wake up Dorothy you're having that dream again!

Too funny. But I'd rather look forward to a better future than to stick my head in my ass and hope for more corruption under Hillary. That's just a nightmare. That is why she will keep declining in the polls. People know she's a lying piece of shit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The lying piece of shit is Donald Trump

From blaming his own Birther lies on Hillary Clinton to lying about President Obama

Trump lied and said he ended the Birther 'controversy' in 2011- yet as late as 2014- even after the State of Hawaii again confirmed Barack Obama was born in Hawaii- Trump the liar was lying about President Obama
View attachment 90068
View attachment 90069

Donald Trump- Birther and Liar- which is redundent.

Donald Trump- who wants people to believe that he was just a gullible idiot fooled by Hillary Clinton.

No, he just doesn't care about the issue any longer because the damage is done. Everyone knows that Obama is a bullshit artist and that is why he spent so much money to seal his records from the public.

LOL- spoken like a true Birther.

Donald Trump is a Birther- so by definition he is a bullshit artist- which is why Trump spent 5 years promoting Birther bullshit
BREAKING: Obama’s College Records Are Finally Released – What They Say Could Get Him Impeached

"Since Barack Obama first became president, he has been doing everything he can to ensure that his college records remained sealed. He was very successful in this endeavor: until now.

Recently, “Americans for Freedom of Information” released copies of Obama’s transcripts from Occidental College, and what they revealed could get him impeached. According to America’s Freedom Fighters, the documents reveal the future president received financial aid as a student from Indonesia under the name of Barry Soetoro.

The transcript shows that when Obama applied for financial aid, he was awarded with a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program. In order to qualify for this scholarship, students must first claim foreign citizenship.

This could finally be the proof that birthers need to get Obama impeached. This coupled with the fact that Obama was born in Kenya and that there is no record of him ever applying for U.S. citizenship certainly does not help his case at all."
How many times are you going to make an ass of yourself?

FALSE: Barack Obama Was a Foreign College Student

With people like that, they just can't help themselves; truly pathetic! :banana: :beer: :boohoo:

You like calling others pathetic but it is something you should reserve for yourself. Not only did Clinton cronies use the birther email during her campaign against Obama in 2008 k

Donald Trump himself was the one sending out Birther tweets against Clinton in the 2012 campaign- unlike Hillary Clinton- who never ever implied Barack Obama wasn't eligible.

The only thing evil is you dirty Hillary supporters who buy her lying line of bullshit. That bitch is going down. She is History and Trump will be a one term President but he will shake up Washington big time and that is what is needed in this country.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
wake up Dorothy you're having that dream again!

Too funny. But I'd rather look forward to a better future than to stick my head in my ass and hope for more corruption under Hillary. That's just a nightmare. That is why she will keep declining in the polls. People know she's a lying piece of shit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The lying piece of shit is Donald Trump

From blaming his own Birther lies on Hillary Clinton to lying about President Obama

Trump lied and said he ended the Birther 'controversy' in 2011- yet as late as 2014- even after the State of Hawaii again confirmed Barack Obama was born in Hawaii- Trump the liar was lying about President Obama
View attachment 90068
View attachment 90069

Donald Trump- Birther and Liar- which is redundent.

Donald Trump- who wants people to believe that he was just a gullible idiot fooled by Hillary Clinton.

No, he just doesn't care about the issue any longer because the damage is done. Everyone knows that Obama is a bullshit artist and that is why he spent so much money to seal his records from the public.

LOL- spoken like a true Birther.

Donald Trump is a Birther- so by definition he is a bullshit artist- which is why Trump spent 5 years promoting Birther bullshit
View attachment 90543

Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate

Go bitch at Obama's publicist who put those facts out there when he was running in Illinois.

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Show us the quote from Clinton.

See the difference between Clinton and Trump is that Clinton never claimed Barack Obama was not American- that would be Donald Trump- over and over and over

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Her campaign manager put it out in 2008. Gee where did he get that idea from? Direct or indirect it doesn't matter, except Trump did not hide behind anybody like Hillary. She even bad mouthed Obama in Paris when she was crocked.
'No hand on the f***ing tiller': The moment Hillary let loose on Obama
Show us the quote from Clinton.

See the difference between Clinton and Trump is that Clinton never claimed Barack Obama was not American- that would be Donald Trump- over and over and over- for 5 years

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View attachment 90256
Just explained to that she started with some underhanded subterfuge bullshit behind the scenes hiding behind campaign manager. Trump just said fuck it. Speaks highly of the man actually.

Yeah it speaks highly of Trump that for 5 years he went full Birther.

Then when he no longer needed Birther votes, he 'pivoted' to try to get sane voters.

Man- doesn't that show Trump values!
Is "birthed" and issue to voters? Nope. I'm still not sure about Barry Sotoro.

Of course you aren't- Birthers will never be 'sure'.....

Yeah it speaks highly of Trump that for 5 years he went full Birther.

Then when he no longer needed Birther votes, he 'pivoted' to try to get sane voters.

Man- doesn't that show Trump values!
wake up Dorothy you're having that dream again!

Too funny. But I'd rather look forward to a better future than to stick my head in my ass and hope for more corruption under Hillary. That's just a nightmare. That is why she will keep declining in the polls. People know she's a lying piece of shit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The lying piece of shit is Donald Trump

From blaming his own Birther lies on Hillary Clinton to lying about President Obama

Trump lied and said he ended the Birther 'controversy' in 2011- yet as late as 2014- even after the State of Hawaii again confirmed Barack Obama was born in Hawaii- Trump the liar was lying about President Obama
View attachment 90068
View attachment 90069

Donald Trump- Birther and Liar- which is redundent.

Donald Trump- who wants people to believe that he was just a gullible idiot fooled by Hillary Clinton.

No, he just doesn't care about the issue any longer because the damage is done. Everyone knows that Obama is a bullshit artist and that is why he spent so much money to seal his records from the public.

LOL- spoken like a true Birther.

Donald Trump is a Birther- so by definition he is a bullshit artist- which is why Trump spent 5 years promoting Birther bullshit
View attachment 90543

Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate

Go bitch at Obama's publicist who put those facts out there when he was running in Illinois.

So you want to blame something Donald Trump didn't see until 2012- for Trump going full Birther in 2012?

LOL- that is as hilarious as Trump blaming his own Birther idiocy on Hillary Clinton

"Stop me before Hillary Clinton makes me Birther again!"

You forgot, that since she started it, then Hillary is a racist.
Hillary didn't start it.

One of her supporters did.

See the OP.

But Trump lied and claimed that Hillary Clinton and her campaign started it.

This is like blaming Trump for David Duke's robo-calls.

If David Duke was anonymous and Trump never heard about the robo-calls.
they did. There's a thread with the volunteer that started it and released.

Oh feel free to provide that name.

So you agree that David Duke is working for Donald Trump's campaign?
all one has to do is go to the thread, it's easy. look for it. Wow now you are infatuated with him?
Her campaign manager put it out in 2008. Gee where did he get that idea from? Direct or indirect it doesn't matter, except Trump did not hide behind anybody like Hillary. She even bad mouthed Obama in Paris when she was crocked.
'No hand on the f***ing tiller': The moment Hillary let loose on Obama
Show us the quote from Clinton.

See the difference between Clinton and Trump is that Clinton never claimed Barack Obama was not American- that would be Donald Trump- over and over and over- for 5 years

View attachment 90254

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View attachment 90256
Just explained to that she started with some underhanded subterfuge bullshit behind the scenes hiding behind campaign manager. Trump just said fuck it. Speaks highly of the man actually.

Yeah it speaks highly of Trump that for 5 years he went full Birther.

Then when he no longer needed Birther votes, he 'pivoted' to try to get sane voters.

Man- doesn't that show Trump values!
Is "birthed" and issue to voters? Nope. I'm still not sure about Barry Sotoro.

Of course you aren't- Birthers will never be 'sure'.....

Yeah it speaks highly of Trump that for 5 years he went full Birther.

Then when he no longer needed Birther votes, he 'pivoted' to try to get sane voters.

Man- doesn't that show Trump values!
he never once asked obama for his BC. post up a link to him making such a comment.
You forgot, that since she started it, then Hillary is a racist.
Hillary didn't start it.

One of her supporters did.

See the OP.

But Trump lied and claimed that Hillary Clinton and her campaign started it.

This is like blaming Trump for David Duke's robo-calls.

If David Duke was anonymous and Trump never heard about the robo-calls.
they did. There's a thread with the volunteer that started it and released.

Oh feel free to provide that name.

So you agree that David Duke is working for Donald Trump's campaign?
all one has to do is go to the thread, it's easy. look for it. Wow now you are infatuated with him?

Infatuated with Trump's Birther idiocy? I find it hilarious that Donald Trump is telling America to stop Hillary Clinton from making Donald Trump be a Birther


Too funny. But I'd rather look forward to a better future than to stick my head in my ass and hope for more corruption under Hillary. That's just a nightmare. That is why she will keep declining in the polls. People know she's a lying piece of shit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The lying piece of shit is Donald Trump

From blaming his own Birther lies on Hillary Clinton to lying about President Obama

Trump lied and said he ended the Birther 'controversy' in 2011- yet as late as 2014- even after the State of Hawaii again confirmed Barack Obama was born in Hawaii- Trump the liar was lying about President Obama
View attachment 90068
View attachment 90069

Donald Trump- Birther and Liar- which is redundent.

Donald Trump- who wants people to believe that he was just a gullible idiot fooled by Hillary Clinton.

No, he just doesn't care about the issue any longer because the damage is done. Everyone knows that Obama is a bullshit artist and that is why he spent so much money to seal his records from the public.

LOL- spoken like a true Birther.

Donald Trump is a Birther- so by definition he is a bullshit artist- which is why Trump spent 5 years promoting Birther bullshit
View attachment 90543

Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate

Go bitch at Obama's publicist who put those facts out there when he was running in Illinois.

So you want to blame something Donald Trump didn't see until 2012- for Trump going full Birther in 2012?

LOL- that is as hilarious as Trump blaming his own Birther idiocy on Hillary Clinton

"Stop me before Hillary Clinton makes me Birther again!"

View attachment 90546

Liberal Blogger Says He Worked With Hillary Clinton's Aide on Birther Claims - Breitbart

Go bitch at Blumenthal.

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Show us the quote from Clinton.

See the difference between Clinton and Trump is that Clinton never claimed Barack Obama was not American- that would be Donald Trump- over and over and over- for 5 years

View attachment 90254

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View attachment 90256
Just explained to that she started with some underhanded subterfuge bullshit behind the scenes hiding behind campaign manager. Trump just said fuck it. Speaks highly of the man actually.

Yeah it speaks highly of Trump that for 5 years he went full Birther.

Then when he no longer needed Birther votes, he 'pivoted' to try to get sane voters.

Man- doesn't that show Trump values!
Is "birthed" and issue to voters? Nope. I'm still not sure about Barry Sotoro.

Of course you aren't- Birthers will never be 'sure'.....

Yeah it speaks highly of Trump that for 5 years he went full Birther.

Then when he no longer needed Birther votes, he 'pivoted' to try to get sane voters.

Man- doesn't that show Trump values!
he never once asked obama for his BC. post up a link to him making such a comment.

Here you go- right here

The lying piece of shit is Donald Trump

From blaming his own Birther lies on Hillary Clinton to lying about President Obama

Trump lied and said he ended the Birther 'controversy' in 2011- yet as late as 2014- even after the State of Hawaii again confirmed Barack Obama was born in Hawaii- Trump the liar was lying about President Obama
View attachment 90068
View attachment 90069

Donald Trump- Birther and Liar- which is redundent.

Donald Trump- who wants people to believe that he was just a gullible idiot fooled by Hillary Clinton.

No, he just doesn't care about the issue any longer because the damage is done. Everyone knows that Obama is a bullshit artist and that is why he spent so much money to seal his records from the public.

LOL- spoken like a true Birther.

Donald Trump is a Birther- so by definition he is a bullshit artist- which is why Trump spent 5 years promoting Birther bullshit
View attachment 90543

Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate

Go bitch at Obama's publicist who put those facts out there when he was running in Illinois.

So you want to blame something Donald Trump didn't see until 2012- for Trump going full Birther in 2012?

LOL- that is as hilarious as Trump blaming his own Birther idiocy on Hillary Clinton

"Stop me before Hillary Clinton makes me Birther again!"

View attachment 90546

Liberal Blogger Says He Worked With Hillary Clinton's Aide on Birther Claims - Breitbart

Go bitch at Blumenthal.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

LOL- still love that you want to blame Hillary Clinton for Donald Trump being the Grand Dragon of Birtherdom.

Here are all of Hillary Clinton's Birther quotes:

Here are a select few of Donald Trumps:




No, he just doesn't care about the issue any longer because the damage is done. Everyone knows that Obama is a bullshit artist and that is why he spent so much money to seal his records from the public.

LOL- spoken like a true Birther.

Donald Trump is a Birther- so by definition he is a bullshit artist- which is why Trump spent 5 years promoting Birther bullshit
View attachment 90543

Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate

Go bitch at Obama's publicist who put those facts out there when he was running in Illinois.

So you want to blame something Donald Trump didn't see until 2012- for Trump going full Birther in 2012?

LOL- that is as hilarious as Trump blaming his own Birther idiocy on Hillary Clinton

"Stop me before Hillary Clinton makes me Birther again!"

View attachment 90546

Liberal Blogger Says He Worked With Hillary Clinton's Aide on Birther Claims - Breitbart

Go bitch at Blumenthal.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

LOL- still love that you want to blame Hillary Clinton for Donald Trump being the Grand Dragon of Birtherdom.

Here are all of Hillary Clinton's Birther quotes:

Here are a select few of Donald Trumps:

View attachment 90552

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View attachment 90555

The original birther:
Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?

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Her campaign manager put it out in 2008. Gee where did he get that idea from? Direct or indirect it doesn't matter, except Trump did not hide behind anybody like Hillary. She even bad mouthed Obama in Paris when she was crocked.
'No hand on the f***ing tiller': The moment Hillary let loose on Obama
Show us the quote from Clinton.

See the difference between Clinton and Trump is that Clinton never claimed Barack Obama was not American- that would be Donald Trump- over and over and over- for 5 years

View attachment 90254

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View attachment 90255

View attachment 90256
Just explained to that she started with some underhanded subterfuge bullshit behind the scenes hiding behind campaign manager. Trump just said fuck it. Speaks highly of the man actually.

Yeah it speaks highly of Trump that for 5 years he went full Birther.

Then when he no longer needed Birther votes, he 'pivoted' to try to get sane voters.

Man- doesn't that show Trump values!
Is "birthed" and issue to voters? Nope. I'm still not sure about Barry Sotoro.

Of course you aren't- Birthers will never be 'sure'.....

Yeah it speaks highly of Trump that for 5 years he went full Birther.

Then when he no longer needed Birther votes, he 'pivoted' to try to get sane voters.

Man- doesn't that show Trump values!
Again. Birthed issue...nobody cares.
No, he just doesn't care about the issue any longer because the damage is done. Everyone knows that Obama is a bullshit artist and that is why he spent so much money to seal his records from the public.

LOL- spoken like a true Birther.

Donald Trump is a Birther- so by definition he is a bullshit artist- which is why Trump spent 5 years promoting Birther bullshit
View attachment 90543

Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate

Go bitch at Obama's publicist who put those facts out there when he was running in Illinois.

So you want to blame something Donald Trump didn't see until 2012- for Trump going full Birther in 2012?

LOL- that is as hilarious as Trump blaming his own Birther idiocy on Hillary Clinton

"Stop me before Hillary Clinton makes me Birther again!"

View attachment 90546

Liberal Blogger Says He Worked With Hillary Clinton's Aide on Birther Claims - Breitbart

Go bitch at Blumenthal.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

LOL- still love that you want to blame Hillary Clinton for Donald Trump being the Grand Dragon of Birtherdom.

Here are all of Hillary Clinton's Birther quotes:

Here are a select few of Donald Trumps:

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View attachment 90555
Dude why are you wasting time on a issue that will not sway voters?
LOL- spoken like a true Birther.

Donald Trump is a Birther- so by definition he is a bullshit artist- which is why Trump spent 5 years promoting Birther bullshit
View attachment 90543

Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate

Go bitch at Obama's publicist who put those facts out there when he was running in Illinois.

So you want to blame something Donald Trump didn't see until 2012- for Trump going full Birther in 2012?

LOL- that is as hilarious as Trump blaming his own Birther idiocy on Hillary Clinton

"Stop me before Hillary Clinton makes me Birther again!"

View attachment 90546

Liberal Blogger Says He Worked With Hillary Clinton's Aide on Birther Claims - Breitbart

Go bitch at Blumenthal.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

LOL- still love that you want to blame Hillary Clinton for Donald Trump being the Grand Dragon of Birtherdom.

Here are all of Hillary Clinton's Birther quotes:

Here are a select few of Donald Trumps:

View attachment 90552

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View attachment 90555
Dude why are you wasting time on a issue that will not sway voters?

Dude why are you wasting your time telling me to stop wasting my time?

I enjoy showing what an idiot Birther Trump is
LOL- spoken like a true Birther.

Donald Trump is a Birther- so by definition he is a bullshit artist- which is why Trump spent 5 years promoting Birther bullshit
View attachment 90543

Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate

Go bitch at Obama's publicist who put those facts out there when he was running in Illinois.

So you want to blame something Donald Trump didn't see until 2012- for Trump going full Birther in 2012?

LOL- that is as hilarious as Trump blaming his own Birther idiocy on Hillary Clinton

"Stop me before Hillary Clinton makes me Birther again!"

View attachment 90546

Liberal Blogger Says He Worked With Hillary Clinton's Aide on Birther Claims - Breitbart

Go bitch at Blumenthal.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

LOL- still love that you want to blame Hillary Clinton for Donald Trump being the Grand Dragon of Birtherdom.

Here are all of Hillary Clinton's Birther quotes:

Here are a select few of Donald Trumps:

View attachment 90552

View attachment 90553
View attachment 90554

View attachment 90555

The original birther:lk

Donald Trump- Grand Dragon of Birtherdom


BREAKING: Obama’s College Records Are Finally Released – What They Say Could Get Him Impeached

"Since Barack Obama first became president, he has been doing everything he can to ensure that his college records remained sealed. He was very successful in this endeavor: until now.

Recently, “Americans for Freedom of Information” released copies of Obama’s transcripts from Occidental College, and what they revealed could get him impeached. According to America’s Freedom Fighters, the documents reveal the future president received financial aid as a student from Indonesia under the name of Barry Soetoro.

The transcript shows that when Obama applied for financial aid, he was awarded with a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program. In order to qualify for this scholarship, students must first claim foreign citizenship.

This could finally be the proof that birthers need to get Obama impeached. This coupled with the fact that Obama was born in Kenya and that there is no record of him ever applying for U.S. citizenship certainly does not help his case at all."
How many times are you going to make an ass of yourself?

FALSE: Barack Obama Was a Foreign College Student

With people like that, they just can't help themselves; truly pathetic! :banana: :beer: :boohoo:

You like calling others pathetic but it is something you should reserve for yourself. Not only did Clinton cronies use the birther email during her campaign against Obama in 2008 but the AP is the one who came out with the first idea that he was from Kenya based on information that Obamas own publicist put out on him.
Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate

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Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

That's the Sunday Standard, ya dumb fuckin' conservative, a Nairobi/Kenyan publication. They couldn't even spell Obama's name correctly.

Here's how the actual article appeared in the U.S. ...

Ryan drops out of race for Illinois Senate amid damaging sex club allegations

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