Trump: Hillary will use facts to rig the debate

Hillary is 10 times as honest and factful as dumb ass trump. Trump knows this...
Based on her life record? Cattle futures? Bill whores that she lied about and demonized? She has graduated to international slush funds and stealing and distributing top secret files. Congrats on backing a whore.
Just when you thought Trump couldn't be more of an idiot, he said this:

"You just watch, folks," Trump told supporters in Toledo, Ohio. "Crooked Hillary is going to slip in little facts all night long, and that's how she's going to try to rig the thing."

He goes on to say that his debate prep included no facts whatsoever.

This is just hysterical. For Trump to actually admit his entire platform is based on bullshit is just the icing on the cake. I cannot wait until the debates.
According to Trump he has never lost a fight in his life except when he was treated unfairly or his opponent cheated. If he get's elected, expect to hear those lines often, they lied, I was treated unfairly, they cheated, etc, etc... Trump can never admit he failed. He always has to have someone to blame. His debate prep is preparing his supporters for a poor performance because of that lying, crocked, cheating, Hillary.

Very true, and that has to do with him being a Narcissist. It really wouldn't surprise me when he gets his ass kicked he'll launch another law suit against someone.

This article explains a narcissist very well.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader
I have never understood how Trump could survive as president with such a fragile ego and fear of rejection. I think, he has a very warped view of what the life of a president is really like. 90% of what a president does is reacting to events that he has little control over.

Trump thinks that being the President equates with being the boss of everything. He thinks he can simply issue orders and he gets what he wants, or he fires people not giving it to him.

Yeah a couple of weeks ago Miss Universe Trump stated that our Generals have embarrassed us, and that he's going to "fire" a few of them--LOL
'Embarrassing to our country': Trump suggests he’ll fire top generals

This coming from an idiot that didn't even know what Nuclear Triad meant.

Obama is the one that purged the military leading to great successes such as ISIS and and the loss of Iraq. Let's not forget the billions he gave to Iran for their ballistic missile and nuke programs.
Facts and Donald Trump is like sunlight to a vampire. Trump is a fraud and a scam artist!

You've got your head so far up your ass, you have to talk out your bellybutton.

It's because of people like you I might just vote for trump.

If you are the type of assholes that HIllary attracts.....this country is better off without you.
Just when you thought Trump couldn't be more of an idiot, he said this:

"You just watch, folks," Trump told supporters in Toledo, Ohio. "Crooked Hillary is going to slip in little facts all night long, and that's how she's going to try to rig the thing."

He goes on to say that his debate prep included no facts whatsoever.

This is just hysterical. For Trump to actually admit his entire platform is based on bullshit is just the icing on the cake. I cannot wait until the debates.

His entire platform is bullshit. Republicans had one single campaign theme this year--Hillary is a crook, and lock her up. That was it, that's all they got. Even after she has been exonerated by the FBI and 8 separate investigations over Benghazi, they still won't shut up.

I am not a Trump fan, but this meme is a load.

Trump has outlined several things he'd like to do. I don't think he can pull any of them off, but he is at least talking about them.

How I pine for Bernie.
Just when you thought Trump couldn't be more of an idiot, he said this:

"You just watch, folks," Trump told supporters in Toledo, Ohio. "Crooked Hillary is going to slip in little facts all night long, and that's how she's going to try to rig the thing."

He goes on to say that his debate prep included no facts whatsoever.

This is just hysterical. For Trump to actually admit his entire platform is based on bullshit is just the icing on the cake. I cannot wait until the debates.

His entire platform is bullshit. Republicans had one single campaign theme this year--Hillary is a crook, and lock her up. That was it, that's all they got. Even after she has been exonerated by the FBI and 8 separate investigations over Benghazi, they still won't shut up.
And yet your dumb whore continues to hide evidence. Explain why she and her pathetic minions refuse to release her emails? She lied and tried to destroy thousands of government emails. Her minions refuse to release the ones the FBI found despite her intentionally destructive acts. Shit, she is still hiding Fast and Furious crap. Vote for your whore. Do ass you are told.
Clinton supporters will believe anything... even fake/false news, while claiming to be factual.

That's the extent of their knowledge of facts.
Just when you thought Trump couldn't be more of an idiot, he said this:

"You just watch, folks," Trump told supporters in Toledo, Ohio. "Crooked Hillary is going to slip in little facts all night long, and that's how she's going to try to rig the thing."

He goes on to say that his debate prep included no facts whatsoever.

This is just hysterical. For Trump to actually admit his entire platform is based on bullshit is just the icing on the cake. I cannot wait until the debates.
The article is a joke, of course, and you have used it artfully to expose all the Clinton supporters who are too stupid to realize it.

You should be very careful when calling anyone stupid toomuchtime, more and more people will be convinced psychological projection is the basis for you opinions, a flaw in your character which seems manifest.

For others, this article seems appropriate in context:

Scope of Trump's falsehoods unprecedented for a modern presidential candidate
Further evidence that leftist don't distinguish between fact and fantasy. That's why they love cartoons and comics if it validates their views.

You stupid bastards should not be allowed to vote, the USA can't take much more of your nonsense.
Trump will probably lie through his ass like he did at the forum while HIllary will be mostly truthful. He will insult and attempt to do what he did to Jeb to Hillary. He will be painted a dishonorable sexist pig for doing so and more women will come out for Hillary.
If Trump has to lie like a Democrat to beat Hillary so be it. If Trump can get the crowd chanting LOCK HER UP all the better.
You mean by seeding the audience with paid plants? He knows he can't win on experience and knowledge, so he has to depend on demagoguery.
Whatever it takes pal.
Trump will be one of the greatest Presidents in US history. After four years his daughter will become the first female President and she in turn will be a great President.
You 'snowflakes' are going to REALLY need your 'safe places'.
while HIllary will be mostly truthful.

You regressive and your immoral relevance just cracks me up. You do know you just admitted the hildabitch will lie also, right?

So Diogenes, how goes your search for a completely honest Pol? It ain't Trump, ain't Bush I or II, ain't either Clinton or Reagan or Ford or Nixon, etc. Better keep walking with that lamp before you vote, to find that one single Pol who might deserve your vote.
Clinton supporters will believe anything... even fake/false news, while claiming to be factual.

That's the extent of their knowledge of facts.

Well, you might want to pass the memo to Trump, because he clearly disagrees with you.
Just when you thought Trump couldn't be more of an idiot, he said this:

"You just watch, folks," Trump told supporters in Toledo, Ohio. "Crooked Hillary is going to slip in little facts all night long, and that's how she's going to try to rig the thing."

He goes on to say that his debate prep included no facts whatsoever.

This is just hysterical. For Trump to actually admit his entire platform is based on bullshit is just the icing on the cake. I cannot wait until the debates.
The article is a joke, of course, and you have used it artfully to expose all the Clinton supporters who are too stupid to realize it.

You should be very careful when calling anyone stupid toomuchtime, more and more people will be convinced psychological projection is the basis for you opinions, a flaw in your character which seems manifest.

For others, this article seems appropriate in context:

Scope of Trump's falsehoods unprecedented for a modern presidential candidate
In other words, you were one of the ones who was too stupid to realize the article is a joke.
Just when you thought Trump couldn't be more of an idiot, he said this:

"You just watch, folks," Trump told supporters in Toledo, Ohio. "Crooked Hillary is going to slip in little facts all night long, and that's how she's going to try to rig the thing."

He goes on to say that his debate prep included no facts whatsoever.

This is just hysterical. For Trump to actually admit his entire platform is based on bullshit is just the icing on the cake. I cannot wait until the debates.
The article is a joke, of course, and you have used it artfully to expose all the Clinton supporters who are too stupid to realize it.

You should be very careful when calling anyone stupid toomuchtime, more and more people will be convinced psychological projection is the basis for you opinions, a flaw in your character which seems manifest.

For others, this article seems appropriate in context:

Scope of Trump's falsehoods unprecedented for a modern presidential candidate
In other words, you were one of the ones who was too stupid to realize the article is a joke.

I don't need anyone to change the meaning of my words, especially a clown like you tmt.
Just when you thought Trump couldn't be more of an idiot, he said this:

"You just watch, folks," Trump told supporters in Toledo, Ohio. "Crooked Hillary is going to slip in little facts all night long, and that's how she's going to try to rig the thing."

He goes on to say that his debate prep included no facts whatsoever.

This is just hysterical. For Trump to actually admit his entire platform is based on bullshit is just the icing on the cake. I cannot wait until the debates.
The article is a joke, of course, and you have used it artfully to expose all the Clinton supporters who are too stupid to realize it.

You should be very careful when calling anyone stupid toomuchtime, more and more people will be convinced psychological projection is the basis for you opinions, a flaw in your character which seems manifest.

For others, this article seems appropriate in context:

Scope of Trump's falsehoods unprecedented for a modern presidential candidate
In other words, you were one of the ones who was too stupid to realize the article is a joke.

I don't need anyone to change the meaning of my words, especially a clown like you tmt.
Clearly, you need all the help you can get, but don't feel so bad, lots of other Clinton supporters were also too stupid to realize the article was a joke.
Trump will probably lie through his ass like he did at the forum while HIllary will be mostly truthful.

He will insult and attempt to do what he did to Jeb to Hillary. He will be painted a dishonorable sexist pig for doing so and more women will come out for Hillary.

Oh calm the hell down... you're gonna soil yourself.

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