Trump hires porn stars. His base loves it.

I mean, really, you leave your wife & 4 month old son & have unprotected sex with porn stars.

I wonder, did Trump kiss those lips that had been wrapped around hundreds (thousands) of cocks?

Only Trumpettes would be proud of this.

Fake news never happened....don't you ever get tired of climbing up empty hills?
So, Fat Donnie was banging a pornstar after his wife gave birth
There's no evidence.
$130,000 dollars worth of Proof....he paid her off, well his lawyer paid her off the October before the election, the same time Trump hauled Bill Clinton gals on stage at the debate.

So he does have a penchant for Prostitutes, and that's why the Russians offered prostitutes to him when in Moscow....His body guard claimed they offered the prostitutes for Trump, but his body guard said under oath before the investigative committee that he turned them down and he stayed outside of Trump's hotel room for a while and he didn't see any go in to his room, but he also said he then left and went to his room to go to sleep....

This Stormy Daniels porn star, or whatever her name is....

Gets us closer to the Russian prostitute stuff in the Dossier, ALSO being true..... HOLY SMOKES! Trump n team denied it at first, acted like Trump would never stoop so low as to use a paid prostitute/porn star.... guess the $130,000 "Shut UP" money is proving otherwise.

He's been COMPROMISED, the Russians have ALL of this dirt and Kompromat on him...

In a way, it's good it is coming out, maybe out in the open, Putin won't have this strangle hold he has on him and the always praising love bromance for Putin will end.... we can only hope!
We heard two decades of fake self-righteous crap about Bill Clinton getting a BJ from a woman in her twenties.

Trump has sex with a hooker while married to Melania and Trump tells the prostitute "you remind me of my daughter". And 'evangelicals' voted 80% for this piece of shit. Again, Little Lying Donald has outed all the fake evangelicals for all time. They have no morals, he's actually PROVEN it.
See how scary you progressives are? Anything to stop liberals and their agenda is warranted...

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