Trump hit with criminal charges in New York, a first for a US ex-president -New York Times

We are saved from becoming a banana republic. Banana republic leaders are treated above the law. In the United States, everyone is accountable to the law.
You just described the biden crime family
There will either be civil war or we turn into Venezuela. Maybe both.

But hey, you get your cheap Trump Mug Shot tee shirt, so all was worth it to you.
Well, that's certainly what any MAGAt would think......"how DARE the US government hold our lard and master accountable!!!?"
Dont mix your personal hate for trump with national policy

This is all about dems holding onto the white house and keeping conservatives out of power
There are far more serious possible felony charges awaiting him in Georgia and with the stolen documents case.

This particular indictment is the least of his troubles.
I certainly wish those other cases would have come first,

however, this alleged crime came years before these other more critical to our Nation... were committed... so the time clock is ticking for NYS to do justice of any kind.... And maybe it should have just been dropped...

Though I can see that it would be hard to make if I were an AG... sworn to uphold and render justice for New York State Citizens.

and also, this just goes to show, there is NO COORDINATION between prosecutors of the States and the Federal....they are each doing their own thing, with single focus.... Not some cabal working together to "get Trump" as claimed by the right....
We all know you and your groomed leftists pals will believe the known perjurer Cohen.

Cohen is a lying Trump ass kisser!

Leftists when Cohen later came out against Trump :

We believe every word he says!

You idiots are hilarious.
I wonder what mental twists you all will have to make when Trump is found to be a liar in court.

There is a paper trail showing the facts, and you are not going to like it.
What a fascinating entry Trump will have in the history books.

All schoolchildren will know about this President is that he had two impeachments, an attempted coup, and an indictment. Who knows what other big black marks the future holds for him.
I just wish they would give him a mug shot already. It will make for some great avatars.
Nope. I have no predictions, no assumptions. I very much doubt he'll see the inside of a prison cell.

I've said many times that I'm not sure this is a great idea.

More importantly, as I've been saying for seven years, he's not the problem.

You have to admit your OP sounds a bit celebratory.
"I'm not sure this is a great idea".... it is a terrible idea. Horrible.
Going after a former President of the Unites States over a misdemeanor from years ago is absolutely inexcusable. It is weaponizing the justice department. 100%.
That's what you are calling the invader's on the southern border ? Next you'll have to complete the plan by making it legal for them to vote eh ? Yep that's exactly what your party is doing in trying to counter the American voter now..
WTF are you talking about? :dunno:
The New York City Police Department issued a press release last week announcing a 0.4% reduction in “index” crimes (murder, rape, robbery, burglary, felony assault, grand larceny, and car theft) for the year to date 2023 vs the same period in 2022.

That is good news as far as it goes IF you are satisfied with the 47.5% INCREASE in these same index crimes since the same period in 2019, the last year before criminal-justice reform.

It was only a matter of time before the mayor realized that he could show progress in the fight against crime by using just the last year as a base figure.

You see, in almost every single year from 1993 to 2019, overall crime in New York City declined.

In fact, crime in the city was going down from 2015-2019 even as crime in Philadelphia, Chicago, Baltimore, and most other major American cities were going up.

Then, in 2019, the New York State Legislature passed bail reform and other progressive criminal-justice reforms, almost all of which became effective on Jan. 1, 2020.
Hey..this is one of the talking points provided for Trump I saw in a tweet. Is this the only one you're going to do or will you break out some others too?

Good job soldier.
Which of those 3 other investigations mulled over fraud against the state of New York?

And therein lays the rub. These are STATE CHARGES. NOT FEDERAL CHARGES. Should the Traitor be found guilty of these 34-STATE CHARGES, there can be No Federal/Presidential Pardon. Those only apply to Federal Charges. I'm loving it.
There are something like 30 counts of falsifying business records in the indictment.

It makes me wonder if Trump's tax and insurance frauds are part of this.

This may go way beyond his payments to his whores.

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