Trump Hosts Nick Fuentes at Mar-a-Lago

People are free to hold any opinion they want. Freedom of thought is not what democrats support. Everyone disagreeing with democrats is a white supremacist. Larry Elder, Leo Terrell, Ben Carson are all black white supremacists. The only appropriate reaction to being called a white supremacist is to ignore it. The only appropriate reaction to calling Nick Fuentes a white supremacist is to ignore it.
I don't even know who the guy is, and I don't care!

These goddamn leftards are way off the rails with their identity politics.

Progtards are fucked up, they're fucked up human beings.
You want fascism? This is how you get fascism.

He wants to take control and force people to believe what they believe.
That's what the left has been doing since the 30s. Actually, the entire Civil War was fought over forcing people to believe that slavery was wrong and the Union should remain intact.
No I didn't, shit for brains.
Oh? You didn't claim that the majority of Republicans don't know who Fuentes is? You didn't say that in a post? Shall we challenge that?
People are free to hold any opinion they want. Freedom of thought is not what democrats support. Everyone disagreeing with democrats is a white supremacist. Larry Elder, Leo Terrell, Ben Carson are all black white supremacists. The only appropriate reaction to being called a white supremacist is to ignore it. The only appropriate reaction to calling Nick Fuentes a white supremacist is to ignore it.
“poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids,"

- Joe Biden -
Nobody on the right really gives two shits about the Jewish vote....They are on the next dem plantation over from the blacks for the most part.....The dems should care about anti-Semites in their own party like Omar least the Jews withhold their money.
Does Omar believe in the Holocaust?

Physician, heal thyself!
Why don't you explain it to us then.
For starters, fascism is ultra-nationalism.

Everything in fascism is done to support the nation. “The nation” takes in a near mythical identity, often focusing on defining the nation in terms of specific ethnic, religious and moral characteristics.

That’s why he hates that there are too many non-whites. That’s why he hates that people don’t adhere to his moral framework.

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