Trump: I don’t like him, but

BTW y'all.............can anyone explain to me why Trump says he will bring back jobs to America, yet he uses Chinese steel to build his buildings?
Trumps logic is... he was a businessman doing what was best for his business, now he is a politician wanting to do what's best for America. He thinks that cutting taxes and regulations will free up enough money for businesses to hire more people, raise wages, and make America a more business friendly environment so companies come back from over seas.
If I had a dollar for every sentence I've heard on the last 3 months...that starts with either "What Mr Trump really meant..." or "The point Mr Trump was making is..."........I'd be retired.

What really takes thoughtful how important clear communications skills are.

One could argue...Ronald Reagan seldom offended anyone.

I'm trying to think if any Presidents remind me of Donald Trump, in terms of communication.

The closest I can come would be Teddy Roosevelt or Harry Truman. But even those guys...would be selectively smart assed.
Trump is a communications genius as a businessman who is marketing a brand... he is a royal disaster when it comes to politics and representing a country.
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You know, when you're a CEO of a business, you can decide who works for you or not, you can decide what suppliers you will or won't use, and you can pretty much say how the company goes, and it's on your word alone.

Only problem is, what works for running a company doesn't necessarily translate into how you're supposed to run government.

I mean, you can't fire Senators or Representatives, you have to learn to work with them. You can decide what countries you will and won't do business with, but you also have to learn to work with other countries towards a common goal.

And no.............the president doesn't have ultimate authority to do anything they want. They have to get the cooperation of the Congress.

Yeah, Trump might be a great CEO, and he probably has the temperament to be successful at it, but his skill set that he developed for being a CEO would make him a lousy president, because he doesn't understand compromise and working with someone who is politically different from you.
BTW y'all.............can anyone explain to me why Trump says he will bring back jobs to America, yet he uses Chinese steel to build his buildings?
Trumps logic is... he was a businessman doing what was best for his business, now he is a politician wanting to do what's best for America. He thinks that cutting taxes and regulations will free up enough money for businesses to hire more people, raise wages, and make America a more business friendly environment so companies come back from over seas.
If I had a dollar for every sentence I've heard on the last 3 months...that starts with either "What Mr Trump really meant..." or "The point Mr Trump was making is..."........I'd be retired.

What really takes thoughtful how important clear communications skills are.

One could argue...Ronald Reagan seldom offended anyone.

I'm trying to think if any Presidents remind me of Donald Trump, in terms of communication.

The closest I can come would be Teddy Roosevelt or Harry Truman. But even those guys...would be selectively smart assed.
Trump is a communications genius as a businessman who is marketing a brand... he is a royal disaster when it comes to politics and representing a country.
I agree that branding is Trump's forte.

"Genius".....IMO, only in as much as his talent for branding conceals his brainlessness.
BTW y'all.............can anyone explain to me why Trump says he will bring back jobs to America, yet he uses Chinese steel to build his buildings?
Isolated Defiance Is Suicidal

You're committing a common error in logic. If the government allows his competition to freeload off cheap foreign labor, he has to conform in order to stay in business. To tell patriotic businessmen they should pay more if they don't like our trade policy while letting those who go along with it off the hook is the kind of slippery self-serving thinking that dumbs us all down. Change it for all or you have no right to criticize those you force to accept it and deal with it.
BTW y'all.............can anyone explain to me why Trump says he will bring back jobs to America, yet he uses Chinese steel to build his buildings?
Isolated Defiance Is Suicidal

You're committing a common error in logic. If the government allows his competition to freeload off cheap foreign labor, he has to conform in order to stay in business. To tell patriotic businessmen they should pay more if they don't like our trade policy while letting those who go along with it off the hook is the kind of slippery self-serving thinking that dumbs us all down. Change it for all or you have no right to criticize those you force to accept it and deal with it.

Hey, I'm not just pissed at Trump for using Chinese steel, I'm also pissed at the city of San Francisco, or whatever idiot consortium that decided to repair and restore the Golden Gate Bridge with Chinese steel as well.

The steel made here in America might be more expensive, but it's also better and stronger than Chinese steel.
BTW y'all.............can anyone explain to me why Trump says he will bring back jobs to America, yet he uses Chinese steel to build his buildings?
Isolated Defiance Is Suicidal

You're committing a common error in logic. If the government allows his competition to freeload off cheap foreign labor, he has to conform in order to stay in business. To tell patriotic businessmen they should pay more if they don't like our trade policy while letting those who go along with it off the hook is the kind of slippery self-serving thinking that dumbs us all down. Change it for all or you have no right to criticize those you force to accept it and deal with it.

Hey, I'm not just pissed at Trump for using Chinese steel, I'm also pissed at the city of San Francisco, or whatever idiot consortium that decided to repair and restore the Golden Gate Bridge with Chinese steel as well.

The steel made here in America might be more expensive, but it's also better and stronger than Chinese steel.
You know...we can't ignore the global marketplace forever.

Some say it's best to get out there into it, and take our lumps as we go, then to wait till the whole thing comes crashing through the baracades at once.
BTW y'all.............can anyone explain to me why Trump says he will bring back jobs to America, yet he uses Chinese steel to build his buildings?
Isolated Defiance Is Suicidal

You're committing a common error in logic. If the government allows his competition to freeload off cheap foreign labor, he has to conform in order to stay in business. To tell patriotic businessmen they should pay more if they don't like our trade policy while letting those who go along with it off the hook is the kind of slippery self-serving thinking that dumbs us all down. Change it for all or you have no right to criticize those you force to accept it and deal with it.

Hey, I'm not just pissed at Trump for using Chinese steel, I'm also pissed at the city of San Francisco, or whatever idiot consortium that decided to repair and restore the Golden Gate Bridge with Chinese steel as well.

The steel made here in America might be more expensive, but it's also better and stronger than Chinese steel.
I don't know about the SF deal but I do agree that if our states and government is using foreign materials or workers over American that is not cool. The whole trade situation is such a mess. It has tremendous advantages in opening up our markets but also cause massive amounts of problems. It's a shame we only get headlines and can't have a detailed in depth discussion about the pro's and con's
BTW y'all.............can anyone explain to me why Trump says he will bring back jobs to America, yet he uses Chinese steel to build his buildings?
Isolated Defiance Is Suicidal

You're committing a common error in logic. If the government allows his competition to freeload off cheap foreign labor, he has to conform in order to stay in business. To tell patriotic businessmen they should pay more if they don't like our trade policy while letting those who go along with it off the hook is the kind of slippery self-serving thinking that dumbs us all down. Change it for all or you have no right to criticize those you force to accept it and deal with it.

Hey, I'm not just pissed at Trump for using Chinese steel, I'm also pissed at the city of San Francisco, or whatever idiot consortium that decided to repair and restore the Golden Gate Bridge with Chinese steel as well.

The steel made here in America might be more expensive, but it's also better and stronger than Chinese steel.
You know...we can't ignore the global marketplace forever.

Some say it's best to get out there into it, and take our lumps as we go, then to wait till the whole thing comes crashing through the baracades at once.

If Trump is elected, we can't afford to ignore global anything, because if he's president, then his wife will be the first Russian First Lady.

Putin would be proud.
BTW y'all.............can anyone explain to me why Trump says he will bring back jobs to America, yet he uses Chinese steel to build his buildings?
Isolated Defiance Is Suicidal

You're committing a common error in logic. If the government allows his competition to freeload off cheap foreign labor, he has to conform in order to stay in business. To tell patriotic businessmen they should pay more if they don't like our trade policy while letting those who go along with it off the hook is the kind of slippery self-serving thinking that dumbs us all down. Change it for all or you have no right to criticize those you force to accept it and deal with it.

Hey, I'm not just pissed at Trump for using Chinese steel, I'm also pissed at the city of San Francisco, or whatever idiot consortium that decided to repair and restore the Golden Gate Bridge with Chinese steel as well.

The steel made here in America might be more expensive, but it's also better and stronger than Chinese steel.
You know...we can't ignore the global marketplace forever.

Some say it's best to get out there into it, and take our lumps as we go, then to wait till the whole thing comes crashing through the baracades at once.

If Trump is elected, we can't afford to ignore global anything, because if he's president, then his wife will be the first Russian First Lady.

Putin would be proud.

And if clinton gets in, huma abedin will the the first muslim first lady.
muhammed would be proud.
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I am not even going to watch the debate; I have no interested in it. The only thing I care about is the issues: Every year we as a country manufacture less and the lower classes become poorer. The national debt continues to grow and the bill will come due someday. We continue to take in more poor immigrants putting more and more pressure on the social welfare system. What happens to the people that need it when we can no longer pay for it. Our borders are wide open to drugs and poor illegal immigrants and the problems they bring. I am going to vote for Trump I don’t like him, but that is not important, he is the only one that offers any hope that something will be done before it is too late.
I hope you changed your mind and watched the debate.

Chris Wallace should moderate all of the debates in the future.

They talked more about this issues in the first 15 minutes of this debate than they did the whole time, in the other two.

I just watched it on you tube, and agree. Wallace was pretty fair. Of course, he was not allowed to bring up clinton's wanting to flood this country with muslim refugees or her selling the American people out to wall street for 3-400k a speech, either.
BTW y'all.............can anyone explain to me why Trump says he will bring back jobs to America, yet he uses Chinese steel to build his buildings?
Isolated Defiance Is Suicidal

You're committing a common error in logic. If the government allows his competition to freeload off cheap foreign labor, he has to conform in order to stay in business. To tell patriotic businessmen they should pay more if they don't like our trade policy while letting those who go along with it off the hook is the kind of slippery self-serving thinking that dumbs us all down. Change it for all or you have no right to criticize those you force to accept it and deal with it.

Hey, I'm not just pissed at Trump for using Chinese steel, I'm also pissed at the city of San Francisco, or whatever idiot consortium that decided to repair and restore the Golden Gate Bridge with Chinese steel as well.

The steel made here in America might be more expensive, but it's also better and stronger than Chinese steel.
The whole trade situation is such a mess. It has tremendous advantages in opening up our markets but also cause massive amounts of problems. It's a shame we only get headlines and can't have a detailed in depth discussion about the pro's and con's
Free Traders Are Traitors

If you think it is so complicated that we have to go to self-serving mercenary "experts" for advice, then you don't realize that the pros are trying to con you.
I am not even going to watch the debate; I have no interested in it. The only thing I care about is the issues: Every year we as a country manufacture less and the lower classes become poorer. The national debt continues to grow and the bill will come due someday. We continue to take in more poor immigrants putting more and more pressure on the social welfare system. What happens to the people that need it when we can no longer pay for it. Our borders are wide open to drugs and poor illegal immigrants and the problems they bring. I am going to vote for Trump I don’t like him, but that is not important, he is the only one that offers any hope that something will be done before it is too late.

It is true we manufacture less percentage of things than in the past. Manufacturing for us will only be a part of the future. Information and ideas on how to do things including manufacturing is taking a bigger position than in the past.

I have been a machinist for well over thirty years. I understand the nuts and bolts of how it works. I understand WHY companies want to have "some" stuff machined overseas. It doesn't take a genius to push the "go" button and make sure the cutting tool isn't getting dull.

There are still plenty of manufacturing jobs that require sensitive handling and machining. The fact that WE recognize patents and ownership separates us from all other countries with maybe the exception of Israel. We will inherit the manufacturing of all the IMPORTANT stuff and the Asians can fight over manufacturing toys and telephone cases.

No, what separates us from the rest of the countries is that they build stuff, and we use that stuff going more into debt each year.

They build CRAP. They cut each others and their own throats over building CRAP. There is no need nor future trying to compete in that sector of manufacturing. We should just make medical equipment and other high end or patent sensitive things where the integrity of our way making things matters.

I agree Huggy, they build CRAP. Just a few examples would be the cheap and inferior steel that China has, as well as the crappy batteries that they make over there that causes hoverboards and phones to explode and catch fire, as well as some of the shoddy toys that are painted with lead based paint.

What we need are congress critters who will tell the lobbyists of the corporations that want to ship jobs overseas to screw off.

Not only that, but start giving government contracts to AMERICAN businesses, even if it might cost a bit more, because paying jobs in America will contribute a great deal to the economy. Want an example? Instead of getting the steel to repair the Golden Gate Bridge (an American icon) from China, why in the hell didn't we give the contract to American steel companies?

Any time you hear a politician talking about "cutting spending to the bone" that is the offset. When they repair bridges in your district, they use steel from Japan and labor from Mexico so you pay 7% sales tax instead of a whopping 7.25%. Would you pay a 1/4 a penny more if it meant 10 more families would have jobs? I would.

The Golden Gate Bridge is in one of the most liberal parts of the United States and has the most liberal politicians as well. They used Japanese steel to repair the Bridge.
It is true we manufacture less percentage of things than in the past. Manufacturing for us will only be a part of the future. Information and ideas on how to do things including manufacturing is taking a bigger position than in the past.

I have been a machinist for well over thirty years. I understand the nuts and bolts of how it works. I understand WHY companies want to have "some" stuff machined overseas. It doesn't take a genius to push the "go" button and make sure the cutting tool isn't getting dull.

There are still plenty of manufacturing jobs that require sensitive handling and machining. The fact that WE recognize patents and ownership separates us from all other countries with maybe the exception of Israel. We will inherit the manufacturing of all the IMPORTANT stuff and the Asians can fight over manufacturing toys and telephone cases.

No, what separates us from the rest of the countries is that they build stuff, and we use that stuff going more into debt each year.

They build CRAP. They cut each others and their own throats over building CRAP. There is no need nor future trying to compete in that sector of manufacturing. We should just make medical equipment and other high end or patent sensitive things where the integrity of our way making things matters.

I agree Huggy, they build CRAP. Just a few examples would be the cheap and inferior steel that China has, as well as the crappy batteries that they make over there that causes hoverboards and phones to explode and catch fire, as well as some of the shoddy toys that are painted with lead based paint.

What we need are congress critters who will tell the lobbyists of the corporations that want to ship jobs overseas to screw off.

Not only that, but start giving government contracts to AMERICAN businesses, even if it might cost a bit more, because paying jobs in America will contribute a great deal to the economy. Want an example? Instead of getting the steel to repair the Golden Gate Bridge (an American icon) from China, why in the hell didn't we give the contract to American steel companies?

Any time you hear a politician talking about "cutting spending to the bone" that is the offset. When they repair bridges in your district, they use steel from Japan and labor from Mexico so you pay 7% sales tax instead of a whopping 7.25%. Would you pay a 1/4 a penny more if it meant 10 more families would have jobs? I would.

The Golden Gate Bridge is in one of the most liberal parts of the United States and has the most liberal politicians as well. They used Japanese steel to repair the Bridge.

What does "liberal" or "conservative" have to do with it? Nobody buys that much steel based on their political party affiliation. Your premise is glib and frankly silly. Buying American steel is an idea that rings true and patriotic to ANY and ALL Americans. Rather than offer partisan diarrhea as some way to convince our readers and members maybe you could post factual information citing how this Japanese steel was purchased over American steel for this project.
No, what separates us from the rest of the countries is that they build stuff, and we use that stuff going more into debt each year.

They build CRAP. They cut each others and their own throats over building CRAP. There is no need nor future trying to compete in that sector of manufacturing. We should just make medical equipment and other high end or patent sensitive things where the integrity of our way making things matters.

I agree Huggy, they build CRAP. Just a few examples would be the cheap and inferior steel that China has, as well as the crappy batteries that they make over there that causes hoverboards and phones to explode and catch fire, as well as some of the shoddy toys that are painted with lead based paint.

What we need are congress critters who will tell the lobbyists of the corporations that want to ship jobs overseas to screw off.

Not only that, but start giving government contracts to AMERICAN businesses, even if it might cost a bit more, because paying jobs in America will contribute a great deal to the economy. Want an example? Instead of getting the steel to repair the Golden Gate Bridge (an American icon) from China, why in the hell didn't we give the contract to American steel companies?

Any time you hear a politician talking about "cutting spending to the bone" that is the offset. When they repair bridges in your district, they use steel from Japan and labor from Mexico so you pay 7% sales tax instead of a whopping 7.25%. Would you pay a 1/4 a penny more if it meant 10 more families would have jobs? I would.

The Golden Gate Bridge is in one of the most liberal parts of the United States and has the most liberal politicians as well. They used Japanese steel to repair the Bridge.

What does "liberal" or "conservative" have to do with it? Nobody buys that much steel based on their political party affiliation. Your premise is glib and frankly silly. Buying American steel is an idea that rings true and patriotic to ANY and ALL Americans. Rather than offer partisan diarrhea as some way to convince our readers and members maybe you could post factual information citing how this Japanese steel was purchased over American steel for this project.

"Any time you hear a politician talking about "cutting spending to the bone"

I responded to this statement, and the dissing of Trump because he used Japanese steel in some of his buildings.
They build CRAP. They cut each others and their own throats over building CRAP. There is no need nor future trying to compete in that sector of manufacturing. We should just make medical equipment and other high end or patent sensitive things where the integrity of our way making things matters.

I agree Huggy, they build CRAP. Just a few examples would be the cheap and inferior steel that China has, as well as the crappy batteries that they make over there that causes hoverboards and phones to explode and catch fire, as well as some of the shoddy toys that are painted with lead based paint.

What we need are congress critters who will tell the lobbyists of the corporations that want to ship jobs overseas to screw off.

Not only that, but start giving government contracts to AMERICAN businesses, even if it might cost a bit more, because paying jobs in America will contribute a great deal to the economy. Want an example? Instead of getting the steel to repair the Golden Gate Bridge (an American icon) from China, why in the hell didn't we give the contract to American steel companies?

Any time you hear a politician talking about "cutting spending to the bone" that is the offset. When they repair bridges in your district, they use steel from Japan and labor from Mexico so you pay 7% sales tax instead of a whopping 7.25%. Would you pay a 1/4 a penny more if it meant 10 more families would have jobs? I would.

The Golden Gate Bridge is in one of the most liberal parts of the United States and has the most liberal politicians as well. They used Japanese steel to repair the Bridge.

What does "liberal" or "conservative" have to do with it? Nobody buys that much steel based on their political party affiliation. Your premise is glib and frankly silly. Buying American steel is an idea that rings true and patriotic to ANY and ALL Americans. Rather than offer partisan diarrhea as some way to convince our readers and members maybe you could post factual information citing how this Japanese steel was purchased over American steel for this project.

"Any time you hear a politician talking about "cutting spending to the bone"

I responded to this statement, and the dissing of Trump because he used Japanese steel in some of his buildings. wasn't Japanese steel, it was CHINESE steel.
I agree Huggy, they build CRAP. Just a few examples would be the cheap and inferior steel that China has, as well as the crappy batteries that they make over there that causes hoverboards and phones to explode and catch fire, as well as some of the shoddy toys that are painted with lead based paint.

What we need are congress critters who will tell the lobbyists of the corporations that want to ship jobs overseas to screw off.

Not only that, but start giving government contracts to AMERICAN businesses, even if it might cost a bit more, because paying jobs in America will contribute a great deal to the economy. Want an example? Instead of getting the steel to repair the Golden Gate Bridge (an American icon) from China, why in the hell didn't we give the contract to American steel companies?

Any time you hear a politician talking about "cutting spending to the bone" that is the offset. When they repair bridges in your district, they use steel from Japan and labor from Mexico so you pay 7% sales tax instead of a whopping 7.25%. Would you pay a 1/4 a penny more if it meant 10 more families would have jobs? I would.

The Golden Gate Bridge is in one of the most liberal parts of the United States and has the most liberal politicians as well. They used Japanese steel to repair the Bridge.

What does "liberal" or "conservative" have to do with it? Nobody buys that much steel based on their political party affiliation. Your premise is glib and frankly silly. Buying American steel is an idea that rings true and patriotic to ANY and ALL Americans. Rather than offer partisan diarrhea as some way to convince our readers and members maybe you could post factual information citing how this Japanese steel was purchased over American steel for this project.

"Any time you hear a politician talking about "cutting spending to the bone"

I responded to this statement, and the dissing of Trump because he used Japanese steel in some of his buildings. wasn't Japanese steel, it was CHINESE steel.

That was the Bay Bridge that used Chinese steel which cost a lot of American jobs. At least Japan is a friend of the US whereas China is a serious competitor. Of course California was spending taxpayers money.
BTW y'all.............can anyone explain to me why Trump says he will bring back jobs to America, yet he uses Chinese steel to build his buildings?
Isolated Defiance Is Suicidal

You're committing a common error in logic. If the government allows his competition to freeload off cheap foreign labor, he has to conform in order to stay in business. To tell patriotic businessmen they should pay more if they don't like our trade policy while letting those who go along with it off the hook is the kind of slippery self-serving thinking that dumbs us all down. Change it for all or you have no right to criticize those you force to accept it and deal with it.

Hey, I'm not just pissed at Trump for using Chinese steel, I'm also pissed at the city of San Francisco, or whatever idiot consortium that decided to repair and restore the Golden Gate Bridge with Chinese steel as well.

The steel made here in America might be more expensive, but it's also better and stronger than Chinese steel.
The whole trade situation is such a mess. It has tremendous advantages in opening up our markets but also cause massive amounts of problems. It's a shame we only get headlines and can't have a detailed in depth discussion about the pro's and con's
Free Traders Are Traitors

If you think it is so complicated that we have to go to self-serving mercenary "experts" for advice, then you don't realize that the pros are trying to con you.
I don't agree at all. Trade and an open market has enormous advantages with innovation and economic activity potential. Do you really not see that? I understand the problems that have been a result and that why an in depth analysis by our brightest minds and a national conversation during trade proposals and elections should be held
I am not even going to watch the debate; I have no interested in it. The only thing I care about is the issues: Every year we as a country manufacture less and the lower classes become poorer. The national debt continues to grow and the bill will come due someday. We continue to take in more poor immigrants putting more and more pressure on the social welfare system. What happens to the people that need it when we can no longer pay for it. Our borders are wide open to drugs and poor illegal immigrants and the problems they bring. I am going to vote for Trump I don’t like him, but that is not important, he is the only one that offers any hope that something will be done before it is too late.
What Trump offers is more debt, more unemployment and more recession.
Dip Shit, what do you think career politicians have been doing for decades and decades's. You really ought to get your head out of your fucking ass. Lol
Did anybody notice that republicans (and sometimes fake republicans) on the forum freely admit "I don't like Trump but" while democrats never admit that they don't like Hillary. It's an interesting political phenomenon
I am not even going to watch the debate; I have no interested in it. The only thing I care about is the issues: Every year we as a country manufacture less and the lower classes become poorer. The national debt continues to grow and the bill will come due someday. We continue to take in more poor immigrants putting more and more pressure on the social welfare system. What happens to the people that need it when we can no longer pay for it. Our borders are wide open to drugs and poor illegal immigrants and the problems they bring. I am going to vote for Trump I don’t like him, but that is not important, he is the only one that offers any hope that something will be done before it is too late.
What Trump offers is more debt, more unemployment and more recession.

And clinton and obama bringing in hundreds of thousands of refugees and illegals from the third world will what, make things better? Not likely. And don't forget to consider the considerably higher birth of these people. Where will all the money come from to cope with all this? Not racism, just common sense. Only Trump can stop this insanity.
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