Trump: I don’t like him, but

I am not even going to watch the debate; I have no interested in it. The only thing I care about is the issues: Every year we as a country manufacture less and the lower classes become poorer. The national debt continues to grow and the bill will come due someday. We continue to take in more poor immigrants putting more and more pressure on the social welfare system. What happens to the people that need it when we can no longer pay for it. Our borders are wide open to drugs and poor illegal immigrants and the problems they bring. I am going to vote for Trump I don’t like him, but that is not important, he is the only one that offers any hope that something will be done before it is too late.
What Trump offers is more debt, more unemployment and more recession.

And clinton and obama bringing in hundreds of thousands of refugees and illegals from the third world will what, make things better? Not likely. And don't forget to consider the considerably higher birth of these people. Not racism, just common sense. Only Trump can stop this insanity.
It's the right thing to do, even if it makes things a little harder. Simple
I am not even going to watch the debate; I have no interested in it. The only thing I care about is the issues: Every year we as a country manufacture less and the lower classes become poorer. The national debt continues to grow and the bill will come due someday. We continue to take in more poor immigrants putting more and more pressure on the social welfare system. What happens to the people that need it when we can no longer pay for it. Our borders are wide open to drugs and poor illegal immigrants and the problems they bring. I am going to vote for Trump I don’t like him, but that is not important, he is the only one that offers any hope that something will be done before it is too late.
What Trump offers is more debt, more unemployment and more recession.

And clinton and obama bringing in hundreds of thousands of refugees and illegals from the third world will what, make things better? Not likely. And don't forget to consider the considerably higher birth of these people. Not racism, just common sense. Only Trump can stop this insanity.
It's the right thing to do, even if it makes things a little harder. Simple

How is it the right things to do? Were broke remember? A life boat can hold only so many people.
I am not even going to watch the debate; I have no interested in it. The only thing I care about is the issues: Every year we as a country manufacture less and the lower classes become poorer. The national debt continues to grow and the bill will come due someday. We continue to take in more poor immigrants putting more and more pressure on the social welfare system. What happens to the people that need it when we can no longer pay for it. Our borders are wide open to drugs and poor illegal immigrants and the problems they bring. I am going to vote for Trump I don’t like him, but that is not important, he is the only one that offers any hope that something will be done before it is too late.
What Trump offers is more debt, more unemployment and more recession.

And clinton and obama bringing in hundreds of thousands of refugees and illegals from the third world will what, make things better? Not likely. And don't forget to consider the considerably higher birth of these people. Where will all the money come from to cope with all this? Not racism, just common sense. Only Trump can stop this insanity.
It will certainly make things better for those folks coming from third world nations.
I am not even going to watch the debate; I have no interested in it. The only thing I care about is the issues: Every year we as a country manufacture less and the lower classes become poorer. The national debt continues to grow and the bill will come due someday. We continue to take in more poor immigrants putting more and more pressure on the social welfare system. What happens to the people that need it when we can no longer pay for it. Our borders are wide open to drugs and poor illegal immigrants and the problems they bring. I am going to vote for Trump I don’t like him, but that is not important, he is the only one that offers any hope that something will be done before it is too late.
What Trump offers is more debt, more unemployment and more recession.

And clinton and obama bringing in hundreds of thousands of refugees and illegals from the third world will what, make things better? Not likely. And don't forget to consider the considerably higher birth of these people. Where will all the money come from to cope with all this? Not racism, just common sense. Only Trump can stop this insanity.
It will certainly make things better for those folks coming from third world nations.

You make no sense. Therefore, you must be a clinton supporter.
I am not even going to watch the debate; I have no interested in it. The only thing I care about is the issues: Every year we as a country manufacture less and the lower classes become poorer. The national debt continues to grow and the bill will come due someday. We continue to take in more poor immigrants putting more and more pressure on the social welfare system. What happens to the people that need it when we can no longer pay for it. Our borders are wide open to drugs and poor illegal immigrants and the problems they bring. I am going to vote for Trump I don’t like him, but that is not important, he is the only one that offers any hope that something will be done before it is too late.
What Trump offers is more debt, more unemployment and more recession.

And clinton and obama bringing in hundreds of thousands of refugees and illegals from the third world will what, make things better? Not likely. And don't forget to consider the considerably higher birth of these people. Where will all the money come from to cope with all this? Not racism, just common sense. Only Trump can stop this insanity.
It will certainly make things better for those folks coming from third world nations.

You make no sense. Therefore, you must be a clinton supporter.
I'm a Liberal, that means I support helping those less fortunate than myself. You sound like a conservative, that means you only want to help yourself.
I am not even going to watch the debate; I have no interested in it. The only thing I care about is the issues: Every year we as a country manufacture less and the lower classes become poorer. The national debt continues to grow and the bill will come due someday. We continue to take in more poor immigrants putting more and more pressure on the social welfare system. What happens to the people that need it when we can no longer pay for it. Our borders are wide open to drugs and poor illegal immigrants and the problems they bring. I am going to vote for Trump I don’t like him, but that is not important, he is the only one that offers any hope that something will be done before it is too late.
What Trump offers is more debt, more unemployment and more recession.

And clinton and obama bringing in hundreds of thousands of refugees and illegals from the third world will what, make things better? Not likely. And don't forget to consider the considerably higher birth of these people. Where will all the money come from to cope with all this? Not racism, just common sense. Only Trump can stop this insanity.
It will certainly make things better for those folks coming from third world nations.

You make no sense. Therefore, you must be a clinton supporter.
I'm a Liberal, that means I support helping those less fortunate than myself. You sound like a conservative, that means you only want to help yourself.

I believe in supporting those less fortunate than myself also, but there are limitations, you know.
What Trump offers is more debt, more unemployment and more recession.

And clinton and obama bringing in hundreds of thousands of refugees and illegals from the third world will what, make things better? Not likely. And don't forget to consider the considerably higher birth of these people. Where will all the money come from to cope with all this? Not racism, just common sense. Only Trump can stop this insanity.
It will certainly make things better for those folks coming from third world nations.

You make no sense. Therefore, you must be a clinton supporter.
I'm a Liberal, that means I support helping those less fortunate than myself. You sound like a conservative, that means you only want to help yourself.

I believe in supporting those less fortunate than myself also, but there are limitations, you know.
I agree, there are limits. I don't believe we're at that point yet. We are one of the wealthiest nations on Earth. We can afford to be charitable.
And clinton and obama bringing in hundreds of thousands of refugees and illegals from the third world will what, make things better? Not likely. And don't forget to consider the considerably higher birth of these people. Where will all the money come from to cope with all this? Not racism, just common sense. Only Trump can stop this insanity.
It will certainly make things better for those folks coming from third world nations.

You make no sense. Therefore, you must be a clinton supporter.
I'm a Liberal, that means I support helping those less fortunate than myself. You sound like a conservative, that means you only want to help yourself.

I believe in supporting those less fortunate than myself also, but there are limitations, you know.
I agree, there are limits. I don't believe we're at that point yet. We are one of the wealthiest nations on Earth. We can afford to be charitable.

I don't think we are the wealthiest nation anymore with 20 trillion in debt. Where's the money going to come from to help all the incoming third worlders who have no money, no skills, and many needs? Have to cut back on the needy people already here is the only way. We already have more people than jobs, so if the newer immigrants go into the job market, it will just lower wages that are already too low, according to the same people (obama and clinton) who are calling for a higher minimum wage. Doesn't make sense, does it?
It will certainly make things better for those folks coming from third world nations.

You make no sense. Therefore, you must be a clinton supporter.
I'm a Liberal, that means I support helping those less fortunate than myself. You sound like a conservative, that means you only want to help yourself.

I believe in supporting those less fortunate than myself also, but there are limitations, you know.
I agree, there are limits. I don't believe we're at that point yet. We are one of the wealthiest nations on Earth. We can afford to be charitable.

I don't think we are the wealthiest nation anymore with 20 trillion in debt. Where's the money going to come from to help all the incoming third worlders who have no money, no skills, and many needs? Have to cut back on the needy people already here is the only way. We already have more people than jobs, so if the newer immigrants go into the job market, it will just lower wages that are already too low, according to the same people (obama and clinton) who are calling for a higher minimum wage. Doesn't make sense, does it?
In the entire history of this country, there has always been more people than jobs. At no time did 100% of the population work. We are at full employment now, so that argument doesn't hold water. The $20t debt is huge and certainly needs to be addressed but debt for the country is not like debt to individuals. Unlike us regular folks, the country always has revenue coming in and the can print its own money. I believe there's little reason to not help others who are in desperate situations and reaching out to us for help.
I am not even going to watch the debate; I have no interested in it. The only thing I care about is the issues: Every year we as a country manufacture less and the lower classes become poorer. The national debt continues to grow and the bill will come due someday. We continue to take in more poor immigrants putting more and more pressure on the social welfare system. What happens to the people that need it when we can no longer pay for it. Our borders are wide open to drugs and poor illegal immigrants and the problems they bring. I am going to vote for Trump I don’t like him, but that is not important, he is the only one that offers any hope that something will be done before it is too late.
What Trump offers is more debt, more unemployment and more recession.

And clinton and obama bringing in hundreds of thousands of refugees and illegals from the third world will what, make things better? Not likely. And don't forget to consider the considerably higher birth of these people. Not racism, just common sense. Only Trump can stop this insanity.
It's the right thing to do, even if it makes things a little harder. Simple

How is it the right things to do? Were broke remember? A life boat can hold only so many people.
How long have we been broke? Seriously look it up. Tell me how long have we held a national debt? Under how many presidents have we ran deficits?
They build CRAP. They cut each others and their own throats over building CRAP. There is no need nor future trying to compete in that sector of manufacturing. We should just make medical equipment and other high end or patent sensitive things where the integrity of our way making things matters.

I agree Huggy, they build CRAP. Just a few examples would be the cheap and inferior steel that China has, as well as the crappy batteries that they make over there that causes hoverboards and phones to explode and catch fire, as well as some of the shoddy toys that are painted with lead based paint.

What we need are congress critters who will tell the lobbyists of the corporations that want to ship jobs overseas to screw off.

Not only that, but start giving government contracts to AMERICAN businesses, even if it might cost a bit more, because paying jobs in America will contribute a great deal to the economy. Want an example? Instead of getting the steel to repair the Golden Gate Bridge (an American icon) from China, why in the hell didn't we give the contract to American steel companies?

Any time you hear a politician talking about "cutting spending to the bone" that is the offset. When they repair bridges in your district, they use steel from Japan and labor from Mexico so you pay 7% sales tax instead of a whopping 7.25%. Would you pay a 1/4 a penny more if it meant 10 more families would have jobs? I would.

The Golden Gate Bridge is in one of the most liberal parts of the United States and has the most liberal politicians as well. They used Japanese steel to repair the Bridge.

What does "liberal" or "conservative" have to do with it? Nobody buys that much steel based on their political party affiliation. Your premise is glib and frankly silly. Buying American steel is an idea that rings true and patriotic to ANY and ALL Americans. Rather than offer partisan diarrhea as some way to convince our readers and members maybe you could post factual information citing how this Japanese steel was purchased over American steel for this project.

"Any time you hear a politician talking about "cutting spending to the bone"

I responded to this statement, and the dissing of Trump because he used Japanese steel in some of his buildings.

Trump using foreign steel makes sense. He is no patriot.

Using foreign steel on something as "American" as the Golden Gate Bridge turns my stomach.
It will certainly make things better for those folks coming from third world nations.

You make no sense. Therefore, you must be a clinton supporter.
I'm a Liberal, that means I support helping those less fortunate than myself. You sound like a conservative, that means you only want to help yourself.

I believe in supporting those less fortunate than myself also, but there are limitations, you know.
I agree, there are limits. I don't believe we're at that point yet. We are one of the wealthiest nations on Earth. We can afford to be charitable.

I don't think we are the wealthiest nation anymore with 20 trillion in debt. Where's the money going to come from to help all the incoming third worlders who have no money, no skills, and many needs? Have to cut back on the needy people already here is the only way. We already have more people than jobs, so if the newer immigrants go into the job market, it will just lower wages that are already too low, according to the same people (obama and clinton) who are calling for a higher minimum wage. Doesn't make sense, does it?

Why are you so sure that these refugees are not willing and able to work? They probably need some help getting settled and to get some kind of education like English language skills but being a refugee does not mean these people were destitute before they were forced to flee. Some of them are likely good at making IED's. They had to do SOMETHING before they were run out of their countries. :lol:
I am not even going to watch the debate; I have no interested in it. The only thing I care about is the issues: Every year we as a country manufacture less and the lower classes become poorer. The national debt continues to grow and the bill will come due someday. We continue to take in more poor immigrants putting more and more pressure on the social welfare system. What happens to the people that need it when we can no longer pay for it. Our borders are wide open to drugs and poor illegal immigrants and the problems they bring. I am going to vote for Trump I don’t like him, but that is not important, he is the only one that offers any hope that something will be done before it is too late.
What Trump offers is more debt, more unemployment and more recession.

No that would be 4 more years of Obama.
It is true we manufacture less percentage of things than in the past. Manufacturing for us will only be a part of the future. Information and ideas on how to do things including manufacturing is taking a bigger position than in the past.

I have been a machinist for well over thirty years. I understand the nuts and bolts of how it works. I understand WHY companies want to have "some" stuff machined overseas. It doesn't take a genius to push the "go" button and make sure the cutting tool isn't getting dull.

There are still plenty of manufacturing jobs that require sensitive handling and machining. The fact that WE recognize patents and ownership separates us from all other countries with maybe the exception of Israel. We will inherit the manufacturing of all the IMPORTANT stuff and the Asians can fight over manufacturing toys and telephone cases.

No, what separates us from the rest of the countries is that they build stuff, and we use that stuff going more into debt each year.

They build CRAP. They cut each others and their own throats over building CRAP. There is no need nor future trying to compete in that sector of manufacturing. We should just make medical equipment and other high end or patent sensitive things where the integrity of our way making things matters.

I agree Huggy, they build CRAP. Just a few examples would be the cheap and inferior steel that China has, as well as the crappy batteries that they make over there that causes hoverboards and phones to explode and catch fire, as well as some of the shoddy toys that are painted with lead based paint.

What we need are congress critters who will tell the lobbyists of the corporations that want to ship jobs overseas to screw off.

Not only that, but start giving government contracts to AMERICAN businesses, even if it might cost a bit more, because paying jobs in America will contribute a great deal to the economy. Want an example? Instead of getting the steel to repair the Golden Gate Bridge (an American icon) from China, why in the hell didn't we give the contract to American steel companies?

Any time you hear a politician talking about "cutting spending to the bone" that is the offset. When they repair bridges in your district, they use steel from Japan and labor from Mexico so you pay 7% sales tax instead of a whopping 7.25%. Would you pay a 1/4 a penny more if it meant 10 more families would have jobs? I would.

The Golden Gate Bridge is in one of the most liberal parts of the United States and has the most liberal politicians as well. They used Japanese steel to repair the Bridge.

Under the Schwartzenagger administration as I recall (Ahhhh-nold was a Republican)

American Steal: How U.S. steelworkers lost to China | What Went Wrong: The Betrayal of The American Dream

You didn’t think San Francisco funded those repairs themselves did you????
No, what separates us from the rest of the countries is that they build stuff, and we use that stuff going more into debt each year.

They build CRAP. They cut each others and their own throats over building CRAP. There is no need nor future trying to compete in that sector of manufacturing. We should just make medical equipment and other high end or patent sensitive things where the integrity of our way making things matters.

I agree Huggy, they build CRAP. Just a few examples would be the cheap and inferior steel that China has, as well as the crappy batteries that they make over there that causes hoverboards and phones to explode and catch fire, as well as some of the shoddy toys that are painted with lead based paint.

What we need are congress critters who will tell the lobbyists of the corporations that want to ship jobs overseas to screw off.

Not only that, but start giving government contracts to AMERICAN businesses, even if it might cost a bit more, because paying jobs in America will contribute a great deal to the economy. Want an example? Instead of getting the steel to repair the Golden Gate Bridge (an American icon) from China, why in the hell didn't we give the contract to American steel companies?

Any time you hear a politician talking about "cutting spending to the bone" that is the offset. When they repair bridges in your district, they use steel from Japan and labor from Mexico so you pay 7% sales tax instead of a whopping 7.25%. Would you pay a 1/4 a penny more if it meant 10 more families would have jobs? I would.

The Golden Gate Bridge is in one of the most liberal parts of the United States and has the most liberal politicians as well. They used Japanese steel to repair the Bridge.

Under the Schwartzenagger administration as I recall (Ahhhh-nold was a Republican)

American Steal: How U.S. steelworkers lost to China | What Went Wrong: The Betrayal of The American Dream

You didn’t think San Francisco funded those repairs themselves did you????

Everyone knows Ahhhh-nold was a RINO.

"The United States admittedly was not the steel power it once was. Years of allowing low-cost, government-subsidized imports from abroad had decimated American steelmaking. A succession of U.S. Congresses and administrations from both parties occasionally complained about "unfair trade practices." But the complaints always fell on deaf ears as neither Democrats nor Republicans had the backbone to do anything substantive about them for fear of antagonizing our trading partners. Consequently, the once powerful steel industry slowly shriveled.

But that didn't mean the United States was incapable of producing steel for the Bay Bridge. Only unlike in the past where one company — such as Bethlehem Steel — could have made it, the job now required a consortium of companies. And that consortium could have been possible if there had been the slightest encouragement and assistance from policymakers in California and Washington.

The California legislature and the US Congress were both completely controlled by Democrats.
I am not even going to watch the debate; I have no interested in it. The only thing I care about is the issues: Every year we as a country manufacture less and the lower classes become poorer. The national debt continues to grow and the bill will come due someday. We continue to take in more poor immigrants putting more and more pressure on the social welfare system. What happens to the people that need it when we can no longer pay for it. Our borders are wide open to drugs and poor illegal immigrants and the problems they bring. I am going to vote for Trump I don’t like him, but that is not important, he is the only one that offers any hope that something will be done before it is too late.
What Trump offers is more debt, more unemployment and more recession.
Along with more bigotry, more ignorance, and more hate.

The fact you hate isn't Trumps fault, that is yours, take responsibility for your own ignorance.
I am not even going to watch the debate; I have no interested in it. The only thing I care about is the issues: Every year we as a country manufacture less and the lower classes become poorer. The national debt continues to grow and the bill will come due someday. We continue to take in more poor immigrants putting more and more pressure on the social welfare system. What happens to the people that need it when we can no longer pay for it. Our borders are wide open to drugs and poor illegal immigrants and the problems they bring. I am going to vote for Trump I don’t like him, but that is not important, he is the only one that offers any hope that something will be done before it is too late.
What Trump offers is more debt, more unemployment and more recession.

And clinton and obama bringing in hundreds of thousands of refugees and illegals from the third world will what, make things better? Not likely. And don't forget to consider the considerably higher birth of these people. Where will all the money come from to cope with all this? Not racism, just common sense. Only Trump can stop this insanity.
It will certainly make things better for those folks coming from third world nations.

You make no sense. Therefore, you must be a clinton supporter.
I'm a Liberal, that means I support helping those less fortunate than myself. You sound like a conservative, that means you only want to help yourself.
Kumbaya Spitting

Despite your self-comforting pose of moral superiority, your real focus is on hurting Americans. You get a false sense of superiority out of thinking that patriotic nationalists are deplorable. All Liberal opinions are triangular; their warm and fuzzy love for one group covers up their real motivation, which is a vicious and vindictive hatred of the silenced majority.
You make no sense. Therefore, you must be a clinton supporter.
I'm a Liberal, that means I support helping those less fortunate than myself. You sound like a conservative, that means you only want to help yourself.

I believe in supporting those less fortunate than myself also, but there are limitations, you know.
I agree, there are limits. I don't believe we're at that point yet. We are one of the wealthiest nations on Earth. We can afford to be charitable.

I don't think we are the wealthiest nation anymore with 20 trillion in debt. Where's the money going to come from to help all the incoming third worlders who have no money, no skills, and many needs? Have to cut back on the needy people already here is the only way. We already have more people than jobs, so if the newer immigrants go into the job market, it will just lower wages that are already too low, according to the same people (obama and clinton) who are calling for a higher minimum wage. Doesn't make sense, does it?
I believe there's little reason to not help others who are in desperate situations and reaching out to us for help.
Vetting Vermin

Those fugitives refugees brought their countries' problems on themselves and will bring the same genetic dysfunction here that they created in their own ratholes. They are parasites and we owe them nothing.
What Trump offers is more debt, more unemployment and more recession.

And clinton and obama bringing in hundreds of thousands of refugees and illegals from the third world will what, make things better? Not likely. And don't forget to consider the considerably higher birth of these people. Where will all the money come from to cope with all this? Not racism, just common sense. Only Trump can stop this insanity.
It will certainly make things better for those folks coming from third world nations.

You make no sense. Therefore, you must be a clinton supporter.
I'm a Liberal, that means I support helping those less fortunate than myself. You sound like a conservative, that means you only want to help yourself.
Kumbaya Spitting

Despite your self-comforting pose of moral superiority, your real focus is on hurting Americans. You get a false sense of superiority out of thinking that patriotic nationalists are deplorable. All Liberal opinions are triangular; their warm and fuzzy love for one group covers up their real motivation, which is a vicious and vindictive hatred of the silenced majority.
All liberal opinions are triangular?? What's wrong with you? So you think women's rights and civil rights were a detriment to our country made with the intent of hurting our country?

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