Trump: I don't need to be lectured

Drumpf could do stand-up comedy except that he'd sue everyone who didn't laugh. He's good at self-aggrandizing but that's about it.

That op/ed from the wacko blog - wow. Its not well written. Its all over the place.

Neither link is to an "article". Learn the difference between a factual article and op/ed's.
Drumpf could do stand-up comedy except that he'd sue everyone who didn't laugh. He's good at self-aggrandizing but that's about it.

That op/ed from the wacko blog - wow. Its not well written. Its all over the place.

Neither link is to an "article". Learn the difference between a factual article and op/ed's.

Care to provide one FACTUAL LINK that refutes anything in either piece?

Thought not. :ahole-1:
Drumpf could do stand-up comedy except that he'd sue everyone who didn't laugh. He's good at self-aggrandizing but that's about it.

That op/ed from the wacko blog - wow. Its not well written. Its all over the place.

Neither link is to an "article". Learn the difference between a factual article and op/ed's.

Care to provide one FACTUAL LINK that refutes anything in either piece?

Thought not. :ahole-1:

That isn't Statinazis style....he has no style...he has no brain to hold a style....he has no mind for a brain.....a standard Democrat
McCain has abandoned our veterans. I will fight for them.

Gotta say this for The Donald, he ain't backing down. Read more @ Trump I don t need to be lectured

Without directly saying so, this article tends to defend Trump's claims: When did John McC(Pet)ain become a Traitor? It's well-written and quite eye-opening @ When did John McC Pet ain become a Traitor - Walid Shoebat
Watch the C-fags all chime in.

Seems Trump has them all skeered.

He may not win, probably won't win a primary much less a nomination, but, he is an indicator of the swing to the right this country is about to take.
Just saw someone on TV say Donald Trump is the Republican Party "unmasked". Told you they love him. They share views on minorities.
Donald Dumb could give two fucks about veterans, minorities, politics or the GOP or even this fuckin country....all this man wants to do is make money and make the GOP stand for something besides, lowering taxes and working for the middle class....he wants them all to tackle issues that these cowards on the left refuse address....and yes, he's making noise and yes he's pissin people off....but at the end of the day, the money will flow in his direction and the Democrats should take notes.
even though he was a draft dodger

Another ignorant post for an ignorant poster.

Having a bone spur in the foot was a solid reason for giving ANYONE a 4F status. In 1973, medical procedures had not been perfected to repair them.
even though he was a draft dodger

Another ignorant post for an ignorant poster.

Having a bone spur in the foot was a solid reason for giving ANYONE a 4F status. In 1973, medical procedures had not been perfected to repair them.


looks fine to us

Photos show Donald Trump in military uniform, with athletic teams before dodging the Vietnam draft with ‘bull---t’ injury


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