Trump: "I Don't Take Responsibility At All"

Well, then, how do you explain his statement "I don't take responsibility at all"? He said it, nobody put words in his mouth.
See post #6
Yes, nothing is EVER Trump's fault. He's a victim, put upon by his enemies and the world. He's just trying to help all the downtrodden people of the world... How stupid ARE you???
Now you are confusing responsibility with blame

the internal failures of the career employees at the CDC are not trumps fault

but ultimately the responsibility for their screwup does fall on him
So, I guess you're saying that Trump should be blamed for the poor response of the CDC to the coronavirus pandemic?

He should be responsible for his administration of which he is the chief executive.
Yes, I agree

Trump will be held responsible

but he is not an asleep-at-the-wheel bureaucrat who cant be fired for incompetence, and is daydreaming about his retirement instead of concentrating on making test kits that are not defective
There is no desperation with Trump, he is handling the situation in an excellent manner.

He makes the captain of the Titanic look good.

Gator of course wishes an open borders democrat was the president.

No, I wish anyone but a member of the duopoly was president.

What I really want is for a Conservative to be president. But sadly the last one to hold the office was 36 years prior to my birth.
If the world were full of wishes and fishes, we'd all eat for a day.

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We are so much behind!!


He is already living in the Biden utopia of open borders.

you think those numbers are gonna real - based on actual cases? hopefully the death rate will not spike - but confirmed cases are gonna skyrocket & sympoms don't even show up for 5days - 2 weeks.

A) i am female & have been from the day i was born

B) go fetch a credible link that states biden saying he is for open borders.

speaking of which - canada needs to close its border to protect themselves from US.

I have an entire thread here based on Biden's retarded notion of Trump being a xenophobe for closing the border in the midst of the death virus.

Are you saying there is something in identifying you as male? That's very sexist and genderist... hope you make it to Canada so we won't need to tolerate your toxic masculinity.

biden didn't say he was for open borders - so you lied again.

i learned that saying i am female ( when someone who is too lazy to click & find out to make sure first thinks i am male ) i got the obligatory response by y'all that i'm really either pre op or post op - so it's a preemptive strike. you won't CONvince me that wouldn't have been your go to reply if i didn't; given the ending to your stupid reply.
Do you have a link to what biden did say?
You made the initial claim about Biden, you provide the evidence.
Someone may have but it wasnt me

and if you are just flying blind thats ok

but I was genuinely curious
There is no desperation with Trump, he is handling the situation in an excellent manner.

He makes the captain of the Titanic look good.

Gator of course wishes an open borders democrat was the president.

No, I wish anyone but a member of the duopoly was president.

What I really want is for a Conservative to be president. But sadly the last one to hold the office was 36 years prior to my birth.

The problem with conservatives is that they never conserved anything.

That includes conservative presidents.

My boy Calvin did!
If he knows it why doesnt he take responsibility?
Because its not his fault

trump cant prevent lying lib reporters from asking loaded questions

or stop the anti trump networks from misinforming the public

but he does not have publicly endorse those lies

Misinforming the public? I’m sorry but you need to take your trump colored glasses off. 370 dead in Italy yesterday. That means we may have 10000 dead in 1 day here in the USA if people don’t stop spreading it around. And people like you will spread it around!
And again Europe is not America
If libs didnt have hope that America will suffer too they wouldnt have nuthin’
With Biden as President Americas suffering at the hands of of the unqualified AH will come to an end
Biden is qualified?

I doubt if even democrats believe that
Because its not his fault

trump cant prevent lying lib reporters from asking loaded questions

or stop the anti trump networks from misinforming the public

but he does not have publicly endorse those lies

Misinforming the public? I’m sorry but you need to take your trump colored glasses off. 370 dead in Italy yesterday. That means we may have 10000 dead in 1 day here in the USA if people don’t stop spreading it around. And people like you will spread it around!
And again Europe is not America
If libs didnt have hope that America will suffer too they wouldnt have nuthin’
With Biden as President Americas suffering at the hands of of the unqualified AH will come to an end
Biden is qualified?

I doubt if even democrats believe that

no less so than the last few residents of the White House
If he knows it why doesnt he take responsibility?
Because its not his fault

trump cant prevent lying lib reporters from asking loaded questions

or stop the anti trump networks from misinforming the public

but he does not have publicly endorse those lies

Misinforming the public? I’m sorry but you need to take your trump colored glasses off. 370 dead in Italy yesterday. That means we may have 10000 dead in 1 day here in the USA if people don’t stop spreading it around. And people like you will spread it around!
And again Europe is not America
If libs didnt have hope that America will suffer too they wouldnt have nuthin’
With Biden as President Americas suffering at the hands of of the unqualified AH will come to an end
with biden as president we will be worse off
Because its not his fault

trump cant prevent lying lib reporters from asking loaded questions

or stop the anti trump networks from misinforming the public

but he does not have publicly endorse those lies

Misinforming the public? I’m sorry but you need to take your trump colored glasses off. 370 dead in Italy yesterday. That means we may have 10000 dead in 1 day here in the USA if people don’t stop spreading it around. And people like you will spread it around!
And again Europe is not America
If libs didnt have hope that America will suffer too they wouldnt have nuthin’
With Biden as President Americas suffering at the hands of of the unqualified AH will come to an end
Biden is qualified?

I doubt if even democrats believe that
Senator from 1973 to 2009. Vice President 2009 to 2017.

He's far, far, far, far, far, far more qualified than the game show host.
At this point, a barrel of fish are more qualified to be president than Trump.
Trump definitely has some responsibility for this crisis. Among other things, he fired former President Obama's Pandemic Response Team in 2018.

You should be thanking Trump for keeping the virus out of the US for as long as possible. Look at the EU and see that their infection rate is about 15x more than the US for similar population size. Why is that? Like I said, its because Trump kept it out as long as possible.
However, now that COVID-19 has a foothold it will be spreading fast. How well we contain it and keep the peak of the bell curve as low as possible will determine if we were successful or if we failed. Automated testing was approved and is coming online just when it is needed most, as the bell curve starts to ramp up. The next two or three weeks will decide the fight against COVID-19. Stay safe.

Quest Diagnostics Newsroom - News Releases

Thermo Fisher to produce millions of coronavirus diagnostic tests - STAT

Jack Ma Offers to Supply the US With Covid-19 Tests and Masks

New Coronavirus Test 10 Times Faster Is FDA Approved

Roche’s cobas SARS-CoV-2 Test to detect novel coronavirus receives FDA Emergency Use Authorization and is available in markets accepting the CE mark

Roche Diagnostics receives emergency approval for new COVID-19 test
We have no idea what our infection rate is really because of Drumpfs lack of action. It could be as high as 50x that of other countries.

We agree that the infection rate could be higher than it is today, 5%, 10%, 20%? Who knows?
Have a link proving your 50x?? Didn't think so.
We'll see next week how much the infection rate spikes, if it spikes.
The next two weeks should show the peak of the bell curve.
If I'm right the US peak should be well below the EU peak. Italy at 1/6th the population of the US is projected to have 30,000 infections on 3/15, the US, if the testing was generally accurate, should be about 3,000 on 3/15. We shall see who is right.

What's the best way to eliminate crimes? Fire all policemen. Why? No data, no crimes.

No one has in the moment correct data. Our German data were yesterday or the day before 4838 infected persons, 12 died. The Italian data were at the same time 21,157 infected persons, 1441 died. So the mortality in Germany is 2480 ~ 2500 per 1 million infects. The Italian data for mortality is 14,682 ~15,000 per 1 million infected people. 15,000 / 2,500 = 6 : 1. The real lethality we will know when the crisis is over. It's somewhere in the near of the lethality of an influenza virus. The influenza pandemic of 1918 is a good comparison. In 1918-1920 died about 20-100 million people worldwide. (More than had died in world war 1).

What concerns "Germany" in the moment? For people who are good in mathematics: The virus grows exponential. I had the feeling every week were 2 times more people infected and a little while later - although we started immediately to fight against this virus - every 1/2 week the virus doubled the infections. This growth is not only exponential - it is even hyperbolic. It's a damned aggressive virus. How to compare this? Perhaps with a nuclear explosion. Only because we are able to see this explosion in an extreme slow motion no one should wake wrong hopes in context of the destructive power of this virus-explosion. Fight, fight, fight against this virus. Now. A slow-motion fight needs patience - but never let miss the will to win against this virus. That's the chance to win in the end.

Oh by the way: In this comparison with a nuke we are the critical mass on our own. We need distance to each other so the virus finds no way from one person to the next person. If all human beings would be perfect in this way to fight against this virus, then all this Corona-viruses would be dead within only 2 weeks. But more realistic we have to calculate months - perhaps years. By the way: The German company, which Donald Trump never :lol: liked to buy for the USA for a billion $, will perhaps find a serum in June or July (or never if something goes wrong). If it finds a vaccine then everyone in the world will get the vaccine - the USA too. But this is not the only German company, which is searching for a vaccine. Lots are doing so in the moment. If an US-American company is successful in finding a vaccine, then this is not any problem too.

View attachment 312691

Here is the US curve as predicted
Coronavirus map: Tracking the spread in the US and around the world

p.s. The Italy prediction of 30,000 on 3/15 was made on 3/8. The actual number in Italy on 3/15 will be about 25,000 so the bell curve for Italy is bending toward a peak. The US curve is just starting to climb, so we need to plot the numbers in the next two weeks to see how the US peak compares to the Italy and EU peaks. If the US does better, thank you President Trump.

Trump has no idea about mathematics nor about biology or medicine or any other serious science. He is not able to work together with others trustfully - and no one trusts in Trump any longer too. He's a kind of self-fulfilling parody of a politician. Don't expect any help from this idiot.

1. Thank you for that beautiful video.
2. We agree that this virus is very aggressive, and only time will tell what the bell curves for each country looks like.
3. Hoping that a biotech finds a therapy and a vaccine soon, even though the vaccine won't be ready for next winter.
4. Agree Trump has no aptitude in medicine or science. But he does have a lot of very smart people around him that he listens to.

I fear you believe in empty political propaganda. I guess a rich narcissist like him is not able to listen to people, who speak about reality. But perhaps he listens to a Borg queen, who likes to kill snow white, who lives behind the seven mountains in the land of the dwarfs.

I think that's why he handed off the response team to Pence. Otherwise he'd make stupid "political" decisions and he knows it.

I don't have the impression Donald Trump knows what had happend in reality all around him in the world during his whole life. He fights for example against the peace project "European Union", because he has not any real idea about Europe and totally wrong ideas about the USA. In general he has no acceptable behavior and he sounds often like a drunkard, who gets his ideas out of the gutter.

5. If you think Trump is a parody, you should see Biden and Sanders.

We saw them just some minutes ago in TV. My wife thinks they are okay. She says they speak respectful with each other. She loves this. When I saw them - only a litte view - I was a little frustrated from their age and remembered, what an US-American of this forum said about all this politicians including Donald Trump. It was something like: "And this are the best, what the USA has to offer to become president?". But okay - the world is what it is. The outfit of Angela Merkel was once very funny, I remember. I don't know a lot about Mr. Sanders and Mr. Biden. It makes less than no fun to live with president Trump, who makes one idiotic declarartion of war after the next stupid declaration of war against everyone and everything in the world, but "forgets" to make a declaration of war against a deadly virus. But I guess it will also not make a lot of fun to have to live with another US-president. Perhaps another one would be much wore worse? Who knows really in the end? I don't think the Dalai Lama and Michele Obama will become the first double-president of the USA and will lead the USA to a golden future, where the Gross National Happiness will be more important than the Gross National Product.

6. Stay safe.

I personally do not have a big problem with this virus. My greatest problem in this context is my wife - she still seems to need me. Not a good time to die now. But I noticed that our traditional way to live protects us. We love distance. What is dangerous are the more modern forms to live.

Last edited:
Misinforming the public? I’m sorry but you need to take your trump colored glasses off. 370 dead in Italy yesterday. That means we may have 10000 dead in 1 day here in the USA if people don’t stop spreading it around. And people like you will spread it around!
And again Europe is not America
If libs didnt have hope that America will suffer too they wouldnt have nuthin’
With Biden as President Americas suffering at the hands of of the unqualified AH will come to an end
Biden is qualified?

I doubt if even democrats believe that

no less so than the last few residents of the White House
Actually less in bidens case

all three before trump were bad in their own unique ways

but at least they were not losing their mental faculties

biden is slipping from a level that was not very high to begin with
Misinforming the public? I’m sorry but you need to take your trump colored glasses off. 370 dead in Italy yesterday. That means we may have 10000 dead in 1 day here in the USA if people don’t stop spreading it around. And people like you will spread it around!
And again Europe is not America
If libs didnt have hope that America will suffer too they wouldnt have nuthin’
With Biden as President Americas suffering at the hands of of the unqualified AH will come to an end
Biden is qualified?

I doubt if even democrats believe that
Senator from 1973 to 2009. Vice President 2009 to 2017.

He's far, far, far, far, far, far more qualified than the game show host.
A lifetime welfare baby who thinks tax dollars grow on money trees along the potomac
And again Europe is not America
If libs didnt have hope that America will suffer too they wouldnt have nuthin’
With Biden as President Americas suffering at the hands of of the unqualified AH will come to an end
Biden is qualified?

I doubt if even democrats believe that

no less so than the last few residents of the White House
Actually less in bidens case

all three before trump were bad in their own unique ways

but at least they were not losing their mental faculties

biden is slipping from a level that was not very high to begin with

it is kind of cute how you leave Trump out of the list of shitty unqualified presidents.
Misinforming the public? I’m sorry but you need to take your trump colored glasses off. 370 dead in Italy yesterday. That means we may have 10000 dead in 1 day here in the USA if people don’t stop spreading it around. And people like you will spread it around!
And again Europe is not America
If libs didnt have hope that America will suffer too they wouldnt have nuthin’
With Biden as President Americas suffering at the hands of of the unqualified AH will come to an end
Biden is qualified?

I doubt if even democrats believe that
Senator from 1973 to 2009. Vice President 2009 to 2017.

He's far, far, far, far, far, far more qualified than the game show host.
Thanks for pointing out biden has been part of the problem in DC
If libs didnt have hope that America will suffer too they wouldnt have nuthin’
With Biden as President Americas suffering at the hands of of the unqualified AH will come to an end
Biden is qualified?

I doubt if even democrats believe that

no less so than the last few residents of the White House
Actually less in bidens case

all three before trump were bad in their own unique ways

but at least they were not losing their mental faculties

biden is slipping from a level that was not very high to begin with

it is kind of cute how you leave Trump out of the list of shitty unqualified presidents.
Trump has not been a shitty president
With Biden as President Americas suffering at the hands of of the unqualified AH will come to an end
Biden is qualified?

I doubt if even democrats believe that

no less so than the last few residents of the White House
Actually less in bidens case

all three before trump were bad in their own unique ways

but at least they were not losing their mental faculties

biden is slipping from a level that was not very high to begin with

it is kind of cute how you leave Trump out of the list of shitty unqualified presidents.
Trump has not been a shitty president

He has been better than the last two, that is the best thing that can be said about him.

His one claim to fame was the "greatest economy in the history of the world" and that is currently going up in smoke.
So, in about 65 years, we've gone from "The buck stops here" to "I don't take responsibility at all." When is Trump going to stop blaming others for his failures? Is ANYTHING ever his fault?

Trump blames Obama for lack of coronavirus tests: 'I don't take responsibility at all'
Obama ignored the problem and left Trump to have to deal with it.
Bill Clinton ignored the problem in the Middle-East and left Bush to have to deal with the problem.

It's what Democrats always do.
See post #6
Yes, nothing is EVER Trump's fault. He's a victim, put upon by his enemies and the world. He's just trying to help all the downtrodden people of the world... How stupid ARE you???
Now you are confusing responsibility with blame

the internal failures of the career employees at the CDC are not trumps fault

but ultimately the responsibility for their screwup does fall on him
So, I guess you're saying that Trump should be blamed for the poor response of the CDC to the coronavirus pandemic?

He should be responsible for his administration of which he is the chief executive.
Yes, I agree

Trump will be held responsible

but he is not an asleep-at-the-wheel bureaucrat who cant be fired for incompetence, and is daydreaming about his retirement instead of concentrating on making test kits that are not defective

He had choices. He didn't have to wait for new kits. He chose poorly.

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