TRUMP: "I have a 100 pictures of Mueller and Comey hugging and kissing each other"

Yep, the deep state are really into incest...

Please describe "deep state".
Better yet, describe incest.

Oh wait,
I have pictures............of incest.

Don't believe your eyes.

Slick willies rape and child molesting have always been hidden because the Clintons are above the law

And which child was Clinton supposed to have molested?

Or are you referring to an *imaginary* child?
The bunches of children on Jeffrey Epstein’s sex islands....
How was it?
Please describe "deep state".
Better yet, describe incest.

Oh wait,
I have pictures............of incest.

Don't believe your eyes.

Slick willies rape and child molesting have always been hidden because the Clintons are above the law

And which child was Clinton supposed to have molested?

Or are you referring to an *imaginary* child?
The bunches of children on Jeffrey Epstein’s sex islands....

Can you name even one that has ever accused Bill Clinton of, well.....anything?

Again, actual people. Not the imaginary children you've made up for your argument.
The Clintons are above the law… Obviously
OUR nation is about to destroy itself; thanks a lot you dumb ass Donald T
Liberalism is destroying america, just like it always does.

Liberalism created America, just like it always did.
There would be no second admendment if they did. Try again.

Don't need to. It's done. Liberals wrote the Second Amendment and the rest of the entire Bill of Rights.

Deal with it.
Then why are you trying to ruin it? Why did you elect someone for president who wanted to transform america?
Wonder if POTUS can show us the J. Edgar Hoover photos of John and Bobby...
Whaaaat?? I mean, whaaaat?

Trump bizarrely claims to have ‘100 pictures of Mueller and Comey hugging and kissing each other’


05 SEP 2018 AT 13:03 ET


President Donald Trump wearing a 'Make America Great Again' hat inside the Oval Office (Facebook).

President Donald Trump suggested that he has photographs of former FBI director James Comey “kissing” special counsel Robert Mueller.

The president made the bizarre claims during a wide-ranging interview with the conservative Daily Caller website, whose correspondent asked Trump whether Mueller was interfering in the midterm elections by not ending his Russia probe by an artificial Sept. 1 deadline.
“Well, I view it as an illegal investigation,” Trump told the website. “It should’ve never been started. It should’ve never been allowed to start. You know, I’m not the target of this investigation, just in case you don’t realize.”

“But I view it as being illegal for many reasons,” he continued. Some of which are that, No. 1, there was no crime, and No. 2, everybody was conflicted, including Mueller. There were, I mean, tremendous conflicts here. You know the conflicts, you’ve heard the conflicts.”

The correspondent cited one of those alleged conflicts, asking Trump whether he had interviewed Mueller to return as FBI director after he fired Comey in May 2017.

“Sitting right in that chair,” Trump told the correspondent, who was sitting in the Oval Office. “I liked him, but I didn’t give him the job?”

The president claimed he had a previous business dispute with Mueller, but he offered no specifics — and then claimed to have compromising photographs of the two former FBI directors together.

I had a real business dispute,” Trump said. “And he’s Comey’s best friend, and I could give you 100 pictures of him and Comey hugging and kissing each other. You know, he’s Comey’s best friend.”

Trump bizarrely claims to have '100 pictures of Mueller and Comey hugging and kissing each other'
Produce them then! Lets see em you lying fool trump!
TRUMP: "I have a 100 pictures of Mueller and Comey hugging and kissing each other"

Seems creepy. What is this guy into?

When someone makes such an absurd claim it is extreme.
Trump is an extremist; Trump is into extremism. He is like a terrorist & he has nukes too.
Whaaaat?? I mean, whaaaat?

Trump bizarrely claims to have ‘100 pictures of Mueller and Comey hugging and kissing each other’


05 SEP 2018 AT 13:03 ET


President Donald Trump wearing a 'Make America Great Again' hat inside the Oval Office (Facebook).

President Donald Trump suggested that he has photographs of former FBI director James Comey “kissing” special counsel Robert Mueller.

The president made the bizarre claims during a wide-ranging interview with the conservative Daily Caller website, whose correspondent asked Trump whether Mueller was interfering in the midterm elections by not ending his Russia probe by an artificial Sept. 1 deadline.
“Well, I view it as an illegal investigation,” Trump told the website. “It should’ve never been started. It should’ve never been allowed to start. You know, I’m not the target of this investigation, just in case you don’t realize.”

“But I view it as being illegal for many reasons,” he continued. Some of which are that, No. 1, there was no crime, and No. 2, everybody was conflicted, including Mueller. There were, I mean, tremendous conflicts here. You know the conflicts, you’ve heard the conflicts.”

The correspondent cited one of those alleged conflicts, asking Trump whether he had interviewed Mueller to return as FBI director after he fired Comey in May 2017.

“Sitting right in that chair,” Trump told the correspondent, who was sitting in the Oval Office. “I liked him, but I didn’t give him the job?”

The president claimed he had a previous business dispute with Mueller, but he offered no specifics — and then claimed to have compromising photographs of the two former FBI directors together.

I had a real business dispute,” Trump said. “And he’s Comey’s best friend, and I could give you 100 pictures of him and Comey hugging and kissing each other. You know, he’s Comey’s best friend.”

Trump bizarrely claims to have '100 pictures of Mueller and Comey hugging and kissing each other'

This is the same sad soul that insisted that the Chinese invented Global Warming and that he won the popular vote.

Trump says a lot of silly shit.
Now THIS is the kind of stuff that could get him 25th'd.
Right out there. He'll say he was just kidding. Laugh when you say that, right?
OUR nation is about to destroy itself; thanks a lot you dumb ass Donald T
Liberalism is destroying america, just like it always does.

Liberalism created America, just like it always did.
There would be no second admendment if they did. Try again.

Don't need to. It's done. Liberals wrote the Second Amendment and the rest of the entire Bill of Rights.

Deal with it.
Then why are you trying to ruin it? Why did you elect someone for president who wanted to transform america?

I didn't elect anybody.

If I'd had the power to do that things would have worked out MUCH differently.
Okay so if this is true, why would he keep 100s of photos of two men hugging and kissing and publicly admit it? If not true, what kind of person even has that kind of thought come to mind and then publicly lie about two men kissing and hugging? This is not an aberration in POTUS conduct or character. He needs to be 86'd.
Liberalism is destroying america, just like it always does.

Liberalism created America, just like it always did.
There would be no second admendment if they did. Try again.

Don't need to. It's done. Liberals wrote the Second Amendment and the rest of the entire Bill of Rights.

Deal with it.
Then why are you trying to ruin it? Why did you elect someone for president who wanted to transform america?

I didn't elect anybody.

If I'd had the power to do that things would have worked out MUCH differently.
Obama a liberal wanted to transfere something liberals created. Why did you support that?
You better be very careful there, genuis. That story includes EPSTEIN 'doing' TEENAGE girls at MarALago. Went to court. Was 'resolved'. (Doesn't say it was dismissed does it?) Trump and Epstein were friends!

“I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy,’’ Trump told New York Magazine back in 2002. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

The one weird court case linking Trump, Clinton, and a billionaire pedophile

A woman suing in connection with Jeffrey Epstein’s underage sex ring claims she was first approached while working as a towel girl at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort.

05/04/2017 12:03 PM EDT

NEW YORK—A woman who claims in a lawsuit that she was lured into a sex-trafficking ring run by billionaire Jeffrey Epstein contends that the depravity began at a Florida resort now known as the winter White House: Mar-a-Lago.

Virginia Giuffre’s civil suit, scheduled to go to trial here later this month, threatens to expose new details of a long-running saga tying together President Donald Trump, former President Bill Clinton, Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta, and other prominent figures, including Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz.

Epstein, a well-connected Manhattan money manager and philanthropist, was once a regular at Mar-a-Lago and an active supporter of the Clinton Foundation—repeatedly lending his 727 jet to Clinton for trips overseas. Dershowitz defended Epstein amid an investigation into his involvement with underage girls more than a decade ago, and it was Acosta—then the U.S. attorney overseeing south Florida—who allowed Epstein’s case to be resolved in state court in 2008...

The one weird court case linking Trump, Clinton, and a billionaire pedophile
Liberalism created America, just like it always did.
There would be no second admendment if they did. Try again.

Don't need to. It's done. Liberals wrote the Second Amendment and the rest of the entire Bill of Rights.

Deal with it.
Then why are you trying to ruin it? Why did you elect someone for president who wanted to transform america?

I didn't elect anybody.

If I'd had the power to do that things would have worked out MUCH differently.
Obama a liberal wanted to transfere something liberals created. Why did you support that?

I didn't.

Fatter o' mact I have no idea what you're even babbling about.

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