Trump " I have not conceded"

You disagree, the fur flies, but you can't answer the questions:



Do you have another nobody in Pittsburgh who claims to read minds you can cite?

It get old, real old. I already answered the question three or four times.

He blames Pence for not acting just as he was doing here and that indeed did play into what happened on Jan 6.

So Trump criticized Pence and a small percentage of the people realized that meant he wanted them to go inside the Capital building.

I'm not saying women are airheads, I'm saying you are. There are plenty of men who are airheads too. Faun, DrLove, StuardDirdan, JackOfNoTrades, Lesh, they are all over

I'm male. Disagree all you want. I don't really care. Those facing charges seem to not be real thrilled with Trump right now though.

You started as a male or ended up as one?

When you are unable to make rational rebuttals...............................

That is correct. I can't rebut your points when you can't explain what your point was or how you know it.

Your first baby step, well done!
Mail in votes does not explain how in six Democrat cities voting continued until Biden won the state by a statistically insignificant margin.

He's fucking crazy. :cuckoo:
He is indeed. NO votes were cast after the polls closed on election day
In cases of long lines where districts had few polling stations or problems with machines, hours were legally extended. People in line at closing time have always been allowed to vote too. No one was casting illegal votes until Biden won. Biden wasn't declare the winner till days later.

As an agitator, he lacks credibility. He's Kaz.

Democrats are so stupid. OK, take out a piece of paper. Put on six random dots. Draw from each line a line three inches to the right and at the end of the line put a red dot. Now fold the paper in half top to bottom. Now, how many of the red dots are just barely to the right of the line down the middle of the page?

You still don't get it, you're stupid, right? Be honest

Lacking a suitable rebut to "No one was casting illegal votes until Biden won. Biden wasn't declare the winner till days later." I understand why you would lash out like that. It's a credibility thing.

What the fuck are you talking about? Who are you quoting? The voices in your head?
You hear them too?

Yes, when you tell me what they said. I hear it from you though, not them. I have to take your word for it
That is correct. I can't rebut your points when you can't explain what your point was or how you know it.

Your first baby step, well done!
This from the "dots and lines" guy

Too funny

So I'm curious, what in your mind is the difference between statistics don't matter and math doesn't matter? In this case the math we're talking about is statistics.

You realize that statistics are based on probability. The probability that one state swung like it did can happen. The probability that six states were in the exact same position then swung the exact same way to the exact same spot of a statistically insignificant Biden win is virtually zero. That is math and that is statistics, the same thing. So?

We don't decide elections by either statistics or probability. They are decided on who gets the largest number of votes in that state. The person who does is declared the winner. In the case of President, win enough states, and you get enough Electoral votes to win the election. Just because as a math genius or a stats geek, you think that something that happened was impossible because your skillz say so..doesn't make it the truth.

God you're stupid. No, statistics and probability don't decide elections. No one said they do.

They do help analyze the results though.

Seriously, how stupid are you? Be honest

The results are that Biden won. That's based on straight up vote totals.
Probability would be used BEFORE an election to make prognostications.
Statistics would be used AFTER an election to break down results into see if those prognostications held any water. :)

Right, and the statists BEFORE election where that is was within all significant margins of error. And yet six out of six States that had Trump well ahead all ended up in tiny Biden wins. You really don't understand math at all, do you? Be honest

No...they didn't. Just before the election, Biden was leading (still within the margin of error) in five of the six states. Arizona was the only state that was a toss up. Sorry for the big gif. Except in deep red states, there was nowhere Trump was comfortably ahead.
An answer to the out context bullshit posted in another thread,

How’s that AZ recall going? Last time I asked you said wait and see. I’ve waited… what’s up?
A report should be out by August. That means there are a lot of things wrong. If there was no fraud the report would be out in days. They need more time to detail what actually happened.
Yep. Democrats came out of the shadows and revealed what you are. It was Satan showing his true face

Sure, Church Lady, whatever you tell yourself.

Who did you vote for, faun?

Did your ballot just vote for Biden, or did it also check a dem senate candidate too?
An answer to the out context bullshit posted in another thread,

How’s that AZ recall going? Last time I asked you said wait and see. I’ve waited… what’s up?
A report should be out by August. That means there are a lot of things wrong. If there was no fraud the report would be out in days. They need more time to detail what actually happened.

You mean they need more time to spin a story. Because there was no fraud found. That's why they've taken the data to Montana and are going to string it out until August. If there was fraud found, they'd be singing it from every rooftop.
Plus, it gives the shepard more time to fleece the sheep for their hard earned cash. Gotta keep the coffers flush. :)
To be undiplomatically blunt, too many of you are taking this thread way way too seriously.

Not that the topic ain't current, or doesn't require attention, but.......but in the face of some of the, ummmm, more 'notable' contributions here this philosophical quarrelling over who-stole-which-election-when-and-by-how-much kinda pales in the humor department.

I mean by that, this recent post by most everybody's concept of Wacky Uncle Wally got ignored by most everybody here. Tho one did comment in sort of an 'exasperation' tone (I'm speculating on that).

Everybody else ignored it. Notably, none of the Trumplandia citizens jumped in to support and 'attaboy' one of their own. Nor did they publicly embrace --yet-- a comrade and his view that the January 6th Republican Patriots = Homosexuals. (There may be a little disloyalty dynamic goin' on there, imo.)

So c'mon mi amigos ....let's not let the Good Ship Lollypop sail by and not comment on its "correlations".

It's this post, of course:

"The truth is that 911 and 1/6 were both Zionist hate hoaxes, fascist false flag attacks....
........many of the most Zionist Zionists in DC are HOMOS also
correlates with the obvious truth that homos are sick people..

Now, to be clear, I'm not pokin' fun at a poster, or the good citizens of Trumplandia, nor am I ascribing all of the above "1/6 hoax' assertions to that poster alone. Rather, you gotta admit, it has sorta the tone of coming straight out of Mar-A-Lardo's style of grievance complaining. So, our good poster may be under that influence, a mindmeld thingy.

However, in my view, there's something there for both Looney Trump Sycophants and Rational Trump Skeptics.

Something where both can productively discuss their views. Their views on Don Trump. Their views on Zionist flying planes into buildings, and the LGBQ takeover of the Republican 'Patriot' movement....and the Oathkeepers subsequent resentment over being called 'queers' by an anonymous poster on an internet chatroom.

Just sayin'.

911 fraud

North tower - bomb, nothing hit it, naudet video is photo shopped.
South tower - 767 plane, black, no markings, cargo version, 2200F molten steel pouring out (jet fuel burns at 600F) proof of thermite being used to demo structure
Pentagon - cruise missile
Shanksville - a ditch with metal junk doused with gasoline and set on fire - missing plane and corpses
Osama - CIA/Mossad double agent col Tim osman, job was to pop up and take credit for CIA/Mossad terror

Capitol police told to stand down and not erect standard barricade
Homos in MAGAdrag trolling trump supporters, urging a rush
Some trump supporters were dumb enough to follow
Capitol police officer death - fraud, guy clocked in next day
Babbitt - murder either by Chris wray's FBI or homO's hate hoaxing homos

In both cases, Zionist media did nothing but lie 100%.

Check the 1/6 crowd and you will find they are overwhelmingly homos who joined oath keepers or another group under false pretenses. Behind the homos is homO, the real community hate hoax organizer...

^ ^ ^ ^ ^

View attachment 504370

At least you know NOW that the GOP took 35 states both state house and senate. You denied that yesterday. Any explanation?

Yeah, your understand of math and science is that ... You have none.
"...they were replaced with Bamboo Unlimited replacements..."
Let's not be dismissive, poster Jack.
When ballots are made of bamboo and then fed to chickens, as was alleged in Maricopa County, well, they offer a nice Eastern nuance, a note of umami, to Beer Can Chicken.
So bamboo ballots aren't just for RWNJ's.

"That's been happening since Christ has walked the earth so that's nothing new."
Which argues Christ didn't do all that good of a job.
If, as the poster alleges, it began to happen when he was walking around on the free fish & bread circuit....and its been happening ever since. Well, that's an ouchy.

You may wanna re-think your Bible-thingy, Potterhead. Or, actually attend Sunday Bible school.

"Except in Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Las Vegas and Phoenix. Those cities kept voting until Biden stole the election."

Well, we've been hearing this caterwauling over those six cities for months. It is well plowed ground.

Rightfield partisans have trotted out dozens of conspiracies on the theft of votes in those cities. But.......they have fallen short time and time again on proving it. Even when they took their case before Trump appointed judges. But I suppose it is comforting to them to have a grievance to buttress their victimhood.

I just read in the New York Times a really informative article on the Philadelphia gig.
I've offered the link below.

What I found of interest was that in Philly, like in Atlanta and in Georgia itself......the guys in charge of the vote protocols, and the vote counting were long vetted lifelong Republicans. And they all are having to take measures to protect their families from the RWNJ dicks who threaten them. Now that is sad. Really and honestly.....sad. It speaks so poorly of America, and the RWNJ-universe of Trumplandia.

Here is the Philly story. Please read it, it is quite informative.

"He Wanted to Count Every Vote in Philadelphia. His Party Had Other Ideas.
When Donald Trump’s campaign tried to overturn the election results in Pennsylvania, Al Schmidt found himself trapped between his party and his principles."

Mail in votes does not explain how in six Democrat cities voting continued until Biden won the state by a statistically insignificant margin.

He's fucking crazy. :cuckoo:
He is indeed. NO votes were cast after the polls closed on election day
In cases of long lines where districts had few polling stations or problems with machines, hours were legally extended. People in line at closing time have always been allowed to vote too. No one was casting illegal votes until Biden won. Biden wasn't declare the winner till days later.

As an agitator, he lacks credibility. He's Kaz.

Democrats are so stupid. OK, take out a piece of paper. Put on six random dots. Draw from each line a line three inches to the right and at the end of the line put a red dot. Now fold the paper in half top to bottom. Now, how many of the red dots are just barely to the right of the line down the middle of the page?

You still don't get it, you're stupid, right? Be honest

Lacking a suitable rebut to "No one was casting illegal votes until Biden won. Biden wasn't declare the winner till days later." I understand why you would lash out like that. It's a credibility thing.

What the fuck are you talking about? Who are you quoting? The voices in your head?
You hear them too?

Yes, when you tell me what they said. I hear it from you though, not them. I have to take your word for it

You're fuKin Krazy Kaz. I never talk about those voices. Beside, she never told me she was a Nun......

So I'm curious, what in your mind is the difference between statistics don't matter and math doesn't matter? In this case the math we're talking about is statistics.

You realize that statistics are based on probability. The probability that one state swung like it did can happen. The probability that six states were in the exact same position then swung the exact same way to the exact same spot of a statistically insignificant Biden win is virtually zero. That is math and that is statistics, the same thing. So?

We don't decide elections by either statistics or probability. They are decided on who gets the largest number of votes in that state. The person who does is declared the winner. In the case of President, win enough states, and you get enough Electoral votes to win the election. Just because as a math genius or a stats geek, you think that something that happened was impossible because your skillz say so..doesn't make it the truth.

God you're stupid. No, statistics and probability don't decide elections. No one said they do.

They do help analyze the results though.

Seriously, how stupid are you? Be honest

The results are that Biden won. That's based on straight up vote totals.
Probability would be used BEFORE an election to make prognostications.
Statistics would be used AFTER an election to break down results into see if those prognostications held any water. :)

Right, and the statists BEFORE election where that is was within all significant margins of error. And yet six out of six States that had Trump well ahead all ended up in tiny Biden wins. You really don't understand math at all, do you? Be honest

No...they didn't. Just before the election, Biden was leading (still within the margin of error) in five of the six states. Arizona was the only state that was a toss up. Sorry for the big gif. Except in deep red states, there was nowhere Trump was comfortably ahead.
View attachment 504434


Abc news had Biden +17% in Wisconsin.

The Rasmussen daily poll had

Biden +13 6 weeks to go
Biden +5 3 weeks to go
Trump +2 2 weeks to go

15 points in a month

It was all traitor Joe going down.

Traitor Joe went off a cliff like he did in ever other race where the voters got to check him out, Iowa, nh, and prior attempts.

The more the voters checked out Joe, the more he fell, every time.....

He only did well hiding in the basement with his mask on...

And we know Joe likes masks, because his hero Ku klux klan enchanted cyclops dem senate leader Robert KKKing of pork Byrd wore one for ten years.....
That election was stolen. Communists, Fascists or whatever you want to call it. It was stolen. Prog politicians know it. And what makes it worse is if they know it then they can do what they want when fully empowered to any group or individuals. Law enforcement is being neutered and they still back them up. No trust in them.

So I'm curious, what in your mind is the difference between statistics don't matter and math doesn't matter? In this case the math we're talking about is statistics.

You realize that statistics are based on probability. The probability that one state swung like it did can happen. The probability that six states were in the exact same position then swung the exact same way to the exact same spot of a statistically insignificant Biden win is virtually zero. That is math and that is statistics, the same thing. So?

We don't decide elections by either statistics or probability. They are decided on who gets the largest number of votes in that state. The person who does is declared the winner. In the case of President, win enough states, and you get enough Electoral votes to win the election. Just because as a math genius or a stats geek, you think that something that happened was impossible because your skillz say so..doesn't make it the truth.

God you're stupid. No, statistics and probability don't decide elections. No one said they do.

They do help analyze the results though.

Seriously, how stupid are you? Be honest

The results are that Biden won. That's based on straight up vote totals.
Probability would be used BEFORE an election to make prognostications.
Statistics would be used AFTER an election to break down results into see if those prognostications held any water. :)

Right, and the statists BEFORE election where that is was within all significant margins of error. And yet six out of six States that had Trump well ahead all ended up in tiny Biden wins. You really don't understand math at all, do you? Be honest

No...they didn't. Just before the election, Biden was leading (still within the margin of error) in five of the six states. Arizona was the only state that was a toss up. Sorry for the big gif. Except in deep red states, there was nowhere Trump was comfortably ahead.
View attachment 504434


Abc news had Biden +17% in Wisconsin.

The Rasmussen daily poll had

Biden +13 6 weeks to go
Biden +5 3 weeks to go
Trump +2 2 weeks to go

15 points in a month

It was all traitor Joe going down.

Traitor Joe went off a cliff like he did in ever other race where the voters got to check him out, Iowa, nh, and prior attempts.

The more the voters checked out Joe, the more he fell, every time.....

He only did well hiding in the basement with his mask on...

And we know Joe likes masks, because his hero Ku klux klan enchanted cyclops dem senate leader Robert KKKing of pork Byrd wore one for ten years.....

National races traditionally tighten in the weeks and days running up to election day. And in all the numbers, I still don't see Trump comfortably ahead in any of the swing states. Which is what Kaz is saying.
Joe was out of his basement in July, 2020. Stop sniffing glue. :auiqs.jpg:
It doesn't matter what he has or has not conceded life goes on while he stays static in one moment of time..

Agreed. The election was stolen and certified. It's not going to change. The dragon won
In a hundred years what the heck difference will it make?

Depends if it continues down this path of fake elections or not. Democrats are doing everything you can to codify the end of free elections in election laws. If you are successful, it'll make a hell of a lot of difference in a hundred years
There are rules and regulations, there are codes in the programs and the security features yet there is no central control of elections and the Dems voting bill doesn't centralize the elections and I know you are against campaign finance reform because we want the Chinese and Russian monies in our elections to enrich the candidates and the party, right?

I never said only the national Democrat party stole the election. Of course many State Democrat parties were involved in stealing the election too. Particularly Penn, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Nevada. You didn't make any point.

Also, I call bull shit to your claim that you can read minds

Let me make the point for you then. No one stole anything. Your boy lost. Now put up some proof in the form of court documents that an actual judge will look at and take to trial or just close it.

You say that while spazzing out every day at these audits.

You cannot explain how traitor Joe won one single state of the 35 which voted GOP state house and state senate.

The reason you spazz out is because you are a homo with zero patriotism to America.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
An answer to the out context bullshit posted in another thread,

How’s that AZ recall going? Last time I asked you said wait and see. I’ve waited… what’s up?
A report should be out by August. That means there are a lot of things wrong. If there was no fraud the report would be out in days. They need more time to detail what actually happened.

You mean they need more time to spin a story. Because there was no fraud found. That's why they've taken the data to Montana and are going to string it out until August. If there was fraud found, they'd be singing it from every rooftop.
Plus, it gives the shepard more time to fleece the sheep for their hard earned cash. Gotta keep the coffers flush. :)
There was all kinds of fraud found. It is going to be proven. You keep lying.

So I'm curious, what in your mind is the difference between statistics don't matter and math doesn't matter? In this case the math we're talking about is statistics.

You realize that statistics are based on probability. The probability that one state swung like it did can happen. The probability that six states were in the exact same position then swung the exact same way to the exact same spot of a statistically insignificant Biden win is virtually zero. That is math and that is statistics, the same thing. So?

We don't decide elections by either statistics or probability. They are decided on who gets the largest number of votes in that state. The person who does is declared the winner. In the case of President, win enough states, and you get enough Electoral votes to win the election. Just because as a math genius or a stats geek, you think that something that happened was impossible because your skillz say so..doesn't make it the truth.

God you're stupid. No, statistics and probability don't decide elections. No one said they do.

They do help analyze the results though.

Seriously, how stupid are you? Be honest

The results are that Biden won. That's based on straight up vote totals.
Probability would be used BEFORE an election to make prognostications.
Statistics would be used AFTER an election to break down results into see if those prognostications held any water. :)

Right, and the statists BEFORE election where that is was within all significant margins of error. And yet six out of six States that had Trump well ahead all ended up in tiny Biden wins. You really don't understand math at all, do you? Be honest

No...they didn't. Just before the election, Biden was leading (still within the margin of error) in five of the six states. Arizona was the only state that was a toss up. Sorry for the big gif. Except in deep red states, there was nowhere Trump was comfortably ahead.
View attachment 504434


Abc news had Biden +17% in Wisconsin.

The Rasmussen daily poll had

Biden +13 6 weeks to go
Biden +5 3 weeks to go
Trump +2 2 weeks to go

15 points in a month

It was all traitor Joe going down.

Traitor Joe went off a cliff like he did in ever other race where the voters got to check him out, Iowa, nh, and prior attempts.

The more the voters checked out Joe, the more he fell, every time.....

He only did well hiding in the basement with his mask on...

And we know Joe likes masks, because his hero Ku klux klan enchanted cyclops dem senate leader Robert KKKing of pork Byrd wore one for ten years.....

Seek medcal help.
Every time they are asked to explain how traitor Joe won a state that voted GOP house and senate at state level, all 35 of them, we get

Shout downs
Drive byes

But never a rational attempt to explain how.

The how is obvious

"...they were replaced with Bamboo Unlimited replacements..."
Let's not be dismissive, poster Jack.
When ballots are made of bamboo and then fed to chickens, as was alleged in Maricopa County, well, they offer a nice Eastern nuance, a note of umami, to Beer Can Chicken.
So bamboo ballots aren't just for RWNJ's.

"That's been happening since Christ has walked the earth so that's nothing new."
Which argues Christ didn't do all that good of a job.
If, as the poster alleges, it began to happen when he was walking around on the free fish & bread circuit....and its been happening ever since. Well, that's an ouchy.

You may wanna re-think your Bible-thingy, Potterhead. Or, actually attend Sunday Bible school.

"Except in Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Las Vegas and Phoenix. Those cities kept voting until Biden stole the election."

Well, we've been hearing this caterwauling over those six cities for months. It is well plowed ground.

Rightfield partisans have trotted out dozens of conspiracies on the theft of votes in those cities. But.......they have fallen short time and time again on proving it. Even when they took their case before Trump appointed judges. But I suppose it is comforting to them to have a grievance to buttress their victimhood.

I just read in the New York Times a really informative article on the Philadelphia gig.
I've offered the link below.

What I found of interest was that in Philly, like in Atlanta and in Georgia itself......the guys in charge of the vote protocols, and the vote counting were long vetted lifelong Republicans. And they all are having to take measures to protect their families from the RWNJ dicks who threaten them. Now that is sad. Really and honestly.....sad. It speaks so poorly of America, and the RWNJ-universe of Trumplandia.

Here is the Philly story. Please read it, it is quite informative.

"He Wanted to Count Every Vote in Philadelphia. His Party Had Other Ideas.
When Donald Trump’s campaign tried to overturn the election results in Pennsylvania, Al Schmidt found himself trapped between his party and his principles."

I stopped reading at "conspiracy."

I have repeatedly said there is no conspiracy, superfuck, you just stole the election.

Where do you morons get that theft and fraud are the same as "conspiracy?" You're just a whole higher level of stupid

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