Trump " I have not conceded"

It doesn’t really matter. Very little difference between Joe and Don.
. . or Obama, or Hillary, or Bush, etc. etc. etc.

A Brief History of Hopium​

I'm curious, who would you like to see in the White House right now... Pick anybody

I imagine. . . probably the last person I ever cast a ballot for Pres.

When Obama ran for Pres. the fist time, she ran at the head of the ticket for the Green Party. I don't think she would run with them again. She has said she thought about running for the Libertarian Party, but only if they formed a coalition with the Greens.

I would trust her to include in her cabinet, folks from all political points of view.

. . . and, to seriously do what Trump said he was going to do, but failed to do, which is, not include any industry insiders in government.

Cool, I'll look into her. How do you think she would fair as head of the military and with foreign relations? Thats what always worries me about the inexperienced / unconnected types. It's a big job as it is, can't imagine how much tougher it would be for those who don't know the players or the game thats played on the world stage.
Yeah, in her Green Party acceptance speech, she never mentioned the environment.....

What an absolute moron.

. . . this is one of the reasons why she would not run for the nomination of the Green Party.

Although she still believes that corporatism is still destroying the planet. . . "sustainable development," is a globalist canard, just as the COVID/vaccine paradigm is being used by the globalists to take power away from local communities.

Her thoughts since '08 have evolved.

This is a quote from that acceptance speech.

". . . There is no doubt that the people of this country and in the global community are suffering from Washington, D.C.’s policies today.

Even as the ice in the Arctic Ocean reportedly was melting, the United States was obstructing an international discussion of climate change goals-setting for 2020 at the recently-concluded G-8 Summit. Even as George Bush has made himself an international climate change villain by not signing onto the Kyoto Protocol, his own scientists at the U.S. Climate Change Science Program have predicted more heat waves, intense rains, increased drought, and stronger hurricanes to affect the U.S. due to the worsening effects of climate change. . . . "

The fact is? When folks were saying this was all a globalist cabal planned event, involving gain of function? She had already been working with experts on a book, and it was published in Nov. of last year. . .


". . . Many questions arise concerning BIg Pharma's push for vaccines, and the mainstream dismissal of the possibility of alternative treatments such as HCQ. Other disturbing questions have arisen: Has the disruption been overblown to inflict damage on China as part of a trade war? On the United States, which faces massive damage to its economy in the midst of an increasingly bitter political divide? What are the biowarfare implications -in the Wuhan instance, where China's first BSL-4 level laboratory is situated, or in the future in general, given the spread of BSL-4 level laboratories worldwide and most extensively the US, as states and private entities conduct research into germ warfare, including the use of bat-generated viruses, for both offensive and defensive purposes, putting the entire world at risk of accidental leakage or worse? Is this truly a pandemic -- or is it a plandemic, and if so, to what end? What are the likely consequences, intended and not."

Cynthia McKinney is an affirmative action moron and black bigot.

There, you have been INFORMED.
Yeah, in her Green Party acceptance speech, she never mentioned the environment.....

What an absolute moron.

. . . this is one of the reasons why she would not run for the nomination of the Green Party.

Although she still believes that corporatism is still destroying the planet. . . "sustainable development," is a globalist canard, just as the COVID/vaccine paradigm is being used by the globalists to take power away from local communities.

Her thoughts since '08 have evolved.

This is a quote from that acceptance speech.

". . . There is no doubt that the people of this country and in the global community are suffering from Washington, D.C.’s policies today.

Even as the ice in the Arctic Ocean reportedly was melting, the United States was obstructing an international discussion of climate change goals-setting for 2020 at the recently-concluded G-8 Summit. Even as George Bush has made himself an international climate change villain by not signing onto the Kyoto Protocol, his own scientists at the U.S. Climate Change Science Program have predicted more heat waves, intense rains, increased drought, and stronger hurricanes to affect the U.S. due to the worsening effects of climate change. . . . "

The fact is? When folks were saying this was all a globalist cabal planned event, involving gain of function? She had already been working with experts on a book, and it was published in Nov. of last year. . .


". . . Many questions arise concerning BIg Pharma's push for vaccines, and the mainstream dismissal of the possibility of alternative treatments such as HCQ. Other disturbing questions have arisen: Has the disruption been overblown to inflict damage on China as part of a trade war? On the United States, which faces massive damage to its economy in the midst of an increasingly bitter political divide? What are the biowarfare implications -in the Wuhan instance, where China's first BSL-4 level laboratory is situated, or in the future in general, given the spread of BSL-4 level laboratories worldwide and most extensively the US, as states and private entities conduct research into germ warfare, including the use of bat-generated viruses, for both offensive and defensive purposes, putting the entire world at risk of accidental leakage or worse? Is this truly a pandemic -- or is it a plandemic, and if so, to what end? What are the likely consequences, intended and not."

Cynthia McKinney is an affirmative action moron and black bigot.

There, you have been INFORMED.
Why not post some proof of that?

Why would she support Trump over Biden then? You really have no idea what you are talking about.

She stands for process over politics, did her Phd. work with the expert in the nation on the Deep State.

Before the election;

Dr. Cynthia McKinney Collage for President Donald Trump -- Mother of All Landslides? YES!​

Dr. Cynthia McKinney is a pro-Trumper conditional on his meeting and engaging with the authentic black leaders of black communities -- not the black celebrity snowflakes made in the white system. She is a six-term Democratic Congresswoman from GEORGIA; the Green Party Presidential candidate in 2008; and today the leading INDEPENDENT-LIBERTARIAN-GREEN cross-over personality. She wanted to be the junior Senator from GEORGIA. That was given to a young white girl. She accepts that and will not challenge it. What next? Donald Trump Jr and Cynthia McKinney ONE THE ROAD AGAIN leading white + black MAGA rallies!

Want the Mother of All Landslides? Give Cynthia a call.

After the shenanigans, (which the Deep State used the same tactics to primary out of her district when she didn't toe the corporate approved line.)

Dr. (PhD) Cynthia McKinney in 50 Seconds -- Trump Won Big; Expose It All, STAY THE COURSE​

Last edited:
Yeah, in her Green Party acceptance speech, she never mentioned the environment.....

What an absolute moron.

. . . this is one of the reasons why she would not run for the nomination of the Green Party.

Although she still believes that corporatism is still destroying the planet. . . "sustainable development," is a globalist canard, just as the COVID/vaccine paradigm is being used by the globalists to take power away from local communities.

Her thoughts since '08 have evolved.

This is a quote from that acceptance speech.

". . . There is no doubt that the people of this country and in the global community are suffering from Washington, D.C.’s policies today.

Even as the ice in the Arctic Ocean reportedly was melting, the United States was obstructing an international discussion of climate change goals-setting for 2020 at the recently-concluded G-8 Summit. Even as George Bush has made himself an international climate change villain by not signing onto the Kyoto Protocol, his own scientists at the U.S. Climate Change Science Program have predicted more heat waves, intense rains, increased drought, and stronger hurricanes to affect the U.S. due to the worsening effects of climate change. . . . "

The fact is? When folks were saying this was all a globalist cabal planned event, involving gain of function? She had already been working with experts on a book, and it was published in Nov. of last year. . .


". . . Many questions arise concerning BIg Pharma's push for vaccines, and the mainstream dismissal of the possibility of alternative treatments such as HCQ. Other disturbing questions have arisen: Has the disruption been overblown to inflict damage on China as part of a trade war? On the United States, which faces massive damage to its economy in the midst of an increasingly bitter political divide? What are the biowarfare implications -in the Wuhan instance, where China's first BSL-4 level laboratory is situated, or in the future in general, given the spread of BSL-4 level laboratories worldwide and most extensively the US, as states and private entities conduct research into germ warfare, including the use of bat-generated viruses, for both offensive and defensive purposes, putting the entire world at risk of accidental leakage or worse? Is this truly a pandemic -- or is it a plandemic, and if so, to what end? What are the likely consequences, intended and not."

Cynthia McKinney is an affirmative action moron and black bigot.

There, you have been INFORMED.
Why not post some proof of that?

Why would she support Trump over Biden then? You really have no idea what you are talking about.

She stands for process over politics, did her Phd. work with the expert in the nation on the Deep State.

Before the election;

Dr. Cynthia McKinney Collage for President Donald Trump -- Mother of All Landslides? YES!​

Dr. Cynthia McKinney is a pro-Trumper conditional on his meeting and engaging with the authentic black leaders of black communities -- not the black celebrity snowflakes made in the white system. She is a six-term Democratic Congresswoman from GEORGIA; the Green Party Presidential candidate in 2008; and today the leading INDEPENDENT-LIBERTARIAN-GREEN cross-over personality. She wanted to be the junior Senator from GEORGIA. That was given to a young white girl. She accepts that and will not challenge it. What next? Donald Trump Jr and Cynthia McKinney ONE THE ROAD AGAIN leading white + black MAGA rallies!

Want the Mother of All Landslides? Give Cynthia a call.

After the shenanigans, (which the Deep State used the same tactics to primary out of her district when she didn't two the corporate approved line.)

Dr. (PhD) Cynthia McKinney in 50 Seconds -- Trump Won Big; Expose It All, STAY THE COURSE​

Did you see the Black Bigot comment?

Any question about who America's REAL ENEMY is?
It doesn’t really matter. Very little difference between Joe and Don.
. . or Obama, or Hillary, or Bush, etc. etc. etc.

A Brief History of Hopium​

I'm curious, who would you like to see in the White House right now... Pick anybody

I imagine. . . probably the last person I ever cast a ballot for Pres.

When Obama ran for Pres. the fist time, she ran at the head of the ticket for the Green Party. I don't think she would run with them again. She has said she thought about running for the Libertarian Party, but only if they formed a coalition with the Greens.

I would trust her to include in her cabinet, folks from all political points of view.

. . . and, to seriously do what Trump said he was going to do, but failed to do, which is, not include any industry insiders in government.

Cool, I'll look into her. How do you think she would fair as head of the military and with foreign relations? Thats what always worries me about the inexperienced / unconnected types. It's a big job as it is, can't imagine how much tougher it would be for those who don't know the players or the game thats played on the world stage.

Six terms in congress is NOT inexperienced.

She has traveled the world, getting involved in international disputes and negotiations, always standing for the oppressed.

But you are right, she stands for the people, not the global interests, so it is useless to even consider it, b/c the TEE VEE and corporations are the ones that determine how folks think. . . look at EMH. . . he thinks he knows, but doesn't have a clue.

Help, it's the "DUH-Heap" State out to getcha!
Says the Leftist political blind ... :rolleyes:
It was liberal college professors that first dissected the machinations of, and defined in scholarly terms, how the establishment evolved into what we now know of as the Deep State.

Bill Moyers, a very famous lefty political commentator, did a great half-hour segment on it, years before Trump was even elected. . . but now that it is firmly a stake holder of the left, they are in complete denial that it is utterly out of control.

The Deep State Hiding in Plain Sight​

Apr 15, 2014
It doesn’t really matter. Very little difference between Joe and Don.
. . or Obama, or Hillary, or Bush, etc. etc. etc.

A Brief History of Hopium​

I'm curious, who would you like to see in the White House right now... Pick anybody

I imagine. . . probably the last person I ever cast a ballot for Pres.

When Obama ran for Pres. the fist time, she ran at the head of the ticket for the Green Party. I don't think she would run with them again. She has said she thought about running for the Libertarian Party, but only if they formed a coalition with the Greens.

I would trust her to include in her cabinet, folks from all political points of view.

. . . and, to seriously do what Trump said he was going to do, but failed to do, which is, not include any industry insiders in government.

Cool, I'll look into her. How do you think she would fair as head of the military and with foreign relations? Thats what always worries me about the inexperienced / unconnected types. It's a big job as it is, can't imagine how much tougher it would be for those who don't know the players or the game thats played on the world stage.

Six terms in congress is NOT inexperienced.

She has traveled the world, getting involved in international disputes and negotiations, always standing for the oppressed.

But you are right, she stands for the people, not the global interests, so it is useless to even consider it, b/c the TEE VEE and corporations are the ones that determine how folks think. . . look at EMH. . . he thinks he knows, but doesn't have a clue.

I'm right?! I don't remember saying anything about her as this is the first time I've heard of her. You got defensive pretty quickly there. She looks great from a quick glance at the wiki page.
Why would he concede?
Everyone knows the Democrats stole the election ....
These auditors are using forensics to uncover the fraud. If the auditors prove Trump won, Biden should be removed from the White House.

The science behind the fraudit has not been made public much less peer reviewed. Simply calling it forensic implies a crime has been committed and thus prejudices the entire Neo-GOP's campaign on the Biglie.

Btw there is no Constitutional requirement for the loser in the Presidential election to concede.

Biden is the President regardless if Trumpybear "the sour loser" concedes or not.
In other words you Dems are afraid of the forensic evidence being uncovered by the audit.

Sure thing, the Dems have been quaking in their boots since Durham was put on the ObamaGate case.

There is no such a thing as a forensic audit of an election. They made that shit up. The Cyber Kung Fu Squad is has no experience in forensic election audits, no body does. They made that shit up!
Democrats are not quaking because they are above the law. It is obvious not one corrupt agency is going to hold them accountable for anything. I get a kick how you jerks think that is American in any way shape or form. I have never seen the laws ignored like this. Trump is no excuse to destroy this country,

You guys need to wise up because they are going to shit on everyone. When the fraud is proven some of you might snap out of it.
Its been HALF A YEAR. Fraud hasn't been proven. Its been over for a long time. Y'all are insane
It doesn’t really matter. Very little difference between Joe and Don.
. . or Obama, or Hillary, or Bush, etc. etc. etc.

A Brief History of Hopium​

I'm curious, who would you like to see in the White House right now... Pick anybody

I imagine. . . probably the last person I ever cast a ballot for Pres.

When Obama ran for Pres. the fist time, she ran at the head of the ticket for the Green Party. I don't think she would run with them again. She has said she thought about running for the Libertarian Party, but only if they formed a coalition with the Greens.

I would trust her to include in her cabinet, folks from all political points of view.

. . . and, to seriously do what Trump said he was going to do, but failed to do, which is, not include any industry insiders in government.

Cool, I'll look into her. How do you think she would fair as head of the military and with foreign relations? Thats what always worries me about the inexperienced / unconnected types. It's a big job as it is, can't imagine how much tougher it would be for those who don't know the players or the game thats played on the world stage.

Six terms in congress is NOT inexperienced.

She has traveled the world, getting involved in international disputes and negotiations, always standing for the oppressed.

But you are right, she stands for the people, not the global interests, so it is useless to even consider it, b/c the TEE VEE and corporations are the ones that determine how folks think. . . look at EMH. . . he thinks he knows, but doesn't have a clue.

I'm right?! I don't remember saying anything about her as this is the first time I've heard of her. You got defensive pretty quickly there. She looks great from a quick glance at the wiki page.

OH. nm.

I thought you were claiming that she was inexperienced.


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