Trump: I Will Eliminate U.S. Debt In 8 Years

Trump has already written 33 more EOs than Obama did in the same period. And yet I haven't heard a single one of you whining about Trump making end runs around Congress.

How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?

Hypocrisy? Yes, as are those who condemn Trump but said nothing about Obama.
Nice try. I've been screaming about the debt since coming to this forum. I have probably made more posts about the debt than all my other posts combined.

Got any more logical fallacies to defend the indefensible Deficit Donald?

I think it would literally kill you to admit the huckster totally hoaxed you.
Did O double debt to save the nation from the a Great Recession?
Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

Trumptard responses:

1. B-b-b-b-b-but Hillary!

2. Who cares? I've thrown my principles out the window.

3. Look! A squirrel!

4. B-b-b-b-b-but Obama!

You didn’t answer my question. Why?
It has nothing to do with the topic.

Sell your red herrings elsewhere.
Trump didn’t shut down the government because of a balanced budget. He shut it down in a tantrum over the wall
/----/ It doesn't matter. When a Republican president shuts down the Gubmint for any reason, they are attacked by the very people who control spending. Are you saying if he shut it down because of overspending, democRATs would have balanced the budget? Seriously?
Fact is he didn’t

Trump has the most debt in history
/—-/ Post the link to Trump’s debt or Shut your stupid pie hole.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Trump promised to pay if all off. So he owns it now.

Do you realize you have been hoaxed by him? Again.
/—-/ As soon as Obozo pays his share.

so if the debt is cumulative, when will Reagan pay off his 189% debt increase - or 43 pays off his 101% debt increase-

Hypocrisy? Yes, as are those who condemn Trump but said nothing about Obama.
Nice try. I've been screaming about the debt since coming to this forum. I have probably made more posts about the debt than all my other posts combined.

Got any more logical fallacies to defend the indefensible Deficit Donald?

I think it would literally kill you to admit the huckster totally hoaxed you.
Did O double debt to save the nation from the a Great Recession?
Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

Trumptard responses:

1. B-b-b-b-b-but Hillary!

2. Who cares? I've thrown my principles out the window.

3. Look! A squirrel!

4. B-b-b-b-b-but Obama!

You didn’t answer my question. Why?
It has nothing to do with the topic.
Sure it does. O doubled the national debt. Your OP is about the national debt.
Hypocrisy? Yes, as are those who condemn Trump but said nothing about Obama.
Nice try. I've been screaming about the debt since coming to this forum. I have probably made more posts about the debt than all my other posts combined.

Got any more logical fallacies to defend the indefensible Deficit Donald?

I think it would literally kill you to admit the huckster totally hoaxed you.
Did O double debt to save the nation from the a Great Recession?
Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

Trumptard responses:

1. B-b-b-b-b-but Hillary!

2. Who cares? I've thrown my principles out the window.

3. Look! A squirrel!

4. B-b-b-b-b-but Obama!

You didn’t answer my question. Why?
It has nothing to do with the topic.

Sell your red herrings elsewhere.

Of course it does
Nice try. I've been screaming about the debt since coming to this forum. I have probably made more posts about the debt than all my other posts combined.

Got any more logical fallacies to defend the indefensible Deficit Donald?

I think it would literally kill you to admit the huckster totally hoaxed you.
Did O double debt to save the nation from the a Great Recession?
Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

Trumptard responses:

1. B-b-b-b-b-but Hillary!

2. Who cares? I've thrown my principles out the window.

3. Look! A squirrel!

4. B-b-b-b-b-but Obama!

You didn’t answer my question. Why?
It has nothing to do with the topic.

Sell your red herrings elsewhere.

Of course it does
It has nothing to do with Trump doubling the deficit and INCREASING the debt by three trillion dollars when he promised to pay off the debt.

Nothing at all.
Nice try. I've been screaming about the debt since coming to this forum. I have probably made more posts about the debt than all my other posts combined.

Got any more logical fallacies to defend the indefensible Deficit Donald?

I think it would literally kill you to admit the huckster totally hoaxed you.
Did O double debt to save the nation from the a Great Recession?
Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

Trumptard responses:

1. B-b-b-b-b-but Hillary!

2. Who cares? I've thrown my principles out the window.

3. Look! A squirrel!

4. B-b-b-b-b-but Obama!

You didn’t answer my question. Why?
It has nothing to do with the topic.

Sell your red herrings elsewhere.

Of course it does
He’s a partisan hack, but can’t admit it.
Nice try. I've been screaming about the debt since coming to this forum. I have probably made more posts about the debt than all my other posts combined.

Got any more logical fallacies to defend the indefensible Deficit Donald?

I think it would literally kill you to admit the huckster totally hoaxed you.
Did O double debt to save the nation from the a Great Recession?
Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

Trumptard responses:

1. B-b-b-b-b-but Hillary!

2. Who cares? I've thrown my principles out the window.

3. Look! A squirrel!

4. B-b-b-b-b-but Obama!

You didn’t answer my question. Why?
It has nothing to do with the topic.
Sure it does. O doubled the national debt. Your OP is about the national debt.
No, my OP is about Trump's promise to pay off the debt in 8 years.

You've been hoaxed by a game show host.
Did O double debt to save the nation from the a Great Recession?
Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

Trumptard responses:

1. B-b-b-b-b-but Hillary!

2. Who cares? I've thrown my principles out the window.

3. Look! A squirrel!

4. B-b-b-b-b-but Obama!

You didn’t answer my question. Why?
It has nothing to do with the topic.
Sure it does. O doubled the national debt. Your OP is about the national debt.
No, my OP is about Trump's promise to pay off the debt in 8 years.

You've been hoaxed by a game show host.
If you really believed any American believed Donnie would eliminate the national debt, you aren’t very smart.
Did O double debt to save the nation from the a Great Recession?
Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

Trumptard responses:

1. B-b-b-b-b-but Hillary!

2. Who cares? I've thrown my principles out the window.

3. Look! A squirrel!

4. B-b-b-b-b-but Obama!

You didn’t answer my question. Why?
It has nothing to do with the topic.

Sell your red herrings elsewhere.

Of course it does
He’s a partisan hack, but can’t admit it.
Did O double debt to save the nation from the a Great Recession?
Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

Trumptard responses:

1. B-b-b-b-b-but Hillary!

2. Who cares? I've thrown my principles out the window.

3. Look! A squirrel!

4. B-b-b-b-b-but Obama!

You didn’t answer my question. Why?
It has nothing to do with the topic.

Sell your red herrings elsewhere.

Of course it does
It has nothing to do with Trump doubling the deficit and INCREASING the debt by three trillion dollars when he promised to pay off the debt.

Nothing at all.

Did Obama not promise the same thing? Are you going to argue it's bad for Trump but not Obama?
Did O double debt to save the nation from the a Great Recession?
Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

Trumptard responses:

1. B-b-b-b-b-but Hillary!

2. Who cares? I've thrown my principles out the window.

3. Look! A squirrel!

4. B-b-b-b-b-but Obama!

You didn’t answer my question. Why?
It has nothing to do with the topic.
Sure it does. O doubled the national debt. Your OP is about the national debt.
No, my OP is about Trump's promise to pay off the debt in 8 years.

You've been hoaxed by a game show host.

We agree that Trump is a failure in that regard. So are those who came before him.
Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

Trumptard responses:

1. B-b-b-b-b-but Hillary!

2. Who cares? I've thrown my principles out the window.

3. Look! A squirrel!

4. B-b-b-b-b-but Obama!

You didn’t answer my question. Why?
It has nothing to do with the topic.
Sure it does. O doubled the national debt. Your OP is about the national debt.
No, my OP is about Trump's promise to pay off the debt in 8 years.

You've been hoaxed by a game show host.

We agree that Trump is a failure in that regard. So are those who came before him.


You didn’t answer my question. Why?
It has nothing to do with the topic.
Sure it does. O doubled the national debt. Your OP is about the national debt.
No, my OP is about Trump's promise to pay off the debt in 8 years.

You've been hoaxed by a game show host.

We agree that Trump is a failure in that regard. So are those who came before him.


Thats absurd. Nearly every potus makes campaign promises they never fulfill. To think that Donnie is somehow different, is dumb and partisan foolishness.

I believe Gitmo is still open.
Wow! That's FOUR people in this topic who are so massively brain damaged that they actually believe Trump will be able to pay off $23 trillion of debt in the next five years, $3 trillion which he has personally ADDED.
Sure, all he has to do is print the money

"We didn't expect Trump to keep his promises."

Well, then why the FUCK did you tards pick him over several actual conservatives in the primaries?

Did you WANT our trade deficit with China to hit record levels?

Did you WANT Obamacare to be preserved and health care costs to hit record levels?

Did you WANT the deficit DOUBLED?

Did you WANT a long list of Trump hirees and friends to be jailed and/or resign in disgrace and scandal?

Did you WANT record big government spending?

Did you WANT a fucktard who spits on war heroes?

Did you WANT a far left protectionist trade war which would suppress the Dow for two years now, and cause our GDP growth to drop to 1.9 percent?

Did you WANT a serial adulterer to be your moral leader?

What the fuck, rubes? What is it going to take to wake you the fuck up finally?
Wow! That's FOUR people in this topic who are so massively brain damaged that they actually believe Trump will be able to pay off $23 trillion of debt in the next five years, $3 trillion which he has personally ADDED.
Sure, all he has to do is print the money

Yeah, that's actually what the game show host said. That's just how fucking clueless he is.

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