Trump: I Will Eliminate U.S. Debt In 8 Years

In the wrong direction obviously.

Did anyone believe this could happen...under anybody ?


We are way out of balance and continue to be so.
We get the politicians we deserve.

It started with Bush......

Obama helped keep it going......

Our government sucks.
You didn’t answer my question. Why?
It has nothing to do with the topic.
Sure it does. O doubled the national debt. Your OP is about the national debt.
No, my OP is about Trump's promise to pay off the debt in 8 years.

Wow! That's FOUR people in this topic who are so massively brain damaged that they actually believe Trump will be able to pay off $23 trillion of debt in the next five years, $3 trillion which he has personally ADDED.
Sure, all he has to do is print the money

Yeah, that's actually what the game show host said. That's just how fucking clueless he is.
You are the clueless one. You really think some believed Trump.

It never fails that when I attack Trump's massive big government spending, someone will either directly accuse or insinuate that I didn't do the same about Obama.

Those who have been here a long time know full well I have made the federal debt my number one issue since the get-go. I have stated repeatedly the national debt is the biggest threat to our national security. More than guns, Mexicans, or gays.

So here's an example of a post I made in 2012. I included another poster's contribution because it describes all the promises Obama made and broke, which I approved as a good post:

Mud, your poll didn't give us an 'any and all of the above or anything else that seems to grab any traction' option.

I am thinking he will:

1. Promise complete transparency in government and we will have the option to fully study and understand any legislation before he signs it into law. It worked for him last time.

2. Promise not the raise the debt ceiling because it demontrates an irresponsible dereliction of duty and inability to manage. It worked for him last time.

3. Promise to cut the deficit in half and be approaching full employment by the end of his term of office. It worked for him last time.

4. Promise to close GITMO and begin bringing our troops home immediately and keep us out of other military entanglements. It worked for him last time.

5. Promise the most ethical administration of impeccable integrity in U.S. history. It worked for hm last time.

6. Promise to defend and uphold traditional marriage. It worked for him last time.

7. Promise to secure our borders. It worked for him last time.

8. Promise to provide affordable healthcare for all. It worked for him last time.

This is a good post.

And a lot of people forget Obama was writing checks the American taxpayer could not possibly cash nearly every day of his 2008 campaign. Even without a recession.

In fact, it is precisely because of the recession that Obama was not able to follow through on all that check writing.

No matter what, we'd be deeper in debt with Obama, recession or no recession. All you have to do is look at his "Julia" cartoon to see that. He's still trying to write checks we can't cash.

"No matter what, we'd be deeper in debt with Obama, recession or no recession."

Direct quote. By me.
It has nothing to do with the topic.
Sure it does. O doubled the national debt. Your OP is about the national debt.
No, my OP is about Trump's promise to pay off the debt in 8 years.

Wow! That's FOUR people in this topic who are so massively brain damaged that they actually believe Trump will be able to pay off $23 trillion of debt in the next five years, $3 trillion which he has personally ADDED.
Sure, all he has to do is print the money

Yeah, that's actually what the game show host said. That's just how fucking clueless he is.
You are the clueless one. You really think some believed Trump.

See post 278.
It never fails that when I attack Trump's massive big government spending, someone will either directly accuse or insinuate that I didn't do the same about Obama.

Those who have been here a long time know full well I have made the federal debt my number one issue since the get-go. I have stated repeatedly the national debt is the biggest threat to our national security. More than guns, Mexicans, or gays.

So here's an example of a post I made in 2012. I included another poster's contribution because it describes all the promises Obama made and broke, which I approved as a good post:

Mud, your poll didn't give us an 'any and all of the above or anything else that seems to grab any traction' option.

I am thinking he will:

1. Promise complete transparency in government and we will have the option to fully study and understand any legislation before he signs it into law. It worked for him last time.

2. Promise not the raise the debt ceiling because it demontrates an irresponsible dereliction of duty and inability to manage. It worked for him last time.

3. Promise to cut the deficit in half and be approaching full employment by the end of his term of office. It worked for him last time.

4. Promise to close GITMO and begin bringing our troops home immediately and keep us out of other military entanglements. It worked for him last time.

5. Promise the most ethical administration of impeccable integrity in U.S. history. It worked for hm last time.

6. Promise to defend and uphold traditional marriage. It worked for him last time.

7. Promise to secure our borders. It worked for him last time.

8. Promise to provide affordable healthcare for all. It worked for him last time.

This is a good post.

And a lot of people forget Obama was writing checks the American taxpayer could not possibly cash nearly every day of his 2008 campaign. Even without a recession.

In fact, it is precisely because of the recession that Obama was not able to follow through on all that check writing.

No matter what, we'd be deeper in debt with Obama, recession or no recession. All you have to do is look at his "Julia" cartoon to see that. He's still trying to write checks we can't cash.

"No matter what, we'd be deeper in debt with Obama, recession or no recession."

Direct quote. By me.

Agreed that while you are way off base on several things, you've always been a financial hawk.

Critical of Bush,

Critical of Obama,

Critical of Trump.
/-----/ It's only been 3 1/2 years. You better vote for his reelection to see him pay off the debt.
The count is now up to FIVE people in this topic who are so massively brain damaged that they actually believe Trump will be able to pay off $23 trillion of debt in the next five years, $3 trillion which he has personally ADDED.
g5000 = unemployed and blaming Trump for it.

No, he's a "dual citizen" and gainfully employed by both the Dems and the Mossad.

His job = spread misinfo and shout down truth here

Trump tried to get Paul Ryan to cut things. Paul said no.

Paul Ryan was the problem.

Paul Ryan is the face of the post 1998 GOP

Newt was the face of the pre 1998 GOP

If Trump had Newt's Congress, we'd be on course....
Trump's tax cut. Just ask him

Trump's trade wars., just ask him

Trumps jump in military spending, just ask him.

So how about you quit your fucking lying.
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Is this the same as the definition for "dumb" or "dumber"? I would think one word would have a slightly different meaning. Eh - whatever! Stupid is as stupid does...
If Trump is going to pay off the debt in 8 years, then doubling the deficit to a trillion dollars is moving in the exact opposite direction of that goal, right?

Another Trump hoax.
Don’t you know that all tax cuts pay for themselves?
Is this the same as the definition for "dumb" or "dumber"? I would think one word would have a slightly different meaning. Eh - whatever! Stupid is as stupid does...
If Trump is going to pay off the debt in 8 years, then doubling the deficit to a trillion dollars is moving in the exact opposite direction of that goal, right?

Another Trump hoax.
Don’t you know that all tax cuts pay for themselves?

says it right there on the cracker jack box - errrrrrrrrrrrrr, NAPKIN !
That would be a great start. We almost made it with Bill Clinton.

But we need laws written which will force successors to keep the budget balanced or in surplus.

Which is why my number one top priority when it come to the budget is a total ban on tax expenditures written into law.
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Is this the same as the definition for "dumb" or "dumber"? I would think one word would have a slightly different meaning. Eh - whatever! Stupid is as stupid does...
If Trump is going to pay off the debt in 8 years, then doubling the deficit to a trillion dollars is moving in the exact opposite direction of that goal, right?

Another Trump hoax.
Don’t you know that all tax cuts pay for themselves?
It's funny how the rube herd never notices that tax revenues went up when both Clinton and Obama raised taxes.

They are ignorant of this fact because their propagandists deliberately omit it.

Lies of omission are a big tool in the propagandist toolbox.
That would be a great start. We almost made it with Bill Clinton.

But we need laws written which will force successors to keep the budget balanced or in surplus.

Which is why my number one top priority when it come to the budget is a total ban on tax expenditures written into law.
Now all we need to do is put in a democrat who will spend $100 trillion fighting the naturally occurring gas carbon dioxide along with free everything.

That should finish us all off.

Personally I hate nitrogen in the air more and would spend twice that to rid the world of nitrogen.
That would be a great start. We almost made it with Bill Clinton.

But we need laws written which will force successors to keep the budget balanced or in surplus.

Which is why my number one top priority when it come to the budget is a total ban on tax expenditures written into law.
Now all we need to do is put in a democrat who will spend $100 trillion fighting the naturally occurring gas carbon dioxide along with free everything.

That should finish us all off.

Personally I hate nitrogen in the air more and would spend twice that to rid the world of nitrogen.

Hey, that's no joke. I hear rising Nitrogen is endangering a species of squirrel in Wakanda.
/-----/ It's only been 3 1/2 years. You better vote for his reelection to see him pay off the debt.
The count is now up to FIVE people in this topic who are so massively brain damaged that they actually believe Trump will be able to pay off $23 trillion of debt in the next five years, $3 trillion which he has personally ADDED.

Can any president affect the debt anymore? Even if you found a president who cares, Congress is in charge of the budget. We all know they are bought and paid for.

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