Trump: I Will Eliminate U.S. Debt In 8 Years

You think?

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell summed up his plan to National Journal:
“The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”

I never claimed he didn't say that. And that is a good counter for the Republicans to note when the (D)'s say that about Trump.
He thinks the Ds are really really nice to Trump. LOL.

I wonder what O meant when he said he has a pen and a phone. Somehow I don’t think it had anything to do with working with Rs.
Trump has already written 33 more EOs than Obama did in the same period. And yet I haven't heard a single one of you whining about Trump making end runs around Congress.

How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?

Hypocrisy? Yes, as are those who condemn Trump but said nothing about Obama.
Nice try. I've been screaming about the debt since coming to this forum. I have probably made more posts about the debt than all my other posts combined.

Got any more logical fallacies to defend the indefensible Deficit Donald?

I think it would literally kill you to admit the huckster totally hoaxed you.

Defend Trump? I think he's an absolute buffoon. I didn't vote for him.
/—-/ How many times do you nitwits have to be told the President can’t spend one dime? Only Congress can, and both sides are guilty.
The President proposes an initial budget that is presented to Congress
He then gets to sign the eventual budget

A President committed to balancing the budget can insist on one
/----/ "A President committed to balancing the budget can insist on one"
Stop playing stupid and naive. You know damn well that when Trump refused to sign the budget, the Government went into a shutdown and you libtards and the LSM blasted him for hurting all the poor gubmint workers who lived paycheck to paycheck.
Trump didn’t shut down the government because of a balanced budget. He shut it down in a tantrum over the wall
/----/ It doesn't matter. When a Republican president shuts down the Gubmint for any reason, they are attacked by the very people who control spending. Are you saying if he shut it down because of overspending, democRATs would have balanced the budget? Seriously?
Fact is he didn’t

Trump has the most debt in history
/—-/ Post the link to Trump’s debt or Shut your stupid pie hole.
The President proposes an initial budget that is presented to Congress
He then gets to sign the eventual budget

A President committed to balancing the budget can insist on one
/----/ "A President committed to balancing the budget can insist on one"
Stop playing stupid and naive. You know damn well that when Trump refused to sign the budget, the Government went into a shutdown and you libtards and the LSM blasted him for hurting all the poor gubmint workers who lived paycheck to paycheck.
Trump didn’t shut down the government because of a balanced budget. He shut it down in a tantrum over the wall
/----/ It doesn't matter. When a Republican president shuts down the Gubmint for any reason, they are attacked by the very people who control spending. Are you saying if he shut it down because of overspending, democRATs would have balanced the budget? Seriously?
Fact is he didn’t

Trump has the most debt in history
/—-/ Post the link to Trump’s debt or Shut your stupid pie hole.
$23 trillion and counting
/----/ "A President committed to balancing the budget can insist on one"
Stop playing stupid and naive. You know damn well that when Trump refused to sign the budget, the Government went into a shutdown and you libtards and the LSM blasted him for hurting all the poor gubmint workers who lived paycheck to paycheck.
Trump didn’t shut down the government because of a balanced budget. He shut it down in a tantrum over the wall
/----/ It doesn't matter. When a Republican president shuts down the Gubmint for any reason, they are attacked by the very people who control spending. Are you saying if he shut it down because of overspending, democRATs would have balanced the budget? Seriously?
Fact is he didn’t

Trump has the most debt in history
/—-/ Post the link to Trump’s debt or Shut your stupid pie hole.
$23 trillion and counting
/——-/ Nope. Try again you dummy.
The President proposes an initial budget that is presented to Congress
He then gets to sign the eventual budget

A President committed to balancing the budget can insist on one
/----/ "A President committed to balancing the budget can insist on one"
Stop playing stupid and naive. You know damn well that when Trump refused to sign the budget, the Government went into a shutdown and you libtards and the LSM blasted him for hurting all the poor gubmint workers who lived paycheck to paycheck.
Trump didn’t shut down the government because of a balanced budget. He shut it down in a tantrum over the wall
/----/ It doesn't matter. When a Republican president shuts down the Gubmint for any reason, they are attacked by the very people who control spending. Are you saying if he shut it down because of overspending, democRATs would have balanced the budget? Seriously?
Fact is he didn’t

Trump has the most debt in history
/—-/ Post the link to Trump’s debt or Shut your stupid pie hole.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Trump promised to pay if all off. So he owns it now.

Do you realize you have been hoaxed by him? Again.
The President proposes an initial budget that is presented to Congress
He then gets to sign the eventual budget

A President committed to balancing the budget can insist on one
/----/ "A President committed to balancing the budget can insist on one"
Stop playing stupid and naive. You know damn well that when Trump refused to sign the budget, the Government went into a shutdown and you libtards and the LSM blasted him for hurting all the poor gubmint workers who lived paycheck to paycheck.
Trump didn’t shut down the government because of a balanced budget. He shut it down in a tantrum over the wall
/----/ It doesn't matter. When a Republican president shuts down the Gubmint for any reason, they are attacked by the very people who control spending. Are you saying if he shut it down because of overspending, democRATs would have balanced the budget? Seriously?
Fact is he didn’t

Trump has the most debt in history
/—-/ Post the link to Trump’s debt or Shut your stupid pie hole.

figure out the difference between debt and deficit then get back to us -

The Trumpster is making a complete fool of himself and doesn't know it.
Trump didn’t shut down the government because of a balanced budget. He shut it down in a tantrum over the wall
/----/ It doesn't matter. When a Republican president shuts down the Gubmint for any reason, they are attacked by the very people who control spending. Are you saying if he shut it down because of overspending, democRATs would have balanced the budget? Seriously?
Fact is he didn’t

Trump has the most debt in history
/—-/ Post the link to Trump’s debt or Shut your stupid pie hole.
$23 trillion and counting
/——-/ Nope. Try again you dummy.

Trump owns $23 trillion debt
He promised to pay it off
/----/ It doesn't matter. When a Republican president shuts down the Gubmint for any reason, they are attacked by the very people who control spending. Are you saying if he shut it down because of overspending, democRATs would have balanced the budget? Seriously?
Fact is he didn’t

Trump has the most debt in history
/—-/ Post the link to Trump’s debt or Shut your stupid pie hole.
$23 trillion and counting
/——-/ Nope. Try again you dummy.

Trump owns $23 trillion debt
He promised to pay it off
/——-/ Ok Spanky. You must be the debate champ on your short bus.
/----/ "A President committed to balancing the budget can insist on one"
Stop playing stupid and naive. You know damn well that when Trump refused to sign the budget, the Government went into a shutdown and you libtards and the LSM blasted him for hurting all the poor gubmint workers who lived paycheck to paycheck.
Trump didn’t shut down the government because of a balanced budget. He shut it down in a tantrum over the wall
/----/ It doesn't matter. When a Republican president shuts down the Gubmint for any reason, they are attacked by the very people who control spending. Are you saying if he shut it down because of overspending, democRATs would have balanced the budget? Seriously?
Fact is he didn’t

Trump has the most debt in history
/—-/ Post the link to Trump’s debt or Shut your stupid pie hole.

figure out the difference between debt and deficit then get back to us -

/——/ I knew the difference before you were born, moron. One is what we owe this fiscal year vs the cumulative.
/----/ "A President committed to balancing the budget can insist on one"
Stop playing stupid and naive. You know damn well that when Trump refused to sign the budget, the Government went into a shutdown and you libtards and the LSM blasted him for hurting all the poor gubmint workers who lived paycheck to paycheck.
Trump didn’t shut down the government because of a balanced budget. He shut it down in a tantrum over the wall
/----/ It doesn't matter. When a Republican president shuts down the Gubmint for any reason, they are attacked by the very people who control spending. Are you saying if he shut it down because of overspending, democRATs would have balanced the budget? Seriously?
Fact is he didn’t

Trump has the most debt in history
/—-/ Post the link to Trump’s debt or Shut your stupid pie hole.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Trump promised to pay if all off. So he owns it now.

Do you realize you have been hoaxed by him? Again.
/—-/ As soon as Obozo pays his share.
It's shameful what our 21st century presidents have done in regards to the deficit. With the budget being on the mind of neither party, I'll take delight that these last two have abandoned the foreign policy of the neocons.
You think?

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell summed up his plan to National Journal:
“The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”

I never claimed he didn't say that. And that is a good counter for the Republicans to note when the (D)'s say that about Trump.
He thinks the Ds are really really nice to Trump. LOL.

I wonder what O meant when he said he has a pen and a phone. Somehow I don’t think it had anything to do with working with Rs.
Trump has already written 33 more EOs than Obama did in the same period. And yet I haven't heard a single one of you whining about Trump making end runs around Congress.

How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?

Hypocrisy? Yes, as are those who condemn Trump but said nothing about Obama.
Nice try. I've been screaming about the debt since coming to this forum. I have probably made more posts about the debt than all my other posts combined.

Got any more logical fallacies to defend the indefensible Deficit Donald?

I think it would literally kill you to admit the huckster totally hoaxed you.
Did O double debt to save the nation from the a Great Recession?
I never claimed he didn't say that. And that is a good counter for the Republicans to note when the (D)'s say that about Trump.
He thinks the Ds are really really nice to Trump. LOL.

I wonder what O meant when he said he has a pen and a phone. Somehow I don’t think it had anything to do with working with Rs.
Trump has already written 33 more EOs than Obama did in the same period. And yet I haven't heard a single one of you whining about Trump making end runs around Congress.

How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?

Hypocrisy? Yes, as are those who condemn Trump but said nothing about Obama.
Nice try. I've been screaming about the debt since coming to this forum. I have probably made more posts about the debt than all my other posts combined.

Got any more logical fallacies to defend the indefensible Deficit Donald?

I think it would literally kill you to admit the huckster totally hoaxed you.
Did O double debt to save the nation from the a Great Recession?

No, he doubled debt to pay back those who financed his campaigns.
It's shameful what our 21st century presidents have done in regards to the deficit. With the budget being on the mind of neither party, I'll take delight that these last two have abandoned the foreign policy of the neocons.
It is amazing the amount of debt generated these last 20 years, yet very little has been done to improve living standards for 90% of Americans. The 1% have done extraordinarily well.
I never claimed he didn't say that. And that is a good counter for the Republicans to note when the (D)'s say that about Trump.
He thinks the Ds are really really nice to Trump. LOL.

I wonder what O meant when he said he has a pen and a phone. Somehow I don’t think it had anything to do with working with Rs.
Trump has already written 33 more EOs than Obama did in the same period. And yet I haven't heard a single one of you whining about Trump making end runs around Congress.

How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?

Hypocrisy? Yes, as are those who condemn Trump but said nothing about Obama.
Nice try. I've been screaming about the debt since coming to this forum. I have probably made more posts about the debt than all my other posts combined.

Got any more logical fallacies to defend the indefensible Deficit Donald?

I think it would literally kill you to admit the huckster totally hoaxed you.
Did O double debt to save the nation from the a Great Recession?
Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

Trumptard responses:

1. B-b-b-b-b-but Hillary!

2. Who cares? I've thrown my principles out the window.

3. Look! A squirrel!

4. B-b-b-b-b-but Obama!

Is this the same as the definition for "dumb" or "dumber"? I would think one word would have a slightly different meaning. Eh - whatever! Stupid is as stupid does...
If Trump is going to pay off the debt in 8 years, then doubling the deficit to a trillion dollars is moving in the exact opposite direction of that goal, right?

Another Trump hoax.
Trump didn’t shut down the government because of a balanced budget. He shut it down in a tantrum over the wall
/----/ It doesn't matter. When a Republican president shuts down the Gubmint for any reason, they are attacked by the very people who control spending. Are you saying if he shut it down because of overspending, democRATs would have balanced the budget? Seriously?
Fact is he didn’t

Trump has the most debt in history
/—-/ Post the link to Trump’s debt or Shut your stupid pie hole.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Trump promised to pay if all off. So he owns it now.

Do you realize you have been hoaxed by him? Again.
/—-/ As soon as Obozo pays his share.
Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

Trumptard responses:

1. B-b-b-b-b-but Hillary!

2. Who cares? I've thrown my principles out the window.

3. Look! A squirrel!

4. B-b-b-b-b-but Obama!

He thinks the Ds are really really nice to Trump. LOL.

I wonder what O meant when he said he has a pen and a phone. Somehow I don’t think it had anything to do with working with Rs.
Trump has already written 33 more EOs than Obama did in the same period. And yet I haven't heard a single one of you whining about Trump making end runs around Congress.

How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?

Hypocrisy? Yes, as are those who condemn Trump but said nothing about Obama.
Nice try. I've been screaming about the debt since coming to this forum. I have probably made more posts about the debt than all my other posts combined.

Got any more logical fallacies to defend the indefensible Deficit Donald?

I think it would literally kill you to admit the huckster totally hoaxed you.
Did O double debt to save the nation from the a Great Recession?
Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

Trumptard responses:

1. B-b-b-b-b-but Hillary!

2. Who cares? I've thrown my principles out the window.

3. Look! A squirrel!

4. B-b-b-b-b-but Obama!

You didn’t answer my question. Why?

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