Trump Identifies anonymous Leaker in WH, removes 70 obama hold overs!

The senior janitor has been fired

Very likely. I've read speculation that this is a very junior person in the administration. I bet we never learn who it is --- for one thing, this kind of thing CAN'T be legal, surely? It seems like spying or espionage to me.
But seriously --- what is WITH these Democrat anti-Trumpers and their unwillingness to have a name or a face?

The Antifa types wear black face masks; their rioters wear the same. The infamous impeachment "whistleblower" has no name, and nor does the "Anonymous" book writer in the administration.

Why are they all such cowards??
Anonymous’ Op-Ed speaks for itself. He/she says they are a Trump appointee. There is nothing to indicate they are not. I provided proof in the form of the Op-Ed that he/she says they’re a Trump appointee. Where is your proof that he/she is lying?
Well as Zoron, king of Neptune, I tell you you are wrong. There is nothing to indicate I am not the all knowing ruler of the ice planet. Where is your proof I am lying?

Be gone, puny human idiot liar! You tire me.
Trump ups his game even further:

US Attorney Jessie Liu oversaw several politically charged prosecutions, including Trump associates Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort and others.

Trump nominated her for the #3 position at Treasury. In anticipation of this new position, she resigned as US Attorney, last month.

The job she vacated was filled with Attorney General Bill Barr's close adviser, Timothy Shea.

Then the very same day that Flynn's prosecutors all quit because they were rebuked for asking for 7-9 yr prison term for 69 year old Roger Stone, Trump withdrew Liu's nomination for the Treasury job.

Swamp just got a little bit shallower.
DRAIN THE SWAMP: Devin Nunes Links Trump’s NSC ‘Friday Night Massacre’ to General Mike Flynn and … Whoa.


It was just a fine and fancy little knitting circle over at the NSC until the Friday Night Massacre when O'Brien cut a swath out of the staff. He is believed to have cut as many as 100 people with more reassignments expected.

As one NSC staffer fired in 2017 "for being loyal" to Trump, wrote in The Wall Street Journal Wednesday, "I was shocked to find that resistance seemed to be the NSC’s mission. Staffers were assigned to develop plans for ending U.S. involvement in Afghanistan. Instead they came up with reasons it couldn’t be done. Gen. H.R. McMaster, the national security adviser, delivered them to the president and explained why he couldn’t keep his campaign promises."

In a video interview with The Washington Examiner, Nunes homed in on the firings of the pack of resisters at NSC and connected it to the targeting, ousting, and prosecution of General Michael Flynn during the Mueller investigation:

I think this is very relevant. ... This is what General Flynn was going to do when he came in. This needed to be done three years ago. It's what Flynn was planning to do as National Security Advisor. The size of the National Security staff was at one point over 500, I believe, and they were left with all sorts of Obama-era holdovers. That's an example of having the fox guard the henhouse. So I've been saying very publicly for a long time – I've said it all sorts of different ways – but they should remove everybody from the White House grounds that was there pre-Trump and just isolate them somewhere else until you can figure out who's doing the leaking.​

General Flynn was planning to clean house at the National Security Council three and a half years ago, but was targeted by the FBI in an effort to resist Trump.

Nunes says "there's more to come" on what the Mueller team "was actually doing" in the investigation. He said at the beginning Mueller would have known there was no Trump-Russia collusion. He believes the Mueller "investigation" is a gigantic obstruction trap. The Washington Examiner reported:

"So, what the hell did they do for two years?" the congressman said. "They set up an obstruction of justice trap, and they went after a whole bunch of people that now got sentenced. Some already served their time, and I think all of this has to come into question now," he added.​

Nunes did not share any specifics, but the origins of the Russia investigation are being reviewed by Attorney General William Barr's hand-picked prosecutor from Connecticut, John Durham. The case against retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn recently took a wild turn, with the former White House national security advisor seeking to withdraw his guilty plea on a charge of lying to the FBI and the Justice Department changing its position on a recommended sentence.

Former FBI chief James Comey admitted they'd targeted Flynn in the chaotic first days of the Trump White House and pretended their meeting was a typical briefing.

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