Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they'll impeach me

How could you on the left be so dense to think that Trump is accomplishing nothing? He's doing ten times what Hussein did in eight years; and most of it good for the country instead of bad.

He has not done anything whatsoever that is good for our country; maybe Russia, though. He is the most destructive chief executive that we have ever seen, and that's saying something after dead reagan and cheney.

Let's see now: lowest unemployment rate in over 45 years. Highest consumer confidence rate in the last decade, that's on top of corporate confidence. Blue and white collar workers bringing home more of their paycheck. A reduction of government dependents (I know liberals hate that) since the recession. We are no longer the nation with the highest corporate tax rate in the world. ISIS out of Iraq. More deportation judges getting rid of illegals, speaking of which, a huge reduction of invaders of our country. School girls are no longer in threat of weirdos wearing dresses invading their showers and rest rooms. The elimination of Commie Care fines for hard working Americans who can't afford health insurance. Need I go on????

But OH! Trump is not doing anything good for America. Keep listening to PeeNN, and that's how you will remain ignorant.

So you have no reply to what I've written, which all goes to a deliberate reduction of the quality of life for all Americans and a deliberate increase in hardship, all for the sake of a few bucks in the pockets of people whose pockets are already well lined and the opportunity to destroy the health, the rights, and the civil liberties of Americans.

CNN, NBC, Reuters, the BBC are much more trustworthy than breitbart, infowars, phony "Christian" ragsheets, alt-right propaganda sheets, john bircher rambilings, and the rest of the anti-American propaganda mill. I don't know what country you come from, but t is clear that you who posts a picture of some idiot pointing a gun at the camera, do not like the American people very much.

Are you a public school victim or something? Everything I wrote was a reply to your stupidity. I'm sorry I can't lower myself to your level.

Americans have never done better in the USA than today. Bringing home more money, thousands of employees receiving bonuses, raises, or both. Wait until you file your 2018 return next year. You will see a huge reduction in your taxes or a huge increase in your refund check. We have more jobs than people willing to take them. The lowest unemployment claims in over 50 years. North Korea brought to their knees; something the last three administrations failed to do.

What rights, heath or liberties have been destroyed? Name them! You can't because all you are is a puppet that repeats what he is told to without any investigation into what you are told.

Tell me when Americans were doing better than today. What year was that?

What "investigation" did I not do that you claim that you have done? How would you know this from Cleveland, since you don't know me anyway. You're just making things up. You have no idea of my educational background. You never replied to anything I said at all. Why the expressed hatred and desire to control women, LGBTs, darker-skinned people, Muslims? Why the sexual obsession? Why the desire to poison us? Why the drive for a theocracy based on a perverted sect? You are just playing identity politics through and through. You are the puppet and the parrot here. Put the gun down and go stick your nose in a Constitutional Law textbook sometime.

Don't play that game with me. You leftists always do that crap. You throw out a lists of things that nobody could possibly respond to and when we don't have the time to address every point, you think you won something.

So just pick one thing in your list and we'll discuss it. Otherwise it's a waste of my time to spend the entire morning trying to do the research to have a discussion with you.
they won't impeach him.

they'll let him stay in office and accomplish nothing

some of his cabinet choices might be a different story

How could you on the left be so dense to think that Trump is accomplishing nothing? He's doing ten times what Hussein did in eight years; and most of it good for the country instead of bad.
Gas is up to $2.79. It was under $2.00 when Obama was president.

Gasoline prices always increase when there is more economic activity. The more economic activity, the more fuel we burn. The more we burn, the higher the price.
He has not done anything whatsoever that is good for our country; maybe Russia, though. He is the most destructive chief executive that we have ever seen, and that's saying something after dead reagan and cheney.

Let's see now: lowest unemployment rate in over 45 years. Highest consumer confidence rate in the last decade, that's on top of corporate confidence. Blue and white collar workers bringing home more of their paycheck. A reduction of government dependents (I know liberals hate that) since the recession. We are no longer the nation with the highest corporate tax rate in the world. ISIS out of Iraq. More deportation judges getting rid of illegals, speaking of which, a huge reduction of invaders of our country. School girls are no longer in threat of weirdos wearing dresses invading their showers and rest rooms. The elimination of Commie Care fines for hard working Americans who can't afford health insurance. Need I go on????

But OH! Trump is not doing anything good for America. Keep listening to PeeNN, and that's how you will remain ignorant.

So you have no reply to what I've written, which all goes to a deliberate reduction of the quality of life for all Americans and a deliberate increase in hardship, all for the sake of a few bucks in the pockets of people whose pockets are already well lined and the opportunity to destroy the health, the rights, and the civil liberties of Americans.

CNN, NBC, Reuters, the BBC are much more trustworthy than breitbart, infowars, phony "Christian" ragsheets, alt-right propaganda sheets, john bircher rambilings, and the rest of the anti-American propaganda mill. I don't know what country you come from, but t is clear that you who posts a picture of some idiot pointing a gun at the camera, do not like the American people very much.

Are you a public school victim or something? Everything I wrote was a reply to your stupidity. I'm sorry I can't lower myself to your level.

Americans have never done better in the USA than today. Bringing home more money, thousands of employees receiving bonuses, raises, or both. Wait until you file your 2018 return next year. You will see a huge reduction in your taxes or a huge increase in your refund check. We have more jobs than people willing to take them. The lowest unemployment claims in over 50 years. North Korea brought to their knees; something the last three administrations failed to do.

What rights, heath or liberties have been destroyed? Name them! You can't because all you are is a puppet that repeats what he is told to without any investigation into what you are told.

Tell me when Americans were doing better than today. What year was that?

What "investigation" did I not do that you claim that you have done? How would you know this from Cleveland, since you don't know me anyway. You're just making things up. You have no idea of my educational background. You never replied to anything I said at all. Why the expressed hatred and desire to control women, LGBTs, darker-skinned people, Muslims? Why the sexual obsession? Why the desire to poison us? Why the drive for a theocracy based on a perverted sect? You are just playing identity politics through and through. You are the puppet and the parrot here. Put the gun down and go stick your nose in a Constitutional Law textbook sometime.

Don't play that game with me. You leftists always do that crap. You throw out a lists of things that nobody could possibly respond to and when we don't have the time to address every point, you think you won something.

So just pick one thing in your list and we'll discuss it. Otherwise it's a waste of my time to spend the entire morning trying to do the research to have a discussion with you.

I don't care to waste my time with you. You either have not been keeping up or choose to be ignorant. Have fun supporting your whore in his wave of destruction, and keep pointing that gun, little boy.
To my knowledge this is the first time he has publicly acknowledged the threat of impeachment.

Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they'll impeach me

President Trump said Saturday that Republicans need to maintain the House majority, otherwise he could face impeachment from Democrats.

Impeachment isn't removal from office, it just forces the POTUS to face Congress and answer questions. They can impeach him for anything they want to. If the left does take it back, I have no doubt they will impeach. They won't have anything, but they don't need anything.
they won't impeach him.

they'll let him stay in office and accomplish nothing

some of his cabinet choices might be a different story

How could you on the left be so dense to think that Trump is accomplishing nothing? He's doing ten times what Hussein did in eight years; and most of it good for the country instead of bad.

Give me a list of what Trump has accomplished.
Let's see now: lowest unemployment rate in over 45 years. Highest consumer confidence rate in the last decade, that's on top of corporate confidence. Blue and white collar workers bringing home more of their paycheck. A reduction of government dependents (I know liberals hate that) since the recession. We are no longer the nation with the highest corporate tax rate in the world. ISIS out of Iraq. More deportation judges getting rid of illegals, speaking of which, a huge reduction of invaders of our country. School girls are no longer in threat of weirdos wearing dresses invading their showers and rest rooms. The elimination of Commie Care fines for hard working Americans who can't afford health insurance. Need I go on????

But OH! Trump is not doing anything good for America. Keep listening to PeeNN, and that's how you will remain ignorant.

So you have no reply to what I've written, which all goes to a deliberate reduction of the quality of life for all Americans and a deliberate increase in hardship, all for the sake of a few bucks in the pockets of people whose pockets are already well lined and the opportunity to destroy the health, the rights, and the civil liberties of Americans.

CNN, NBC, Reuters, the BBC are much more trustworthy than breitbart, infowars, phony "Christian" ragsheets, alt-right propaganda sheets, john bircher rambilings, and the rest of the anti-American propaganda mill. I don't know what country you come from, but t is clear that you who posts a picture of some idiot pointing a gun at the camera, do not like the American people very much.

Are you a public school victim or something? Everything I wrote was a reply to your stupidity. I'm sorry I can't lower myself to your level.

Americans have never done better in the USA than today. Bringing home more money, thousands of employees receiving bonuses, raises, or both. Wait until you file your 2018 return next year. You will see a huge reduction in your taxes or a huge increase in your refund check. We have more jobs than people willing to take them. The lowest unemployment claims in over 50 years. North Korea brought to their knees; something the last three administrations failed to do.

What rights, heath or liberties have been destroyed? Name them! You can't because all you are is a puppet that repeats what he is told to without any investigation into what you are told.

Tell me when Americans were doing better than today. What year was that?

What "investigation" did I not do that you claim that you have done? How would you know this from Cleveland, since you don't know me anyway. You're just making things up. You have no idea of my educational background. You never replied to anything I said at all. Why the expressed hatred and desire to control women, LGBTs, darker-skinned people, Muslims? Why the sexual obsession? Why the desire to poison us? Why the drive for a theocracy based on a perverted sect? You are just playing identity politics through and through. You are the puppet and the parrot here. Put the gun down and go stick your nose in a Constitutional Law textbook sometime.

Don't play that game with me. You leftists always do that crap. You throw out a lists of things that nobody could possibly respond to and when we don't have the time to address every point, you think you won something.

So just pick one thing in your list and we'll discuss it. Otherwise it's a waste of my time to spend the entire morning trying to do the research to have a discussion with you.

I don't care to waste my time with you. You either have not been keeping up or choose to be ignorant. Have fun supporting your whore in his wave of destruction, and keep pointing that gun, little boy.

Yep. That's what I thought.
To my knowledge this is the first time he has publicly acknowledged the threat of impeachment.

Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they'll impeach me

President Trump said Saturday that Republicans need to maintain the House majority, otherwise he could face impeachment from Democrats.

Impeachment isn't removal from office, it just forces the POTUS to face Congress and answer questions. They can impeach him for anything they want to. If the left does take it back, I have no doubt they will impeach. They won't have anything, but they don't need anything.

Sure they do. You can't impeach somebody for no reason at all or just because you don't like them. You need to have a concrete charge of some sort.
To my knowledge this is the first time he has publicly acknowledged the threat of impeachment.

Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they'll impeach me

President Trump said Saturday that Republicans need to maintain the House majority, otherwise he could face impeachment from Democrats.

Impeachment isn't removal from office, it just forces the POTUS to face Congress and answer questions. They can impeach him for anything they want to. If the left does take it back, I have no doubt they will impeach. They won't have anything, but they don't need anything.

Sure they do. You can't impeach somebody for no reason at all or just because you don't like them. You need to have a concrete charge of some sort.

High Crimes and Misdemeanors is pretty darn vague, just saying.
To my knowledge this is the first time he has publicly acknowledged the threat of impeachment.

Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they'll impeach me

President Trump said Saturday that Republicans need to maintain the House majority, otherwise he could face impeachment from Democrats.

Impeachment isn't removal from office, it just forces the POTUS to face Congress and answer questions. They can impeach him for anything they want to. If the left does take it back, I have no doubt they will impeach. They won't have anything, but they don't need anything.

Sure they do. You can't impeach somebody for no reason at all or just because you don't like them. You need to have a concrete charge of some sort.

Watch, my friend. They can and they will.
Sounds good to me.
they won't impeach him.

they'll let him stay in office and accomplish nothing

some of his cabinet choices might be a different story

How could you on the left be so dense to think that Trump is accomplishing nothing? He's doing ten times what Hussein did in eight years; and most of it good for the country instead of bad.

He has not done anything whatsoever that is good for our country; maybe Russia, though. He is the most destructive chief executive that we have ever seen, and that's saying something after dead reagan and cheney.

How so? And please provide examples, cupcake/snowflake. :)

Actual examples with links or STFU. How 'bout dat?

Look cupcake, no one tells me to STFU. I've got my free-speech rights, too. Having a stupid picture of a second-rate actor as your avatar doesn't help you and certainly doesn't entitle you to tell me anything.
Tramp and his minions have sought and gotten deregulation designed to increase our exposure to pollutants and to workplace accidents, put in place programs designed to increase unwanted pregnancy, single parenthood, and abortion, all in an effort to impose a crude theocracy on normal Americans, opened up drilling and fracking that endanger our people and nation, increased opportunities for the dishonest among us to entice people into financial scams, removed the availability of medical care to our people, openly disrespected female, LGBT folks, and Muslims, etc. There is nothing to be proud of.

^Count that as Zero proof, and would have been better just STFUing. :)
Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they'll impeach me

Why would he think that? What was it he did that he's not telling us?
they won't impeach him.

they'll let him stay in office and accomplish nothing

some of his cabinet choices might be a different story

How could you on the left be so dense to think that Trump is accomplishing nothing? He's doing ten times what Hussein did in eight years; and most of it good for the country instead of bad.

Give me a list of what Trump has accomplished.

#1 Made millions of snowflakes' minds snap. :coffee:
they won't impeach him.

they'll let him stay in office and accomplish nothing

some of his cabinet choices might be a different story

How could you on the left be so dense to think that Trump is accomplishing nothing? He's doing ten times what Hussein did in eight years; and most of it good for the country instead of bad.

Give me a list of what Trump has accomplished.

#1 Made millions of snowflakes' minds snap. :coffee:

I guess some of us hold the POTUS to a different standard than we hold 4th graders on twitter.
To my knowledge this is the first time he has publicly acknowledged the threat of impeachment.

Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they'll impeach me

President Trump said Saturday that Republicans need to maintain the House majority, otherwise he could face impeachment from Democrats.

Impeachment isn't removal from office, it just forces the POTUS to face Congress and answer questions. They can impeach him for anything they want to. If the left does take it back, I have no doubt they will impeach. They won't have anything, but they don't need anything.

Sure they do. You can't impeach somebody for no reason at all or just because you don't like them. You need to have a concrete charge of some sort.

High Crimes and Misdemeanors is pretty darn vague, just saying.

Vague enough to have Hillary locked up, that's for sure.
How could you on the left be so dense to think that Trump is accomplishing nothing? He's doing ten times what Hussein did in eight years; and most of it good for the country instead of bad.

One major legislative accomplishment and judicial appointments. That's IT other than executive orders as revenge to Obama and undoing 50 years of environmental regulations.

He's a failure and an international embarrassment
Democrats winning in 2018, would be like putting the patients in charge of a mental institution. Luckily, America is rejecting liberal bullshit more and more as evidence by Kanye, Chance the Rapper, etc.

I've been listening to this stuff on the radio. I don't know one black rapper or actor from another, but it seems prominent blacks are coming out against Democrats. If this is a trend, the Democrats are in real trouble.

Serious? The world knows that Kanye West is a lunatic.
How could you on the left be so dense to think that Trump is accomplishing nothing? He's doing ten times what Hussein did in eight years; and most of it good for the country instead of bad.

One major legislative accomplishment and judicial appointments. That's IT other than executive orders as revenge to Obama and undoing 50 years of environmental regulations.

He's a failure and an international embarrassment

Under DumBama, I lost a lot of money; thousands. Under Trump, I'm making more money. I think I'll stick with the President that doesn't want to control my life.

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