Trump: If GOP loses House, don’t blame me

Go ahead, snowflake. Post up the quote. You can't. The hit piece was a complete lie. Now where is this "don't blame me" quote? See, this is what America has figured out about lying ass libtardos. They just dream up bullshit.
I don't understand what you are asking but the source of that quote came from Fox news. You should actually read links.

It was an Associated Press lie. No where did he say "don't blame me" It's fake news, snowflake and you sucked it right in.

The fake news is the headline. "He dismissed suggestions that he might take responsibility,"

The losers printed, they made the suggestions and he told them “No, I think I’m helping people,"

Face it, you got hood winked by a headline that was a completely false statement. dingbat, read it and weep.

Trump tells AP he won't accept blame if GOP loses House
LOL, after only 2 years in D.C., Daffy Don has become right at home in Not My Fault Central.

So much for all that "he's not a typical politician" nonsense, the sumbitch fits right with the rest of the creatures in Washington.

…. on the bright side, at least his inane outbursts continue to be entertaining.

When will the Righties claim that Trump was a Democrat plant who was sent into the GOP to tear it down from the inside...
"President Trump on Tuesday dismissed concerns that Republicans could lose the House in the midterm elections, saying he wouldn’t accept blame for the potential defeat.

Speaking to The Associated Press, the president argued that he is “helping” Republican candidates ahead of the Nov. 6 vote. He has held multiple "Make America Great Again" rallies in recent weeks in an effort to boost GOP candidates and incumbents." - Source
Naw, I wouldn't dream of it. There is no truth to the statements that this coming election is surreptitiously a referendum on tump.

Trump never takes blame for anything. None of the bankruptcies were his fault, it is not his fault that not a single business he started on his own survived, hell it was not even his fault that he grabs women by the pussy.
Check out and see how many billions tech firms flush down the toilet on failed projects.

What does that have to do with my post?
"President Trump on Tuesday dismissed concerns that Republicans could lose the House in the midterm elections, saying he wouldn’t accept blame for the potential defeat.

Speaking to The Associated Press, the president argued that he is “helping” Republican candidates ahead of the Nov. 6 vote. He has held multiple "Make America Great Again" rallies in recent weeks in an effort to boost GOP candidates and incumbents." - Source
Naw, I wouldn't dream of it. There is no truth to the statements that this coming election is surreptitiously a referendum on tump.
Lol, nothing is ever his fault. The bankruptcies, the failed marriages, all the businesses that went under, none of it his fault.

Just ask him.
He is right.

If it were Trump versus the Democrats in this election the Democrats wouldn't have a prayer.

Instead you have the "turtle" and an undetermined House leader against hardened lunatics.
ptbw, I think in the minds of most Democrats, this mid-term IS Democrats versus Trump. The interview cited by the OP is incomplete. He said if 'his' side loses, he will not accept the blame, but if they win, all the credit goes to him. Pretty standard stuff from him.

It wont be long now. We will see.
He is helping the Republicans with rallies and his agenda under their banner, but Trump is much more popular than Republicans in Congress.

Democrats aren't going to win regardless though, and after we win it will be the Democrats that are fighting from behind and begging the majority of the country for us to listen to them.

And thousands of former Democrats are going to tell your party to get fucked at the end of this month, so you will never get power ever again.
here's hoping.

the left has driven the hate level to heights I've never dreamt of
"the left has driven the hate level to heights I've never dreamt of" Obviously you've never read any posts from 'the right' on this board. You only think you've seen hate until you see theirs.
seriously dood

posts from people on usmb are meaningless.

your political leaders are calling for violence and your media is calling mobs not mobs.

grow up and smell the reality.
You were supposed to share that koolaide.
"President Trump on Tuesday dismissed concerns that Republicans could lose the House in the midterm elections, saying he wouldn’t accept blame for the potential defeat.

Speaking to The Associated Press, the president argued that he is “helping” Republican candidates ahead of the Nov. 6 vote. He has held multiple "Make America Great Again" rallies in recent weeks in an effort to boost GOP candidates and incumbents." - Source
Naw, I wouldn't dream of it. There is no truth to the statements that this coming election is surreptitiously a referendum on tump.

Trump never takes blame for anything. None of the bankruptcies were his fault, it is not his fault that not a single business he started on his own survived, hell it was not even his fault that he grabs women by the pussy.
Check out and see how many billions tech firms flush down the toilet on failed projects.

What does that have to do with my post?
Many firms don’t declare bankruptcy even though they’re bleeding billions.
They cheat on their debt and taxes using other methods.
It was an Associated Press lie. No where did he say "don't blame me" It's fake news, snowflake and you sucked it right in.The fake news is the headline. "He dismissed suggestions that he might take responsibility,"The losers printed, they made the suggestions and he told them “No, I think I’m helping people,"Face it, you got hood winked by a headline that was a completely false statement. dingbat, read it and weep.Trump tells AP he won't accept blame if GOP loses House
The fall of Western Civilization comes one step closer.
"President Trump on Tuesday dismissed concerns that Republicans could lose the House in the midterm elections, saying he wouldn’t accept blame for the potential defeat.

Speaking to The Associated Press, the president argued that he is “helping” Republican candidates ahead of the Nov. 6 vote. He has held multiple "Make America Great Again" rallies in recent weeks in an effort to boost GOP candidates and incumbents." - Source
Naw, I wouldn't dream of it. There is no truth to the statements that this coming election is surreptitiously a referendum on tump.

Trump never takes blame for anything. None of the bankruptcies were his fault, it is not his fault that not a single business he started on his own survived, hell it was not even his fault that he grabs women by the pussy.
Check out and see how many billions tech firms flush down the toilet on failed projects.

What does that have to do with my post?
Many firms don’t declare bankruptcy even though they’re bleeding billions.
They cheat on their debt and taxes using other methods.

Once again, what does that have to do with my post?

You keep trying to change the subject, sort of a sheep like action, would you not say?
"President Trump on Tuesday dismissed concerns that Republicans could lose the House in the midterm elections, saying he wouldn’t accept blame for the potential defeat.

Speaking to The Associated Press, the president argued that he is “helping” Republican candidates ahead of the Nov. 6 vote. He has held multiple "Make America Great Again" rallies in recent weeks in an effort to boost GOP candidates and incumbents." - Source
Naw, I wouldn't dream of it. There is no truth to the statements that this coming election is surreptitiously a referendum on tump.
Of course, if Republicans win, he’ll be out front & center, tweeting how they won because of him.
"President Trump on Tuesday dismissed concerns that Republicans could lose the House in the midterm elections, saying he wouldn’t accept blame for the potential defeat.

Speaking to The Associated Press, the president argued that he is “helping” Republican candidates ahead of the Nov. 6 vote. He has held multiple "Make America Great Again" rallies in recent weeks in an effort to boost GOP candidates and incumbents." - Source
Naw, I wouldn't dream of it. There is no truth to the statements that this coming election is surreptitiously a referendum on tump.

Barrypuppet and the dems lost the House in a MASSIVE voter backlash over the way Barrypuppetcare was shoved down our throats in the first mid-term election after Barrypuppet got in.
Yes but at least President Nimrod took the blame for the "shellacking" his party took in 2010, So did Georgy the Gunslinger in 2006 and Bubba took his medicine like a man in 1994 but apparently Trump doesn't have the stomach to take a personal rebuke from the voters if it occurs next month.

I suspect it's part of his insatiable need to feel like he's the victim and not the culprit.

Say what you will about Trump, but he has done nothing but good things for everyone. Working to secure the border, killing the TPP, reworking bad trade agreements, tax cuts, giving people their God given right to seek alternative medical treatment even if the bought and paid for by big pharma FDA said no. There isn't much to bitch at Trump about outside of the fact that he has pissed off the deep state and their leftard commie minions.
The problem isn't so much what he's doing, it's his mouth, he's become a caricature of everything duplicitous, disingenuous and "do as I say, not as I do" that people dislike about politicians. This "it ain't my fault" proclamation is just another example of it.

The best thing politically that could happen to Trump & Co. is if the Donald were to undergo an emergency personality transplant along with a twitterRectomy.

I will politely beg to differ. Trump has been the best thing to happen to this country in decades if for nothing else, he has proven that there is a shadow government and a "deep state" that does their bidding along with a media that is totally complicit and full of CIA operatives that people like myself have been saying for years. There is a huge awakening going on and even though I was late to "the dance", this started in earnest with the false flag event that was 9/11/01. The internet has played a HUGE role in this and that is one of the reasons so many youtube channels are being deleted, the reason that posts like mine that expose the criminality of the foreign owned Federal Reserve central bank are deleted on news boards like and yahoo even though I violated no TOS agreements.

Is Trump the most eloquent of speakers? Not he blunt and to the point? Does he say what is on his mind? Abso-fucking-lutely and that resonates with those that are awake and totally disgusted with this duopoly known as the two party system that is one and the same at the very top aka "the establishment" of compromised career politicians. If you don't want to know the ugly truth and prefer pretty little P.C lies and touchy, feely good double-speak like we have grown so accustomed to? Then of course Trump isn't for you. I didn't vote for Trump because I don't participate in the fraudulent election process of what became a banana republic when JFK was murdered by deep state operatives. It is my opinion and my hope that the white hats within the alphabet agencies that are taking on the rogue elements of this corporate entity(lamely disguised as a legitimate governmental body)recruited Trump for the job and they have his least we better hope that is the case because the future of Americans isn't worth a fly's fart otherwise. He may be a polarizing figure but I totally dig his brutal honesty. Only time will tell but believe me when I say this and that is America is in deep shit on so many levels and we became debt slaves the moment our moms consented to signing off on the birth certificate that was printed on bond paper and then monetized as surety against the debt of this massive corporation.
"President Trump on Tuesday dismissed concerns that Republicans could lose the House in the midterm elections, saying he wouldn’t accept blame for the potential defeat.

Speaking to The Associated Press, the president argued that he is “helping” Republican candidates ahead of the Nov. 6 vote. He has held multiple "Make America Great Again" rallies in recent weeks in an effort to boost GOP candidates and incumbents." - Source
Naw, I wouldn't dream of it. There is no truth to the statements that this coming election is surreptitiously a referendum on tump.

Trump never takes blame for anything. None of the bankruptcies were his fault, it is not his fault that not a single business he started on his own survived, hell it was not even his fault that he grabs women by the pussy.
Check out and see how many billions tech firms flush down the toilet on failed projects.

What does that have to do with my post?
Many firms don’t declare bankruptcy even though they’re bleeding billions.
They cheat on their debt and taxes using other methods.

Once again, what does that have to do with my post?

You keep trying to change the subject, sort of a sheep like action, would you not say?
Your inability to infer from one piece of information to another is duly noted.
You’re not nearly as intelligent as you believe.
Trump never takes blame for anything. None of the bankruptcies were his fault, it is not his fault that not a single business he started on his own survived, hell it was not even his fault that he grabs women by the pussy.
Check out and see how many billions tech firms flush down the toilet on failed projects.

What does that have to do with my post?
Many firms don’t declare bankruptcy even though they’re bleeding billions.
They cheat on their debt and taxes using other methods.

Once again, what does that have to do with my post?

You keep trying to change the subject, sort of a sheep like action, would you not say?
Your inability to infer from one piece of information to another is duly noted.
You’re not nearly as intelligent as you believe.

There is nothing to infer between the two of them. You are merely trying to change the subject away from your savior.
He is right.

If it were Trump versus the Democrats in this election the Democrats wouldn't have a prayer.

Instead you have the "turtle" and an undetermined House leader against hardened lunatics.

I don’t know. The anti trump retards have made the teumpkins look normal. Sure,the typical dems will all win, but they won’t hava a majority. Be ready to watch lefttards cry
He is right.

If it were Trump versus the Democrats in this election the Democrats wouldn't have a prayer.

Instead you have the "turtle" and an undetermined House leader against hardened lunatics.

I don’t know. The anti trump retards have made the teumpkins look normal. Sure,the typical dems will all win, but they won’t hava a majority. Be ready to watch lefttards cry
They are going to lose a few "safe" seats.
Check out and see how many billions tech firms flush down the toilet on failed projects.

What does that have to do with my post?
Many firms don’t declare bankruptcy even though they’re bleeding billions.
They cheat on their debt and taxes using other methods.

Once again, what does that have to do with my post?

You keep trying to change the subject, sort of a sheep like action, would you not say?
Your inability to infer from one piece of information to another is duly noted.
You’re not nearly as intelligent as you believe.

There is nothing to infer between the two of them. You are merely trying to change the subject away from your savior.
Bankruptcy is only one way of writing off a loss, R&D loss is another.
You’re really not that quick.
What does that have to do with my post?
Many firms don’t declare bankruptcy even though they’re bleeding billions.
They cheat on their debt and taxes using other methods.

Once again, what does that have to do with my post?

You keep trying to change the subject, sort of a sheep like action, would you not say?
Your inability to infer from one piece of information to another is duly noted.
You’re not nearly as intelligent as you believe.

There is nothing to infer between the two of them. You are merely trying to change the subject away from your savior.
Bankruptcy is only one way of writing off a loss, R&D loss is another.
You’re really not that quick.

What does that have to do with Trump never accepting any blame for anything?
Many firms don’t declare bankruptcy even though they’re bleeding billions.
They cheat on their debt and taxes using other methods.

Once again, what does that have to do with my post?

You keep trying to change the subject, sort of a sheep like action, would you not say?
Your inability to infer from one piece of information to another is duly noted.
You’re not nearly as intelligent as you believe.

There is nothing to infer between the two of them. You are merely trying to change the subject away from your savior.
Bankruptcy is only one way of writing off a loss, R&D loss is another.
You’re really not that quick.

What does that have to do with Trump never accepting any blame for anything?
I was responding to your bankruptcy comment.
Since when has a representive ever accepted the blame for anything?

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