Trump: "I'm very disappointed with MY Justice department..."

Everyone knows the Justice Department is Hillary's. Lynch was her bitch and Billdo met with her to remind her.

She was Secretary of State 6 years ago.... 6 years ago....and it's 'her' justice department! :lol::lol: :cuckoo:
Meaning most of her people are still there stirring up shit. You are welcome!
You mean the political appointees from the Obama administration are still there? I would have thought Trump would have gotten rid of them by now. Oh that's right, he did and put his own people in.
And trump was very unhappy with Gorsuches last vote

On the possible subpoena issue (whether Trump MUST abide by the wishes of the investigators,) Trump will also be disappointed by Roberts and Kennedy at the SCOTUS....

The separation of powers within our government are proving "disappointing" to a dumb reality show host.
Oh that's right, he did and put his own people in.

I kind of like this little cartoon.....

Everyone knows the Justice Department is Hillary's. Lynch was her bitch and Billdo met with her to remind her.

Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok...Holder & Lunch...Obama.

All protected Hilary from Indictment / Prosecution.
All protected each other from indictment and prosecution.
Dirty as hell and thick as thieves. AS EVIDENCE HAS SHOWN.
Everyone knows the Justice Department is Hillary's. Lynch was her bitch and Billdo met with her to remind her.

The GOP "Trifecta" of excuses.
That's all they have as they bend down kissing trumps rump
So exactly which policy of Trumps do you disagree with and why?
His wall The DACA blackmail or he'll shut gov't down if he doesn't get money for wall His lying about he and other billionaires aren't getting a tax break ..and fiscal conservative?? the tariffs that will hurt Americans etc etc
So you are for illegals and not Americans. What else?
The DOJ is it's own, not tRump's.

Is that a secret branch of the government?
Which article in the Constitution?

the prez nominates the ag - the senate confirms the nomination - the judicial branch is controlled by the ag - the ag doesnt belong to the prez

even though Goldilocks may think he owns all three branches and hes a dictator supreme.

You think the AG controls the Judicial branch?

the ag controls the DOJ . Our Laws govern all thee branches - the SC has the final say on the law - Trump doesnt.
And trump was very unhappy with Gorsuches last vote

The audacity of that so called judge !! :)
Everyone knows the Justice Department is Hillary's. Lynch was her bitch and Billdo met with her to remind her.

The GOP "Trifecta" of excuses.
That's all they have as they bend down kissing trumps rump
So exactly which policy of Trumps do you disagree with and why?
His wall The DACA blackmail or he'll shut gov't down if he doesn't get money for wall His lying about he and other billionaires aren't getting a tax break ..and fiscal conservative?? the tariffs that will hurt Americans etc etc
How do American win with huge trade deficits? You like crumbs and service jobs do ewe?
Americans are disappointed with Trump, a majority of whom didn't want Trump to be president to begin with.
Everyone knows the Justice Department is Hillary's. Lynch was her bitch and Billdo met with her to remind her.

The GOP "Trifecta" of excuses.
That's all they have as they bend down kissing trumps rump
So exactly which policy of Trumps do you disagree with and why?
His wall The DACA blackmail or he'll shut gov't down if he doesn't get money for wall His lying about he and other billionaires aren't getting a tax break ..and fiscal conservative?? the tariffs that will hurt Americans etc etc
So you are for illegals and not Americans. What else?
Anyone living here since childhood working ,paying taxes, keeping their noses clean, and don't speak the language of the country trump wants to send them ,is as american as I and maybe even you

The GOP "Trifecta" of excuses.
That's all they have as they bend down kissing trumps rump
So exactly which policy of Trumps do you disagree with and why?
His wall The DACA blackmail or he'll shut gov't down if he doesn't get money for wall His lying about he and other billionaires aren't getting a tax break ..and fiscal conservative?? the tariffs that will hurt Americans etc etc
So you are for illegals and not Americans. What else?
Anyone living here since childhood working ,paying taxes, keeping their noses clean, and don't speak the language of the country trump wants to send them ,is as american as I and maybe even you
Everyone knows the Justice Department is Hillary's. Lynch was her bitch and Billdo met with her to remind her.

She was Secretary of State 6 years ago.... 6 years ago....and it's 'her' justice department! :lol::lol: :cuckoo:
Meaning most of her people are still there stirring up shit. You are welcome!

Trump fired all of the Federal Prosecutors the first month he was in office. All of the current Federal Prosecutors are Trump hires.

All of the executive level Justice Department Appointments are Trump Appointees, including FBI Director - Christopher Wray, Attorney General - Jeff Sessions, Deputy Attorney General - Rod Rosenstein, and former Head of the CIA and now Head of the NSA, Mike Pompeo.

Many of the Federal Judges are Reagan Appointments, including Kimba Woods.

This idea that the Justice Department belongs to the Clintons is the desperation of the Trump White House to continue to blame Hillary Clinton for the Russia Investigation.

Trump did this to himself. Every day Trump and his surrogates go out and lie to the public. Like we don’t have live video of Trump saying and doing the very things he denies doing or saying.

Every day Trump’s tweets, TV appearances and campaign rallies are direct attempts to undermine and obstruct the Mueller Investigation. We’re watching in plain sight as this President has publically declared that he is above the rule of law.

Now his surrogates are declaring that he cannot be arrested or indicted while in office. Well then, if Trump is above the laws of the land and cannot be arrested or indicted for his crimes, doesn’t that make him a dictator?
------------------------------------------------ course i don't know but i think that the President can only be Impeached but here is some info that makes a case both pro and con on arrest of the President . --- --- as far as being a Dictator the President is as close as can be to being a Dictator or King as long as he is President . In Fact , after we Americans kicked 'english' and 'tory' azz at American Revolution time there were many that wanted to make George Washington ' KING' of the USA . My advice as a 'blue collar' Railroad worker is , Impeach the President Trump if you don't like him or continue whining . [i prefer that you all keep WHINING] [chuckle] !!
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Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok...Holder & Lunch...Obama.

All protected Hilary from Indictment / Prosecution.
All protected each other from indictment and prosecution.
Dirty as hell and thick as thieves. AS EVIDENCE HAS SHOWN.

You may be "forgetting" how Comey HELPED Trump to get elected with his little letter about re-opening an investigation on Hillary 10 days before the election...

AND, the fact that Comey never revealed that the Trump campaign was ALSO under investigation.

I'm sure its your "honest" oversight.....LOL

concerning 'kimba woods' and similar Reagan appointments . Hey they might have gone bad being immersed in the SWAMP as they are DragonLady .
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Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok...Holder & Lunch...Obama.

All protected Hilary from Indictment / Prosecution.
All protected each other from indictment and prosecution.
Dirty as hell and thick as thieves. AS EVIDENCE HAS SHOWN.

You may be "forgetting" how Comey HELPED Trump to get elected with his little letter about re-opening an investigation on Hillary 10 days before the election...

AND, the fact that Comey never revealed that the Trump campaign was ALSO under investigation.

I'm sure its your "honest" oversight.....LOL

View attachment 191538

There is no evidence that Comey's letter had any effect on the election.
There is no evidence that Comey's letter had any effect on the election.

As there is no evidence that had Stormy Daniels' blabbered about her sexual encounter with Trump may have affected the same election??

You may be "forgetting" how Comey HELPED Trump to get elected with his little letter about re-opening an investigation on Hillary 10 days before the election...

AND, the fact that Comey never revealed that the Trump campaign was ALSO under investigation.

I'm sure its your "honest" oversight.....LOL

I didn't forget anything. I simply reject your false narrative.

Well BEFORE 10 days before the election Hillary Clinton should have been forced out of the 2016 election, not for just being under multiple FBI investigations but, more importantly, for being so obviously GUILTY of those crimes.

(It is simply UN-DENIABLE that Hillary broke laws. The FOIA and the Federal Records Act both require government employees to submit all correspondence and documents from personal e-mails, devices, be archived / saved.

The FBI went on the record publicly in a press conference during the Clinton investigation stating they had recovered more than 15,000 official documents and e-mails Hillary Clinton never turned in AS REQUIRED BY THE LAW. One FBI spokesman stated since there are 2 laws requiring the documents be turned in and since there were over 15,000 such documents recovered, the documents equate to over 30,000 individual criminal counts that Clinton could be charged with.)

Hillary was dirty as hell. Former FBI Director Comey even declared himself in his own press conference that Hillary DID break laws...but that she was 'just too stupid to know she was doing so'....WHICH IS NOT AN ACCEPTABLE DEFENSE FOR BREAKING THE LAW...OR BREAKING LAWS MORE THAN 30,000 TIMES!

If it had been a GOP candidate in Hillary's shoes, the Democrats and Liberal media would have created an historic, never-ending $h!t-storm and driven the candidate out. Evidence shows that instead of applying the same to Hillary, the Liberal media covered her ass while the Obama administration / Cabinet / DOJ / FBI went as far as breaking laws themselves to protect Hillary and keep her in the race.

DURING the campaign evidence shows Hillary continued to violate laws as if she truly believed they did not apply to her. The FEC acknowledged that Hillary's campaign laundered $84 million, that she violated Campaign Finance Laws by using money intended for other DNC candidates on her own campaign. She used a report from a foreign source in the election, which is a CRIME (campaign law).

Hillary not only one of the WORST campaigns in US history, she ran one of the most CRIMINAL campaigns in US history...and still lost.

Comey gave Trump the election?
(Thanks, Hillary - who else are you going to blame?)

Consider THIS: Aside from the fact that the Obama administration and Liberal media had to protect her from her own crimes to keep her in the race, Hillary and the DNC had to rig primaries, engaged in election fraud, cheat in debates - all actions designed to manipulate the outcome of the election - WHICH THEY SUCCESSFULLY DID!

Without stacking the deck against Bernie, cheating in debates, and committing election fraud BERNIE SANDERS was going to be the DNC Presidential candidate, NOT HILLARY.

Hillary should never have been in the race 10 days to go before the election because it should have been BERNIE!

So all that crap about how 'Comey' helped Trump win is BS - she should never have been on the ticket at that point anyway. She should have been wearing an orange jumpsuit with a number on it instead of her name.
Speaking on "Fox and Friends" Thursday, Giuliani said Trump didn't know all the details until "maybe 10 days ago." While stressing that Trump denies the relationship, he said Cohen may have seen $130,000 as "cheap."

"They said it wasn't true," Giuliani said. "However, imagine if that came out on October 15, 2016, in the middle of the last debate with Hillary Clinton. Cohen didn't even ask. Cohen made it go away. He did his job."

The comments appeared to contradict statements made by Trump several weeks ago, when he said he didn't know about the payment to Daniels. Giuliani later suggested to The Wall Street Journal that while Trump had repaid the $130,000, Cohen had settled the payment to Daniels without Trump's knowledge at the time.
There is no evidence that Comey's letter had any effect on the election.
Comey's 2 biggest impacts on the election were:

1. Despite having enough evidence and enough criminal counts to file against Hillary to put her away in prison for the rest of her life Comey declared he was not recommending her for indictment / prosecution, citing her ignorance of the law to be an 'acceptable' defense for her crimes.

2. Collaborating with US AG Loretta Lynch to write Hillary's exoneration paperwork well before the investigation was over.

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