Trump Imploded during Covid. Biden is Crushing Putin...

You are LYING about NATO, Trump wanted the nations to INCREASE their financial support for the organization:

NATO chief says Trump's funding gripes having 'real results'

and several articles showing that it was America who keeps trying to fuel a war with Russia:

Tucker Carlson Outlines the DC Effort to Create a War Against Russia

Tucker Carlson Outlines the DC Effort to Create a War Against Russia - The Last Refuge

Sunday Talks, Petro Poroshenko Outlines the Importance of American Payments to Ukraine Politicians

Ukraine and U.S. Embassy Kyiv Try to Bait NATO Into Conflict Using Coordinated Fear Campaign Over Nuclear Power Plant

Ukraine and U.S. Embassy Kyiv Try to Bait NATO Into Conflict Using Coordinated Fear Campaign Over Nuclear Power Plant - The Last Refuge

This kind of shit has been going on for years now and the past two Prime Ministers of Ukraine are corrupt creeps.

America among a few western nations have become corrupt and stupid a sad reflection of the ignorant I don't give a shit America voter.

It has ALWAYS been about Money and Power
Trump weakened and divided NATO, and he enabled Putin.

Trump praise Putin and called him smart. Putin doesn't look so smart now, Putin looks stupid, like idiot Bush did after his failed invasion...

The GOP are always fucking everything up.
99% of all covid deaths are form the unvacinated and if everyone had the vaccine covid would be all gone, but trash republicans refuse to get the vaccine because they are ignorant trash.

Republicans are the reason we have covid, and all the damage covid has done is because republicans refuse to get the vaccine.
Roflol. And you proved my point. Thanks
I find it discouraging that people are still arguing about Trump.

He's long gone, isn't he?

On the other hand, what happens if he runs again and wins?
HRC isn't even in politics and you people still talk about her everyday...

Trump is the face and leader of the failed GOP, we are going to discuss him. Deal with it...
HRC isn't even in politics and you people still talk about her everyday...
Trump is the face and leader of the failed GOP, we are going to discuss him. Deal with it...
They want to pretend there's no reason to bring him up.

They're very sensitive about him.
Trump weakened and divided NATO, and he enabled Putin.

Trump praise Putin and called him smart. Putin doesn't look so smart now, Putin looks stupid, like idiot Bush did after his failed invasion...

The GOP are always fucking everything up.

Your lies are stupid, Posted the evidence from the NATO Chief himself saying Trump helped NATO improve their funding. You didn't address it

Now here is a list of actions made by his Administration or by himself against Russia:

Trump Continues to Be Exceedingly Tough on Russia​


* Imposed sanctions on Russian companies and Russian entities, blocking at least $3 billion worth of deals from going into Russian coffers.

* Criticized NATO allies for not spending enough on defense (and was accused by the lamestream media of encouraging Russia to test alliance resolve). NATO allies, however, have taken steps to pay more, and NATO appears stronger than before, which is decidedly not the outcome Putin wanted.

* Approved the export of lethal weapons, including American-made Javelin antitank missiles, to help Ukraine shore up its eastern defenses against separatists backed by Moscow. More defense cooperation with Ukraine, as well as weapons sales are on the near horizon.

In all, as a Brookings Institute analysis revealed, the Trump administration has enacted more than 50 sanctions or policy actions on Russia, many being severe, from May 15, 2017 – four months after Trump took office – to the present day.


Aug 2 Legislation – President Trump signs Russia sanctions bill into law (CAATSA)
President Trump signed into law the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions act (CAATSA), enacting new sanctions on Russia, Iran, and North Korea.



You are a proven partisan gook drooling empty headed jack ass
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99% of all covid deaths are form the unvacinated and if everyone had the vaccine covid would be all gone, but trash republicans refuse to get the vaccine because they are ignorant trash.

Republicans are the reason we have covid, and all the damage covid has done is because republicans refuse to get the vaccine.
^^^ Another useless idiot who thinks the jab means you can’t get or spread Covid. You’re that special kind of stupid the Dims love.
Trump looks stupid and pathetic, calling Putin smart.

Marjorie greene is a total joke, and the GOP is total trash. Scum of the earth.
At least 90% of the land mass in the United States is purple to red to deep red in politics. Most of all of the drama is in Blue areas. Money and wealth can abruptly end. Living off the land is survival. So as we hurtle into a situation that we do not know how it ends, would the locusts go from the more rural areas to the urban areas or where the locusts go from the urban areas to the more rural areas if it ends not nice?
Your lies are stupid, Posted the evidence from the NATO Chief himself saying Trump helped NATO improve their funding. You didn't address it

Now here is a list of actions made by his Administration or by himself against Russia:

Trump Continues to Be Exceedingly Tough on Russia​


* Imposed sanctions on Russian companies and Russian entities, blocking at least $3 billion worth of deals from going into Russian coffers.

* Criticized NATO allies for not spending enough on defense (and was accused by the lamestream media of encouraging Russia to test alliance resolve). NATO allies, however, have taken steps to pay more, and NATO appears stronger than before, which is decidedly not the outcome Putin wanted.

* Approved the export of lethal weapons, including American-made Javelin antitank missiles, to help Ukraine shore up its eastern defenses against separatists backed by Moscow. More defense cooperation with Ukraine, as well as weapons sales are on the near horizon.

In all, as a Brookings Institute analysis revealed, the Trump administration has enacted more than 50 sanctions or policy actions on Russia, many being severe, from May 15, 2017 – four months after Trump took office – to the present day.


Aug 2 Legislation – President Trump signs Russia sanctions bill into law (CAATSA)
President Trump signed into law the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions act (CAATSA), enacting new sanctions on Russia, Iran, and North Korea.



You are a proven partisan gook drooling empty headed jack ass
Any action Trump made against Russia was counteracted by 5 actions that helped and bennefited Russia.

Trump was the most pro-Russia president we ever had.

Trump just praised Putin a week ago...

This is where the GOP is. 100% traitor, the party of trash and traitors. These people should be executed (with their MAGA hats on):

russia love.jpg
Any action Trump made against Russia was counteracted by 5 actions that helped and bennefited Russia.

Trump was the most pro-Russia president we ever had.

Trump just praised Putin a week ago...

This is where the GOP is. 100% traitor, the party of trash and traitors. These people should be executed (with their MAGA hats on):

View attachment 613172

It is clear you have nothing to counter the long list of Sanctions Trump imposed on Russia and you LIED once again since he didn't support the invasion as I told you before.
You keep ignoring this because you are a leftist partisan jack ass.


Aug 2 Legislation – President Trump signs Russia sanctions bill into law (CAATSA)
President Trump signed into law the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions act (CAATSA), enacting new sanctions on Russia, Iran, and North Korea.
HRC isn't even in politics and you people still talk about her everyday...

Trump is the face and leader of the failed GOP, we are going to discuss him. Deal with it...

What is HRC?

I'm sorry, I'm new around here, not yet familiar with the vocabulary.

I find your use of the words "you people" quite telling. Are you more concerned with partisanship than what's best for us?

I happen to dislike Mr Trump, but not to the level where I'd delude myself into saying he's the root of all evil.

Blind partisanship is much worse than Mr Trump ever was, in my opinion. He did some good things (and some bad, but some good too).

Do you realize, he's the first president in 80 years who didn't start a foreign war? Herbert Hoover, was the last one.

And that energy independence might have come in handy right about now.

Seems to me there are some very intolerant partisans out there. On all sides, not singling anyone out. But all guilty, all equally guilty. Things are polarized today, the center seems to be mostly empty.

And just so you know, as I may not have any kind words for Mr Trump, I have even fewer kind words for Mr Biden.

But we don't have to be unkind - it seems to me the question is more about respecting each others' boundaries, instead of putting the other guy down all the time.
You can really tell a lot about a leader during a crisis.

Trump literally imploded during the covid crisis, first calling it nothing in a big panic, faileds to procure protective gear masks etc, record covid cases most in the world, record covid deaths most in the world, almost dying from covid himself, losing the election because of his faile dcovid response, then inciting a riot at the Capitol in disgrace

Contrast that with Biden:

United the world against Putin, crushed Putin with the harshest sanction in world history, as Trump and Giuliani are proclaiming Putin to be smart (what a terrible call by Trump, Trump looks very stupid for that call). Biden's reponse to Putin has been remarkable and Biden's plan to fight Putin looks great and effective.

Biden is now shoring up our oil and commoditiy supplies after Russia has taken a lot of oil and commodities off of the market, trying to harm the global economy. Biden is really stepping up here.

Biden has plan to lower oil prices and bring more oil to the market.

Compare Trump failed panic response to covid with the most deaths and cases in the world, to Biden's calm and wise response to Putin...

Just another example of how truly terrible and failed Trump was vs Biden who has outperformed Trump every step of the way.

You can tell a lot about political ignorance and media agenda during a crisis. The media will always attack a republican and give a break to a democrat, even a mentally impaired democrat, if that's what it takes to regain power. The criteria for a successful presidency used to be "peace and prosperity". Trump gave us that and now we are in a time of crisis and war and inflation and high energy but left wingers infected with TDS would rather suffer for the "Marxist" greater good if that's what it takes to maintain power.
You can really tell a lot about a leader during a crisis.

Trump literally imploded during the covid crisis, first calling it nothing in a big panic, faileds to procure protective gear masks etc, record covid cases most in the world, record covid deaths most in the world, almost dying from covid himself, losing the election because of his faile dcovid response, then inciting a riot at the Capitol in disgrace

Contrast that with Biden:

United the world against Putin, crushed Putin with the harshest sanction in world history, as Trump and Giuliani are proclaiming Putin to be smart (what a terrible call by Trump, Trump looks very stupid for that call). Biden's reponse to Putin has been remarkable and Biden's plan to fight Putin looks great and effective.

Biden is now shoring up our oil and commoditiy supplies after Russia has taken a lot of oil and commodities off of the market, trying to harm the global economy. Biden is really stepping up here.

Biden has plan to lower oil prices and bring more oil to the market.

Compare Trump failed panic response to covid with the most deaths and cases in the world, to Biden's calm and wise response to Putin...

Just another example of how truly terrible and failed Trump was vs Biden who has outperformed Trump every step of the way.

Banker Baghdad Bob. Hundreds of thousands more died of the Fauxi Wuhan flu under Biden than Trump. By Biden's own standards doesn't that make his a miserable failure,
You can tell a lot about political ignorance and media agenda during a crisis. The media will always attack a republican and give a break to a democrat, even a mentally impaired democrat, if that's what it takes to regain power. The criteria for a successful presidency used to be "peace and prosperity". Trump gave us that and now we are in a time of crisis and war and inflation and high energy but left wingers infected with TDS would rather suffer for the "Marxist" greater good if that's what it takes to maintain power.

The media

You are a total pussy and a weakling, crying like a weak little bitch.

No tough guy has ever cried like a bitch...

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