Trump in big trouble again? Hoh-lee Moh-lee! Georgia indictment possible the 3rd week of May or so

Those of you who are actually adults can probably remember some number of elections where the "final" results were supposedly in, then someone finds a bag of ballots hiding under a desk at the post office or someplace. It happens ALL THE TIME, usually in municipal elections.

Link? Should be easy if it happens "all the time".

President Trump was witnessing one of those same situations where the results were said to be "final," and he asked the governor, in effect, to search EVERYPLACE and "find me 8,000 votes." There is nothing unusual - and certainly nothing criminal - about this request. It was entirely understandable and reasonable, especially considering the fact that this was the first election in Georgia history where remote ballot boxes were massively important in the election process. (In fact, criminal activity with those ballot boxes is recorded in the State's own videos - criminal activity that has never been acted upon).

Had Trump asked the governor to FABRICATE or CREATE 8,000 votes, that would be an entirely different matter.

As with the fiasco in Manhattan, and the other fiasco at Mar-a-Lago, these fantasy prosecutions would never happen if the person at the center of it were not Donald Trump.

This is the greatest crisis in law enforcement in American history, and the Leftists need to understand, it will work both ways.

Go for it.
Trump was repeatedly informed there were no unaccounted for ballots.
Georgia would not have certified the results if there were still uncounted ballots
He also threatened election officials…..a No, No
Georgia Law:

(a) (1) A person commits the offense of criminal solicitation to commit election fraud in the first degree when, with intent that another person engage in conduct constituting a felony under this article, he or she solicits, requests, commands, importunes, or otherwise attempts to cause the other person to engage in such conduct.

(2) A person commits the offense of criminal solicitation to commit election fraud in the second degree when, with intent that another person engage in conduct constituting a misdemeanor under this article, he or she solicits, requests, commands, importunes, or otherwise attempts to cause the other person to engage in such conduct.

(b) (1) A person convicted of the offense of criminal solicitation to commit election fraud in the first degree shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than three years.

(2) A person convicted of the offense of criminal solicitation to commit election fraud in the second degree shall be punished as for a misdemeanor.

(c) It is no defense to a prosecution for criminal solicitation to commit election fraud that the person solicited could not be guilty of the crime solicited.

(d) The provisions of subsections (a) through (c) of this Code section are cumulative and shall not supersede any other penal law of this state.

He admitted it was him. He said the phone call was fine. Sorry.

But I can understand why you're trying this.
The call was fine. You must have heard an edited version or, yourTDS has caused brain damage. After all you think people still use cassette recorders.
Georgia Law:

(a) (1) A person commits the offense of criminal solicitation to commit election fraud in the first degree when, with intent that another person engage in conduct constituting a felony under this article, he or she solicits, requests, commands, importunes, or otherwise attempts to cause the other person to engage in such conduct.

(2) A person commits the offense of criminal solicitation to commit election fraud in the second degree when, with intent that another person engage in conduct constituting a misdemeanor under this article, he or she solicits, requests, commands, importunes, or otherwise attempts to cause the other person to engage in such conduct.

(b) (1) A person convicted of the offense of criminal solicitation to commit election fraud in the first degree shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than three years.

(2) A person convicted of the offense of criminal solicitation to commit election fraud in the second degree shall be punished as for a misdemeanor.

(c) It is no defense to a prosecution for criminal solicitation to commit election fraud that the person solicited could not be guilty of the crime solicited.

(d) The provisions of subsections (a) through (c) of this Code section are cumulative and shall not supersede any other penal law of this state.

Where did Trump solicit anyone to commit election fraud?
Those of you who are actually adults can probably remember some number of elections where the "final" results were supposedly in, then someone finds a bag of ballots hiding under a desk at the post office or someplace. It happens ALL THE TIME, usually in municipal elections.

President Trump was witnessing one of those same situations where the results were said to be "final," and he asked the governor, in effect, to search EVERYPLACE and "find me 8,000 votes." There is nothing unusual - and certainly nothing criminal - about this request. It was entirely understandable and reasonable, especially considering the fact that this was the first election in Georgia history where remote ballot boxes were massively important in the election process. (In fact, criminal activity with those ballot boxes is recorded in the State's own videos - criminal activity that has never been acted upon).

Had Trump asked the governor to FABRICATE or CREATE 8,000 votes, that would be an entirely different matter.

As with the fiasco in Manhattan, and the other fiasco at Mar-a-Lago, these fantasy prosecutions would never happen if the person at the center of it were not Donald Trump.

This is the greatest crisis in law enforcement in American history, and the Leftists need to understand, it will work both ways.
So how will trump prove that he had knowledge of. The imaginary 8,000 votes that you claim to be aware of?
the next manufactured GET TRUMP scheme? Seven straight years of this shit
Well, actually, if the poser Mike is insinuating that years have gone by without Trump being 'caught'......well, I demur.
  • Paid millions for his Trump University fraud.
  • Paid millions for his personal charity fraud.
  • His eponymous corporation found guilty of fraud.
  • Now an indictment for fraud.
See a pattern here?

How long do they think Americans are going to let them get away with their lawlessness?
What does that mean?
Is the poster 'whodat' simply asking a rhetorical question?
Or does he want to think he is hinting at a threat?

Just askin'

Actually, Trump should have requested that all votes be accounted for

What he asked for was that they only find enough votes to put him over the top by one vote
Totally different landscape. Trump was well within His rights to ask. Unless they come up with a recording of Him telling someone to create votes so He wins, that's another story.

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