Trump Indicted

It's not digitized photocopy, it's a digital copy, photo is no longer part of the process.
A photograph is an image created by light (scan light) falling on a photosensitive surface (CCD) that creates photons into electrons (photosite). Basically a digitized photograph just using a different medium. Paper is still involved and so is traditional photography that can be converted into digital format.
A photograph is an image created by light (scan light) falling on a photosensitive surface (CCD) that creates photons into electrons (photosite). Basically a digitized photograph just using a different medium. Paper is still involved and so is traditional photography that can be converted into digital format.
Digital has removed the "photo" portion of the process. The name is still applied just like "tape" is still applied to digital recordings.
Conservatives are truly childish in their willful ignorance.

And Trump is the treasonous bastard.
They don't know how to respond to the indictment. With the incredible detail of events laying out a precise case showing how Trump violated the various laws.

So when people were asking what was taking Jack Smith so long, you can see from the indictment just how many people he had to interview, how many surveillance tapes he had to view, how many subpoenas he had to issue.
They don't know how to respond to the indictment. With the incredible detail of events laying out a precise case showing how Trump violated the various laws.

So when people were asking what was taking Jack Smith so long, you can see from the indictment just how many people he had to interview, how many surveillance tapes he had to view, how many subpoenas he had to issue.
… how Trump willfully and knowingly violated various laws.

Having read the indictment, the evidence is clear and compelling as to Trump’s corruption and criminality.
It was fake. Fact is ,you Dems just hated Trump for the Crime of WINNING in 2016. Took away your "Glass Ceiling."
I'm not a "Dem". Sorry!

In fact, I am an old school Bill Buckley conservative, straight ticket Republican voter probably from before you were born.

As I watched the GOP devolve into a pack of psychos, bigots, liars, hypocrites, and thieves, I held on for as long as I could. But once the rapist Crooked Donald was elected, I finally surrendered and changed my voter registration to Independent.

The way I see things is that if my neighbor had a guest who shit all over his furniture, I would have a very low opinion of that guest, but if I had a guest in MY house who shit all over MY furniture, I would detest that person far more.

New York limousine liberal Donald Trump came into MY house and shit all over MY furniture. So, yeah. I am quite gleeful to see him get his just comeuppance, and it has fuck-all to do with Shrillary.
Funny shit since we are not a Democracy
Actually we are a democracy. Your propagandists have really twisted you tards' minds. You all have been parroting this horseshit for a while now. I've lost count of how many of your fellow rubes have been saying this recently.

Talk about cult groupthink!

The echo chamber is real. There isn't a single original thought in any of your heads.

And now for your edification, we are a democratic republic. In other words, a republic AND a democracy.

I would recommend you read this speech, but I know you are too dumb to understand the big words:

Democracy's Next Battle by Ronald Reagan.

I consider it a aagedy that at some campuses in my own country, those who hold unfashionable ideas are hooted off the stage, or denied a forum in the first place. What a travesty of intellectual inquiry; what a perversion of the great chaotic, yet essential, marketplace of ideas that we call democracy. But then, I have always believed, ar home and abroad, that the only cure for what ails democracy is -- more democracy.

Your bumper sticker intellectual bandwidth most definitely could not handle this book, probably the greatest nonfiction book ever written, and which I wish was required reading for every American:

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I notice that not one never Trumper has come up with what Trump's intentions were regarding these documents. They really have no proof that Trump was going to do anything nefarious with these documents so they had to divide and stack the charges to make them seem more credible and also be able to exact more punishment. The whole thing stinks frankly.

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