Trump Indicted

The case Farrell is referring to is titled Judicial Watch v. National Archives and Records Administration – also known as the “Clinton sock drawer” case. Former President Bill Clinton created White House audio tapes with historian Taylor Branch and stored them in his sock drawer. Judicial Watch sued to obtain access to the tapes and lost.

“He took them from the White House with him into private life,” said Farrell. “There’s classified material on those tapes and arguably it’s the sort of running stream of consciousness record of Bill Clinton’s presidency. Pretty
important stuff.”
“Amy Berman Jackson, the judge presiding on that case, said a couple of very important things,” said Farrell. “That the president had an absolute, unreviewable right to take any records or documents that he wants when he leaves office. “

“No one can come back and second guess or double think or ask questions about what the president elects to take with him,” Farrell continued.
In her ruling, Jackson wrote that “the President enjoys unconstrained authority to make decisions regarding the disposal of documents: ‘[a]lthough the President must notify the Archivist before disposing of records . . . neither the Archivist nor Congress has the authority to veto the President’s disposal decision.’”

I asked about Biden, dope.
All roads lead to the same source.

No He didn't.

I'm sure you have a link then.

"That same day, conservative writer John Solomon, one of the people Trump named as a representative in his dealings with NARA, read a statement on television, which he said came from Trump’s office, that claimed Trump “had a standing order…that documents removed from the Oval Office and taken to the residence were deemed to be declassified the moment he removed them.” At the CNN town hall in May, Trump made a similar though vaguer claim, saying classified documents “become automatically declassified when I took them.”

There was no standing order.

If there was, the document at his residence would have been automatically declassified. Trump confirmed it wasn't.

If even ONE document in his residence was classified, there was no standing order. Its mutually exclusive.

Again, there's a reason Trump's lawyers have NEVER argued about Trump's declassification blanket order or 'telepathic declassifications' in court.

Its meaningless pseudo-legal gibberish fed to rubes. Like his claims of fraud. Which Trump accused in public, while his lawyers in court *explicitly* said they weren't alleging any fraud.

You've been played, rube.
hat same day, conservative writer John Solomon, one of the people Trump named as a representative in his dealings with NARA, read a statement on television, which he said came from Trump’s office, that claimed Trump “had a standing order…that documents removed from the Oval Office and taken to the residence were deemed to be declassified the moment he removed them.” At the CNN town hall in May, Trump made a similar though vaguer claim, saying classified documents “become automatically declassified when I took them.”
You missed the part where He was still POTUS then..................try again.
You missed the part where He was still POTUS then..................try again.

Laughing....nope. The recording where Trump admitted that he had a classified doc at his residence is from July of 2021. And most definitely was NOT president then.

If there was a blanket order where everything he took to his residence was 'automatically' declassified, it would be impossible for any document at his residence to be classified.

Even ONE classified doc in Trump residence proves that there was NO blanket order to declassify documents taken to Trump's residence.

Which is why Trump's lawyers have NEVER argued in court that Trump 'telepathically declassified' anything, or that there was any blanket declassification order.

You've been played again rube.
Laughing....nope. The recording where Trump admitted that he had a classified doc at his residence is from July of 2021.

If there was a blanket order where everything he took to his residence was 'automatically' declassified, it would be impossible for any document at his residence to be classified.

Even ONE classified doc in Trump residence proves that there was NO blanket order to declassify documents taken to Trump's residence.

Which is why Trump's lawyers have NEVER argued in court that Trump 'telepathically declassified' anything, or that there was any blanket declassification order.

You've been played again rube.
Based on the Billy Clinton sock drawer case ruling, I think there will be a problem.
Based on the Billy Clinton sock drawer case ruling, I think there will be a problem.

Can you just link to who ever is telling you what your opinion you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. You're apeing talking points you don't understand.
Laughing....nope. The recording where Trump admitted that he had a classified doc at his residence is from July of 2021. And most definitely was NOT president then.

If there was a blanket order where everything he took to his residence was 'automatically' declassified, it would be impossible for any document at his residence to be classified.

Even ONE classified doc in Trump residence proves that there was NO blanket order to declassify documents taken to Trump's residence.

Which is why Trump's lawyers have NEVER argued in court that Trump 'telepathically declassified' anything, or that there was any blanket declassification order.

You've been played again rube.
Where is the actual recording? Is that like the 'actual' video of Trump peeing on a bed with prostitutes? LOL

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