Trump Indicted

You posted this very scatological picture, DR, and that is why I said you are a scatalogist. When you use it to filthen an innocent person, it's worse than that. Here's what you posted:
You used a scatological reference to wink wink filthen a fine man who executed his duties as President with sincerity and respect to existing laws passed by Congress. The same Congress that planned to impeach him before he took office on his first term.

Because you used such filthy terms and thought it was cute or funny or appealing, it puts you in the scatology league that uses no facts, only ugly creations of stinking scatology to describe a good man. That is why I said you were a person of scatological thought, not decency in debate. I won't know if you continue in your little scatological usage posts, but I won't know it because i put people on ignore when it is so dirty that it's not fair debate. But since you're not skilled with facts, only scatology, I'll un-ignore you if in a couple of weeks, I peek into your writings and you have cleaned up your act. Debate that is discourteous and scatalogical does not pass my understanding of what reasonable, true, and fair debate that does pass. And if you have heeded the call to clean up your writings, I'll let you back into my readings again. But for now, best wishes in becoming a worthy debater. I can't tell if you're able to discipline yourself to worthy speech.
Are you taking stupid pills?

How would a former President gain access to classified documents he hadn’t already taken prior to his leaving office? Did Joe Biden give Trump access? Someone on Biden’s staff? How? Any documents the indictment references Trump took prior to leaving office.
read the indictment. Stop ignoring it.
You posted this very scatological picture, DR, and that is why I said you are a scatalogist. When you use it to filthen an innocent person, it's worse than that. Here's what you posted:
You used a scatological reference to wink wink filthen a fine man who executed his duties as President with sincerity and respect to existing laws passed by Congress. The same Congress that planned to impeach him before he took office on his first term.

Because you used such filthy terms and thought it was cute or funny or appealing, it puts you in the scatology league that uses no facts, only ugly creations of stinking scatology to describe a good man. That is why I said you were a person of scatological thought, not decency in debate. I won't know if you continue in your little scatological usage posts, but I won't know it because i put people on ignore when it is so dirty that it's not fair debate. But since you're not skilled with facts, only scatology, I'll un-ignore you if in a couple of weeks, I peek into your writings and you have cleaned up your act. Debate that is discourteous and scatalogical does not pass my understanding of what reasonable, true, and fair debate that does pass. And if you have heeded the call to clean up your writings, I'll let you back into my readings again. But for now, best wishes in becoming a worthy debater. I can't tell if you're able to discipline yourself to worthy speech.

Oh Please just STFU you MAGA MAGGOT Snowflake cry baby.

Poor Poor Pity Full You, You're so full MAGA Bull Shit it leaks out of your ears.
Your imagination isn't evidence, Last. I thought your perfect record of failure in court would demonstrate that to you.
What is going on is obviously persecution. Do not say it is not. That is the of law you support? Good luck with that Adolf.
What is going on is obviously persecution. Do not say it is not. That is the of law you support? Good luck with that Adolf.

Says you, citing you.

And you're the same soul that made up imaginary passages of the constitution to justify murdering Obama.

So you're not a great source.

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