Trump Indicted

I am the working class, we hate biden and what he represents, he is a turd

You're non-binary? Otherwise, you're not 'we'. You're just you.

And you are not the people, the working class, the electorate, the mexicans or any other enormous group you claim to speak for.

You speak for you.
You're not the people. You're not the 'mexicans'.
Hasta la vista, baby.....

January 2022:

April 2022:

May 2023:
Hasta la vista, baby.....

January 2022:

April 2022:

May 2023:
2020 revisited

Hasta la vista, baby.....

January 2022:

The midterms that the republican's WILDLY under performed on? And the Democrats *vastly* exceeded expectations?

The midterm where that Hispanic voters helped deliver dems the senate?

"There’s evidence that Hispanic voters helped deliver Democrats big Senate wins of 2022 in Arizona and Nevada. A coordinated effort by Democratic groups focused on turning out more voters in a non-presidential election year and ramping up spending on Spanish-language advertising. By doing so, the demographic stretched several margins during the midterms, tipping the scale for Democratic senate and gubernatorial candidates. Hispanic voters are the second-largest voting bloc in the country, which means improving margins among this group can pay dividends in key states."

I want to make sure we're talking about the same mid-term.
All you silly less than grown-up Haters know is Orange
Man BaD.How pathetically juvenile.Even Grade schoolers have more
common.But then this is how Leftist behave.
The new American class of Commies.Their God is devils play.
Unamericanism.Anything but being a Patriot.
The proof ... Making MAGA out to be a Bad thing.
Something akin to evil.In the 50's that would have put
an American into the paddy wagon.No if,ands or butts about it.
The midterms that the republican's WILDLY under performed on? And the Democrats *vastly* exceeded expectations?

The midterm where that Hispanic voters helped deliver dems the senate?

"There’s evidence that Hispanic voters helped deliver Democrats big Senate wins of 2022 in Arizona and Nevada. A coordinated effort by Democratic groups focused on turning out more voters in a non-presidential election year and ramping up spending on Spanish-language advertising. By doing so, the demographic stretched several margins during the midterms, tipping the scale for Democratic senate and gubernatorial candidates. Hispanic voters are the second-largest voting bloc in the country, which means improving margins among this group can pay dividends in key states."

I want to make sure we're talking about the same mid-term.
I get it.The one where Miss Piggy { Speaker Pelosi } was Fired.
The Dems did as usual.Took their sweet time in counting votes.
Because they are cheats.No way Kari Lake lost in Arizona.
You can keep yer pathetic Senators like Fedderman..
Make sure and take yer sweet time in handling Old Bag
Dianne Feinstein.The only Americans you drat Dems are fooling is
the Godless parade of sickos who have Politics as their Religion.
I get it.The one where Miss Piggy { Speaker Pelosi } was Fired.
The Dems did as usual.Took their sweet time in counting votes.
Because they are cheats.No way Kari Lake lost in Arizona.

The election results say otherwise, tinfoil.
The max sentences add up to over 100 years.
If only following the sentencing guidelines, he’s still looking at 15-25 years. Pretty much a life sentence for a man in his late 70’s.
Cuz we all knowed how Democrats FOLLOW the Guidelines.
Yeah right Bubba.Like with Hillary Clinton and her 30,000 +
Docs scandal.Bleach bit'n docs whenever and whereever.
Using hammers to bust Blackberry's from exposing correspondence.
Hillay allowed to casually be interviewed by the FBI on a Saturday
afternoon at her own convenience.Where No video or Transcript was
used/taken.How cushy.
You mean that Kinda Guidelines.
Moron - Boy.
Cuz we all knowed how Democrats FOLLOW the Guidelines.
Yeah right Bubba.Like with Hillary Clinton and her 30,000 +
Docs scandal.Bleach bit'n docs whenever and whereever.
Using hammers to bust Blackberry's from exposing correspondence.
Hillay allowed to casually be interviewed by the FBI on a Saturday
afternoon at her own convenience.Where No video or Transcript was
used/taken.How cushy.
You mean that Kinda Guidelines.
Moron - Boy.

Wow. That's so wordsalad, even for you.

What crimes is Trump charged with that you think 'Hillary should have been charged with?

Be specific.
What part of the 1960 general Election are you having a problem
over.The one where Murray Chotiner said to Richard Nixon
" They stole it fair & square ".

The part that has zero relevance to Trump's indictment.
Wow. That's so wordsalad, even for you.

What crimes is Trump charged with that you think 'Hillary should have been charged with?

Be specific.
Knock it off with the overuse of " word salad ".
Leafy salad boy.At best a junior league bus boy at a
3rd rate beanery.I'm thinkin' the 50's cheapo :
- Shack Out on 101 - { 1955 }
With Lee Marvin as Slob.

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