Trump Indicted

Knock it off with the overuse of " word salad ".

You clearly underestimate how incoherent your posts are. As demonstrated below.

Leafy salad boy.At best a junior league bus boy at a
3rd rate beanery.I'm thinkin' the 50's cheapo :
- Shack Out on 101 - { 1955 }
With Lee Marvin as Slob.

I ask you what crimes that Trump was charged with that you think Hillary should have been charged with.

And reply with babble about leafy salad and Lee Marvin.

You're just gibbering.
ormer President Donald Trump has been indicted on seven charges relating to mishandling classified government documents and obstructing justice, according to CNN. Specific charges have not been revealed as of press time, although it has been confirmed that Trump will be traveling to Miami, Florida to respond to the charges, suggesting that will be the venue of the case.

It makes him the first sitting or former president ever to face a federal indictment.

Confirmed by multiple agencies.
The “classified documents”:


:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
No need for use of the word " are " at the end of
" You clearly underestimate how incoherent your
posts { are }. "
Proof how underwhelming your education.
No need for use of the word " are " at the end of
" You clearly underestimate how incoherent your
posts { are }. "
Proof how underwhelming your education.

Uh-huh. And what crimes that Trump was charged with do you believe Hillary should have been charged with?
It's not the summer of love, Fool

WTF is the matter with you? Stop living in the 1960s Very Old Man!
Go away ya bother me kid.
The Summer of Love was 2020 where over 525
Nationwide Protests were staged and americans { even
cops } died.No Republicans engaged in the Protests.
Just angry Democrat activists like BLM,Antifa and
impressionable college kids w/cellphones.
During that Summer at the Republican Convention { Mid August }
much was made by those speakers attending over the
Violence that transpired.Conversely at the Democrat National
Convention barely a word was mentioned over those Summer of
Love Protests { Try Riots }. Where it was known that Democrat V.P.
candidate Kamala Harris was on board and helped fund Bail-out
efforts for those Rioters arrested during the Summer of Love.
I'm glad to hear you missed all that.

The DoJ was involved because NARA found classified documents in the stuff Trump returned. NARA involved DoJ because they were alarmed at the mishandling of highly classified information.

The archivist is not demanding anything here. If they were, it’d be a civil case.

Your claims about what Judicial Watch v NARA says is contradicted by the actual text.

Now you’re deflecting to something else.
You just blew your own argument out of the water. :dunno:

Look man, the relevant thing is not "
Judicial Watch v NARA
It's Armstrong vs. Bush 1 & 2 and another case cited as precedent there.

Nevermind, you're not looking to learn anything.
You just blew your own argument out of the water. :dunno:

Look man, the relevant thing is not "

It's Armstrong vs. Bush 1 & 2 and another case cited as precedent there.

Nevermind, you're not looking to learn anything.

The judicial watch case was about Judicial Watching trying to compel the Archivist to retrieve tapes that Judicial Watch said were Presidential Records. And the courts finding they had no authority to compel the Archivist to.
The judicial watch case was about Judicial Watching trying to compel the Archivist to retrieve tapes that Judicial Watch said were Presidential Records. And the courts finding they had no authority to compel the Archivist to.
Oh! The next next stupid fucktard that doesn't realize that it's not about that case, you myopic Amoeba!

It's about the precedent cases that led to the decision of that case.

I get it, you're not the sharpest hedge trimmer in the shed. :dunno:
Valid point.

What corrupt prosecutor? Jack Smith? Was he thrown out?
That's about the most corrupt prosecutor I've ever seen in my life!
Oh, and I have seen some too, boy.

Why did he corrupt the IRS?

Because he was president, peabrain.
No, he was a private citizen in possession of classified documents. That's espionage.
talk to the people, Biden and the democrats betrayed the working class, even the mexicans hate his guts
The Mexicans hate him for forcing them to deal with the migrants. As I’m sure others do as well.

El Salvador marks its first year under anti-gang crackdown​

Cuz we all knowed how Democrats FOLLOW the Guidelines.
Yeah right Bubba.Like with Hillary Clinton and her 30,000 +
Docs scandal.Bleach bit'n docs whenever and whereever.
Using hammers to bust Blackberry's from exposing correspondence.
Hillay allowed to casually be interviewed by the FBI on a Saturday
afternoon at her own convenience.Where No video or Transcript was
used/taken.How cushy.
You mean that Kinda Guidelines.
Moron - Boy.

You should turn in. You’ve got a big day tomorrow, sport.
Bear in mind, Trump wasn’t indicted by Joe Biden.

He wasn’t indicted by Jack Smith.

He was indicted by a grand jury of Florida citizens, who looked at the evidence presented, and came to the inescapable conclusion that Trump should face justice.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

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