Trump Indicted

Read the indictment.

What are the charges against Trump?​

Espionage Act/unauthorized retention of national defense information: Trump is charged with 31 counts of violating a part of the Espionage Act that bars willful retention of national defense information by someone not authorized to have it. Such information is defined as “any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, or note relating to the national defense, or information relating to the national defense which information the possessor has reason to believe could be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation.” Technically, that information does not have to be classified, but in practice the law is almost exclusively used to prosecute retention of classified material. In Trump’s case, prosecutors say that all but one of the 31 documents he is charged with illegally retaining were marked as classified at the “secret” or “top secret” level. The unmarked document concerned “military contingency planning,” according to the indictment.
"Nuclear codes"....yeah, I'm sure that's just what was on those docs
No, "nuclear codes" aren't in the indictment. That term is just a rhetorical shortcut snipped from Hillary Clinton's comments during the 2016 debates. "Nuclear codes" is simpler than saying "national secrets which could cause extremely grave damage to the United States."

You should read the indictment. The 31 violations of the Espionage Act start on page 28. And there are documents which could cause extremely grave damage to the United States in there.
Just one example. More Americans across almost all kinds of populations samples are LESS willing to accept "multiple genders" than just a few years ago.

Less than a third of Americans now DO.

You're Losing. Death spiral. But you'll take the nation down with it, not that you care.

You can say that all you want, Comrade.
They were not his records
Presidential records belong to the National Archives

Then why do the Obummas, Bidens and Clintons all have rooms full of them, Ace? And why did NARA approve of them and give him a lock to better store them? And why did Hillay have 33,000 government records she had to erase and destroy once her illegal server was accidentally discovered? They were only stolen from Trump's house while he was out of state because they were records of government criminal activity by Obumma, the DOJ, FBI and Hillary, the real chief crooks.
"Nuclear codes"....yeah, I'm sure that's just what was on those docs
trump jack smith indcitment.jpg
Trump has an ace in the hole. Judge Cannon.

She was so egregiously biased in favor of trump that the Appealant court overturned virtually every thing she found, ripper her a new asshole in the process. You'll never read an Appealant court ruling that is a more brutal take down of a garbage judge......than you will the 11th court's take down of her rulings in the Mar-a-lago case.

It is a point by point evisceration of essentially every point that Cannon offered as legal justification for her rulings in Trump's favor. They slaughter Cannon, accusing her of rewriting the rules, radical reordering of caselaw, and inserting herself in the investigation of the case in a way that would violate bedrock separation-of-powers limitations.

And they don't stop with just obliterating Cannon's legal reason. They dismiss the ENTIRE proceeding, throwing Cannon off the case.

This is the judge that Trump drew for his 34 count indictment.

Its a big deal.

Given that this is the same case, I can’t see how the higher court would not force her to recuse herself.

I am sure the Prosecution will request an alternate judge.
She was slapped down by the 11th Circuit pretty hard and by conservative lawyers who are competent.

But this is Trump’s biggest asset.

I'm just saying. I call them as I see them. And this was a very lucky draw by Trump.

And she wasn't just slapped down. She was destroyed. The 11th painstakingly eviscerated her point by point, accused her of trying to rewrite the rules, of giving Trump special protections, and attempting to radically reorder caselaw.

And then, when they'd stomped her legal reasonining into a bloody mound, they dismissed her entire proceeding and threw Cannon off the case.

That's how eggregiously biased this judge was. And she's overseeing at least the preliminary portions of the case.

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