Trump Indicted

I'm sorry. I can't find smaller words so you can understand.

I will make one more attempt to get this through your thick obtuse head.

Presidential records become the property of the US government when the president leaves office.

I'll say that again. Presidential records become the property of the US government when the president leaves office.

The former president does not have ownership of the presidential records.

I'll say that again.

A former president does not have ownership of the presidential records. He cannot abscond with them and refuse, obstruct, or hide them from, the rightful owner of those records.

A former president may request copies of the government's property for his presidential library or whatnot, but they obviously can't do that unless he has surrendered the government's property to the government.

I hope this FINALLY catches you up, kid.


Freak knows this. But as conservatives are wot to do, he'll offer pseudo-legal gibberish in defense of when authorities follow the actual law rather than whatever Freak imagined, he can be a victim.




What you have really destroyed is the nation. Congrats, I guess.

Oh, look. Chicken little has shown up.

If your love of America was half as strong as your love of exclamation points, you wouldn't hate the US as much as you do. Or call for its destruction.
Oh boy, Donald Trump strikes again! I mean, keeping classified documents in the bathroom? Come on, Donnie, that's not exactly a secure location. I can only imagine him flushing down top-secret intel while trying to get rid of evidence.

Honestly, this is just the icing on the cake for the endless list of illegal and irresponsible things he's done during his presidency. Maybe next we'll find out he kept his Twitter password written on a sticky note in his desk drawer. Oh, Donnie, when will you learn that national security isn't a joke?
From the indictment:
View attachment 793361
Is that like keeping SCI documents in unsecured places like D.C. China Town, U Penn office closet, the Delaware beach house and strewn throughout the Biden mansion and garage.
Too funny. Now he STOLE his own records! :auiqs.jpg:
It that REALLY your case?
I will make two more points which show how deluded you are, and if they don't shatter your idiocy to pieces, I will have to conclude you are too far beyond reach of rationality.

1. The statements Trump made while he was president about classified documents make it unequivocally clear he knew he was not supposed to abscond with those documents he took.

2. You will not hear a single lawyer defending Trump claim in court that Trump owned those documents.

Basically, you are making shit up that not even Trump claims to believe!

And that's really sad to watch.
Except you're losing and can't see it. Losing.

Keep sending, Wallet


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