Trump informs our allies that we will withdraw from Paris Accord

China is going to start becoming Green in about 20 years.
You didn't know how China is a leader in the battle against climate change and thought " leading by example" meant going to China.
God damn you're stoopid.
I look at their actions, not sound bites.
I have friends who go several times a year on business.
They have no handle on pollution control.
Well if your friend says so. That's so much more convincing than a science site.
Renewable Energy Surges Globally with China and India in the Lead
Oh my! A BLOG!
You keep kicking your own ass.
You actually think " a friend's word > the Union of Concerned Scientists.

"Concerned Scientists" = Say this and you'll get your paycheck.

The reality is that Solar is going gangbusters.
The reality is that LED Lights are going gangbusters.
The reality is that the NYS Department of Health is giving incentives for business to go Green and we, the taxpayers, don't have to have the shit taxed out of us to support Europe getting the latest technology.

The reason India and China are trying to development new technologies is to sell them to the US who will them give them back at a tremendous discount.
No Paris Accord means the European and Asian bloodsuckers will have to pay for going Green on their own.
Sure. Pull out of an agreement 195 countries agreed to.

America falls behind again because of this joke.

We're Americans, we don't care if everyone else jumps off a cliff. We do what we want.

With China and India exempt from the accord, it is a useless piece of paper. Good on Trump for backing out of that economy killing garbage.

Well you're WRONG there. China does abide by the Paris climate agreement.

This was a 90 country agreement to lessen the carbon dioxide released into the automosphere--and the blowback to the United States is going to be fierce--should this actually occur--(where the United States now opts out of this agreement--that we proposed.)

Right now our allies consider Trump to be the drunken uncle that you're forced to invite to the bar b q--that sits in the yard by himself and blurts out something outrageous every now and then.


This is the Donald Trump show for very stupid people. If congress has anything to say about this--it won't happen.


You really couldn't have given Democrats a more powerful weapon than electing Donald Trump. They are going to ride his scandals and these kinds of actions to hell and back.

Yeah, that's why pollution is so bad in China everybody has to wear masks. FAIL.

Keep going the way y'all are, leftists. It will MAGA!

(By y'all embarrassing yourselves)
DEPLORABLES keep lying and taking it up the ass from their master Big oil when they lie "dealing with climate change will cost jobs."

  • Solar costs hit record lows, continuing a year-on-year downward trend. In August 2016, Chile set a record at 2.91 cents/kilowatt hour (kWh), which was quickly beaten by a 42 cents/kWh solar power tariff bid in the UAE. Morocco set an onshore wind record of 3 cents/kWh for bids for large scale wind projects.
  • For the second year in a row, a majority of the new electricity generation capacity installed globally was (non-hydro) renewable energy, according to the UNEP-BNEF report. At 138.5 gigawatts (GW), the total 2016 non-hydro RE capacity share amounted to just over 55 percent of all new installed capacity. Solar installations led, accounting for 75 GW. Renewable energy, excluding large hydro, provided 11.3 percent of the world’s electricity in 2016.
  • 9.8 million people were employed in renewable energy worldwide, according to IRENA’s 2017 report on Renewable Energy and Jobs, up 1.1% from 2015. Solar PV with 3.1 million jobs (up 12% from 2015) and wind with 1.2 million (up 7% from 2015) led the jobs numbers.
China and India are leading players in this global clean energy revolution—a fact that was underscored in a recent report that ranked them at the top of Ernst and Young’s renewable energy country attractiveness index, outperforming the US.
I love this president

It really is nice enough to have a leader that looks out for the USA first and foremost!

Report: Trump Tells Allies He Plans to Remove U.S. From Paris Climate Agreement - Breitbart
Yeah being the only country not concerned about planet earth sure is good news!

What's so sttuuuupid about this--is that we proposed this Paris Climate accord--got 90 nations, including China to sign onto it--then the ASS CLOWN says he's going to opt out of it. Who in the FUCK does he think he is?


When you elect a CLOWN the circus is bound to show up.

A real American. I'm certain you can't understand that, but I do.
DEPLORABLES keep lying and taking it up the ass from their master Big oil when they lie "dealing with climate change will cost jobs."

  • Solar costs hit record lows, continuing a year-on-year downward trend. In August 2016, Chile set a record at 2.91 cents/kilowatt hour (kWh), which was quickly beaten by a 42 cents/kWh solar power tariff bid in the UAE. Morocco set an onshore wind record of 3 cents/kWh for bids for large scale wind projects.
  • For the second year in a row, a majority of the new electricity generation capacity installed globally was (non-hydro) renewable energy, according to the UNEP-BNEF report. At 138.5 gigawatts (GW), the total 2016 non-hydro RE capacity share amounted to just over 55 percent of all new installed capacity. Solar installations led, accounting for 75 GW. Renewable energy, excluding large hydro, provided 11.3 percent of the world’s electricity in 2016.
  • 9.8 million people were employed in renewable energy worldwide, according to IRENA’s 2017 report on Renewable Energy and Jobs, up 1.1% from 2015. Solar PV with 3.1 million jobs (up 12% from 2015) and wind with 1.2 million (up 7% from 2015) led the jobs numbers.
China and India are leading players in this global clean energy revolution—a fact that was underscored in a recent report that ranked them at the top of Ernst and Young’s renewable energy country attractiveness index, outperforming the US.
And China and India are so great that everyone from every other country should be fired and be replaced by them.
I guess when you have horse urine in your drinking water any improvement becomes headline news.
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And let's not forget that China is so concerned about planet earth that they're building Islands in order to take land away from other countries that probably don't care about planet earth.
Why are Liberals so fucking stupid?
As soon as China actually does something, let us know.
I thought the United States is supposed to lead by example. It's obvious you think so little of the current leader in the White House.
Are you an idiot?
You want Trump to go to China and close down every factory?
Moron doesn't know what LEADING BY EXAMPLE MEANS. And it was also a pleasure kicking your ass on your uninformed China comment..
China is going to start becoming Green in about 20 years.
You didn't know how China is a leader in the battle against climate change and thought " leading by example" meant going to China.
God damn you're stoopid.

YOU didn't even know that China is now clamping down on the use of dirty energy, especially coal. Dealing with increased medical costs, acid rain and other costs of using coal fired electrical plants is given the Chinese religion when it comes to climate change.

Pollution in Beijing was so bad during the Olympics there they had to shut down manufacturing in the city during the Olympics there in order for the athletes to be able to breathe and compete. That's when China started facing reality.

Pollution kills people and destroys property, especially C02 pollution. And that's completely ignoring the role of CO2 in climate change.
With China and India exempt from the accord, it is a useless piece of paper. Good on Trump for backing out of that economy killing garbage.

Do you people ever check anything before you post? There is just no excuse for this level of ignorance or stupidity. Not by you and not by the orange baboon you elected.

Both China and India are signatories to the accord. In total, 195 counties signed

Paris Agreement - Wikipedia

They signed, but are they not exempt?

I'll sign anything that does not have any effect on me!
Climate change/global warming transformed the globe from Arctic/Antarctic circle to the Equator from the mile high ice fields to what you see and where you live today.

I love this president

It really is nice enough to have a leader that looks out for the USA first and foremost!

Report: Trump Tells Allies He Plans to Remove U.S. From Paris Climate Agreement - Breitbart
Yeah being the only country not concerned about planet earth sure is good news!

What's so sttuuuupid about this--is that we proposed this Paris Climate accord--got 90 nations, including China to sign onto it--then the ASS CLOWN says he's going to opt out of it. Who in the FUCK does he think he is?


When you elect a CLOWN the circus is bound to show up.

A real American. I'm certain you can't understand that, but I do.

You've elected a 3 a.m. tweety brain fart--& certainly not an American. This is an agreement made with 90 countries, including China--that we proposed. You don't opt out of an agreement through a tweety account--and without a lot of discussion going on in congress regarding the ramifications FIRST. As everything else-- this is going nowhere. I am certain he doesn't have the authority to break ongoing written agreements with countries at his whim.

Via the Tweety account he just threw his supporters a bone to keep your spirits up.


You never do. All your birdbrain does is PARROT.

WHY does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?

WHY is Antarctic sea ice growing while Arctic sea ice is shrinking?
I love this president

It really is nice enough to have a leader that looks out for the USA first and foremost!

Report: Trump Tells Allies He Plans to Remove U.S. From Paris Climate Agreement - Breitbart
Climate deniers are the fucking dumbest people there are.

It is science.

You are dooming your own kids to a harder life.

Why? Because you listen to assholes like Trump instead of the scientists.
More frightening is that kids are condemned to unionized "teachers" in public schools and socialist/communist idiots in colleges.
I love this president

It really is nice enough to have a leader that looks out for the USA first and foremost!

Report: Trump Tells Allies He Plans to Remove U.S. From Paris Climate Agreement - Breitbart
If he actually follows through on that, it will be great.
Yup, great, let China, India and the EU get all the new AE industry and less pollution while we cling to obsolete dirty energy. Brilliant, dupes.

Ha ha! And you call US dupes. The irony!
I love this president

It really is nice enough to have a leader that looks out for the USA first and foremost!

Report: Trump Tells Allies He Plans to Remove U.S. From Paris Climate Agreement - Breitbart
Yeah being the only country not concerned about planet earth sure is good news!

What's so sttuuuupid about this--is that we proposed this Paris Climate accord--got 90 nations, including China to sign onto it--then the ASS CLOWN says he's going to opt out of it. Who in the FUCK does he think he is?


When you elect a CLOWN the circus is bound to show up.

He thinks he's the first American President in decades who cares about the country and knows bull shit when he sees it.

He's right.
71% in favor of the Paris agreement.

Even 57% of the backwards Republican Party in favor.

Will Trump go with the people or the fossil fuel industry v& the idiots?

Stop all electricity created by fossil fuels.
Stop all transportation fueled by fossil fuels.
Produce steel without coal.
Give up all you have - plastics, medicine, clothings, foods and all others you enjoy, courtesy of fossil fuels and see how happy you would be.
With China and India exempt from the accord, it is a useless piece of paper. Good on Trump for backing out of that economy killing garbage.
They are not exempt.

Befoire you run around having a tissy fit, educaste yourself on what is really involved.

How does one educaste themselves?

Do elaborate, please. I'm all ears.

Is this an Indian thing?

Like Indian school or something?

If it is, you're in the "untouchable" class.

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