Trump insults people with mental health issues

See, you're just an idiot. If I had mental health issues, you'd be as big a prick as Trump. I don't. My sister does and it's ruined her life. Fuck you.
Sorry to hear about your sister, but her problems don't excuse your posts nor your ideals.

My posts don't need excuses, nor do my "ideals".

Why do you think they do? If I were wrong I think I'd get more replies that were sensible, rather than people coming on here and making cheap jokes at people with mental health issues. The US is poor at dealing with mental health issues. It has one of the largest prison populations on the planet, and sticks a lot of people with mental health issues into those in order to "deal" with the problem.

And yet we get people supporting a guy who likes to insult others, and then they come on here and do the very same thing. And you think I need excuses.
Why is it funny that I have command of the English language?[/QUOTE]

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Why is it funny that I have command of the English language?

You and your leftist are sending this Country going down tube I(
If I had mental health issues,

"if" you say.............funny that.

Why is it funny that I have command of the English language?

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Look, I get the irony that I talk about my ability of the English language and you reply with nonsense English, but... you could try....
My posts don't need excuses, nor do my "ideals".

Why do you think they do? If I were wrong I think I'd get more replies that were sensible, rather than people coming on here and making cheap jokes at people with mental health issues. The US is poor at dealing with mental health issues. It has one of the largest prison populations on the planet, and sticks a lot of people with mental health issues into those in order to "deal" with the problem.

And yet we get people supporting a guy who likes to insult others, and then they come on here and do the very same thing. And you think I need excuses.
You should know as well as I do that 9 out of 10 posts here are bullshit. While it's easy to get dragged into the muck, much better to do your best to either treadwater or, even better, rise above it.
rather than people coming on here and making cheap jokes at people with mental health issues.

I can't help it! too easy.
You just admitted you have mental issues. I made fun of you, only. all in good fun.

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Oh, all in good fun for who? Oh yeah, good fun for you. "Hey, I just beat that old man up, it was just for good fun" "Hey, I just lynched that black dude, it was just for good fun".

No, I didn't admit anything. But it doesn't surprise me that someone would twist something then try and insult people with it. My sister has mental health issues, I see the impact of this all the time, and it's not easy.

Yes, it's too easy for you to make jokes at other people's expenses, it's too easy for you to not think about the impact of what you're saying before, or even after, you've said it, it's too easy for you to just be a prick.

What would be more difficult is for you to THINK, RESPECT OTHER PEOPLE, ACT LIKE A DECENT HUMAN BEING. These things take EFFORT and you don't seem to have much of that.
My posts don't need excuses, nor do my "ideals".

Why do you think they do? If I were wrong I think I'd get more replies that were sensible, rather than people coming on here and making cheap jokes at people with mental health issues. The US is poor at dealing with mental health issues. It has one of the largest prison populations on the planet, and sticks a lot of people with mental health issues into those in order to "deal" with the problem.

And yet we get people supporting a guy who likes to insult others, and then they come on here and do the very same thing. And you think I need excuses.
You should know as well as I do that 9 out of 10 posts here are bullshit. While it's easy to get dragged into the muck, much better to do your best to either treadwater or, even better, rise above it.

Oh, I'm quite good at ignoring the bullshit most of the time. But then sometimes you need to make a stand and tell people why they're being idiots.

Problem is 9/10 posts are bullshit, and a lot of those people are going to be voting for Trump and they love it. That's what America has turned into.
First it was Mexicans
After that he's insulted women, POWs, disabled people, and probably more.

He's insulted people with mental health issues in 2004 too.

That's 1/4 of the population by the way.

Trump Says 'Deeply Troubled Women' Are 'Best In Bed' In 2004 Howard Stern Clip | Huffington Post

“How come the deeply troubled women, you know, deeply, deeply troubled, they’re always the best in bed?”

came after you? did he now? EH?

See, you're just an idiot. If I had mental health issues, you'd be as big a prick as Trump. I don't. My sister does and it's ruined her life. Fuck you.

If you think women have sympathy for men with mental problems, you are seriously naive. Women are as cruel as cruel can be with such men. They have all kinds of euphemisms to make themselves feel better about being cold and callous. Making Tump out to be a monster is somewhat absurd when the stuff he said isn't 1/10th as bad as some of the stuff women say about men.
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rather than people coming on here and making cheap jokes at people with mental health issues.

I can't help it! too easy.
You just admitted you have mental issues. I made fun of you, only. all in good fun.

View attachment 93993

Oh, all in good fun for who? Oh yeah, good fun for you. "Hey, I just beat that old man up, it was just for good fun" "Hey, I just lynched that black dude, it was just for good fun".

No, I didn't admit anything. But it doesn't surprise me that someone would twist something then try and insult people with it. My sister has mental health issues, I see the impact of this all the time, and it's not easy.

Yes, it's too easy for you to make jokes at other people's expenses, it's too easy for you to not think about the impact of what you're saying before, or even after, you've said it, it's too easy for you to just be a prick.

What would be more difficult is for you to THINK, RESPECT OTHER PEOPLE, ACT LIKE A DECENT HUMAN BEING. These things take EFFORT and you don't seem to have much of that.

People make jokes about people with mental issues all the time. Virtually everyone does it. You know it, and I know it. You and the rest of the Hillary douche bags have been accusing Trump of having mental issues since he announced he was running.
Oh, all in good fun for who? Oh yeah, good fun for you. "Hey, I just beat that old man up, it was just for good fun" "Hey, I just lynched that black dude, it was just for good fun".

No, I didn't admit anything. But it doesn't surprise me that someone would twist something then try and insult people with it. My sister has mental health issues, I see the impact of this all the time, and it's not easy.

Yes, it's too easy for you to make jokes at other people's expenses, it's too easy for you to not think about the impact of what you're saying before, or even after, you've said it, it's too easy for you to just be a prick.

What would be more difficult is for you to THINK, RESPECT OTHER PEOPLE, ACT LIKE A DECENT HUMAN BEING. These things take EFFORT and you don't seem to have much of that.

Nice try frigginwierdo, but I am not falling for it. I have seen enough of your crap back in a Detroit thread 8 months ago. Your type kills countries and we all go down with you. Lies about Trump are posted all day every day. You say nothing but agree. The gloves are off. Some are not ready to be on front lines. I was moved up. Welcome aboard.

From one who Hillary calls deplorable, who cares. She's done the same shit. She attacked all black males calling them super-predators.

Lie #1. She called a certain type of gang member super-predators. Not "all black males."

She attacks all Christians.

Lie #2. She herself is a Christian, why would she attack "all" Christians?

Her people call outreach to Hispanics - Taco Bowl Engagements. She attacked all those women who her husband assaulted and defended child rapists.

She has denigrated her secret service protection.

Lie #3. She did no such thing.

She is a war hawk who not only voted for the war in Iraq but has supported continued interventionist turmoil and regime change in the Middle East.

She complains about White Terrorist and makes frequent comparisons of conservatives to terrorists white supporting violent groups both foreign and domestic.

Lie #4, #5, and #6. She did none of those things.

You sure do lie a lot. Why is that?
Oh, I'm quite good at ignoring the bullshit most of the time. But then sometimes you need to make a stand and tell people why they're being idiots.

Problem is 9/10 posts are bullshit, and a lot of those people are going to be voting for Trump and they love it. That's what America has turned into.
Agreed about making a stand, at least standing up for one's beliefs and against BS, but ad hominems only ratchet up the hate, not quell it.

You do realize that both Hillary and Trump are the most despised, loathsome candidates in living history? You do realize that, although it's close, Hillary is almost certain to win? You do realize that the RNC has been imploding for years and this is a watershed moment for them? That's not something to relish. When only one party is dominant, there is no balance and that always ends up badly.
Oh, all in good fun for who? Oh yeah, good fun for you. "Hey, I just beat that old man up, it was just for good fun" "Hey, I just lynched that black dude, it was just for good fun".

No, I didn't admit anything. But it doesn't surprise me that someone would twist something then try and insult people with it. My sister has mental health issues, I see the impact of this all the time, and it's not easy.

Yes, it's too easy for you to make jokes at other people's expenses, it's too easy for you to not think about the impact of what you're saying before, or even after, you've said it, it's too easy for you to just be a prick.

What would be more difficult is for you to THINK, RESPECT OTHER PEOPLE, ACT LIKE A DECENT HUMAN BEING. These things take EFFORT and you don't seem to have much of that.

Nice try frigginwierdo, but I am not falling for it. I have seen enough of your crap back in a Detroit thread 8 months ago. Your type kills countries and we all go down with you. Lies about Trump are posted all day every day. You say nothing but agree. The gloves are off. Some are not ready to be on front lines. I was moved up. Welcome aboard.

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You're an insulter. Don't try and pass yourself off as someone who cares, or someone with solutions to problems.
Oh, I'm quite good at ignoring the bullshit most of the time. But then sometimes you need to make a stand and tell people why they're being idiots.

Problem is 9/10 posts are bullshit, and a lot of those people are going to be voting for Trump and they love it. That's what America has turned into.
Agreed about making a stand, at least standing up for one's beliefs and against BS, but ad hominems only ratchet up the hate, not quell it.

You do realize that both Hillary and Trump are the most despised, loathsome candidates in living history? You do realize that, although it's close, Hillary is almost certain to win? You do realize that the RNC has been imploding for years and this is a watershed moment for them? That's not something to relish. When only one party is dominant, there is no balance and that always ends up badly.

I don't like Hillary or Trump. Before I was more on the side of Trump might not be as bad as Hillary, I hate her career politician sort of thing, I've come across these people in my life and loathe them. However as Trump has got more and more insane, I really can't support him more (or not less) than Hillary.

I've been urging people to vote 3rd party, to think about changing the way people vote and all of that. However this is America, no one gives a shit, the country is sinking faster than a thing that sinks really fast.
You're an insulter. Don't try and pass yourself off as someone who cares, or someone with solutions to problems.

HorseHockey. I insult no one (hardly ever). It was a joke, you left yourself open twice. I suppose you are like some of the other pantyliners in here? You can dish it out or join into a gangbang but you can't take it.

my apologies.

You're an insulter. Don't try and pass yourself off as someone who cares, or someone with solutions to problems.

HorseHockey. I insult no one (hardly ever). It was a joke, you left yourself open twice. I suppose you are like some of the other pantyliners in here? You can dish it out or join into a gangbang but you can't take it.

my apologies.

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Just let me know if you're on here just for the entertainment value and the chance to bully people from behind a computer screen, then I'll just stick you on ignore. If you ACTUALLY want to debate, then do so.

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