Trump is a puppet of the FBI


VIP Member
Nov 22, 2011
I allege Donald Trump is a FBI insider who handles the real estate property for the Feds. The reason I say so is based on:

1. The company Trump runs are not public owned firms. It accordance with the FBI characteristic - all its property are secret from public.

2. Trump avoided to pay federal income tax for decades. He refuses to open his income to public. Such a big issue generally was neglected in election and he is elected president. Because otherwise there is a lot of secret property of the FBI would have been exposed under sunshine. Under secret operation, that topic has been omitted. The income of the FBI is free from tax.

3. Trump is arrogant, behaves like a dictator because he knows behind him is a terror power. So he was sure he would win the campaign - if not, "it was rigged", he intimidated his rival "you'd be in jail", he openly called for Russian's help to hack Clinton's email, such a fact is still a forbidden topic in recent Russian hacking debate, he blames media "fake news" if he dislikes it, he demands firms to move back to US in extorting style. All these are the characteristic of the FBI.

4. He can command the politicians, a power only the FBI has.
On Jan. 3, Without Warning or Public Input, House Republicans Vote to Dismantle Ethics Oversight Office
On same day, when Trump says no, so said representatives hurried to cancel their decision.
House Republicans cancel plan to dismantle ethics watchdog after backlash, opposition from Trump

JANUARY 03, 2017

House Republicans cancel plan to dismantle ethics watchdog after backlash, opposition from Trump - Judicial Watch

5. Why the FBI push out such an unqualified person to be US president? I think it relates to coming economic collapse. Everybody knows that Federal Reserve will raise the interest rate at least twice this year. It will poke off the real estate bubble. Trump is the man that runs the real estates property of the Feds.

Trump rooted for the housing bubble to burst


May 24, 2016 - If there is a bubble burst, as they call it, you know you could make a lot of money. ... economic crisis before playing audio of Trump in 2006 expressing desire to see the housing market crash. "I sort of hope that happens because then people like me would go in and buy," Trump is heard saying in the ad.

6. In Kat Sung's elimination case, the Feds have accumulated a large quantity of houses. They made a lot of money by house trading to maintain their big plot. When a bubble breaks off, the houses they hold become a hot potato.

7. To get rid of a large quantity of real estates while to take the chance to make big money when a property market crisis comes. What else can you do except to have a real estate manager to be the president? That's why Trump is selected.
I allege Donald Trump is a FBI insider who handles the real estate property for the Feds. The reason I say so is based on:

1. The company Trump runs are not public owned firms. It accordance with the FBI characteristic - all its property are secret from public.

2. Trump avoided to pay federal income tax for decades. He refuses to open his income to public. Such a big issue generally was neglected in election and he is elected president. Because otherwise there is a lot of secret property of the FBI would have been exposed under sunshine. Under secret operation, that topic has been omitted. The income of the FBI is free from tax.

3. Trump is arrogant, behaves like a dictator because he knows behind him is a terror power. So he was sure he would win the campaign - if not, "it was rigged", he intimidated his rival "you'd be in jail", he openly called for Russian's help to hack Clinton's email, such a fact is still a forbidden topic in recent Russian hacking debate, he blames media "fake news" if he dislikes it, he demands firms to move back to US in extorting style. All these are the characteristic of the FBI.

4. He can command the politicians, a power only the FBI has.
On Jan. 3, Without Warning or Public Input, House Republicans Vote to Dismantle Ethics Oversight Office
On same day, when Trump says no, so said representatives hurried to cancel their decision.
House Republicans cancel plan to dismantle ethics watchdog after backlash, opposition from Trump

JANUARY 03, 2017

House Republicans cancel plan to dismantle ethics watchdog after backlash, opposition from Trump - Judicial Watch

5. Why the FBI push out such an unqualified person to be US president? I think it relates to coming economic collapse. Everybody knows that Federal Reserve will raise the interest rate at least twice this year. It will poke off the real estate bubble. Trump is the man that runs the real estates property of the Feds.

Trump rooted for the housing bubble to burst


May 24, 2016 - If there is a bubble burst, as they call it, you know you could make a lot of money. ... economic crisis before playing audio of Trump in 2006 expressing desire to see the housing market crash. "I sort of hope that happens because then people like me would go in and buy," Trump is heard saying in the ad.

6. In Kat Sung's elimination case, the Feds have accumulated a large quantity of houses. They made a lot of money by house trading to maintain their big plot. When a bubble breaks off, the houses they hold become a hot potato.

7. To get rid of a large quantity of real estates while to take the chance to make big money when a property market crisis comes. What else can you do except to have a real estate manager to be the president? That's why Trump is selected.

Conspiracy theories aside we can safely conclude that JFK was indeed a puppet of J Edgar Hoover.
I allege Donald Trump is a FBI insider who handles the real estate property for the Feds. The reason I say so is based on:

1. The company Trump runs are not public owned firms. It accordance with the FBI characteristic - all its property are secret from public.

2. Trump avoided to pay federal income tax for decades. He refuses to open his income to public. Such a big issue generally was neglected in election and he is elected president. Because otherwise there is a lot of secret property of the FBI would have been exposed under sunshine. Under secret operation, that topic has been omitted. The income of the FBI is free from tax.

3. Trump is arrogant, behaves like a dictator because he knows behind him is a terror power. So he was sure he would win the campaign - if not, "it was rigged", he intimidated his rival "you'd be in jail", he openly called for Russian's help to hack Clinton's email, such a fact is still a forbidden topic in recent Russian hacking debate, he blames media "fake news" if he dislikes it, he demands firms to move back to US in extorting style. All these are the characteristic of the FBI.

4. He can command the politicians, a power only the FBI has.
On Jan. 3, Without Warning or Public Input, House Republicans Vote to Dismantle Ethics Oversight Office
On same day, when Trump says no, so said representatives hurried to cancel their decision.
House Republicans cancel plan to dismantle ethics watchdog after backlash, opposition from Trump

JANUARY 03, 2017

House Republicans cancel plan to dismantle ethics watchdog after backlash, opposition from Trump - Judicial Watch

5. Why the FBI push out such an unqualified person to be US president? I think it relates to coming economic collapse. Everybody knows that Federal Reserve will raise the interest rate at least twice this year. It will poke off the real estate bubble. Trump is the man that runs the real estates property of the Feds.

Trump rooted for the housing bubble to burst


May 24, 2016 - If there is a bubble burst, as they call it, you know you could make a lot of money. ... economic crisis before playing audio of Trump in 2006 expressing desire to see the housing market crash. "I sort of hope that happens because then people like me would go in and buy," Trump is heard saying in the ad.

6. In Kat Sung's elimination case, the Feds have accumulated a large quantity of houses. They made a lot of money by house trading to maintain their big plot. When a bubble breaks off, the houses they hold become a hot potato.

7. To get rid of a large quantity of real estates while to take the chance to make big money when a property market crisis comes. What else can you do except to have a real estate manager to be the president? That's why Trump is selected.

Conspiracy theories aside we can safely conclude that JFK was indeed a puppet of J Edgar Hoover.

speaking of kennedy one thing that is NOT a theory is that he was killed by the CIA for trying to pull out of vietnam,once he was killed,Hoover reversed his policys and esculated the war.another thing that is not a theory is the president is just a puppet for the establishment and the last REAL president we had was indeed kennedy because he was trying to return us to the constitution of the united states where the PEOPLE had control over the government and not these corporations and bankers that do now.

will the donald be our first real president since JFK? not a chance. Kennedy was not doing what they told him and he paid the price for it.

The only thing that will convince me if donald is real is if he takes a bullet and even then he probably wont serve the people.after reagan took a bullet,his policys drasticacally changed after that for the worse. one thing i remember is that at first in the very get go he was trying to hint to americans UFO'S were real talking about the movie close encounters hinting there other forms of life out there,after his assassination attempt,he stopped talking about that.
i so much hate hate that motherfucker Hoover,may he burn in hell.

King drew the attention of J. Edgar Hoover and was illegally spied upon by the FBI. And if you want a reason to dislike J. Edgar Hoover any more, Hoover removed King’s FBI bodyguards shortly before his assassination. Of course, the establishment would have us believe that this was just another coincidence.
JFK, RFK, & MLK Were All Killed By the Same Forces
I allege Donald Trump is a FBI insider who handles the real estate property for the Feds. The reason I say so is based on:

1. The company Trump runs are not public owned firms. It accordance with the FBI characteristic - all its property are secret from public.

2. Trump avoided to pay federal income tax for decades. He refuses to open his income to public. Such a big issue generally was neglected in election and he is elected president. Because otherwise there is a lot of secret property of the FBI would have been exposed under sunshine. Under secret operation, that topic has been omitted. The income of the FBI is free from tax.

3. Trump is arrogant, behaves like a dictator because he knows behind him is a terror power. So he was sure he would win the campaign - if not, "it was rigged", he intimidated his rival "you'd be in jail", he openly called for Russian's help to hack Clinton's email, such a fact is still a forbidden topic in recent Russian hacking debate, he blames media "fake news" if he dislikes it, he demands firms to move back to US in extorting style. All these are the characteristic of the FBI.

4. He can command the politicians, a power only the FBI has.
On Jan. 3, Without Warning or Public Input, House Republicans Vote to Dismantle Ethics Oversight Office
On same day, when Trump says no, so said representatives hurried to cancel their decision.
House Republicans cancel plan to dismantle ethics watchdog after backlash, opposition from Trump

JANUARY 03, 2017

House Republicans cancel plan to dismantle ethics watchdog after backlash, opposition from Trump - Judicial Watch

5. Why the FBI push out such an unqualified person to be US president? I think it relates to coming economic collapse. Everybody knows that Federal Reserve will raise the interest rate at least twice this year. It will poke off the real estate bubble. Trump is the man that runs the real estates property of the Feds.

Trump rooted for the housing bubble to burst


May 24, 2016 - If there is a bubble burst, as they call it, you know you could make a lot of money. ... economic crisis before playing audio of Trump in 2006 expressing desire to see the housing market crash. "I sort of hope that happens because then people like me would go in and buy," Trump is heard saying in the ad.

6. In Kat Sung's elimination case, the Feds have accumulated a large quantity of houses. They made a lot of money by house trading to maintain their big plot. When a bubble breaks off, the houses they hold become a hot potato.

7. To get rid of a large quantity of real estates while to take the chance to make big money when a property market crisis comes. What else can you do except to have a real estate manager to be the president? That's why Trump is selected.
Dumb theory, plus if Benito Cheeto destroys the country like he is planning, that property will devalue.
944. See how big the bubble is (1/25/2017)

17 years ago, I found the Feds moved the area residents away and bought in houses in large scale. (see #733, 734, 736. CASH FOR HOUSE). As early as 2003, I warned of a housing bubble. (see #180. Beware of housing bubble (11/16/03))That bubble keeps growing up until now. I think that's because They failed to eliminate Kat Sung. The result is: San Jose becomes No.1 highest median house price city (where I live) and San Franciso is the No.2. (Where my mother and sisters live).

Here is a chart of median home sale prices of San Francisco. The curve is accordant to the persecution course the Feds apply on me. The unusual upward price started from 1993. Though the chart author thought there were two bubbles, it is still a big one in fact. The bubble stopped growing up in 2008 due to financial tsunami but the Feds managed to prevent it from breaking. The down turn was mild. Even in lowest point of 2011, it's 695,000. Double the amount of starting price.


From steep curve you may see how big this bubble is.

Report: San Jose, Not San Francisco, Has Highest Median Home Price In Country

San Jose, with a median home price of $1,085,000, currently ranks as the most expensive metropolitan area for would-be home owners. The second most expensive? That would be San Francisco coming in at $885,600.

Report: San Jose, Not San Francisco, Has Highest Median Home Price In Country
945. The 2017 bubble(2/1/2017)

It was the popping up of the housing bubble that caused the financial tsunami in 2008. The bubble hasn't been cleaned up completely. The real estate loan were lent from banks. No big bank collapsed. They were bailed out by government with tax-payers' money. The banks still held large quantity of foreclosed houses. Then we saw Federal Reserve's Quantitative easy programme. That money took over the foreclosed houses for a larger bubble. QE3, where the central bank had spent close to $40 billion per month in mortgage-backed securities. So much money injected into real estate's area, that's why I said there is only one bubble - the 2007 one hasn't been cleaned up and the residue has been extended to a even bigger one - I call it 2017 bubble.

A bubble needs money to keep it to inflating. Federal Reserve had spent nearly four trillion to blow up such a big real estate balloon. It seems they don't want to pour money into that hole any more. So a crook is pushed out to take that responsibility.

I say 2017 bubble because: 1. Federal Reserve said it likely will increase interest twice this year - that will pop up the housing bubble.

2. The unprecedented 2016 election in US that put an unqualified man on president seat. I said something big will happen that nobody (party) want to take the responsibility. (see "902. Trump's job (2) (5/7/2016)")

3. Something big (other then the coming economic crisis) will take place in Europe: War; natural disaster; terror attack.... to distract people from that economic crisis, and drive the money in Europe to US to take over the bubble too. It relates to Russian. I believe Putin is bribed by the Feds to cooperate on this. Trump's Russian love is not a coincidence.

946. Two unprecedented big bubbles(2/8/2017)

Real estates bubble.(see chart at #944) Stock market bubble.


You don't have to be an expert to realize the two big balloons Americans are facing. Yet where are those professionals, economical officials and media people? In coming months, you will see a lot of news, events to encourage people to jump into the speculation pool to buy the securities, houses.

Trump to Halt Obama Fiduciary Rule, Order Review of Dodd-Frank

Katherine Chiglinsky, Justin Sink, Elizabeth Dexheimer
Bloomberg February 2, 2017

President Donald Trump will halt an Obama administration regulation, hated by the financial industry, that requires retirement advisers to work in the best interests of their clients, while the new administration reviews the rule.

The president also will order a review of Dodd-Frank Act rules enacted in response to the 2008 financial crisis, a White House official said. Trump is scheduled to issue the directives at a signing ceremony around noon on Friday following a meeting of more than a dozen top corporate executives led byBlackstone Group LP Chief Executive OfficerSteve Schwarzman.

Trump is going to open a pandola box to release financial demons. Those demons had caused 2008 financial tsunami, were locked up by Obama, Trump wants to free them to make America greater?

It's funny that they accuse Clinton represents the interest of Wall Street. What about Trump?
Read 2 and 3 of last message(#945) to see how the Feds rule this country.

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