Trump is a Shameless, Anti Gay Bigot and this Crusade by His State Department Proves it

Holy fucking shit! Seriously ? You are just making shit up as you go. I am not advocating special treatmet for gays, It is about equal treament for gays which was not afforded to this gay family by Trumps state department . Now I know the truth. You are not "playing" stupid. How is it that you cannot understand that the State Deparment DID NOT reccognize the marital status of these men?
Did the judge break the law?
hes the first president in american history to say marriage between same sex couples should be legal,,

and I dont recall him ever saying a negative thing about them,,

His administration presented amicus briefs to tbe Supreme Court supporting discrimination against gays in the workplace and making it easier to fire people for being gay or transgender.

He tried to ban transgender people from serving in the military.

He made rules allowing people to refuse treatment to gay people.

Stacked the courts with judges who were @nti LGBTQ.

His administration presented amicus briefs to tbe Supreme Court supporting discrimination against gays in the workplace and making it easier to fire people for being gay or transgender.

He tried to ban transgender people from serving in the military.

He made rules allowing people to refuse treatment to gay people.

Stacked the courts with judges who were @nti LGBTQ.
government has no place in the personal lives of the [people,,

so do you have something trump said or did to gays or not??
government has no place in the personal lives of the [people,,

so do you have something trump said or did to gays or not??
To bad you are not consistent in that. Either way, Trump singled out LGBTQ people and green lighted discrimination to them specifically and added special protections for the discriminators. So no, he was not pro gay.
To bad you are not consistent in that. Either way, Trump singled out LGBTQ people and green lighted discrimination to them specifically and added special protections for the discriminators. So no, he was not pro gay.
he gave people freedom and not a special carve out for a special group,,

or are you saying gays are handicapped and need special protections??
he gave people freedom and not a special carve out for a special group,,

or are you saying gays are handicapped and need special protections??
He provide special protections for those that discriminated plus tried to ban transgenders in the military. Keep trying.
Not when it is legislated as a special protection and with a specific group.
when you are attacked for having an opinion/choice by crazy people you need it,,

maybe if you fucking fascist fucks would leave people alone that dont want to be around you it wouldnt be needed,,
He tried to ban transgender people from serving in the military.
Another absolute lie.

President Trump’s policy on “transgender” was no different than every single President before him: males will be held to a certain set of standards, and females will be held to a different set of standards. If they fail to meet them, then they cannot serve.

You see, males just don’t get to pretend to be females and be held to their standards or to be housed with them. President Trump never changed anything. Your beloved Hussein is the one that, in the last few months of his regime, decided to implement a radical Agenda of allowing males to pretend to be females. President Trump merely undid that idiotic policy.

There never was a “transgender ban”, anyone could join the military as long as they met the standards. Males are held to standard of all males, period. If they can’t, they can’t serve.
I object to homosexuality like most humans naturally do, religious views aside.

In fact, most people dont. It's only you hypocritical godbohtheres take the high moral ground suggesting you speak on behalf of God.

Forget about poofters. Do something about the paedophiles in your church first. Do something about the hypocrits taking the pill against the church's laws.

Get some facts before you attack me. I'm very good at this.
In fact, most people dont. It's only you hypocritical godbohtheres take the high moral ground suggesting you speak on behalf of God.

Forget about poofters. Do something about the paedophiles in your church first. Do something about the hypocrits taking the pill against the church's laws.

Get some facts before you attack me. I'm very good at this.

I have no church.
Pedophiles should be hanged.

By the way, homosexuals are well over ten times more likely to be pedos than anyone else.
He tried to ban transgender people from serving in the military.

He provide special protections for those that discriminated plus tried to ban transgenders in the military. Keep trying.

Do you really want people who are so deeply f•••ed-up in their heads that they don't grasp the biological distinction between male and female, to be put in charge of weapons of mass destruction?

For very good reason, we exclude people from the military for far less several mental defects than this. What is so special about “transgenderism”, that those with this severe mental disease should be allowed to serve in dangerous positions, that those with far less serious mental issues are not?
Trump was quite tolerant in my opinion.

Do you want to see flaming homophobia?

I could care less if they get lined up over top of a ditch and have them get dispatched.

That is flaming homophobia. Do I believe what I said above? I used to. Now I'm just apathetic and indifferent.

Call REAL homophobia out when you see it, not this goofy shit.
when you are attacked for having an opinion/choice by crazy people you need it,,
I agree. Which is why gays should be protected from being attacked/fired/medical care withheld by crazy people simply for having a choice.

maybe if you fucking fascist fucks would leave people alone that dont want to be around you it wouldnt be needed,,
Maybe you shouldn’t choose occupations that involve the public then.
I agree. Which is why gays should be protected from being attacked/fired/medical care withheld by crazy people simply for having a choice.

Maybe you shouldn’t choose occupations that involve the public then.
everyone is already protected from those things,,,

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