Trump is a Strategic Genius the Way He Used DACA

Letting the DACA people stay is supported by 80% of Americans.

By all means, the GOP should fight hard to deport them, lol.

btw, Schumer got the CHIP program extended 6 years in exchange for reopening the government for a couple weeks.

The 6 years for CHIP was already there most uninformed one. :)

Not so.

CHIP is finally getting funded — after 114 days without a budget

You really fall for the spins.
Watch some c-span on committee meetings rather than the news word games.
Then you would know how unnecessary it was for Schumer's political theater on DACA.
Letting the DACA people stay is supported by 80% of Americans.

By all means, the GOP should fight hard to deport them, lol.

btw, Schumer got the CHIP program extended 6 years in exchange for reopening the government for a couple weeks.
Sure it is, that is why Democrats signed an unconditional surrender, because they believed the American people were on their side. :lmao:

You lie.
Even the Clinton News Network can't spin it.
How Democrats lost the shutdown - CNNPolitics
How Democrats lost the shutdown - CNNPolitics

Why the Democrats lost their nerve in the shutdown battle

How Democrats lost the shutdown fight

Shutdown could hurt Democrats seeking reelection in Trump states

Senate Democrats’ Vote to End Shutdown Infuriates Some on the Left

Here's why Senate Democrats caved on the shutdown in favor of longterm political gain - The Boston Globe

Shutdown could hurt Democrats seeking re-election in Trump states

Democrats' cave on government shutdown is a 'slap in the face'

Analysis | Democrats caved on the shutdown, and they’re admitting it

trump laughing.gif
He asked for a bipartisan plan on DACA, and agreed it would be part of an acceptable deal. Two days later he reneged in an obscene tirade.

When called on it he went into his usual lie mode and let the shut down happen.

Bullying, threatening and reneging ain't gonna work again. He's shown he can't lead and won't follow, so what's next?
DACA is not a negotiating chip, it is bait. Bait he used to make the Democrats do a Bonzai charge on his most fortified positions. Immigration and the economy.

It's not just that Trump humiliated them, it's also that the thought DACA was a certain winner politically, because they live in a bubble world and all of their slanted Big Media polls have been telling them that for years. Democrats got a very rude awakening to reality. Having been humiliated by Trump, the smarter Dems in congress, especially in the Senate are going to be very wary of doing that again. People don't tend to repeat things that hurt.

Now Trump will proceed to use DACA to slice and dice the Democratic Party. Agitators, SJW's, cat ladies, and the few smart ones will all find themselves attacking each other. That process has already started, blue on blue is the new big entertainment today.

If Democrats really want to help those affected by DACA, they best stop playing their silly games, agree to build the wall and get legislation passed so they can be processed in legally.

Just shows what a liar Trump and McConnell are. The next shutdown will not be up so quick.
So Democrats can look like the anti-American fools they did this shutdown? Go for it!

They look more American than the GOP, McConnell refused to pay the military.
DACA is not a negotiating chip, it is bait. Bait he used to make the Democrats do a Bonzai charge on his most fortified positions. Immigration and the economy.

It's not just that Trump humiliated them, it's also that the thought DACA was a certain winner politically, because they live in a bubble world and all of their slanted Big Media polls have been telling them that for years. Democrats got a very rude awakening to reality. Having been humiliated by Trump, the smarter Dems in congress, especially in the Senate are going to be very wary of doing that again. People don't tend to repeat things that hurt.

Now Trump will proceed to use DACA to slice and dice the Democratic Party. Agitators, SJW's, cat ladies, and the few smart ones will all find themselves attacking each other. That process has already started, blue on blue is the new big entertainment today.

If Democrats really want to help those affected by DACA, they best stop playing their silly games, agree to build the wall and get legislation passed so they can be processed in legally.
I wish I could see your face when Trump gives amnesty to the Dreamers.

I expect between now and then, we will see a lot of Spics Behaving Badly topics from you pseudocons. Easyt65, for sure. :lol:
Trump didnt do jackshit, his handlers had his sorry ass on a short leash to keep him from fucking everything the republitards were trying to do.

Trump genius .. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

DACA is not a negotiating chip, it is bait. Bait he used to make the Democrats do a Bonzai charge on his most fortified positions. Immigration and the economy.

It's not just that Trump humiliated them, it's also that the thought DACA was a certain winner politically, because they live in a bubble world and all of their slanted Big Media polls have been telling them that for years. Democrats got a very rude awakening to reality. Having been humiliated by Trump, the smarter Dems in congress, especially in the Senate are going to be very wary of doing that again. People don't tend to repeat things that hurt.

Now Trump will proceed to use DACA to slice and dice the Democratic Party. Agitators, SJW's, cat ladies, and the few smart ones will all find themselves attacking each other. That process has already started, blue on blue is the new big entertainment today.

If Democrats really want to help those affected by DACA, they best stop playing their silly games, agree to build the wall and get legislation passed so they can be processed in legally.

Just shows what a liar Trump and McConnell are. The next shutdown will not be up so quick.

So you're really going fuck American citizens next time.....
Thats a winning strategy for sure!!!!
Letting the DACA people stay is supported by 80% of Americans.
By all means, the GOP should fight hard to deport them, lol.
btw, Schumer got the CHIP program extended 6 years in exchange for reopening the government for a couple weeks.

You pulled the "80%" DACA poll information out of where again ??

You should know what you're talking about before you post.....
You're simply knee-jerking again over a stupid MSNBC story
Republicans are using the health insurance of 9 million children as leverage to get Democrats to vote for the government shutdown bill
He is not. People should start questioning why Republicans are willing to die on a hill against DACA. Evan McMullen asked the perfect question.

Evan McMullin‏Verified account @Evan_McMullin Jan 20

It should be easy enough for Congress to pass a deal that funds the government and includes CHIP, more funding for border security (not the silly wall) and the military, and a solution for dreamers. The sticking point is DACA. What would motivate such intense opposition to a fix?

The answer is simple. THE GOP stands with racists like those in Charlottesville. The Republican House is likely history after the November elections. I will do everything I can to help that. Ronald Reagan would be spinning in his grave over what Republicans are doing.
He is not. People should start questioning why Republicans are willing to die on a hill against DACA. Evan McMullen asked the perfect question.

Evan McMullin‏Verified account @Evan_McMullin Jan 20

It should be easy enough for Congress to pass a deal that funds the government and includes CHIP, more funding for border security (not the silly wall) and the military, and a solution for dreamers. The sticking point is DACA. What would motivate such intense opposition to a fix?

The answer is simple. THE GOP stands with racists like those in Charlottesville. The Republican House is likely history after the November elections. I will do everything I can to help that. Ronald Reagan would be spinning in his grave over what Republicans are doing.
If the House gop passes a gop only bill as contemplated
Emboldened conservatives press Ryan to bring hard-right immigration bill to floor

it's not going to pass in the Senate. The gop can play chicken with saying the Dreamers can stay three years and we may change the law to let them stay longer, or not ... take it or leave it and we'll deport them. The dems might cave. But it will kill the gop in Nev and AZ, and I doubt 51 gop senators go for it. So then you have the optic of these people being deported.
He is not. People should start questioning why Republicans are willing to die on a hill against DACA. Evan McMullen asked the perfect question.

Evan McMullin‏Verified account @Evan_McMullin Jan 20

It should be easy enough for Congress to pass a deal that funds the government and includes CHIP, more funding for border security (not the silly wall) and the military, and a solution for dreamers. The sticking point is DACA. What would motivate such intense opposition to a fix?

The answer is simple. THE GOP stands with racists like those in Charlottesville. The Republican House is likely history after the November elections. I will do everything I can to help that. Ronald Reagan would be spinning in his grave over what Republicans are doing.
Shame Democrats refuse to stand up against such Tyrants. :lmao:
He is not. People should start questioning why Republicans are willing to die on a hill against DACA. Evan McMullen asked the perfect question.

Evan McMullin‏Verified account @Evan_McMullin Jan 20

It should be easy enough for Congress to pass a deal that funds the government and includes CHIP, more funding for border security (not the silly wall) and the military, and a solution for dreamers. The sticking point is DACA. What would motivate such intense opposition to a fix?

The answer is simple. THE GOP stands with racists like those in Charlottesville. The Republican House is likely history after the November elections. I will do everything I can to help that. Ronald Reagan would be spinning in his grave over what Republicans are doing.
If the House gop passes a gop only bill as contemplated
Emboldened conservatives press Ryan to bring hard-right immigration bill to floor

it's not going to pass in the Senate. The gop can play chicken with saying the Dreamers can stay three years and we may change the law to let them stay longer, or not ... take it or leave it and we'll deport them. The dems might cave. But it will kill the gop in Nev and AZ, and I doubt 51 gop senators go for it. So then you have the optic of these people being deported.
Yeah, that’s why Democrats caved.
He is not. People should start questioning why Republicans are willing to die on a hill against DACA. Evan McMullen asked the perfect question.

Evan McMullin‏Verified account @Evan_McMullin Jan 20

It should be easy enough for Congress to pass a deal that funds the government and includes CHIP, more funding for border security (not the silly wall) and the military, and a solution for dreamers. The sticking point is DACA. What would motivate such intense opposition to a fix?

The answer is simple. THE GOP stands with racists like those in Charlottesville. The Republican House is likely history after the November elections. I will do everything I can to help that. Ronald Reagan would be spinning in his grave over what Republicans are doing.
If the House gop passes a gop only bill as contemplated
Emboldened conservatives press Ryan to bring hard-right immigration bill to floor

it's not going to pass in the Senate. The gop can play chicken with saying the Dreamers can stay three years and we may change the law to let them stay longer, or not ... take it or leave it and we'll deport them. The dems might cave. But it will kill the gop in Nev and AZ, and I doubt 51 gop senators go for it. So then you have the optic of these people being deported.
Yeah, that’s why Democrats caved.
No they caved because McConnell gave them another up or down vote on a DACA bill that includes citizenship. The only leverage the gop has on this issue is if the dems (and probably 5 goper) senators are willing to cave to temporaily stave off deportation, but deporting these people on live tv will be a very bad optic for the gop.
He is not. People should start questioning why Republicans are willing to die on a hill against DACA. Evan McMullen asked the perfect question.

Evan McMullin‏Verified account @Evan_McMullin Jan 20

It should be easy enough for Congress to pass a deal that funds the government and includes CHIP, more funding for border security (not the silly wall) and the military, and a solution for dreamers. The sticking point is DACA. What would motivate such intense opposition to a fix?

The answer is simple. THE GOP stands with racists like those in Charlottesville. The Republican House is likely history after the November elections. I will do everything I can to help that. Ronald Reagan would be spinning in his grave over what Republicans are doing.
If the House gop passes a gop only bill as contemplated
Emboldened conservatives press Ryan to bring hard-right immigration bill to floor

it's not going to pass in the Senate. The gop can play chicken with saying the Dreamers can stay three years and we may change the law to let them stay longer, or not ... take it or leave it and we'll deport them. The dems might cave. But it will kill the gop in Nev and AZ, and I doubt 51 gop senators go for it. So then you have the optic of these people being deported.
Yeah, that’s why Democrats caved.
No they caved because McConnell gave them another up or down vote on a DACA bill that includes citizenship. The only leverage the gop has on this issue is if the dems (and probably 5 goper) senators are willing to cave to temporaily stave off deportation, but deporting these people on live tv will be a very bad optic for the gop.
That why Schurrender withdrew support for wall funding?
Don't we do this dance again in three weeks?

Would if be fair to assume the GOP will use the Nuclear Option?
Manipulating and winning against such adversaries requires little intelligence.
DACA is not a negotiating chip, it is bait. Bait he used to make the Democrats do a Bonzai charge on his most fortified positions. Immigration and the economy.

It's not just that Trump humiliated them, it's also that the thought DACA was a certain winner politically, because they live in a bubble world and all of their slanted Big Media polls have been telling them that for years. Democrats got a very rude awakening to reality. Having been humiliated by Trump, the smarter Dems in congress, especially in the Senate are going to be very wary of doing that again. People don't tend to repeat things that hurt.

Now Trump will proceed to use DACA to slice and dice the Democratic Party. Agitators, SJW's, cat ladies, and the few smart ones will all find themselves attacking each other. That process has already started, blue on blue is the new big entertainment today.

If Democrats really want to help those affected by DACA, they best stop playing their silly games, agree to build the wall and get legislation passed so they can be processed in legally.
Like with most things only partisan republicans think that the dems are humiliated. What you think they look like really doesn't matter because all you do is demonize them. Dems think they have made a statement on DACA and stood for something that will ultimately push legislation forward. They have also fired up the base on the subject. The fringe is disappointed that the leaders didn't hold the stand for longer, hence the protests, but that isn't as big of a deal as you are making it out to be. It sure as hell isn't pushing DACA advocates to the Right. Sorry to burst your bubble

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