Trump is a toxic candidate

Doesn't matter why he is such because no amount of explaining it away will make ANY DIFFERENCE.
You want to energize the left then run him. It's bad enough we have to beat their ballot harvesting schemes but if you nominate the most hated man in America you need your fucking head examined.

Its worse than you think. Run Trump, and energize the left.

Don't run Trump, and he burns the GOP to the ground.
I'm sorry. It's too late. He's your nominee for 2024. Anyone else who throws their hat in the ring will be destroyed. He still enjoys almost a 60% approval rating in the Republican party. By my estimation, that constitutes a majority. It is a bit early in the cycle read the tea leaves on if that support will wane or not, but I expect it won't. It's a fantasy to think he'll go away and lose all his support. Just like your non-existent wet dreams of ballot harvesting and fraudulent elections. It ain't gonna happen.

You reap what you sow. Prepare to reap. :auiqs.jpg:
The Governor of Florida will win the nomination but the question will be if Trump will allow it or go rogue?
What about the Trump-appointed judges who tossed out the cases too? What is the current excuse for that?

What about the contrary statements by Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump's White House staff, Trump's White House lawyers, Trump's campaign manager, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General, and the GQP's very own handpicked Cyber Ninjas?

Are you and Mr. Pillow more accurately-informed than they are?
Better yet what about Mike Pence stating Trump lost and the election was over!
Trump lost period and it was never stolen.

If they want to discuss the change in laws to get voters to vote during the 2020 election then let discuss but we have to discuss each state change of rules and not just those they believe Trump was cheated in.

Of course not.

But if Pence doesn't ape the Big Lie, he becomes part of the Big Lie conspiracy. That's how conspiracies work. Anyone who doesn't ape them, becomes them.

Its the same dipshit reasoning used by Truthers, Flat Earthers, Birthers and Moon Landing Hoaxers.

Dipshits gonna dip.
Now we know, Trump was right all along. The lock down was unnecessary. Masks did no good. Closing schools wasn't needed. The under the bridge troll Fauci the Fearful led us all around making Covid when there was nothing. Falsifying deaths when killing off the elderly still wasn't enough.

If this wasn't atrocity enough, Biden, fauci, and the merry men - oops, sorry, merry trans whatever, began the slaughter by vaccine. The major question coming from this disgusting morass of corruption, should the words Died Suddenly be criminalized.

Trump is the best we have had in a hundred years.
Once you allow a highly contagious disease to run rampant without doing anything to track and trace it, then of course shutdowns will not be nearly as effective later when you finally act!

If Trump had acted IMMEDIATELY to track and trace Covid instead of blowing it off as a hoax and then trying to eradicate it with his magical mind, we would not have had more deaths than countries many times our size.

MAGAlomaniac Trump thinks his magical mind can eradicate diseases and Top Secret classifications.

"This is the new Democrat hoax."

"We think we have it very well under control."

"We’re in very good shape.”

"The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA."

"Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”

"When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

"I’m not concerned at all."

“Wouldn’t it be great to have all the churches full (on Easter)?” You’ll have packed churches all over our country … I think it’ll be a beautiful time.”

"I take no responsibility at all."
The importance and extent of covid was a hoax designed to break the public. It was a cleverly designed play to find out just how much control the public would give up before they said no more. Now the real purpose of covid is being revealed. Vaccinate and boost until the serum stops your heart.
Doesn't matter why he is such because no amount of explaining it away will make ANY DIFFERENCE.
You want to energize the left then run him. It's bad enough we have to beat their ballot harvesting schemes but if you nominate the most hated man in America you need your fucking head examined.
Okay then, what RINO clown will run instead? Another Romney? Another McCain? Another Bob Dole?
Or.....folks are just enjoying how utterly fucked the GOP is.

If they nominate Trump, they galvanize the left and present Biden with his dream opponent....a man he easily beat.

If they don't nominate Trump, Trump burns the GOP to the ground.
Meh, the left is at most 20% of the country. Good luck with that.
Nope. Trump's biggest mistake was blowing off Covid as a hoax.

His second biggest mistake was after finally realizing Covid was real, he engaged his magical thinking and said it would go away all by itself.

Trump put up a massive resistance to tracking and testing. The man is so fucking retarded, he actually believed that by not testing we had less cases of Covid. He thus allowed Covid to run rampant.

He didn't want to bring home AMERICANS who were on a cruise ship because some of them had Covid and that would affect his numbers. He wanted every American to stay trapped on the ship, thus ensuring ALL of them would get Covid.

As a result, we ended up with more infections and deaths than countries many times our size.

We have never had a more mentally defective president in the entire history of our republic.
I notice you didn't mention Fauci.
No, the liars are the ones who told you abortion would dramatically decline if Roe was repealed.


It's okay. I believed that lie, too, for most of my life. Until I looked into it for myself.
The only thing I heard during the campaign this year was Democrats screaming that Republicans were going to take away a woman's right to choose.
Or.....folks are just enjoying how utterly fucked the GOP is.

If they nominate Trump, they galvanize the left and present Biden with his dream opponent....a man he easily beat.

If they don't nominate Trump, Trump burns the GOP to the ground.
The Irony!
LOL...thanks for the chuckle.

No war? We didn't have troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea during your blob's tenure?

That was among the only things he did right. It would have been better if he had understood Fauci though.
Unbelievable brainwashing. Scary.
Well, the first step in recovering is recogizing you're a victim. You've bathed in kool-aid for 6+ years. Perhaps you'll one day see the light and stop supporting that bucket of shit Trump.

I think you're a lost cause, personally.
We're sure your blob ass is great at answering the phone.

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