Trump is a toxic candidate


She is a shitty politician though...that much has been discovered. I'm not entirely sure I want a great politician although it would be nice to have someone with some political instincts--you likely wouldn't want a law professor to be a trial lawyer for example. I think she would make an effective President personally. But I would wince at any attempt to "fire up the troops" made by her. Maybe she'll find her footing....doubtful though. But the first thing you want is a mind at work. She has that. It is an added bonus that it would cause extreme misery to the blob supporters.
You Progs and after the fact. Of course, you knew it before the fact. The active leadership that falls on death ears will do the same when the impoverishment gets bad enough by your elected.
Come on, man. You know better than that. Any Republican who gets nominated, or even worse elected, will be literally Crucified by the Democrats and the Media.

Have you forgotten how good old milquetoast Mitt Romney was attacked for how he transported his dog to Canada, the car escalator in his La Jolly CA home and his old lady's dancing horses?
I will crucify them. And I will watch their every move. Any breaking laws or cheating will be exposed and prosecuted. And we aint talking about blowjobs. We let those things go.

And every president has a Ben Ghazi happen on his watch. Don't make a mountain out of a mole hill in the future.

Trump's call to Ukraine was WAY OUT OF BOUNDS don't you agree? The people listening in did. That's why they turned him in.
I will crucify them. And I will watch their every move. Any breaking laws or cheating will be exposed and prosecuted. And we aint talking about blowjobs. We let those things go.

And every president has a Ben Ghazi happen on his watch. Don't make a mountain out of a mole hill in the future.

Trump's call to Ukraine was WAY OUT OF BOUNDS don't you agree? The people listening in did. That's why they turned him in.

Actually, experts who listened to the call between Trump and the Ukrainians described it as "The Perfect Phone Call"

The only ones whining were those who weren't privy to it and were kept out of the loop.

only Trump, called it that..... The experts are who turned him in for his illegal quid Pro quo demands.
Actually, experts who listened to the call between Trump and the Ukrainians described it as "The Perfect Phone Call"

The only ones whining were those who weren't privy to it and were kept out of the loop.
Actually, experts who listened to the call between Trump and the Ukrainians described it as "The Perfect Phone Call"

The only ones whining were those who weren't privy to it and were kept out of the loop.
Ha! Trump called the phone call perfect. No one else.

Experts? Who?

Thank god for the "liberal" media

That's how Biden won. America hates Trump so much, they were willing to install a placeholder who lives on the edge of infirmity.

No one really wants Biden or Trump to run again. But since Trump announced, Biden must be feeling a lot of internal pressure to run again, too, to keep Trump out.
If people are voting for Biden out of hate for someone, then they are very ignorant destructive people.
I want you to pay attention to the abortion rate for the next several years.

You will find the repeal of Roe v. Wade has ZERO effect.

Since your propagandists will undoubtedly show you a very carefully framed chart of the abortion rate after the repeal of Roe, without showing you the historical abortion rate prior to the repeal, here it is:


The current abortion rate is now LOWER than it was before the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973. And it has nothing to do with Trump or the Supreme Court.

But I will bet anyone here that some propagandists in a few years make that claim, using a very carefully framed chart.

And the insta-bleevers will dutifully parrot the hoax.
I believe you. Do you realize that you just admitted democrats lied to the American people about "A woman's right to choose". Thank you.
Actually, experts who listened to the call between Trump and the Ukrainians described it as "The Perfect Phone Call"
Holy fuck how do you even operate in the world when you are so disconnected from reality? I am serious, how do you not manage to accidentally walk off a cliff or into the street?
Yeah, greatest economy ever. No war. The biggest mistake he made was listening to Fauci.
Nope. Trump's biggest mistake was blowing off Covid as a hoax.

His second biggest mistake was after finally realizing Covid was real, he engaged his magical thinking and said it would go away all by itself.

Trump put up a massive resistance to tracking and testing. The man is so fucking retarded, he actually believed that by not testing we had less cases of Covid. He thus allowed Covid to run rampant.

He didn't want to bring home AMERICANS who were on a cruise ship because some of them had Covid and that would affect his numbers. He wanted every American to stay trapped on the ship, thus ensuring ALL of them would get Covid.

As a result, we ended up with more infections and deaths than countries many times our size.

We have never had a more mentally defective president in the entire history of our republic.
Same old bleating leftard talking points.

Bla bla bla.

Just more leftist spew. Doesn't mean a thing.
Okay, loser.

And I'm not a leftist.

You can tell yourself that. You can tell yourself all the Republicans who walked from the party because the GOP has become a cesspoool are leftists.

And you can keep getting your ass handed to you. You can keep losing.

Or you can wake the fuck up and help bring the GOP back to its stated principles. You can hold the leadership's feet to the fire and MAKE them stick to their principles.

Then I can guarantee you that you will see a huge resurgence of support for the GOP.

But you won't do that. Because you have been deliberately dumbed down to the point of pinpoint consciousness. You are a Bluetooth speaker, broadcasting transmissions from your owners.
Still is devastating.

The political ramifications are somewhat contained to the near term whereas the SCOTUS is a very long term instrument. That is why the left is so up in arms with the conservative majority on the court, it threatens the underlying principals that the democrats are going to want to use to exercise power over the next few decades. It has them incensed enough that it is quite possible the institution itself will be destroyed. We may see a never ending recycle of the court every 8 years as the number of judges are adjusted in order to simply make it an extension of the legislative branch.
I am looking forward to seeing what this conservative court does in the decades to come.

I suspect most rulings will revolve around the court validating or invalidating Republican seizures of state power.
I believe you. Do you realize that you just admitted democrats lied to the American people about "A woman's right to choose". Thank you.
No, the liars are the ones who told you abortion would dramatically decline if Roe was repealed.


It's okay. I believed that lie, too, for most of my life. Until I looked into it for myself.
Nope. Trump's biggest mistake was blowing off Covid as a hoax.

His second biggest mistake was after finally realizing Covid was real, he engaged his magical thinking and said it would go away all by itself.

Trump put up a massive resistance to tracking and testing. The man is so fucking retarded, he actually believed that by not testing we had less cases of Covid. He thus allowed Covid to run rampant.

He didn't want to bring home AMERICANS who were on a cruise ship because some of them had Covid and that would affect his numbers. He wanted every American to stay trapped on the ship, thus ensuring ALL of them would get Covid.

As a result, we ended up with more infections and deaths than countries many times our size.

We have never had a more mentally defective president in the entire history of our republic.
Now we know, Trump was right all along. The lock down was unnecessary. Masks did no good. Closing schools wasn't needed. The under the bridge troll Fauci the Fearful led us all around making Covid when there was nothing. Falsifying deaths when killing off the elderly still wasn't enough.

If this wasn't atrocity enough, Biden, fauci, and the merry men - oops, sorry, merry trans whatever, began the slaughter by vaccine. The major question coming from this disgusting morass of corruption, should the words Died Suddenly be criminalized.

Trump is the best we have had in a hundred years.
One of these days you'll be able to prove that in a court of law.

Like normal Americans do. In Normal World.

One of these days.
Democrats have activist judges to do anything they want. Just like they did with Proposition 8 in California. The vote against same sex marriage was so overwhelming cheating didn't work. So democrats shopped a lawsuit to a flaming gay judge to throw out the vote the day before he retired.
Democrats have activist judges to do anything they want. Just like they did with Proposition 8 in California. The vote against same sex marriage was so overwhelming cheating didn't work. So democrats shopped a lawsuit to a flaming gay judge to throw out the vote the day before he retired.
What about the Trump-appointed judges who tossed out the cases too? What is the current excuse for that?

What about the contrary statements by Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump's White House staff, Trump's White House lawyers, Trump's campaign manager, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General, and the GQP's very own handpicked Cyber Ninjas?

Are you and Mr. Pillow more accurately-informed than they are?

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