Trump is a toxic candidate

No Such Thing^^^^^
trump created the divide, and people, yes even (R) voters, voted for SOLID (R)'s but rejected the election deniers.

The act is old, we have heard it since trump announced in 2015.
He won and still cried FRAUD.

Let's scream Russia, Russia, Russia again.
Sounds like Russia Russia Russia is screaming fraud. Talk about blind....
You're too old to forget that every Republican is Media Enemy #1.
And you continue to add ZERO to any post.

Would you care to discuss this FAKE "Ballot Harvesting"?
No you won't, because you can't back it up.

Or, How TOXIC trump is.
Professional Lying Con Man got his 4 years.
Now let's hope he get 8 more in Prison.

oh, I got you will cry "ad hominem fallacy"
It's what you do.
I am pretty sure he does not.

The ONLY way for Harris to see the White House from the top slot is if Trump is running against her. The thing with Trump supporters are that there will never be more of them than there are at this moment. No one is going to change their mind and start supporting Trump, no one. Considering that he does not have enough to win right now and the only direction he can go is down, Satan could run against him and win.
I agree with your analysis mostly. I'm not so sure that Harris doesn't win against DeSantis. DeSantis is going to turn a lot of people off during the debates and on the stump when the people not in Florida and non-politicos start paying attention. Harris is a shitty politician but she doesn't (so far) commit a lot of unforced errors.
Sometimes I wonder if Joe indicated he'd run in 2024 just to lure Trump in to the race for a rematch! Trump now has committed to run in 2024.

Now Joe should bow out and let a new generation take over as he implied he would, when he first ran 2020. Another democrat, can beat Trump! :D
Doesn't matter why he is such because no amount of explaining it away will make ANY DIFFERENCE.
You want to energize the left then run him. It's bad enough we have to beat their ballot harvesting schemes but if you nominate the most hated man in America you need your fucking head examined.
Most hated by whom?
Yeah, everyone loves the inflation and gas prices. I guess things have to get worse, and they will.
Well, if the mid-terms were any looks like the nation is ready to move on from the constant tantrums and fake victimization you guys have relied on for the past 6 years since your blob announced for President.
Well, if the mid-terms were any looks like the nation is ready to move on from the constant tantrums and fake victimization you guys have relied on for the past 6 years since your blob announced for President.
There was a lot more going on than what the media headlined. No matter what happens, President Trump left a legacy in the Supreme Court. You can't change that and it's devastating for Democrats.
You want to energize the left then run him. It's bad enough we have to beat their ballot harvesting schemes but if you nominate the most hated man in America you need your fucking head examined.

Jokes on you Grumps. Running DeSantis, Cruz, or anyone else will not "energize the left" less, be hated less or get you more aboveboard elections! Just improve the chances of assuring another Democrat in the WH worse than Biden, and be sure, they plan and intend on much worse. But then, you will have learned too late.
After two more years of Biden, I think most Americans would vote for Dracula.
That's how Biden won. America hates Trump so much, they were willing to install a placeholder who lives on the edge of infirmity.

No one really wants Biden or Trump to run again. But since Trump announced, Biden must be feeling a lot of internal pressure to run again, too, to keep Trump out.
I agree with your analysis mostly. I'm not so sure that Harris doesn't win against DeSantis. DeSantis is going to turn a lot of people off during the debates and on the stump when the people not in Florida and non-politicos start paying attention. Harris is a shitty politician but she doesn't (so far) commit a lot of unforced errors.
Harris is not up to the task, and it shows.
There was a lot more going on than what the media headlined. No matter what happens, President Trump left a legacy in the Supreme Court. You can't change that and it's devastating for Democrats.
Its devastating for all Americans actually. The silver lining is that we flushed the turd down the toilet before he could do more damage.
Yeah, everyone loves the inflation and gas prices. I guess things have to get worse, and they will.
No one has ever offered a plausible explanation how the current inflation is Biden's fault. Because there isn't one.

The most idiotic explanations are given. "Because Keystone!"

Trumptards are clearly ignorant of basic economic fundamentals. Inflation does not magically happen overnight. The underlying causes take YEARS to develop.

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