Trump is all set to KO the deep state in 3 weeks!

Trump needs to stop allowing his friends to be mistreated by Mueller and the FBI or he will not have any left....
As soon as his friends get caught, he disowns them.
"they were acting on their own"
"nothing to do with me"
The white men on trumps side is waiting on Barr to straighten this out with charging mueller with blackmail crime to cover up the deep states crimes

If Barr does not get this done the white men will rise up to stop this

Who is against the men its women so no contest

Trump will soon declare a broken govt
If Barr does not get this done the white men will rise up to stop this

Be specific. Exactly who's going to rise up, and exactly what will they do?

For example, I'm a white man and veteran, and I know what you're advocating sounds like treason. I took an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and you sound like a domestic enemy of the Constitution. My oath would force me to oppose your treason.

And people like me are the majority. You'd do well to remember that, before you do something stupid.
Trump needs to stop allowing his friends to be mistreated by Mueller and the FBI or he will not have any left....

Trump needs to stop surrounding himself with crooks and liars, and then his friends and employees wouldn't doing a perp walk while the FBI ransacks their homes.

Notice that all of the friends that have been indicted based on the evidence that Mueller provided to the Grand Jury, charges that were signed by federal judges, and when tried in front of a jury of their peers, the accused either plead guilty, or they were onverwhelmingly convicted by the evidence.

None have the Americans that Mueller has charged, has had their charges reduced or dismissed.
wow--BIG time crooks and liars :rolleyes-41:
maybe Manafort--and even that's reaching
Trump needs to stop allowing his friends to be mistreated by Mueller and the FBI or he will not have any left....
Right....protect friends from the law....that's what conservative republicans have come to be about.
Yes trump is all set to knock out the deep state crooks!!!!!!!!!!!

Trump has WON

The 3 week time gets Barr confirmed and him proves blackmail with unequal Justice by mueller

The 3 week time pours in all of trumps tax cuts with big tax refund checks and gives the back pay to the shutdown people

Together in 3 weeks the economy will explode upwards to teach the unwise that the deep state was indeed their enemy

Laughing at you.jpg
Yes trump is all set to knock out the deep state crooks!!!!!!!!!!!

Trump has WON

The 3 week time gets Barr confirmed and him proves blackmail with unequal Justice by mueller

The 3 week time pours in all of trumps tax cuts with big tax refund checks and gives the back pay to the shutdown people

Together in 3 weeks the economy will explode upwards to teach the unwise that the deep state was indeed their enemy
He won what exactly? More bull shit from trumpets .
Barr comes in and proves Muellers probe was blackmail

Barr does this by charging the deep state with serious crimes

And then Barr puts both investigations side by side and sees clearly mueller has commited blackmail crime to cover up the prior deep state crimes
Barr sees that leaks coming from mueller was to try to scare trump

Same as allowing leaks to show his prosecutors was all Hiliary supporters

A classic blackmail crime case
Trump open ups the govt

Brings all those tax refunds to the people

Has Barr confirmed because he opened the govt

And Barr then sees clearly that Muellers probe as pure blackmail

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