Trump is all set to KO the deep state in 3 weeks!

So in a matter of hours, this one went from "Trump is a hero for standing firm!" to "Trump is a hero for caving!"
Trump always declares victory after getting his ass kicked. Why should the parroting rubes be any different? :lol:
I declared victory after the Dodd/Frank screwing. And I declared victory after the Obamacare screwing. rubes are rubes!
tRump just folded like a cheap lawn chair.
View attachment 242142

That's not nice.

But you missed the point.....
All politicians are simply serving the establishment. They have no choice.
It just so happens at the present time the Establishment has found it advantageous to USE the Left to advance it's agenda.

When they're done with you they'll discard you like last months garbage right along with the Trumpets.

You folks just aren't smart enough to realize they game being played.

Oh well
Trump needs to stop allowing his friends to be mistreated by Mueller and the FBI or he will not have any left....

Trump needs to stop surrounding himself with crooks and liars, and then his friends and employees wouldn't doing a perp walk while the FBI ransacks their homes.

Notice that all of the friends that have been indicted based on the evidence that Mueller provided to the Grand Jury, charges that were signed by federal judges, and when tried in front of a jury of their peers, the accused either plead guilty, or they were onverwhelmingly convicted by the evidence.

None have the Americans that Mueller has charged, has had their charges reduced or dismissed.
I believe it was Stalin that said "show me a man and I will show you a crime"....Mueller has learned well the tactics of fascists and and dictators...if that is the kind of America you want to reside in then you got it...
remember my words when this is used against your next president that the establishment does not want in maybe one day someone like a AOC will fall into this trap....outsiders need not even try it or else....when that day comes remember your approval of this kind of government over reach...remember how you sat back and allowed political ideology to be deemed an illegal act.....anyone that helped your candidate win gets prosecuted for process crimes and have their lives ruined.....remember my words when that time come DL.....
Trump will cave in 3 weeks just like he caved this week. Trump blinked and the Dem's will be out for blood now. Not only will he get no funding for the wall, they are going to attack him now like never before. Schumer is already running his filthy shit stain mouth.
Right. And after that Trump will be impeached because Mueller will discover that he hired Putin to hack the election because of a secret tape from 2015 where Putin tells trump that mueller will never learn about their connection.

Oh and then rdean will be right about something
Trump needs to stop allowing his friends to be mistreated by Mueller and the FBI or he will not have any left....
He needs friends who are not criminals.

Jee how blind are you?...

Rezko Obama’s longtime friend and money man Obama Must Answer Questions so the American People Can Decide.

There is plenty to scrutinize in Obama’s dealings with Rezko, a developer and political operative who has come to symbolize Illinois’ shadowy and infamous pay-to-play politics.

Are you serous?.....
Trump did not get his butt kicked. Trump proved he cared more about the Government employees than Pelosi does.
Trump is so smart.

He's like a really smart guy.

He knows lots of words.

Trump even has a "Degree" from a Real Live University!

Yes trump is all set to knock out the deep state crooks!!!!!!!!!!!

Trump has WON

The 3 week time gets Barr confirmed and him proves blackmail with unequal Justice by mueller

The 3 week time pours in all of trumps tax cuts with big tax refund checks and gives the back pay to the shutdown people

Together in 3 weeks the economy will explode upwards to teach the unwise that the deep state was indeed their enemy

Ha.ha. You got your "deep state" rhetoric from Michael Savage. But apparently you didn't listen to Michael Savage today. After shoving Trump down your throats, he is totally disgusted with Trump.

Maybe you should start doing your own homework for a change so you don't make this enormous mistake again.

IOW--turn off the noise coming from these people


They have destroyed the entire Republican party--it's not coming back.

A great article if you can get through it all.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media
Yes trump is all set to knock out the deep state crooks!!!!!!!!!!!

Trump has WON

The 3 week time gets Barr confirmed and him proves blackmail with unequal Justice by mueller

The 3 week time pours in all of trumps tax cuts with big tax refund checks and gives the back pay to the shutdown people

Together in 3 weeks the economy will explode upwards to teach the unwise that the deep state was indeed their enemy

Ha.ha. You got your "deep state" rhetoric from Michael Savage. But apparently you didn't listen to Michael Savage today. After shoving Trump down your throats, he is totally disgusted with Trump.

Maybe you should start doing your own homework for a change so you don't make this enormous mistake again.

IOW--turn off the noise coming from these people


They have destroyed the entire Republican party--it's not coming back.

A great article if you can get through it all.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Yes trump is all set to knock out the deep state crooks!!!!!!!!!!!

Trump has WON

The 3 week time gets Barr confirmed and him proves blackmail with unequal Justice by mueller

The 3 week time pours in all of trumps tax cuts with big tax refund checks and gives the back pay to the shutdown people

Together in 3 weeks the economy will explode upwards to teach the unwise that the deep state was indeed their enemy

Ha.ha. You got your "deep state" rhetoric from Michael Savage. But apparently you didn't listen to Michael Savage today. After shoving Trump down your throats, he is totally disgusted with Trump.

Maybe you should start doing your own homework for a change so you don't make this enormous mistake again.

IOW--turn off the noise coming from these people


They have destroyed the entire Republican party--it's not coming back.

A great article if you can get through it all.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media
We do not know if this is over. For me, I believed it was important for all of our children and the future. Still do. However, if this stays and nothing is done about the wall, then America has three options in its future.....Anarchy, Dissolution or Totalitarian Rule. We are already a massive surveillance, facial recognition and social media culture where anything each of us does can be used against ourselves. The laws are in place to take advantage of it. And there have been people screwed over by it. Anyone who has experienced it knows very well. Frankly, it would be poetic justice for many of you and satisfaction for me to see this happen. You want the Tower of Babel and if you get it, let the games begin in earnest.
We do not know if this is over. For me, I believed it was important for all of our children and the future. Still do. However, if this stays and nothing is done about the wall, then America has three options in its future.....Anarchy, Dissolution or Totalitarian Rule. We are already a massive surveillance, facial recognition and social media culture where anything each of us does can be used against ourselves. The laws are in place to take advantage of it. And there have been people screwed over by it. Anyone who has experienced it knows very well. Frankly, it would be poetic justice for many of you and satisfaction for me to see this happen. You want the Tower of Babel and if you get it, let the games begin in earnest.

Probably a mix of all 3.
Sane people know the nation is in serious decline. The clown chorus of idiotized leftists couldn't be happier.

Totalitarianism is likely. We'll know we've reached that marker when the government gets involved in gun confiscations (expect that soon). Again, most on the Left are drooling over that day.

Freedom was never free. There are so many clueless imbeciles today cheering for totalitarianism that we're bound to get it.
And barely a handful of good men to do anything about it.

Ironically, those imbeciles screaming for Marxism and totalitarianism (pretty much anyone against the wall or for Socialism) will suffer just as bad as those they thought they were defeating. They defeated themselves. They're simply so stupid they can't comprehend. Venezuela is proof, but they fool themselves into believing it's different. It isn't.
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Three weeks? Wow.

At least we've been given a specific time frame, so that's good.
Trump needs to stop allowing his friends to be mistreated by Mueller and the FBI or he will not have any left....

Five minutes after he does, we can impeach him for obstruction of justice... so I'm good with that.
We do not know if this is over. For me, I believed it was important for all of our children and the future. Still do. However, if this stays and nothing is done about the wall, then America has three options in its future.....Anarchy, Dissolution or Totalitarian Rule. We are already a massive surveillance, facial recognition and social media culture where anything each of us does can be used against ourselves. The laws are in place to take advantage of it. And there have been people screwed over by it. Anyone who has experienced it knows very well. Frankly, it would be poetic justice for many of you and satisfaction for me to see this happen. You want the Tower of Babel and if you get it, let the games begin in earnest.

Probably a mix of all 3.
Sane people know the nation is in serious decline. The clown chorus of idiotized leftists couldn't be happier.

Totalitarianism is likely. We'll know we've reached that marker when the government gets involved in gun confiscations (expect that soon). Again, most on the Left are drooling over that day.

Freedom was never free. There are so many clueless imbeciles today cheering for totalitarianism that we're bound to get it.
And barely a handful of good men to do anything about it.

Ironically, those imbeciles screaming for Marxism and totalitarianism (pretty much anyone against the wall or for Socialism) will suffer just as bad as those they thought they were defeating. They defeated themselves. They're simply so stupid they can't comprehend. Venezuela is proof, but they fool themselves into believing it's different. It isn't.

Rhodesia and South Africa falling into misery is also proof how wide democracies fall

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