Trump Is An Illegitimate President And Always Will Be

Well dad, your need to go ad hominem is clear evidence you know your arguments aren't working.

It's ironic that you are objecting to saying Hillary is socialist while you can't provide any position she has that contradicts that she's socialist while you say my economic system doesn't work because you're so stupid you still think I'm a Republican.

I support free markets, not the crap our two political parties created. Ad hominem, hypocrisy, double standards, a day at the office for your beloved Democrat party

Son, I don't care who you wish to call a socialist and you've never seen me support Hillary in any manner at all. You've never had "free" markets in your lifetime. What you have is;

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

And I look for you to contribute nothing to altering any of that because you only leave the couch to vote, and you can't even recognize what you're up against. Couple that with the fact that you rail againt the only possible allies you have in this struggle, and well, better work more on acceptance if your position is unalterable.

Well dad, again your going to ad hominem shows you're worried about how bad you're doing.

And you're just babbling Marxist rhetoric. None of those three made any sense, Dennis:

I agree that someone isn't making any sense, we can leave it at that.

Just deflecting that you still can't name any issues, only chant rhetoric

asld weoejhfb, oawh oeh dg. aoiyaioa awiv qty y7f; awoidh awgdh seh. awoih dh 3ug 999 en.

Another diversion that you can't name any actual issues you disagree with Democrats on and you can't name any positions Hillary has that isn't socialist
Oh I thought you were asking me if I was looking for a date As the year comes to an end are you just getting sillier and sillier?

As it turned out, you were when you completed the circle for the circle jerk

Homosexual thoughts running around up there again.

Still on the playground, ey?

Awaiting a collected thought from you, take your time.

You wanted a thoughtful response to your playground argument? Seriously?

Know someone?
Son, I don't care who you wish to call a socialist and you've never seen me support Hillary in any manner at all. You've never had "free" markets in your lifetime. What you have is;

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

And I look for you to contribute nothing to altering any of that because you only leave the couch to vote, and you can't even recognize what you're up against. Couple that with the fact that you rail againt the only possible allies you have in this struggle, and well, better work more on acceptance if your position is unalterable.

Well dad, again your going to ad hominem shows you're worried about how bad you're doing.

And you're just babbling Marxist rhetoric. None of those three made any sense, Dennis:

I agree that someone isn't making any sense, we can leave it at that.

Just deflecting that you still can't name any issues, only chant rhetoric

asld weoejhfb, oawh oeh dg. aoiyaioa awiv qty y7f; awoidh awgdh seh. awoih dh 3ug 999 en.

Another diversion that you can't name any actual issues you disagree with Democrats on and you can't name any positions Hillary has that isn't socialist

So now you insist I disagree with the dems AND Hollary for you? And then what, I get a secret ring? You need to train a pet or something pard.
Good nite all and have a great new year I'll be at times square watching the ball drop be well ,,,,you too kaz
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.[/QU

What a moron.
The way some of you use it, it means nothing at all.

I use the term socialist to describe socialists and for nothing else
So where is hill here??
socialist - Dictionary Definition :
Dictionary : Vocabulary.comsocialist
A socialist is someone who supports the political philosophy of socialism, which is a governmental system that advocates community ownership and control of all lands and businesses rather than individual ownership. The Latin word socius meant "companion," and led to the Old French ...

Name any time Hillary has passed on giving government more control over our economy.

Socialism is central economic planning. Sure, she hasn't proposed it in one step, but every step she proposes us moves us exactly that direction. Just like everyone in the Democrat party.

Name a plank of the Communist Manifesto that Hillary opposes

So you want him to prove a list of negatives for you.

These are killer questions to you, huh?

What do you DISAGREE with Democrats on.

What position does Hillary have that is NOT socialist.

I mean a non-Democrat disagreeing with Democrats? A non-socialist having non-socialist positions? Incredibly difficult questions, huh?
Socialism being simply fair, just capitalism, can't argue with you, dupe.
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.[/QU

What a moron.
Alt-Right, racist etc? Sounds like Fox Rush etc, dupe.
Yeah, butt hole, that's it. It's not that she's a socialist. It's that she's female. Talk about being a mental flat liner
Socialist?? more republican BS call her a commie next?

How is she not one?

Isn't everyone?

Um ... no. Only socialists are socialist
You bailed out Wall Street padnah, across "both" "conservative" and then "liberal" administrations. YOU sir, are a socialist.
That was Paulson Bush TARP. Also needed MAYBE after W drop kicked the world economy. I would have been happy with Iceland's solution- arrest the GOP/Wall St. a-hole/cronies....
Yeah, butt hole, that's it. It's not that she's a socialist. It's that she's female. Talk about being a mental flat liner
Socialist?? more republican BS call her a commie next?

How is she not one?
Google the definition of socialist and find out

You don't know, huh? Exactly
Socialism | Definition of Socialism by Merriam-Webster
Definition of socialism for Students. : a social system or theory in which the government owns and controls the means of production (as factories) and distribution of goods.
Communism · ‎Socialism · ‎Capitalism
socialism - Dictionary Definition :
Dictionary : Vocabulary.comsocialism
These days, the word socialism gets tossed around so much, it's almost lost all meaning. Originally, though, it was the bedrock of Marxism and meant that workers and their community should control the market for what they make. ... But in its purest form, socialism was a political ...
Solace · ‎Sought · ‎Sovereign · ‎Somber
controls = regulates = FAIR capitalism. NOT communism
Socialist?? more republican BS call her a commie next?

How is she not one?
Google the definition of socialist and find out

You don't know, huh? Exactly

The way some of you use it, it means nothing at all.

I use the term socialist to describe socialists and for nothing else
Meanwhile, everywhere in the world BUT GOP dupe world, it means DEMOCRATIC socialism.
Socialist?? more republican BS call her a commie next?

How is she not one?
Google the definition of socialist and find out

You don't know, huh? Exactly
Socialism | Definition of Socialism by Merriam-Webster
Definition of socialism for Students. : a social system or theory in which the government owns and controls the means of production (as factories) and distribution of goods.
Communism · ‎Socialism · ‎Capitalism
socialism - Dictionary Definition :
Dictionary : Vocabulary.comsocialism
These days, the word socialism gets tossed around so much, it's almost lost all meaning. Originally, though, it was the bedrock of Marxism and meant that workers and their community should control the market for what they make. ... But in its purest form, socialism was a political ...
Solace · ‎Sought · ‎Sovereign · ‎Somber
controls = regulates = FAIR capitalism. NOT communism

Socialism is capitalism?

Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.

Um, the evidence was never presented that Russia did anything other then Bammers and Clintons word and that really don't mean a whole lot. Here is what the fact is, Donald J. Trump is the president elect of the United States of America, fairly elected just like Obama was and we delt with it for the last 8 years and we all survived. So will you.
And 17 intelligence agencies, conspiracy whacko.
How is she not one?
Google the definition of socialist and find out

You don't know, huh? Exactly
Socialism | Definition of Socialism by Merriam-Webster
Definition of socialism for Students. : a social system or theory in which the government owns and controls the means of production (as factories) and distribution of goods.
Communism · ‎Socialism · ‎Capitalism
socialism - Dictionary Definition :
Dictionary : Vocabulary.comsocialism
These days, the word socialism gets tossed around so much, it's almost lost all meaning. Originally, though, it was the bedrock of Marxism and meant that workers and their community should control the market for what they make. ... But in its purest form, socialism was a political ...
Solace · ‎Sought · ‎Sovereign · ‎Somber
controls = regulates = FAIR capitalism. NOT communism

Socialism is capitalism?

Well REGULATED (controlled) capitalism with a good safety net, doofus. "We're all socialists now" - Finland PM when ACA passed.
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.

Um, the evidence was never presented that Russia did anything other then Bammers and Clintons word and that really don't mean a whole lot. Here is what the fact is, Donald J. Trump is the president elect of the United States of America, fairly elected just like Obama was and we delt with it for the last 8 years and we all survived. So will you.
And 17 intelligence agencies, conspiracy whacko.

And 17 intelligence agencies what, name calling typical liberal low IQ loser?
Google the definition of socialist and find out

You don't know, huh? Exactly
Socialism | Definition of Socialism by Merriam-Webster
Definition of socialism for Students. : a social system or theory in which the government owns and controls the means of production (as factories) and distribution of goods.
Communism · ‎Socialism · ‎Capitalism
socialism - Dictionary Definition :
Dictionary : Vocabulary.comsocialism
These days, the word socialism gets tossed around so much, it's almost lost all meaning. Originally, though, it was the bedrock of Marxism and meant that workers and their community should control the market for what they make. ... But in its purest form, socialism was a political ...
Solace · ‎Sought · ‎Sovereign · ‎Somber
controls = regulates = FAIR capitalism. NOT communism

Socialism is capitalism?

Well REGULATED (controlled) capitalism with a good safety net, doofus. "We're all socialists now" - Finland PM when ACA passed.

So he doubles down on stupid.
Shit, this is nothing big boy. I suggest you read some of those history books you ignored in high school. The level of vitriol that was demonstrated within the halls of Congress were a thing to behold. Hell, I bet you didn't even know that there is a bullet hole in one of the Congressional desks. Yep, it got so heated in one instance that a congress critter tried to shoot another one.

Like I said, this is nothing compared to what it used to be like.

So much for "great again" heh?

Actually I think the new admin has a chance to make this country great again. The outgoing admin felt that this country was a pox on humanity and decided that the best way to help the third world peoples was by turning this country into yet another third world banana republic. He felt that the middle class here needed to dropped down a peg, or three hundred, instead of thinking "hey, maybe the way to make the whole world better is to destroy the third world! Instead of dividing the world into two classes, a very, very tiny elite, and a huge mass of poor, why not elevate EVERYONE up to first world status?

Yes, that requires work. Educating people to stop being provincial, vain, and selfish is hard, but doable. But the problem with progressives in general, is they have these grand ideas, but they want them NOW. They don't seem to understand that you can't kill ideas. You can kill hundreds of millions of people, as progressives have done over the last 100 years, but ideas take a lot more effort to kill off. And it is those ideas, some very good, some very bad, that drive the various peoples of this world.

A lesson that progressives either seem unable, or unwilling to learn.

You poor thing. It's gonna be a terrific show, this reality america.

Oh, don't feel sorry for me. I am actually getting interested in the direction this country will be heading in again. For the first time in six years I can see a way forward that doesn't include destroying this country and its people.

We've all seen your pre-ejaculatory partisanshithead cheerleading.

Well, no we have not.

But we have seen your head-up-your-ass ignorance.
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.

Um, the evidence was never presented that Russia did anything other then Bammers and Clintons word and that really don't mean a whole lot. Here is what the fact is, Donald J. Trump is the president elect of the United States of America, fairly elected just like Obama was and we delt with it for the last 8 years and we all survived. So will you.
And 17 intelligence agencies, conspiracy whacko.

And 17 intelligence agencies what, name calling typical liberal low IQ loser?
...say it was the Russians, duh. At least my name calling is POLITICAL. So not really that at all...
Well REGULATED (controlled) capitalism with a good safety net, doofus. "We're all socialists now" - Finland PM when ACA passed.

NOT even,, EVERYTHING the oman did is history, since he is pushing and doing everything he can to make Trumps time in office hard as hell I hope Trump eradicates every vestige of his "legacy" and every other liberal pushed part of the government, Changes the election law to yearly tracked PHOTO ID for every voter. No cost to the voters so there is no reason to not have one. The rolls can be updated and cleared yearly. There will be no way to hack, or vote if you are not eligible, especially if you are not a citizen.

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