Trump Is An Illegitimate President And Always Will Be

Well REGULATED (controlled) capitalism with a good safety net, doofus. "We're all socialists now" - Finland PM when ACA passed.

NOT even,, EVERYTHING the oman did is history, since he is pushing and doing everything he can to make Trumps time in office hard as hell I hope Trump eradicates every vestige of his "legacy" and every other liberal pushed part of the government, Changes the election law to yearly tracked PHOTO ID for every voter. No cost to the voters so there is no reason to not have one. The rolls can be updated and cleared yearly. There will be no way to hack, or vote if you are not eligible, especially if you are not a citizen.
No evidence of illegals voting duh...How bout a unfakeable SS ID card DEMS want to end this GOP fiasco?
You don't know, huh? Exactly
Socialism | Definition of Socialism by Merriam-Webster
Definition of socialism for Students. : a social system or theory in which the government owns and controls the means of production (as factories) and distribution of goods.
Communism · ‎Socialism · ‎Capitalism
socialism - Dictionary Definition :
Dictionary : Vocabulary.comsocialism
These days, the word socialism gets tossed around so much, it's almost lost all meaning. Originally, though, it was the bedrock of Marxism and meant that workers and their community should control the market for what they make. ... But in its purest form, socialism was a political ...
Solace · ‎Sought · ‎Sovereign · ‎Somber
controls = regulates = FAIR capitalism. NOT communism

Socialism is capitalism?

Well REGULATED (controlled) capitalism with a good safety net, doofus. "We're all socialists now" - Finland PM when ACA passed.

So he doubles down on stupid.
Only in Bug Tussle, Dupe World.
As long as we're on the subject, your avie is as outdated as OP's username lol. Seriously. Move on :itsok:

Time to change the subject!!
your avie is irrellevant /distracting kid is all I'm saying. Same as OP's username

You're distracting and again changing the subject to weigh in on the important topic of avatar pics
its the first thing people see when you post. Either you're lazy or clueless. Which is it?

Still trying really hard. It won't work. Despite your grumblings you've shown me to be correct. That or your attention span lost interest when confronted with logic. :crybaby:
I get that you dont get how outdated and distracting your avie is kid
Time to change the subject!!
your avie is irrellevant /distracting kid is all I'm saying. Same as OP's username

You're distracting and again changing the subject to weigh in on the important topic of avatar pics
its the first thing people see when you post. Either you're lazy or clueless. Which is it?

Still trying really hard. It won't work. Despite your grumblings you've shown me to be correct. That or your attention span lost interest when confronted with logic. :crybaby:
I get that you dont get how outdated and distracting your avie is kid

He has had that since at least 01

Well dad, again your going to ad hominem shows you're worried about how bad you're doing.

And you're just babbling Marxist rhetoric. None of those three made any sense, Dennis:

I agree that someone isn't making any sense, we can leave it at that.

Just deflecting that you still can't name any issues, only chant rhetoric

asld weoejhfb, oawh oeh dg. aoiyaioa awiv qty y7f; awoidh awgdh seh. awoih dh 3ug 999 en.

Another diversion that you can't name any actual issues you disagree with Democrats on and you can't name any positions Hillary has that isn't socialist

So now you insist I disagree with the dems AND Hollary for you? And then what, I get a secret ring? You need to train a pet or something pard.

You claim to not be a Democrat, yet I come across your posts over and over where you're ... agreeing with the Democrats!
On Jan 20 who again is sworn in?

The lap dog traitor for Vladimir Putin? Does that make you proud, traitor?

Hey! I am interested on your take concerning this issue because I haven't found one leftard that has the nads to answer this question....what has Putin done the last 16 years to offend the sensibilities of the leftard clown posse? He has done more damage to ISIS/al qaeda in a year than the Barrypuppet could do in 8....he prevented a war with Syria but intervening. He has put up with NATO, USA.INC and the Soros funded E.U with annexing the Ukraine when they overthrew the duly elected government in an illegal coup[ de 'etat.

Now, now, I know Putin made Soros all butthurt when Crimea decided to cast their lot with Russia instead of the E.U but isn't that kind of like a Brex-it thing where the people decide their own sovereignty?? I understand that Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of it's peninsula and George Soros ran to the Barrypuppet clutching his ass cheeks wanting something done...but the people of Crimea decided....still doesn't justify all this angst against Putin that kicked out the Rothschild bankers to the curb. Russia is an ally of Syria. ISIS/ CIAl-qaeda is being funded by the west to wage a proxy war against Assad that hasn't done a fucking thing to offend USA.INC or it's pals but yet the fighting is destroying a country that has the unmitigated gall to have resources the west wants for it's self...tough shit,....looks like Syria is one country that these globalist pieces of shit are not going to get their hands on unless they want mutually assured destruction.

While you rail on Russia, the Chi-coms have the Barrypuppet by the short-hairs because they hold trillions in treasury bonds. They were given a deep water port in California, they have been given land for solar farms in this country while attempting to tell us that our 2nd amendment rights are an affront to where is the real threat, dumb ass????

Got it, traitor. You've obviously found new religion, like the dishonest little Trumpkin fucktard that you are.

Understand the differences and disagreements but fucktard like Dalesmith who is a traitor adoring Russia before his own country and a racist bullshit just make puke.
I agree that someone isn't making any sense, we can leave it at that.

Just deflecting that you still can't name any issues, only chant rhetoric

asld weoejhfb, oawh oeh dg. aoiyaioa awiv qty y7f; awoidh awgdh seh. awoih dh 3ug 999 en.

Another diversion that you can't name any actual issues you disagree with Democrats on and you can't name any positions Hillary has that isn't socialist

So now you insist I disagree with the dems AND Hollary for you? And then what, I get a secret ring? You need to train a pet or something pard.

You claim to not be a Democrat, yet I come across your posts over and over where you're ... agreeing with the Democrats!
Kind of like Starkey
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On Jan 20 who again is sworn in?

The lap dog traitor for Vladimir Putin? Does that make you proud, traitor?

Hey! I am interested on your take concerning this issue because I haven't found one leftard that has the nads to answer this question....what has Putin done the last 16 years to offend the sensibilities of the leftard clown posse? He has done more damage to ISIS/al qaeda in a year than the Barrypuppet could do in 8....he prevented a war with Syria but intervening. He has put up with NATO, USA.INC and the Soros funded E.U with annexing the Ukraine when they overthrew the duly elected government in an illegal coup[ de 'etat.

Now, now, I know Putin made Soros all butthurt when Crimea decided to cast their lot with Russia instead of the E.U but isn't that kind of like a Brex-it thing where the people decide their own sovereignty?? I understand that Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of it's peninsula and George Soros ran to the Barrypuppet clutching his ass cheeks wanting something done...but the people of Crimea decided....still doesn't justify all this angst against Putin that kicked out the Rothschild bankers to the curb. Russia is an ally of Syria. ISIS/ CIAl-qaeda is being funded by the west to wage a proxy war against Assad that hasn't done a fucking thing to offend USA.INC or it's pals but yet the fighting is destroying a country that has the unmitigated gall to have resources the west wants for it's self...tough shit,....looks like Syria is one country that these globalist pieces of shit are not going to get their hands on unless they want mutually assured destruction.

While you rail on Russia, the Chi-coms have the Barrypuppet by the short-hairs because they hold trillions in treasury bonds. They were given a deep water port in California, they have been given land for solar farms in this country while attempting to tell us that our 2nd amendment rights are an affront to where is the real threat, dumb ass????

Got it, traitor. You've obviously found new religion, like the dishonest little Trumpkin fucktard that you are.

I know more than you....obviously. You can't even attempt to answer my very salient question as to what Putin and Russia has done that justifies a war...because that is exactly what the Barrypuppet is pushing for and stupid fucks like you are blaming him for passing on e-mails to Julian Assange (that has plainly stated that wasn't the case) that shows the leftard clown posse conspiring to cheat and steal the election? You are like a guy that gets pissed because his wife found out he was texting another woman and you are pissed that she didn't trust you....seriously, this is too fucking funny.....

It's not what you know stupid fuck....... its how you laid out your conspiracy theories with your racist remarks. Asshole.
Just deflecting that you still can't name any issues, only chant rhetoric

asld weoejhfb, oawh oeh dg. aoiyaioa awiv qty y7f; awoidh awgdh seh. awoih dh 3ug 999 en.

Another diversion that you can't name any actual issues you disagree with Democrats on and you can't name any positions Hillary has that isn't socialist

So now you insist I disagree with the dems AND Hollary for you? And then what, I get a secret ring? You need to train a pet or something pard.

You claim to not be a Democrat, yet I come across your posts over and over where you're ... agreeing with the Democrats!
Kind of like Starkey

I always like the international leftists like Fenton who think they're fooling anyone when they come to America to get their instructions on what to think, then like good little leftists ... they think it ...
The lap dog traitor for Vladimir Putin? Does that make you proud, traitor?

Hey! I am interested on your take concerning this issue because I haven't found one leftard that has the nads to answer this question....what has Putin done the last 16 years to offend the sensibilities of the leftard clown posse? He has done more damage to ISIS/al qaeda in a year than the Barrypuppet could do in 8....he prevented a war with Syria but intervening. He has put up with NATO, USA.INC and the Soros funded E.U with annexing the Ukraine when they overthrew the duly elected government in an illegal coup[ de 'etat.

Now, now, I know Putin made Soros all butthurt when Crimea decided to cast their lot with Russia instead of the E.U but isn't that kind of like a Brex-it thing where the people decide their own sovereignty?? I understand that Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of it's peninsula and George Soros ran to the Barrypuppet clutching his ass cheeks wanting something done...but the people of Crimea decided....still doesn't justify all this angst against Putin that kicked out the Rothschild bankers to the curb. Russia is an ally of Syria. ISIS/ CIAl-qaeda is being funded by the west to wage a proxy war against Assad that hasn't done a fucking thing to offend USA.INC or it's pals but yet the fighting is destroying a country that has the unmitigated gall to have resources the west wants for it's self...tough shit,....looks like Syria is one country that these globalist pieces of shit are not going to get their hands on unless they want mutually assured destruction.

While you rail on Russia, the Chi-coms have the Barrypuppet by the short-hairs because they hold trillions in treasury bonds. They were given a deep water port in California, they have been given land for solar farms in this country while attempting to tell us that our 2nd amendment rights are an affront to where is the real threat, dumb ass????

Got it, traitor. You've obviously found new religion, like the dishonest little Trumpkin fucktard that you are.

We're not the traitor you commie Marxist liberal bastards are.

View attachment 104638

Yet, you're the one who shamelessly praises a murderer like Putin.

The only traitor is you. You are truly a worthless piece of Repug shit. A truly unremarkable, ignorant, unsophisticated goober lame ass.

USA.INC and it's NATO pals have killed millions since this fake war on terror started and then they raped and pillaged those countries...there is no high road for us to take. Russia and Putin hasn't illegally invaded a country since Afghanistan in what was that you were saying????

Really? How about Crimea? Or Syria? How about Georgia in 2008?
You adore Putin and Russia so much ........ why don't you move there?

Moscow ‘killing more civilians than Isis’ in Syria

These doesn't count the number of Syrians they murdered this month of December 2016 in Aleppo.
If we elected the president by popular vote you might have a point, but since we don't, you don't.
Taz I don't blame russia or the College for trump I blame people like you and the other deplorables here They made a s__t sandwich Now let them eat it
Am I going to jail??
You're the one who will be eating the shit sandwich, moron. I will enjoy watching you cry for the next 8 years,
Sorry bri IF he lowers my taxes and takes away the death tax I'll make out like a bandit,,,,,But most of the country and you, probably won't
When three $trillion in overseas profits return to the USA, everyone will benefit. When illegal aliens are prevented from taking American jobs, every American who gets those jobs will benefit.

How would anyone but a bunch of tics on the ass of society and illegal aliens benefit from the election of Hillary?
Those illegals take jobs no republican would take Cleaning cesspools cutting up animals repairing bridges etc etc

CNC machining, construction work, landscaping, etc. Americans want those jobs.
Yeah that vast amount of 'ALL-IN' liberal media, Rigged Primary, feeding Hillary debate questions in advance, exposed racists / sexists / homophobic / anti-Semitism, hiring goons to attack Trump supporters, etc was perfectly fine though...


You partisanshitheads make it all possible.
BS e-mail chatter isn't evidence of rigging, dupe. As Bernie said. All in lib media my arse- They reported the "rigging" bs and all the other e-mail "BREAKING NEWS" too etc etc grubbing swine.

This entire system floats on the belief that you have two different sides with different visions. You do not.

Correct again! Brings to mind one of the all time best lyrics ever penned to paper... "here comes the new boss, same as the old boss"... which brings us to the trumpster. Here, for the first time since Teddy, we had a candidate that BOTH political classes hated. That sounds like a positive to me. How about you?

Ha ha ha, hate? Fuck man, we leave the couch to vote and return. The system has absoutely nothing to be nervous about. Trump's antics will be distraction enough for the public; haters and lovers alike.

But I was referring to the POLITICAL CLASS. Were you not paying attention? Here was a candidate that both "Party's" hated. Seems to me that if you are part of the political elite, and an outsider comes in to tip over your carefully controlled apple cart, you might get a bit miffed. The shrilary had very obviously sold her soul to the elite, so had the jeb monster, but the trumpster CLEARLY hadn't. That's why they hated him.

Or do you think differently?
On Jan 20 who again is sworn in?

The lap dog traitor for Vladimir Putin? Does that make you proud, traitor?

Hey! I am interested on your take concerning this issue because I haven't found one leftard that has the nads to answer this question....what has Putin done the last 16 years to offend the sensibilities of the leftard clown posse? He has done more damage to ISIS/al qaeda in a year than the Barrypuppet could do in 8....he prevented a war with Syria but intervening. He has put up with NATO, USA.INC and the Soros funded E.U with annexing the Ukraine when they overthrew the duly elected government in an illegal coup[ de 'etat.

Now, now, I know Putin made Soros all butthurt when Crimea decided to cast their lot with Russia instead of the E.U but isn't that kind of like a Brex-it thing where the people decide their own sovereignty?? I understand that Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of it's peninsula and George Soros ran to the Barrypuppet clutching his ass cheeks wanting something done...but the people of Crimea decided....still doesn't justify all this angst against Putin that kicked out the Rothschild bankers to the curb. Russia is an ally of Syria. ISIS/ CIAl-qaeda is being funded by the west to wage a proxy war against Assad that hasn't done a fucking thing to offend USA.INC or it's pals but yet the fighting is destroying a country that has the unmitigated gall to have resources the west wants for it's self...tough shit,....looks like Syria is one country that these globalist pieces of shit are not going to get their hands on unless they want mutually assured destruction.

While you rail on Russia, the Chi-coms have the Barrypuppet by the short-hairs because they hold trillions in treasury bonds. They were given a deep water port in California, they have been given land for solar farms in this country while attempting to tell us that our 2nd amendment rights are an affront to where is the real threat, dumb ass????

Got it, traitor. You've obviously found new religion, like the dishonest little Trumpkin fucktard that you are.

Understand the differences and disagreements but fucktard like Dalesmith who is a traitor adoring Russia before his own country and a racist bullshit just make puke.

"Don't Squeeze The Charmin SEZ??" :

That dalesmith is a trader and he don' like my beloved gubermint or mmy cuntry because he is a RACIST!!!!"

Good job, Charwin......very rarely can I cause a leftard have a total melt down after one post......but allow me to reply so STFU, turn around, face the chalkboard and pay attention.

Do I love my country and fellow countrymen? You can bet your ever lovin' ass that I most certainly do.....which is why I write the things I's an up at dawn, late to bed voyage every fucking day trying to absorb as much information as I can and do the proper vetting and then try and explain it to dumb fucks like you hoping that you don't blow a friggin''s a thankless task. Now, as far as the corporate owned entity that has disguised it'self as a legitimate governmental body that is owned by foreign born bankers? No, I have no loyalty to them at all or the corporate officers disguised as politicians and I PROUDLY declare that.Should a plantation slave weep whenm his "massa" is getting a beat down or should he run to defend the veryt entity that enslaved him???? Thoughts?

Here are a few home truths for you to digest and research...Russia has done nothing to USA>INC to be in their crosshairs....neither has Assad. Your beloved "gubermint" is funding the very terrorist clan that we were allegedly fighting aginst after 9/11/01 that put us in this police state and launched wars of aggression against countries that had nothing to do with the inside job that was 9/11 but because they made the mistake of having resources these globalist pieces of pedophile, child trafficking shit coveted and believe that those resources are rightfully theirs via "divine right" yeah, as long as I am able to speak out and post about this? I will say exactly what the truth is....if that is a problem for you and it makes you weep....try this.......

On Jan 20 who again is sworn in?

The lap dog traitor for Vladimir Putin? Does that make you proud, traitor?

Hey! I am interested on your take concerning this issue because I haven't found one leftard that has the nads to answer this question....what has Putin done the last 16 years to offend the sensibilities of the leftard clown posse? He has done more damage to ISIS/al qaeda in a year than the Barrypuppet could do in 8....he prevented a war with Syria but intervening. He has put up with NATO, USA.INC and the Soros funded E.U with annexing the Ukraine when they overthrew the duly elected government in an illegal coup[ de 'etat.

Now, now, I know Putin made Soros all butthurt when Crimea decided to cast their lot with Russia instead of the E.U but isn't that kind of like a Brex-it thing where the people decide their own sovereignty?? I understand that Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of it's peninsula and George Soros ran to the Barrypuppet clutching his ass cheeks wanting something done...but the people of Crimea decided....still doesn't justify all this angst against Putin that kicked out the Rothschild bankers to the curb. Russia is an ally of Syria. ISIS/ CIAl-qaeda is being funded by the west to wage a proxy war against Assad that hasn't done a fucking thing to offend USA.INC or it's pals but yet the fighting is destroying a country that has the unmitigated gall to have resources the west wants for it's self...tough shit,....looks like Syria is one country that these globalist pieces of shit are not going to get their hands on unless they want mutually assured destruction.

While you rail on Russia, the Chi-coms have the Barrypuppet by the short-hairs because they hold trillions in treasury bonds. They were given a deep water port in California, they have been given land for solar farms in this country while attempting to tell us that our 2nd amendment rights are an affront to where is the real threat, dumb ass????

Got it, traitor. You've obviously found new religion, like the dishonest little Trumpkin fucktard that you are.

I know more than you....obviously. You can't even attempt to answer my very salient question as to what Putin and Russia has done that justifies a war...because that is exactly what the Barrypuppet is pushing for and stupid fucks like you are blaming him for passing on e-mails to Julian Assange (that has plainly stated that wasn't the case) that shows the leftard clown posse conspiring to cheat and steal the election? You are like a guy that gets pissed because his wife found out he was texting another woman and you are pissed that she didn't trust you....seriously, this is too fucking funny.....

It's not what you know stupid fuck....... its how you laid out your conspiracy theories with your racist remarks. Asshole.

No conspiracy theory at all as it pertains to the current shit storm we are in with Russia....BTW, punctuation is your friend...a comma in the right place totally changes the meaning of a sentence. Learn! Grow!!! Evolve!!!!!
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.
Since this nation's founding, the presidency has "never" been an election by the popular vote....never. It has "always" been about the Electoral College vote. If you don't like it, try another nation.
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.
This is precisely how I see things. Donald Trump will be a minority president for as long as he remains in the Oval Office. Something tells me he will not stay there for his complete term of four years.

NOpe. HE will have a majority in both houses of Congress and soon the Court.

You are out of touch with reality.
Oddly enough, having such an unstable narcissist in the Oval Office presents an opportunity for the Republican party to act as a check on Trump's erratic mind. By being a Congress as it was designed to be and not as a branch of government uncritical of the Executive. If they do this they just might do the near impossible and make the Republican party reasonable for the first time since Dwight Eisenhower.

You and yours tried defining him by lying a lot. It didn't work during the campaign when you could make up shit.

Now that he is going to be in office doing stuff, how do you think you can lie enough to hide actual policies?

If you know that you cannot defend your positions and polices honestly, doesn't that raise a red flag in your mind that maybe you are wrong?
Hey! I am interested on your take concerning this issue because I haven't found one leftard that has the nads to answer this question....what has Putin done the last 16 years to offend the sensibilities of the leftard clown posse? He has done more damage to ISIS/al qaeda in a year than the Barrypuppet could do in 8....he prevented a war with Syria but intervening. He has put up with NATO, USA.INC and the Soros funded E.U with annexing the Ukraine when they overthrew the duly elected government in an illegal coup[ de 'etat.

Now, now, I know Putin made Soros all butthurt when Crimea decided to cast their lot with Russia instead of the E.U but isn't that kind of like a Brex-it thing where the people decide their own sovereignty?? I understand that Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of it's peninsula and George Soros ran to the Barrypuppet clutching his ass cheeks wanting something done...but the people of Crimea decided....still doesn't justify all this angst against Putin that kicked out the Rothschild bankers to the curb. Russia is an ally of Syria. ISIS/ CIAl-qaeda is being funded by the west to wage a proxy war against Assad that hasn't done a fucking thing to offend USA.INC or it's pals but yet the fighting is destroying a country that has the unmitigated gall to have resources the west wants for it's self...tough shit,....looks like Syria is one country that these globalist pieces of shit are not going to get their hands on unless they want mutually assured destruction.

While you rail on Russia, the Chi-coms have the Barrypuppet by the short-hairs because they hold trillions in treasury bonds. They were given a deep water port in California, they have been given land for solar farms in this country while attempting to tell us that our 2nd amendment rights are an affront to where is the real threat, dumb ass????

Got it, traitor. You've obviously found new religion, like the dishonest little Trumpkin fucktard that you are.

We're not the traitor you commie Marxist liberal bastards are.

View attachment 104638

Yet, you're the one who shamelessly praises a murderer like Putin.

The only traitor is you. You are truly a worthless piece of Repug shit. A truly unremarkable, ignorant, unsophisticated goober lame ass.

USA.INC and it's NATO pals have killed millions since this fake war on terror started and then they raped and pillaged those countries...there is no high road for us to take. Russia and Putin hasn't illegally invaded a country since Afghanistan in what was that you were saying????

Really? How about Crimea? Or Syria? How about Georgia in 2008?
You adore Putin and Russia so much ........ why don't you move there?

Moscow ‘killing more civilians than Isis’ in Syria

These doesn't count the number of Syrians they murdered this month of December 2016 in Aleppo.

Ahhh yes, Hannah Lucinda Smith, CIA mouthpiece that reports disinformation from the UK. So what did Russia do that offended you in Crimea and the citizens that didn't want to hook up with the newly elected puppet's decision to join the E.U...after all, what's the deal? All of those countries in the E.U are so fucking happy and thriving. What about Syria? There would BE n o war in Syria if the CIA, MI5/MI6, the Mossad and Saudi intel wasn't using these mercenaries to fight a proxy war against Assad...what exactly has Assad done that has pissed of US.INC except for the fact that Syria aligned with Russia to pout in an oil pipeline???? I'll wait......

The little tiff between Georgia and Russia in 2008 isn't diddly squat compared to what has happened under USA.INC puppet controlled countries like Bahrain, Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan since 2001 thing about USA.INC, once they invade? They never leave........

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